f ? VOX- 87 MO. M I ~ Local News Bulletins ; - 4 - * % ' BBVXK DXSCI1AXOEO Recently discharged from lervleo , it John I- Errin after three and one half yean In service. Part of it we* , pent iai Qenaanv, France, England and Belgium. '*: "" U0N& KAMBBIOHT HOU Mitt Beta Alice Hamb right, dau- ( gkter of Mr. and ' Mn. Tom A. Haabright of Grbver, recently re-. | turned to her home, after having nerved at elab director, with the ( American Bed Croat two yeara ia j Hawaii and Guam. A graduate of Aahtville Teacher* college, the wet i j M. tgftAkgT in fka Wmj%e\ aakfVAl ka. I . ? Mrtog the Bed Onm wrrlct. ] ) >JAtq*b matron apeeial meeting of the Kings Mountain Junior Chamber of Com?eiee Will be bold at the City Hall , Friday night at 7:30, full atteadanoa la l?etng urged. V'" h. i , | , Mi? Mary France# Oantt, (laugh- \ ter of Mr*. Beeaie Oantt and reeanUy diacharged WAVE, la njow.ab \ a?float In the office of City OM Karl Sawyer. Mi? Oantt aaenmed -her dutiaa Monday. - A - BUSH nv BOSPITAX. I Earl Buthr city recreation director, la recuperating from pneumonia Pr?byterian heeplUl, Charlotte. , Mr. Buth became ill during the week-end. Hla anndjtlon w#i deeerlbed aa satisfactory on Tueiday. , " ' 1 1 XBWXS DXSCHABOBD I lit. (j" g.y Bobert F. Lewii, huebaad of 'Mas. Dorothy Plonk Lewie, of Klaga Mountain, haa been re- , leaaed to inactive duty la the na- | el reeerve. according to an an- j nsuncement from' tha naval separation Cantor at Charleaton, S. C. Dr. | Ijnrle who nerved in the navy need ?i?? wijfi avt aiugii two joari) will Nm as surgeon at a North , ' Wilkeaboro ,hoepUal. . , P^""?? ' j ? . - 'i AT.T.mr MXTTM BTTXZJ>ZHO ' George Alton, proprietor of Alton' Old furniture, has purohssed 1 the Cherokee street building now occupied by the firm, from <W. J. ' Crawford. Partition separating the building is being knocked out to provide more floor space. ! County Wake Forest Alumni Say "Accept" In a special session at Shelby Monday night the Wake Forest Alumni s association of Cleveland county urged the Wake Forest^ trustees to accept , the proposed gift of more than 10 million dollars from the Z. Smith Beynolds foundation, which ia conditional upon the transfer of the. college to Winston-Salem. In a formal resolution petitioning the trustees- to accept the endowment offer, the Cleveland county alumni .group pointed put that it ia "more . i. than three -times the present endowment accumulated from all the gifts , of the college during the 112 years - of its existence.' i They further asserted thst the ^ snove to Winston-Salem would phase the eollege within 25 miles of two- | thirds of the population of North Gar - ; }' oltna and would loave the present site [ available for other "vital service" i to tho Baptists of the State. The resolution cited crowded condl' tions in dormitories and in homes ; at ths^, college, and declared that. . with the Ihcreased income from the Reynolds endow nment, the school would be enabled to increase its students from 1,000 to 3,000 and to ac commodate tbe many young Baptist Students who yearly must be turned - -away from the eollege doors because of lack of facilities. The group asserted that 3,000 Bap tist youths annually eeeh higher edu'* -Sottas sad that Wahe For set would be ? bettar ahU to fulfill its ohllwatieua ' * 'tt? ud to the State three* ft ' ?h taeepttaee of tho ?ift. . . 5 Ik etwrtig, tjy wwWtt poUtad | ST $4 MutfljftlRJfT wjfew/ Vi-^-Sraar^^'V.^T^^Fac . -* > ' ?r-%' . MflMMr. jiftm 'jN^Hk* ;HkEd&vA -.aBggff^*: ??&#< kWkjMki. JTMHgt ^ IBbSSJKwo!?^ ".fcfiS l*?sffCTB'r'H^^MF!TP Rings i Red Cross Fond Is Over Quota; Total $4,638 Kings Mountain has exceeded its 1946 Hed C'rtJss fund quota, It waa announced Wednesday by B. 8. Neill, treasurer, who reported total re:eipts at 04,638.33. Kings Mountain's quota was $4,050. Mr. Neill said a. few scattered returns were yel To be reported, and he said a full-break-down of the gifts would be compiled soon. Boosting the totalvsras a total of $450.97 from the nerco division. J. K. Herndon. drive chairman, in a statement Wednesday, thanked all oersons who had aidnrl in ilm in?ui. fal campaign and all persons ,who lad made contributions '' A? Kings Mountain usually does," Mr. Herndon said, "it again has ans wered the call for a worthwhile sause. "The response to this campaign ; has been gratifying not only to as' and the Bed Cross committee but to! national headquarters as welL "On behalf of the organisation, 1 ' wish to express my deep appreciation for the cooperation received daring this campaign, both to 'tie persons | conducting solicitations and to each j Individual who made this successful report possible." 7 Five Defendants Are Bound Over - 4"?. Five defendants, all colored," were bound over to Superior Court. under bond of $300 each, after preliminary j bearing in etty recorder'a court Moa-1 day. I Probable cause against four wye found in connection with th* robbery of Tate'a Jewelry, while the fifth, Leroy Gordon, wae bound over mi a charge of aaaault with a deadly weapon. Bound over for breaking and entering and larceny were W. C. Brown and Boyd Leech, Jr, while Kb*a Bar ; ria and Thelma Hudaon were bound; over on charge* -of receiving atolea-t property.' Given six-month sua ponded -aea tensee for drunken driving, on payment of finea of $60 and coat a, were Lawrence Hardin, Stewart and Carl Lee. In addition, their driver's licenses were suspended for one year. The following were assessed costs for public drunkenness: P. F. Shipton, Leroy Wood, Ralph Hunt, Char- j lie Williams (n-gro). Albert L. Craw j ford, M&rtin Leigh, A. H. Isenhour, j and Boyd Ledwel. Rufus Wood was fined $5 and costs on the same, charge, as was Samuel Worthen. * ww ?' - ? <x-miup layer* was lined liu ana I costs for assault on a female, Leroy Gordon was assessed with the costs for damage to personal property, and Paul Goodman Bernard was fined $10 and eosts for speeding. Frank Jackson, found guilty of hit and run driving was assessed with the costs and ordered to pay damages to the pGaintiff for repairing plaintiff's automobile. Milton Kiser appealed a fine of $25 and costs for reckless driving, rhile charges of drunkenness and affray agaiaat Easel Ashely were dismissed. Charge of assault on a female against Gaither Hoyle was withdrawn by plaintiff, who was taxed with e " i > Symphony Fund Is Over-Subscribed Mrs. Aubrey Mauney, chairman of the campaign for North Carolina Symphony association memberships, announced Wednesday that the quota of $500 had been ova??Wut$$orih*?i. and also announced that the scheduled appearances of the North Carolina Symphony on April 11 had been poet poned until April 25. On this date the Symphony will play a concert for children in the afternoon aad a regular performance that evening. Season for the change, Mrs. Maav ey said she had been notified by Ker mlt ^Hunter, basis ses messgsr, was eonflist with rehearsal schedules aad ts mm Him) , *?. KHmy Mid tk? irM^mrw la Madttaf MM MM! tasda U or?kMiM lii^Mtdn IwwiMalf. Ii' * int)t tkM ??MWr*kip mi*. Mjr b* MaiUd t? iMllj MbXM U attMd by MM ?NIMMM ta B?U4# ?H1M. : ?'fciM< ibmmHIm mbMn m t% ^MWWMeleteS". * , tto aylMdld " JtfriL.yibtii Milv'tiTi "* jffiifffil/r */' ? v' ylffi 'r'M Moun mfCM UOUWtAJM, H. a "thuus. ?>. H H . B*;' Hv* < K\ >Wi liw^^^i!^ du iwSl cOwatnbkand'" ?T right Js Jo, tain poUosmaa. Negro Shot By Improves; Faces ,, The. condition of Frank Jokoaon, 1 elf-styled Negro preacher who vu ( hot by Policeman Kell Boney wkila allegedly in the act of raping kla nine-year-old atep daughter last Thursday morning, wti aald to be . satisfactory Wednesday by Chief WC. Timmona. \ i ' . ' .' ? ,< Chief Timmpst had just returned , from Colored Hospital, - Qastonia, , where he had visited the colored man, Johnson, if and when he , recovers 1 from the gunshot wounds, will Dace charges of rape on a minor, assault t with a deadly Weapon with intent to kill, and restating arrest. Conviction an the - first' charge eould result in the' death sentence. ] Police were summoned to the .seen# of the crime last Thursday morning, _ Wn a. i - T.t ?* - - ? w ?ncr ABiue ?ioBnvon, rrani i wilt, ru to John W. CJladden's homo ha ' North Piedmont avenue and asked Mr. GUdon to call the officer*. 8ha aid that her husband was killing her H daughter. J Officers went immediately to the ( negro**' homo on Second street. PoHee h man Boney said that ha found Prank Johnson in bed with the little girl who was screaming with pain. He ordered Johnson to get np and pnt . on his clothes. g After Johnson had put on his * clothes he took Officer Boney's blackjack away from him. Bone? ^ backed up as he shot the negro .in the leg. This, he said, did not fase the negro, who is said to have picked up an ax and_ started for Boney. v Boney fired several more times, most ? of the. shots taking effect in the ne- t gro's'body, with a shot in the lung 0 stopping Johnson. r The negro girl *^as taken to Shelby ' hospital for treatment. *" LION8 MEETING * 8 Rev. W. H. Stender, pastor of the Lutheran church, will address members of the Kings Mountain 1 Lions clnb at their regular meeting i at the Woman's Club Tuesday r night at 6:30. 1 Baseball On T1 Junior Team, V * Semi-Pro Players ' Invited To Try Out 1 Johnny W. Blackwell Post No. 2268, VFW, will sponsor a semi-pro I baseball team for 2ings Mountain ] this summer, which will play a regu- 1 lar schedule in a six-team three-coun- < ty league, it was announced this week i by John Henry Moss, business mana- t ger. First practice la to be held at the ] eit^ stadium Thursday afternoon at i 8 o'clock, and all baseball players ] Interested In playing en the team ar<> urged to be preeeat. Mr. Moss pointed Out that any player >is eligible for ' the tehm and that membership in the * Vmgr )s sot required. : v V-4 l League play la to begin on May 4k,Mr. Moos stated hs hoped >to juranae sereral exhibition gaMss 1 taslaaTta aWoO ?t. ? so a |nm p mm iikw, n? ino aia .a* keyed ti artef> Wodneoday afteraedk hewe gestae tkm{t the eanl Mr with iadependest oeml-pro out*to. . He eeid that City Uaoapr H. L. ladieated poeetbility of J'." A' *T * "* ??" tain H in iiiib?mi ini mn mi ir "r i i i " i " *r, ma C I?M v?- - . 11 A1 &SB I A n H V t e E&&S b ?_ i - - . \ . 7* , 7 ? ' if bor? m two of tho Wx mm who ^ for tbo D mocritic rmmiV At loft is W. I? Black bom, d hnny D. Jons*, format Slags Moon- Q li Officer Boney Rape Charge . fegro Red Cross " lifts Total $450 ? Tko final mooting of tbo Nogro " division of tho Sod Cross worker* waa hold at tho Davidson school, * Monday night, in chary* of M. la Ofpboll and J. A. OK boon, and wHh roproooatatlTM from sack com- ? mopity pus sot. J, & Horndon, ?] ghalijman of tho Sod Cross campaign of this aroa and four othsr rsprssontatlvss wars prnwnt at tho n oottag. All of thsm outdo marks, . dn Sov. J. C. MHcholl Tho total fi am Pont of fnnds tnrnsd in op to ? April 7 by tho Negro division is Mfi0.97. As soon as all ths mousy b is tnrnod in. a complato list of g sack church and school with a- j watts glvoii oy each will bo pubUshsd. c 17 rimes Is Now Semi-Weekly [< i The Cleveland Times, former couo- t y weekly newspaper published at i helby, became a semi-weekly this 1 reek. 1 Subscribers received their first e- ? c ition under the stepped-up arrange-e - t lent Tuesday morning. j ^ Front page of the paper was de- ' oted to announcements concerning * he new semi-weekly paper, including . e he publication dates which will be n Tuesdays and Fridays, circulation 1 ates and policy, and a promise that 1 io paper would be less than eight 1 ages. The management stated that twicei-week publication would enable treamlining of the paper. The paper began publication in 941. Will Arey. Jr., and Rush Ham'ick, Jr., who operate the Times, ecently resumed management after ervlee in the army. life UncraJp! I.I FW Sponsoring ijuther Morrison Now SVith Acacia Mutual Lather 8. Morrison, well-known j < Sings Mountain man. is now agent < iere for Acacia Mutual Life Insurance company, it was announced this veek by Walter Parker, manager of he Charlotte branch office. ?' t Mr. Morrison took up his new work i Monday. He had previously been at- t loeiated with State Capitol life | Insurance conspany. The Acacia firm haadlee all kinds j >f ordinary insnimaee, including reire meat income. Acacia accounts in ( his eommaaity have previously bees ( mailed by outside agents. Mr. Morrison is a veteran of World ' n. ' J - 1 UOMS usm WIOHT Musbsrs of tb? board of diroo- i tors of tko Kiago Mountain Lioao. stab 'Mt t ha dob's' oomoal UdUt night haaqti?t /or May 14. ooeord 'ft-.**, " [emldE Brides, Other) File For Board Glee A. Bridges, prominent Kings Higl lountain merchant, and present chair Fac< nan of the county board of commislioners, and other incumbents Max j?j i'ashburn, of Shelby, and D. I). Lat- j 9.4 imore, of Lattimore, filed for relection Wednesday morning. Tum The three candidates paid their horns ees to Virgil Weathers. elections ^7 oard chairman at 10 o'clock. 3 0v Filing by the incumbents followed ly a day announcement that N. G. Tha lelf, route, Shelby farmer and conractor, had filed for commissioner. they TtiAU Ll.V 11-Li.J . . - - VW? awuvuuvvuicuwo UigU-UgUtUU Ylcllj be political week which was quiet jjs a the aurface, but rumbling beneath. wir.j Hal Ward, King* Mountain candi- tar ate, filed officially for sheriff, and the therwiae all candidatea were spend- thrw ig virtually all of the day and part rort. f the night at the buaineaa of con- *d D ictiug vetera in .each of the county's whan S voting precincta. BU With deadline on filing little more ^on J han a week away, (April 13,) po- ** Itlcal observers felt the lines as aleady drawn would stand with little tore major changes, though they did ot discount the possibility of last- ? linute candidates ? particularly hose who prefer a short, concentratd campaign to a long one. Oil Ba tollers Bites Held I and Puesday Afternoon ?enrt Thomas F. Sellers, prominent farier and life-long resident of Cleve 1__ snd county, died Sunday night at alA' :30 o'clock at his home on route 8, lings Mountain. Kjji Mr. Sellers had been in declining ..iii. , *? 5 1 WIIU AVI tvvu sua DIU DKUI eriously lil for the put two weeks. The lefore his illness he was an active ber o lember of the Shady Orore Baptist ter S hurch, serving for a number of club ! ears as deacon of the church. annov Funeral services were held Tues- Oeorg lay afternoon at 3 o'clock at the < Mr. ihady Grove church two miles south ! local if Cherryville and burial followed in made he church cemetery. The body lay in I xh< itale'hffhr church for an boar be- a 'La lore the services, eptioi He is survived by his widow, who gta tefore marriage was Miss Cora Black, expec ind the following children: Mrs. Char the lc e's C. SeUers and Louie W. Sellers of | which Sings Mountain; Clyde Sellers of memb foughkeepsie, N. Y.: Mrs. J. Claren- Mr, e Dellinger, Mrs. Jesse Carroll. Er- j conce lest and Worth Sellers of Cherry- would rille; Mrs. Arthur Stroup of Waco: ind Webb and Miss Lorene Sellers of ( p?, he home. He is also survived by one ???.?< lister, Mrs. P. P. Beattie of Kings W^lU Mountain, two brothers, Luther of Seams Mill and W. M. Sellers of ^'' Kings Mountain: 43 grandchildren ready ind 12 great-grandchildren. opens , buyin pects KIWANI8 PROGRAM paraj Paul Ervin, Charlotte attorney, brigh will speak to' members of the Kings Me Mountain Kiwanis club at their goodi meeting at the Woman's Club outfit Thursday night at 0:30. Mr. Ervin stil has practiced law for 10 years and tain is a former member of the General [shipir Assembly. J coope - firms T * *-? a 1 care sgion lor tela r Seuii-Pro Club * I Th Legion Candidates 5frmi 'Begin Work Saturday I ation . out i Kings Mountain 'will definitely have ing. Junior Legion basebail this summer he fo according to action taken at the meet hags ing of Otis D. Greene Post No. lS.I Tuesday night. _ _ Candidates for the team are being *161 irged to be at the city stadium Sat- I Wit urday afternoon at 2:30 for initial drills, and Legion athletic officials Th ire confident that they can field a plent good team for elimination play. back, |Mt Tuesday night's meeting, Char- 2 wo ea Carpenter was appointed Legion brouf ithletic officer, replacing Charlie yaato Watllck who had resigned, and Mr. mats* ("? manta* ms^a tka ??. -?V?V tMV ?ill>WMtWIWIiH IS m ;onrerning fielding of a Legion team. a Ton "Wo are anzioui to got the Legion tku baseball program underway lauaedl- lag i itely, "Mr. Carpenter Hid. "ead feet :here ia no reaeon to preretrt ?U tain potting" out a good team. Net eaty kard >oya from King* Monntaia a fit dMgt- TV ale bat alio tkoee wko live Ii iNiff and \ >r wko attend Beth-Ware mImL'' from Other memben of the Logtdfrhth lette e oca mitt to are W. J. JTuUtereoo, riee-ehairman, Lather Morrison, Otto 01 (Toby) WlUlama, Bed Beware and dent Uee Hertee*; , "i who "Itr, Carpenter aald that offorta are NoM oeing made to employ a full-tiine, ex- tlon m Pages I -JjodaY^ ??I nVB OXKTS TO OOPT J Incumbents ] Positions tis Drop Opener; j Cherries Friday ngs Mountain Mountaineers, victims of Cliffside in the bmbaseball op on or at Cliffside day afternoon, play their first t same of the eeaaon at the stadium Friday afternoon at dock wtth Oherryrille furnlahthe opposition. Mountaineers fell by the waythrough errors Tuesday as eawan >< ity Of third btM. ulgine started on the mound for m Mountain bat vu liftod of foar-nm OUffslds uprising la second, Um ram coming nfUr i hits sad two Mountaineer ecPayno flnishod up and pitch toady ball except for tbo sixth i throo mors runs cams in. Uy Oeoo Amos and BUI Cash xdleeted six of tho Mountain tit total of sight, oach gsttlng i for fira. Iph Smith, who mads four scat third bass, was tosssd out is gams in tho fifth for talking to tho nmptrs. ors by innings: B H S ngs Mtn 001 120 000 4 8 7 ffslds 041 013 00X 0 0 3 .ttorios: HL M., Hndglna, Payne Britt; Cliff side, JoUy and Blgtaff. (rcee Charter i jht April 12 ?? . '/ Kings Mountain Junior Chamif Commerce will hold its Char- . Tight banquet at the **" .man's Friday night, April 12. it was meed this week by President e Wars. "'4 Ware said approval of tho organization's charter had been at national headquarters. > Charter Night banquet will be die*' night affair, with dreta lal. "jija te organization officials are ted to be on hand to present ical organization's charter, i will show a total of 52 charter era. ' fy Ware said full announcements "jM ruing the Charter Night event be made next week. % ter Season Buying I Hit Full Swing 1 th verdant spring growth alaided by a mild March, April -5 this week into the pre-Easter ' v<i g season, with apparent prosfor the Kings Mountain Easter le bright for the ladies, less . t for the men. rchants report fchortagee of i still acute, but think they cau t the ladies better than the men. :i 11, the majority of Kings Moanretail stores are getting sporadic tents of merchandise and with iration of the public, the various i feel they ean virtually take of everyone. ,] ist merchants are glad that Eas- j L944 is a late one, as it gives four additional weeks to regoods and satisfv customer* e expressman ha* been busy week carrying packages to local and with his continued coopermost folk will be able to com^ n new apparel on Easter mornthough Borne of the men may reed to get into the moth-proof for pre-shortage suits. . ?] t Presents Bollinger h Three In One ?? 4 ere are eggs and eggs are very iful now, bat a few months O. H. Bollinger of Pheniz No. *, aid have had a real treasure. He [ht an egg to the Herald office rday which weighed 7 ounce*, ired 7 S-4 iaehet around and ehee end over ead. According to gas. this ea* egg was larger three ordinary one*. Upoa open- .} he e reraised, all-American breakfeed item, it wae found to eea- ig two jroQu' ptaa ii irm|? also akaOad 'ft- Ai tkraa-in-onat #1 ? kaa, aka'a a Now Hampaklro j iraa fad lay lag maah wkiek cam* of.Kteg* MmUte elty aehoola, .sa lotiod^ vlea>pra*M?ot of tfca |a-a A > o?aw^w */ t ' Wif|, *W

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