SMidMl Trailfin AlW 1&JOOQ * ? * ' I" .' ' M . . . M yraum vo.u . -, * , Local News Bulletins OUXYON DIBO^A^OBD John Calvin Guiton, B2C, has beei honorably discharged from the navy aceortTtffg To an announcement frot naval separation center. Charlestoi ft. 0. Guiton spent 18 months in th aavy. including 10 months oversea! He la the son of Mrs. J. J. Guiton route 3, Kings Mountain, N. C. 1 SYMPHONY OONOHST Holers of $i6, $6, or $1 membei shipe in the North Carolina Symphony orchestra association may attend the full orchestra concert la Shelby on Friday night, in Gastonia on Tuesday aiglet, or la Charlotte Wednesday night, it was an nounced this week by Mrs. Au brey Mauney. Members who have " not received membership csrds should call Mrs. Msuny, at 149-J, it wms tinted. A portion of the orehestra will present concerts here 01 April 26. ATT HMD PSB8BTTBET * C, L Black, W. 8. Pulton and W. B. Rlakely. of Boyce Memorial ARP\ ehurch, attended the annua meeting of the ASP prebiyter; held Tuesday at Statesville Avenu ARP church, Charlotte. Mr. Black ?ad Mr. Fulton , were delegates from the local, church, while Mr. Bakely was rofising moderator of presbytery. v - , I BARSTBS ELBOTBD B. N. Barnes, superintendent, of city school, was elected rh^presideat of the department of superih aants, North Carolina Education 'asaoelation, At tha, recent meeting of 'the association held . in Asheville. ) ' 1 t , ' RBOISTBAR8 ,L Registrars for. the Democratic primary May 88 at' precincts in this area will be Mr*. P. D. Herndon, Eaet Kings Mountain, I. B. Oof or 'th, West' Kings Mountain, J. B. Ell la, Ororsr, and M. G. Whitworth, Waco. Appointment of registrars k? ' sraa.anUfltted Mat peek by Virgil fcr. ' v ,"v r?- x Actions 'b^nSe?^^ "-* I 'ft '^iTfM^MMTTI - ' njaaeiMr ^mwawv UKKQV flAH ny Members of Otis D. Greene Poet No. 105, American Legion, will hold a flak fry at OUie Moore's Flak camp on Broad river Tuesday ntgbt at 7:30. Members needing transportation should be at the City Hall by 8:30, it was announced. GIRLS BOO UTS NOTIOB Mrs. Hunter Neisler announced this week that local Girl Scouts are invited to attend Touth Day in Shelby" Saturday and are expected to take part in the parade, i They ihould be at the Shelby ball park by 1 P. M. The event la being annnanr Art Kv thn fthdlkv Chamber of Commerce. Old Program Oives Glimpse Into 1886 Though King* Mountain big1 eahool ba? eon*# a long way in tb part 40 7ear*, it* growth and pro gfaaa undobtedly data* bank to tb ftrrt nehooU here, and a glimpoo Ut wall-known King* Mountain eitise* brought in a "programme" from th "regular bi-monthly entertainmen V complimentary to the honor roll ? tha King'* Mountain High Sehot for the Month of Februar7 and Mai v ab Friday evening, April 9, 1884."' According to the program, a foai page folder 'with h*nd-#*fe itmllo type Col. W. T< B. Bell wii tha aehool' trlneipal. and tha faculty intkM / P. P. Mat*. C. T. Baton, 8. J. Pri? gen, Mr*. F. P. Mats and E. W. Hal ; " . There war* two honor ll*t*, one fc "etudy," the other "honor," tl latter roll inelndlng ' "tkoee wk etand hlghert whoa study and dapoi man* grades ,ara both'eOntideTed. .and three department* ware lirtw higher, btmineae, and primary. Tha f li i aartao' tggaarod ^ Kraft'1' BBKSlife' ""1 .vrXPig^^yr.^ffl BKfT^/-'^ 3 - WB^W^ivfl ^ p v ' 1 * "* / V* , * Kings ?. ...:.;... ' 19 Defendants Get Hearing In City Court - Nineteen ruei, majority of then routine, were disposed of in city 11 court Monday. > Will Fields was given a two-month 8 sentence suspended on payment of s ' fine of $80 and costs for carrying i 8 concealed weapon and his pistol was u confiscated. A liquor charge against ' him -was dismissed. Assessed costs for public drunb enness were Warren Zes Ballard, Be J ph O. Ware, Terry C. Butler, Mrs. Terry C. Butler, Elmer Harbin, P. 6 Bhinehart. Eliza Lee Degree, John O Wilson, and Ike Jamerison. Lester Bell was fined $5 and costs on the same charge. James Albert Camp, charged with drunken driving, appealed to bighes court, and Clande Haynes Kennedy charged with drunkemj:**, forfeitho bond. Broadua Cash, also ebejgsd with drunkenness was given a 'So-aay i suspended sentence on condition of good behavior for six months. Charge of violating the liquor laws against C. B. Moss -whs nol proceed. . Ines Burris, found guilty of larceny, was taxed with the costs and ordered to reimburse the plaintiff r for lota of a coat. Louise Milton, charged with violation of the Turlington Act. was given a six-month . sentence, saspanded on condition that she not violate the liqubr" laws for two. years. Juniors TfbRojd Second Workout , Charlie Carpenter, American Le - gion athlntle officer, said Wednesday \m was looking forward to a big turnout ' /of ' candidates for Kings Mountain Legion baseball entry on Haturday afternoon yrbsn the candidates hold their second workout of | the season. Severalprospeetq for the team were absent doe to ? conflict with /the high. school district music eon tests d "to work by mound candidates and backstops. Mr. Carpenter said several pros poets for coach of the team are under consideration, stating that he uoped to make an announcement con"erning the coaching situation soon. Team aspirants are being request 4d to bring birth certificates and other required information to Saturday afternoon'a workopt at the high ehool stadium whioh will be held ut 2?30. V'" # ' r Taking psurt in the workout last Saturday ware Don Britt, Don Glass. I Jimmy Hndgins. Bill D?ttmar, Boyee 1 1 Huffqtetler. Bill Amos, Dwight Ware 1 Buster Moss, Jim Medhn, Bill Elb| son, Jim Medlln, Frank 8ununers, . Manly Hares. Pete McDaniai ami i Gene Brooks. J ;. W,- , 'Lutherans To Confirm Class of 15 Youths if -. C tie Bite of Confinnotion, one J of the oldest services of the Christt lea church, the following young peo f | pie will be - roeelveed into fall mem j bership of the Lutheran church on ^.'Phla ,BW(liyi Virginia Grace ' Car pester, Douglas franklin Falls, Mar ? the Bell Green, Gwendolyn - Mary ( I Oriee, L. Arnold Kieer, Jr., Carolyt j I Doris Lackey, Charles Frederick Mas g ney, Gene Aahby Mnnney, Jomei >/i Brooks MeGinnis, Paul Henkle Me I I Giants, Jr., Ellen Lueille Medlin I Frances Jean Morrison, Mary Boohs! >r Plonk, Virginia Nell Bamsey, and e ^Jokn Lawrsnee Still. * ! Palm Sunday is / the traditiona' It high decision .day (n the Lathsrar i (task .aid the occasion for festivt ceeleBration. The friends of thes< young folk or# cordially invited t< il this Waatlfnl and solemn service *J Pains Ban day morn lag, Aprin 14, a< fe jfe'.V fi IITIBI ntHltsMBfUty w. ^S&StiiiirtiMmW ^ ?3?fc3 9 f xiVMXOinrifAW. n c"vTHITM v. i ;'-?;?/: * iS-iXTk. * > | L H i ^1 t m I I I updW^BffiKurtttoi. rlftt, tw? of IrMfc soijlctoor of the "iHoraoa IWDdf, Shelby attorney. K i . .. ? Jaycees To Hoi Banquet Frida ' Members of the Kings Mountain Junior Chamber of Commerce will hold thei. Charter Night banquet at the Woman's Club Friday night at 7:30, with some 125 membrcs and guests expected to attend. The event, which w!ll 'be a Ladies Night affair, will "be featured by 'presentation of the organization's charter from the United States Jun| ior Chamber of Commerce by Ken neth O. Baumgardner, of Oastonia, western district vice-president of the state organization. ' total of 52 Kings Mountain men will he listed as charter,members of j the recently forayed civic orga&izaI tion. . J, 4 w I Officers of the -ornaiiizition will he ! installed by 3. Robert Abcrnethy, al (so of Gaatonia. formerly president of the North Carolina Jdnfor, Chamber j of Commerce. .''? .' , * * * j George Ware, president will act as toastmamtr and will welcome the ladies, while Otto Williams wil .recog l-niae guests of the dub. ' Mr. Baomgardner will be presented 1 by R. T. LcGrsnde, Jr., of Shelby, past president of the Shelby organirit* Presbyterian ehurch, will give the invocation and George Houser will lead the pledge of allegiance to the flag. DreSe for the ladies will be optional it has been aonocnced. Stender Urges' Lions To Work For Peace Rev. W. H. Stender, in an address before the club at its Tuesday night, meeting, urged. Kings Mountain Lions to work toward crystallizirg public opinion for keeping poact in the world. Mr. Stender praised civic clubs for their contribution to the welfare of | the nation and set forth a three-point program for -building international good will. He nrged all to start at home in combatting ill will, listing specifically the erime wane now prevalent. If Hitler would raise a generation of demagogue* through education and training, there is no reason to prevent educating for ' gobd living and peace, ha mid. y i He recommended attention to build , log international good will, saying . j that a program of education devoted ; to international good will would give groat benefits. | Finally, the speaker nrgcd all "to 'know the Good Shepherd better." ,| "We should emphasise much more i the good things of life," he mid. I "We have been living at N such a fast pase we have lost, the feeling for spiritual things. We have lagged I in apirit. To bnild a better world we I must ktlow the Good Shepherd bet, t?r." , Jacob Cooper, vice-president, pre* I. aided iu the absence of President Hoi i land Din op. f >*r y 1 lDtlooUn's General | Repair Is How Open v J. T. Ifakotas is announcing this weak the opening of Maleohn'e. G?a - eral HapaW, loeatad it Allen'. Old F*raltvr toapuy ox Charokaa Mm* T*a m? fin. It to tpaelalUa it Ontni repair, fro* fcema afplitn eat to garden toote, and trill / ate* I -l^ bath alaatrie aad aeetyleaa void |i lit. Hakttaa apaat (bit jAb,igi ya waldar yrilktik#, Worth OttoUw ilain F DAT, AFKXL 11, 1M6~ i i abora ara M. T. Lsatfcanaan, Uft, , tha thraa candldataa for tha Damo- i 16th Judicial district. Mr. leathering la Ltxrtr. .Other cartdldata is ?? I d Charter Nigh y Evening 7;30\ Riding Devices Here On Cleveland Avenue Williams Hiding devices, restoring nine rides for youngsters end oldsters, wui set op shop in Kings : Monntstn today for a 10-day stay,* under sponsorrfaip of Johnny W. | Blackwid fost No. 2268, Veterans | of Foreign Wars. \ The devices will be set up oh Cleveleaud avenue across the street j from Bast End school. i The outfit had previously advertised that It wou'd operate on the York roao, hot thj location was i | changed 10 preveiw conflicting with I a retlvkl now In progress at becond Wesleysn Methodist church. ? . j?*?? i | Second Wesleyan Holds Revival The Second Wesleyan Methodist.' I rhnrrh hpo?n wtwiwol ? Q" ?-0 ?> ?> BV< V A\.\.0 UU PUU | day night with the Rev. Roy Parker 1 'of Ctover delivering the messages. The Phillipc Trio of Belmont furn music, _tac>.ev?#Li.og, The reviv* meeting trill extend through April 21. Services begin at 7:30. The public is cordially invited to 'attend. I School' Musiciai Ratings At Disti I Kings Mountain high school musici- | ans captured the lions share of high | ratings a^""the district music contest ! held at Lincointon last Saturday as | tcey brought back six of the 12 No. 1 ratings awarded by the judges. Receiving No. 1 ratings of excellent were the boys' glee club, the girls' glee club, the girls' trio, in eluding Jacqueline Fails, Avis Yfar lick and Jean Davit, Jack Prince, te nor soloist? and Pauline Mauney, pi maiat in the high school division. Avis Warlick received a No. 2 rating of very good for soprano solo, the highest rating awarded in ttus j 'group, ana jeanene Mailman received No. 2 rating in the junior piano division. The competitors included representative* of schools of six counties. Winners of No. 1 rating* are entitled to take part in the state music contests to be held in ' Oreens boro, April 23-26. Merchants Directors Merchants Officials I 3 Officers and directors of the Kings 'Mountain Merchants association were | guest* of J. L. McGUl, president, at j a dinner meeting at his home on Mon day evening. Following the dinner, the direcTtfrs discussed a program of activity for be current year and made plans to; make the organisation of vreater I - ?J c ? uMfulneM to it* jnembon. ,A mom-benhip etfiimitt?e Including J, W. Milam, chairman, Byron K*eter and Martin Harmon wa* appointed ,. to lay plan* for a membenhip camC n**y Uy our** :B,, Pa*?, TtU??Pfc. P?to Caafc Of Xiao* M?lutein. N. 0.. it at WillhABiafaml Qoaaral Hoapital, on* la* >**.jur.?y a Jargon ifl T#xaa. L Mat It til oatraaeo la tank* ha laaa jpojlgygr by^tba May Mill*; 1 -. ' '4 <7.1 3?*T / 'r*-1 leraid Educators End Two Day Evaluation There's been a bit of hustle am bustle around Kings Mountain higl school this week, as a committee 01 educators representing the Soutberi Association of Secondary Schooli and Colleges have been on hand t< evaluate the sehool in al depart evaluate the school in all depart The committee members spent Tuei day and Wednesday compiling infor mation for the evaluation report am later will file their report. Educators serving on the commit tee here included Prof. B. Y. Tyner head of the teacher training depart ment at Meredith college, .J. O. Hag aman, -principal of Shelby higl school, Or. E. H. Uaringer, assistan superintendent of - Charlotte eitj schools, 'and tfie following official of the North Carolina Department o> Public Instruction: Dr. J. Henrj Highpmith, director fc>f instructions service, A. B. Combs, assistant t< Dr. Highsmith specialising in higl school instruction, Mrs. C. D. Doug las. director of school libraries. Mis? Ella S. Barrett, director of guidance Miss Sara Jenkins, supervisor of vo cational home economics, and super visor of schoolhouse planning. a Guernsey Bull Attacked Dixon The condition of Holland Dixon, mahager of Archdale Farms and prei Went of the Kings Mountain Lorn club, who wai badly injured when at tacked by a Guerrsey bull last Thurs lay, was described as satisfactory Tuesday night. Mr. Dixon, recuperating in Shelby hospital, is suffering from a broker wrist and a badly gored leg. The bull caught Mr. Dixon in pec at the' Fanms and pushed him a gainst the fence. Nearby workmen suceeded in pulling him nnder tht fence and away from the attacking animal. GRASS FIRE City firemen extinguished n grasr flre on East, King street Sunday afternoon. No damage was reported. It was the only alarm of the week. 13 Take Major rict Contest Filing Deadline Falls On Saturday Political developments remained of a minor character this weak as the deadline for filing?at 6 p. m. Saturday, April IS? neared, though t.ho rumor mill llitAd tAV*ral twMt. bill ties for candidates. Major development of the past week was the filing of candidacy bj L. E. (Kid) Woods for the Democratic nomination for sheriff, making the sheriff's contest a fire-man affair. Other candidates officially filing wan: John D. Jones, Democrat, Kfor constable No. 4 township. W. B. Putnam, Republican, for magistrate of No. 4 township. Brrln Ellison, Republican, for oor stable of No. 4 township. X*. B. Turner, Democrat, for magistrate of No. 4 township. Major announced candidate who has not officially files with the county elections board is Charles 8. Williams of Kings Mountain, who is making the race for the state house of represent*tires. Board Sets Bond Vote Procedure in Motion m em tiers or (be city board of al dermen at their regular monthly mee log Tuesday night pasted a rssoln tion ordering the preparation of pa pert for the holding of a city-wid bond election by bond attorney*. The resolution follows through th announcement of the proposed boa eldfetioa following the- March meetlaj Aseording to the annonncetnent. th eity will hold * WOO,000 bond ' rot for pablle ImproTemapt* la other aetlone Hjiw by tha boar the eity accepted a dead from P. X Hem dor for a SS-fMt pubile aOe behind tU Wmtouf V?l?dimg? itw hi / ' 1 fl Pages ^ v Today FIVB OBHT8 FEB OOPT i,rt . .V. ^-i-? - *': * iK tIK ti HHB *T^g?Jv + I PJm : I imFi ^Hf, ' KXWAMXB SPBAXHB?J. A. Botelt, t of Charlotte, humorist and phflooot phor, will srtdrso mtab?n of tha XIwanla dab at tbolr regular mooting ? Thursday night at 6:30 at ths Wof man's Olnb. Mr. Xoscoo recently spoko bare at the annnal mooting ot . tke Merchants aaooclatlon. ' Saunder-Davis ' Opens Tonight Saunders-Davis, Kings Mountain'i newest business establishment, will officially open for business Thursday night at 7;30 and the management u inviting the public to attend thee c pening and to inspect the new firm. The firm will specialize in men's wear, featuring nationally advertised . brands of merchandise. | Saunders-Davis is locpted on Moontain street in the building formerly occupied by Yarboro Grocery. j The building has been completely t remodeled and is outfitted with hand 1 som fixtures. < I j Owners of the firm are D. D. (Sak ( j ty) Saunders, son of Mr. and Mrs. . ' D. L. Saunders, and William L. (Bill) , ! Davis, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Da , j vis. j1 Both were recently honorably disj charged from the armed forces. ' j The firm's slogan is "Finest in Men's Wear." , "We invite nil persons, both men { and women, to visit and inspect Saun ders-Davis on our official opening," I the partners stated. "We have a variety of quality merchandise, even though our stock is not as complete as we hope it will be in the near luture." The partners announced that favors would be given ladies visiting the ! firm on its opening night. [special Services At Lutheran Church > ________ s , Each evening Monday through ' Thursday of this coming week 8j>eoial Services will be held in St. Matvthew's Lutheran- church at 7:30 in ] observance of Holy Week and the Passion Work of our Saviour. In I connection with the service on Thurs day evening, April 18, the Lord 'r Supper will be administered on Good {Friday, April 19th. A special three I a hoar service beginning at noon will be held, commemorating the Death of Christ on the Cross. This service is divided into seeven .shorter devotional periods of approximately 20 minutes each with a short Meditation on eaeh of the Words Christ spoke from the Cross In eaeh period. We | trust that the members of the Con l-! ^rcgation and their friends will a.vail themselves of these opportunities to follow through with our Savior the road he trod those trying days. I Tickets On Sale For Easter Dance The Boys club will sponsor an Eas - ^ ter Dance at the Woman's club on Thursday night, April 18 at 9:00 o'clock. The affair is to be semi-formal and M members of the club are spending "? much time in completing plans ,'to j make it a g*la occasion. Several ''S solo numbers will be presented and .- .^j t oner rpeeiai entertainment plua fl plenty of good dance maaie. Tickets will be on sole the latter rjA m part of this week. 7jw | Mountaineers Piny . M J Rutherfordton Here J last Friday1 st'tke sZLaf