Bp-'; f I at IN1ERES I PHONES: House 189; Off 3&L Miss George Engaged N^A To Jlarion Dean Payne Hr. ud lira. J. I. George of Klngi ' Mwltll announce the engagement ?f tkdr daughter, Melba Juanita. to Pi', "Marion Dean Payne, ton of Mr. and < Mm. R. P. Payne, alto of thin city. The wedding will take place in the \ early spring. ? ..ii DIXIE mra* ir* t w?rw intAiKb ?4- ; ^0- T ? THURSDAY . FRIDAY f "They Were Expendable" Robert Montgomery John Ways* SATURDAY "Dandnff In Manhattan" Fred Ready J off Domull . II "Death Valley Manhunt" ivqs am auott MOVDAY . TUBSDAY \ WmVRSDAT > ' >. "The Madonna's Secret" 0?ll Fabricfc * ** * *'' v" *' v ' winiBi MUMHMHMi Knr mAiTH*?kecpood auu? of unnecessary sickne M to replenish foot medicine Kings HMD "We Fill Any Doeto Phones 41 j gSRSgB hi Alnwiinnwi Hydr , Moth Balls ... $1.00 Stationery: Dichloricide. lb. . i Remington Elect n??niy iJTliKi mt hmt H^ASPIRIN TflBL ?3 H iwjl'g ' gSRm-? SiiiTcnN tu 59" It ' 'Bnfiiii 5V > m > i >M lLHAPPKNINOS i ice 107 Mfe4iUMlA ttObfeTOM"' MM Virginia Wright Weds Loyd Turner Mr. ani^ Mrs. J, M. Wright ol Kings HouUia announce the msrrl ?( of their daughter. Virginia Es telle, to Loyd Turner. Feb. 28, 1948. The rows of the double ring cere raony were taken before Bee. W. A jHoberts at the pastor's hornet In i BMby. The bride wore a powder blue suit with black accessories and a eorsagt of red rosebuds. Mrs. Turner is a graduate of the Beth-Ware |kigh school and is now employed there in the cafeteria. Mr. Turner was discharged from the* U. 64 Army, February 10, {1940, after having berved three years and , k,.. _?>w. tji ?-? ???v. t.. ??w aNvuvii^ A?*uv?waf avatai ur >?f4 spent 1b th4 European ire*. H? bob of Mrs. Lottie Turner of Kings Mountain. The couple will make their boms with the bride'? parents, I. / i. - rHMiss Betty Patrick will have a'a house guests during the-spring, holidays Mlse Nancy Hardy of Augusta, Qa., Mis* Mary Ja*e 8bn maker of ! Atlanta, Qa., and Mlas 'Martha Polk o4 Thomastoa, Oa., all of -whom are student* at Agnes Scott college ia Decatur, Oa. : Mrs. Bill..m|g wkglkohtOse oa Mob bowls of spring flowers. Mrs. J. B. Davis is leader of this circle. Mrs. Tatea Throneburg led the devotional and the hostess, Mri Craig, hsld the Bible stody. The all* day missioa study which was held, on Wednesday was discussed and all members urge - -) * * hannroucrof dw RetailDrag 4to?? to nwtwifa t iTrtfch ^ : areinicnei, unmrlee Webb. Sylvia Harrington. Carolyn Waller,' Janiee Pgrnell, Betty Ja Mitchell, Lois Suggs and Tommy! Falls. * Sarah received many lovely gifts from the host of friends that the Falls' >t?ave in the soothern city where they spend a part of ' every . year. '? . . ' , ' ,.i. Lenoir-Rbyne Students Visitors at Weaver Home Mr. and Mrs.' B. O. Weaver entertained a number of young friends of their daughter, Miss Myrtles Weaver who is n student at Lenoir ^ ?^yne college. \ The party was taken to view the scenic beauty of the nearby - mountains and later n welner roast was held at Lake Montonla on Saturday night. On Sunday, the ont of ? town guests and two local Leuiov Bhyae I students, were entertained at 4 ?Me* ken dinner at the Weaver hime. Out-of-town guests' werej MIse Oarolyn Lipford of Btatesville, Mist Jane Hamilton of Coneord and:- Joe Reese of Kannapolis. ijayld Mauneyr Hoyle Whltesiies' S?nd rldaf VtsrtT complet the list of, those whp ' took part in the house-party activities. . - . . A wooanuui vurw pifni j Oorered^Diih Dinner >-? *l?Mr * ?*d ' mtUm&mf ** Tkt -pnp rapoeM gvmnmMJf tt tow dflw p?t ' *'' ' 1 aI 4 J:00-10:80~Yenfh -Center ? W* ' jpAMr? CM). " ' TUESDAY?V 3:00?'Tltidtjr Afternoon Club -fMm. Joe NeUlnr:_____^aMMB^ww|^WM| First Baptist Groups I Honored Vis. Oates I The Lola Heradon circle and ths T. E. L. clnea of the Fiist' Bnpti.t church gave a party honoring Mr*. C. A. On tea Inst Friday night at the home of lire. A. M. Hicks. la the living room and dlafag room spring flowers were attractively arranged. Mrs. Oates has loyally and efficiently served as president of the T. E. L. class for over ten years. She is an outstanding member of the Lola Herndon circle of the W. M S. She is also a faithful and regular member of the eh arch. Mrs. On tee was presented with a lovely corsage of white carnations along with gifts from the circle and class. She ie to enter a Charlotte hospital soon for an operation. About 20 gufCt* were present. Besides . the class gad circle members present'wets Mr. .and Mrs.. E. C. MoClaln, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Keeter, Mr. aad Mrs. B. T. Wright, Mrs. L. C. PlnnTx and Mr. Hicks. Circle .No. '4 of tke^Woman's Society of Christian Service of'.Central Methodist church nvet.on Monday I night at the of Ida. Lynwood | ii-mrton wit* Mis* Nancy, Suber M eo.hoetee%: The living room was bean tlfully arranged with mixed red yellow and bine spring flowera fair white bowls. ...... Urn. Boyec Murray, leader, preeid' ed. Mrs. David' Hsmrlek led Che de* * votional and Mrs. Dan Plager taught the.Bible e^dy. md* Ipgrawlv^. Later la the evening, the hostesses served home-made lee ereata and' cake with eoffee. __________ . H mis. Phafr, un etrfarth ? Entertain At Lovely Party * Mrs. fehes Pharr aad Wee, Mary dyelyn ' Goforlh "were hoetessie 'at, a' delightful party en Thureday night at the Ooforth home on Piedmont avenue. Bowls of mixed spring flwereadded eolor to the attractive living room. While bridge waa in play at two tablet, the guests were served eocacolas and salted nuts. When stores, were added, Mrs. Charles Thomasson, Jr., was winner of both the high, score and travelers prises. Miee Nan*, cy Sober was presented the prise for low score. The hostesses served a delicious ice course at the conclusion of play. ' The guests included: Mrs. Charles Thomasson, Jr., Mrs. Drace Pee.elf Mre. Robert Sober, Jr., Mrs. Dan Pin ger, Mi?s Eolene Ke?ter, Iflca Naney I Suber and MIm Fay Moaa. I a Jus Bi .? : ? * mm I I > OPA % ' > ' ' "' i %> ' 1 t V ' . *\ CV '*** ' v ' * t * . - j *' ' . ' r . 'v V- , k %. _ v.. . . . J ' Mie. 9. ?. ParrUh. tJS. DilQafc aanonaee the eat of their daughter, Nelllae JnUHk *f 1>"H-? * 11 1 " lou unit. 101 of Mr. a ad Mrs. Graver C. Coble of Burlingtoa. Mr. Okble woa recently discharged from the U. 8. inaj where- ho Barred 3 years, 10 months of which woa pent oversea*. Wedding plane are being made for Jane. GHe&nerfl Glass Hoicks Regular Meeting Friday The Cleaners class of the First Baptist cbnrcb held its regular moo thly meeting at the.home of Mr*. Gilbert Bird with Mrs. Alien Herndon aq& Miss Mary McGill as cohostesses on Friday night. Mrs. Dickie Tate, 'president, presided over the business. Mrs. J. 3. Huneyeutt had charge of games and contests. * The hostesses served delieious anil attractive refreshments nsing tlfe 8t. Patrick's day motif. Members of the class present Included: Mesdamea J. K. Willis teacher; Jonah Falls, Mary Ethel 8mlth, Herman Yawn, Gene Boberts, J. E. Huneyeutt, Whienant. Clyde Jolly, Dickie Tate, Paul Cele, Eugene Matthews, Ceeil Crook, BdjUe Ganlt. Mists Annie Boberts and Nina Cole.' 11- * " , ... Flight h Flight instruction is noi at KINOB MOUNTAIN Madde at the airport t fMPEMAL . yrPLEAa^Pt TODAY . DAS* otOwnre WlUlam BMdJx . "Sundown Satmders" < Bob Sfeoolo Soxlol Now* roiVAi NW WMUftWAi "Marshal of Ounamoke Tax Ha**?' "Girl On The Spot" V Ja? Baiter ;* .,& MOM Oarton . Mai s '* . it Recei g Shipmei T Sixes: 12 to 20 38 to 44 . / ? ' C ' ? <. % r ^ Pi ' - UrHiVm ^ V ' ' w" V 4 'V'*. ' young ladles attending. ~ '-^ ' ' The dance ?m informal bat ' well planned. The decorating committee made the ball-room bright aad colorful with green and gold erepe paper framing the aameroaa windows and it ream era of the. eamc__calqr* dnyped between the lights. Muvic was recordinga by ontatandlng orehaetraa played on amplifier system. . \ i . V All members present > had their name* la a bowl to ha 'to#*. '' for prises.' FOur naasa were irdfcm, two young ladles and "fwo yonng men. Mine Mildred Jaekaon and Mlaa Peggy Arthur won a pair of-nyloh hbao eaeh and Dickie Porter and Jamea Moee won a nylon tie eaeh- ' The group wse aerved delicious refreshments during the ereuiog. 1 1 . - S >i. Birth AnhpTxnceiireirtr Mr. and Mr*. Robert Alt ran N an nounce the birth of a eon,' tfielul Lee. on Thursday, March 7, at Bkelby (lOepiW. ' IF AHYONB ? Will find me ttree or four room houoe In tide tke eity limit*, I will give you #86. Veaee Pruett, Blue Front, Piedmont ave. * m-14 / |S| stnictkm I w available it KB titnw I r ADttPOBfc SM Kr. I 0 wiwVm Uirunooiwentf uw UBBeopw , "This iisTs 6f 6un? ' . .?v*?v ' ftafcfc - *HtnuC0AY ??Tho gultoi? '".* '* . " * * *- . s V ; t? red ?t SSES : " ' ' ;a ? ? *!.'t ;V , > ,'i.' * ilCE / . 'h ? ' >' ' jv ; ? \ j'C . W/Y ; . . m > MCtwi^i JflH