I Local News ! I Bulletins . ^WSSrc^DnSoroiur ^" Director* ot the King* Mountain t Junior Chamber of Commmeree will 0 moot at King* Mountain Drug (tore j Friday night at TtSO, it ?u as- ? aouneed Ola weak. !L non fmtTiMtir \*t W. L Plonk hna boon appointed i b ^Sft?of tho King* Mountain Amorgoacy Food eolloetion which t will bo part of a national offort to f pro vita food for atarving children t in Europe.' Tho campaign in to bo r launched aa May IS. " b nuuffm BEBVIOB b The Paacioa Play on film alldeo -j along with appropriate music will r . bo prooonted at tho Firat Baptist Church Friday night at 8 o'clock, j, s.'"' Tho publM in invited to attend. T JTOTXOBg TO PBAOTIOB g Klngo Mountain American Legion Junior* will workout Saturday aft- j h ' ernoon at S:80 at the city etadium. j g la*t Saturday tho Junior* went. !t( through; a five-hour drill devoted to i hitting. sliding, and the study of | baseball science. T ? B i ? BpOHB NEEDED B ' Mn. Aubrey Mauney issued a re- h i quest tikis week, that all persons who m room to rent a member of I the North Carolina Symphony or {m .SeWetta tor the sight of April 25 ieall her at phone^k49-J. <j c XOTt TO VlBOXlflA f Miss Mneett Jenkins and Mrs. ? YDaiey-. Oansent, Kings Mountain * eitisena for 80 yean, left Tuesday " To*. Qovipgton, Va., wrsre they will make their home. Their address in. " --Covington will be 420 Locust 1 - atroat. ? , t< CONVOCATION The North Carolina Council of t, OhuAt* will hold a three-duy eon- ? -*eeati>a ? Chartette, boftnaiag to and liySto irT^sted to attend the n^sililw, " %. < h . znxoar liflpNOfiMa ? The eondhion of Holland Dixon, f< -well-known Kings Mountain . man t( w%? is recuperating in Bhelby has- 8] nitnl from ininriea received when attuktd by a ball two weekt ago, B was described m improving this It it thought probable that * Sir. Dixon may be brought - to hit borne during the whole end. VTW r.ATvnaa jfJOHT * "Tueedny night will be Ladlet. a Night tor member* of Johnny W. I Blaekwoll Poet, No. 12?8, VTW. * MaObort art being urged to^ bring their' wlvte, mother* and titter* to th* ranter intHUg at the City a ' HaH at 7:M.Aa effort will b* it readf* to Jlor?,* Vj?w Auxiliary. pi * AtfKrtttlfiwtl M?<t - m Held Here Thursday . The Maeedeata, Second, and Tom* tl '. Bte.JBaitiet -ehveheo wate Joint b# ,' ' -mm*, wlte Boptlet oherte U rtho atetel " feats'W. 1L U. mooting of the Xlngt Mean J l^^l^ib -neeelatton 'at .the mm Prptltt.;^ *fca aaporintendent, Mra. W. P. Big * ****** 9t Skelby, ptwidad OTtr the c . After hearing eaaonrafing v.VMfcprfMm tki r&rioiu officer*, f, Ufi. John Alien Moore, a returned m .vSSrsjss to"^*? , *W*tf;AI>e#. State W, It. U. Young Leader, aUo brought a ehalJUutek wee pi*rtded and eerved la I* - lfi?*lapVa*h b*Ud^* ** tfc# J ' ^^B^etlwaeea Hwloa .wae darotai P * + Yoa^ Pao|Ja'a work. ^ M?feip . .... 1? V 'li m<K ' <-' i**l* '' ^^BHp , |$rtf '*BUI tUri^ ^jxgweU was bound ovi' to Bupefiorv Court in preliminary tearing in recorder's court Monday n charge of larceny, and Major Willapt Loft in, a juvenile, has been re landed to Jackson Training school a Concord, after the pair were ar- 5 rated Sunday for theft of money rom choir members poeketbook. dur- . 3g morning services last Sunday. Police Chief W. C. Timmcas said he pair got an estimated $7).50 from rom choir members poeketbooks at he Lutheran ehureh, and $2.50 at the 'resbyterian church from the pocket ook of Eleanor Ann Myers. He said the boys had been approended at the Baptist church by BWright and Bryan Hord and had un off without obtaining any money Both boys were on probation from ackson Training school, under Chief immons' custody, where they were snt after stealing $70 from Fayc iridges several months ago. Chief Timmons said that the boys ad made the final payment on the Iridges debt Sunday morning, priot > their arrest 8unday afternoon. , Tiffin ?---? V. 1. T 1 ? ot" v iu u?cugo raining school, Clerk of Court E. A , touser reported to Mr. Timmons, but Sgwell, who has become 16 since , e was sent to the Training school, ill now face trial in Superior Court. Police recovered '$60.30 of the aount stolen. In another ease eomiag before the nurt, Curtis Thompson was found' uilty of > abandonment and non-import and ordered to post bond of WO to provide a $10 monthly payopt for the support of his child. He , ah thus far failed to post the bond nd is lodged in the jail on 'a2-month sentence. If ho meets the ' mdltiona of the judgment, the een- , >nee will be euapoaded. Three were fined for violation of affie ordinances Edward Orea oub was flood $16 And eooto fpr /i Va . . st wU for poblie dnttkamieu, and the Mowing were n?e?od with tM Mta on tha ?b? dwfii George Kdnttn, John WMtaitnlui, 0. H. on, Robbie Robaoa, Iloyd Ormand, aren Hattawiy, W. Q: StyeT*, Dare [. Haffatatlar,* I. 'J. Hope, d?N><^ dams and WilRaia Tata. !!ity Wants 'etitions H. L. Bnrditta city manager, latad a requeet Wedneaday to all eltaaa de tiring atraai laproriauti to rwnt ptitioai to the city board. Mr. Bnrdotta aaplaffad that addt on*! p?tition? .am isofrsi is erAsr wt the city nay piagltjj Hi ay It* iOO/JOO bond cfeetfe* nMM for ? summir. . "Some street* may bo left oat of to program aaloaa there aro . potion* to gold* tfco board, ' * Mr. Bor? site laid. "Piano filr the elootio* ro obeying ay rety rapidly aatiaa diato action ?a ?ka part of the ttlseao is nrged." The eity manager oaid that 'plana ?r eewer entonoloaa aad lmproreoato .bad already boon rOeoirod aad dd a eheeh ef the water cyotona ad boon completed Teoodoj. The bond lions as anOHsii by tbo tty board loot moath, will laelada rorlilou -or oowos aad street imrorooti i; > completion of tbo eity tadtam, i*J' wtiaplia of water aad [igfa School E?UiBB ' SSScUtton ??*? At a -mtUkT^i. ^tbma Aa rJjjhF hfttl . ; *W* KXW04 MOUNTAIN. M. O , TSU . - "jV* M i __ ^\>-**B9M -v. ????? kihcw Mouatap anip 'ul Mortal charter, neat, Mate nhHI root* home from the (hiitw Might State Jaycee I Injuries FoUom Frost Ritas Held t Winston-Salem ! i Feaeral oar i iieo for Claytoa h Front, of Wiaatea-Salem, president e the North Carolina Junior Churte of Commerce who received fatal ii jurice in an automobile aecidea whlfa en rente to Winetoa-Salem free Kings Mountain last Friday night ^ere held Wodneaday afternoon a Christ Moravian church la Wiastoa .. Mr. Front, who had preoeatod th charter to the Klaga Meal TVH unrTHM BeapltSL ' Mr. Trat ?u alone and a paaein notoriit utiteM Ua frost kia eai It woo pifOBtii that he fdl tile* at the wheel of hit ear. He had ?a> taiaod serious face and body bora and several adablitrttiot* of bloo plasma were outdo in aa effort t oavo his life. Ironically, in his address at th charter night banquet here, he eon nested oa the foander of the Vnite States Junior Chamber of Ooamere* and noted that he had died ia a airplane crash .while attending t Jayeee affairs. . After the meeting, Mr. Frost an argSd to renBia ia Kiaga Maaatai overnight, bat he refoeed. naBihia that ho witHswin heme l|Ui , Ho.wae ia fwnit aafiawal directs iM ati far' many years active i the work ef the ergeaisatlea. He was M yean rfiftnifaw by Me' Wife*- Mi WMfl iml "SX wJTS,' LafU. BU Dl im aaf i^jtojaaty, of the kibi mwi, irtlMii the rites. ;:V-:.:^ . Mo*? Tbatn SO JSTow M?mb?rii<>f. Gh$ Officials of |he Kia?s Xoutel Coast ry Cleb aesseistiea ? said t%i week that am thas 86 sSsree e stock hove bee* Israel to ssesslaAei aissstisss sed loosed sa isrttaaioa a other Kfc^s Moaataia .dtlasas to b All greeas aad fairways ? th slab *, alas hlie getf esarse haVs baa seeded sad work sa tfcs eMsbeaaa I eoatlsals|. It khfti that the oW ^ be ta sferstiea lariay ths ? slab'sWra^'ssaffi. open tary. Jet HsMer, |ii llftf. or Vn Pleak, Usasatar. s'i vvJT ' elka ft, TjfoW llkl 1SDAY, Ann. 13, 1S46 t:: '" TiT'wfi I^ffr^wr JfW ! <n?Hr ?r mm wi?ki? ttm I. MttmA AM tajmrtoa A a? atw tmt MA km M rrUav aAkk.President Susta ring Charter N Saturday Evening Poet Circulation On Boom j j JTb?. *1 ftniHM tt? ipiHw batf I I Wilt ttM'i -***1 iltacal i j boat ft.UMl.ttllteu rn jsl I "IT""1'* ^ Ue*r 1 * 1"tli Luther&ns To Hold Oood Vrid&y Rites iptcU tkm-ktu Good Frit service - the 4? ot the Ciew. of the Bovioor, J? Christ trill bo hold ot St. Motthet lothoni chore h, Friday, beffiooi This aerriee is to bo divided I boot tWpQ iootoo ooeh with o he 1 odltatiao im ooeh furiod oo oao ' -tbo words of Christ apekee frees I >!*** ? < * "the nm Wwi 11:00 to 12:20 ** "Fitter forgive ttea for they ka Mt vtet ttey do;" Lite 23:32 apehker, Boo. Wau H. Steader. The Beeosd Word: 12:15 to 12: "Verily I mj aato thee, today ih the* be with Me ia Paradise," la 23; 32-42, speaker Rev. P. D. Petri * 'The Third Word: 12:50 to 1: * "Vmm, beheld thy seal Beh ' thy nether!" Jeha 19:25-27. apeal * Rev. U a Plmmix. * The Vwtk Weed: 1:15 to 1: K "My God. My Oed, why heat tl fereakea ae Mark 15:33-34. apa * or, Rev. W. G. Cobb, CherijiilU. The Fifth Weed: 1:43 to 2.-00. * Thirst," Jeha 19:28-29, speaker, 1 h Qubad Wiakler. * The Sixth Weed: 2M to 2:30, ? la flatehad. Ma 19:30, speaker. R * Wa E St led n. h The Imakfc Weed: 2:35 to I: * "Father, late thy heads I eeane. ay aptrS.' '^Lehe 12:4403. ^eak r n U . I^JaSS, Km th Ckuht U % * ?fc? ra^Skr iiU) F ?j-*N * ??% (M IMi Herald l?|t? r?M> tk* .local imt'i naiMk accl?t aear Mwwrtfc an I ins Fatal light Event Junior dumber j Receives Charter * | King* Mountain'a Junior Chamber j of Commerce became officially af? filiated with the North Carolina and United Btatea Junior Chamber of Commerce laat Friday eight, aa Jay coe officiate presented atate and na* tie no I ehartera at the Charter Night banquet held at the Woman "a elab. 11 Mere than ltS peruana, including a nambm of ap acini gueata, were prea, oat at tte meeting ^ The State charter waa presented by " the national charter waa meneatad a by Cteytea Freet, of Wiaatoa-Balem. nam uuwaa piwuwt Mr. BMBgtidier cited tke war raeerd af tht Mguiatio* Umgk at state ud Mtki, lUtiig "tk? war ia aow mr, bat tbc field for aerrice is jast as groat." "Tbc parpoae of tbis orgaaisatioa is to fiad ways aad meaas of helping aot only yow fellow members bat yoar fellow ass." Mr. Frost gave a resume of tha history of the organisation, whirs was formed ia 8t. Louis. Mo., ia 1911 aad has aiaee spread to towas and cities all over the United States, Ceatral aad South America aad oth or aatioas. ^ "It is the oaly orgaairatioa prim marily made up of yoeag basiaeos n| men, aad thraagh the age limits r>> there is gaaiaateed a permanent foan ,.B taia of yaath for its leadership". Presideat Oeerge Ware, tomrtmartita tr. la aeeeptiag the charter. aaid. t- |" wo rally appreciate oar datiea, aad ' wo bepe to work tally witk otkor orat giitwtim b tko city to aakt tka Kbft Moaataia a better place la wkiek to Hro." ^ i Mr. Baamgardaer waa preeeatcd by j R. T. LeGraade, Jr? piaaideat of tbe ~~ Skelby Jaaior Chamber of Cosameree.' aw 38,1 Officers aad director* wore iastallcd by Bob Abebractkr. of Oes?, toaia, past prendcat of tke state oralt gaairatloa. ike ^ la additioa to Preeklcat Ware, 10 tbey are Hoyle McDaalel aad Mprti| tia Harmoa, eiee-preeideata, Veraoa tw Crabby, secretary, Jia Pa(e, tree sarer. aad Cart Placer, William PaHoa. m W. K. Maaaey. Jr^ Jaace Hawser, ^ Karl Sawyer, aad CVossome McDaa air ^ dlreetata. Jeka Floyd, eesamaader of Otis ^ Dl Oroea Poet No, 153, Amertoaa la to'libfi Moaataia, oa bebau'eTetT '? or eTirte groapa re. Special pub were proacatod by M. Otto WUKama. aad tbe iaeaeatlaa ad waa |bw bp Is*. P. D. Patrick. ? ?ub (tab aft tWir Hag Tte? k 4my algkk at ?k? WWi CM h at fcftft. lb. MiiiImb la a Warn ?f ^ <m 1 ' 'JA **v'" v " ; . A * . '*r N .5 1 O Pages *" Today Many Expected To Attend Easter Service Hundreds of King* Mountain eitixens are exported to attend tbe Union Easter Sunrise service to be held nt 6 o'clock Sunday morning at Mountain Beat cemetery. The special service wiM highlight Kings Mountain'# celebration of its first post-war Easter, as eitixens pause to commemorate the birth of J ecus Christ. Almost all churches are also eon ducting special Easter services. Only a few business firms ? the First National Bank, Kings Mountain Building and Loan and Home Build ing and Loan?will be cloeed on Easter Mondny, directors of the Mer. chants Association voting to remaiu open. For entertainment, member* of the Boys' club, local youth organisation, ^rll resent a dance at the Woman's elub at 9 o'clock Thursday night. It has been announced that the Union Easter service will be held at the high school auditorium in the event of inclement weather. Persons attending the sunrise service are being requested to use the Billing street entrance to the cemetery. The recently reorganized high school band will play at the service. and Bev. J. Q. Winkler, pastor of Central MetBbdist church will deliver the message, using as his subject "The Daws of Hope." Program for the sunrise service follows: Band Prelude: "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring."' Bach. "Exalted Lord," Paleestrtna. Hymn: "Christ Aroee," Lowry. Invocation: Bev. B. F. Austin. Respoasive Beading: Matthew Sit: 1-10. Bev. Wm. H. Slender. Chorus: "Christ the Lord is Bio ea Today," Wesley. Prayer: Bev. P. D. Patrick. Trombone Solo: "Ho liths oa High," MeKiaaey. Message: "The Dawa of Hope," Bev. J. Q. Winkler. " ll-.l D. rt Band Poathide: "mw Praise ths Lard." Mendelssohn. Politics To Get Hot With all candidatee filed who are going to file aad with no opposition among the county's minority Bepub lican party, Democrats began settling down this week for their intra-party scrap which won't be settled until May 23 and perhaps not then. With five candidate* in the sher iff'a nomination race, political observers are anticipating a hot fight and predicting a necessity for a second primary. There are also three candidates for Judge of recorder's court. / Here in Kings Mountain, six are seeking the nomination for constable and a big split is being predicted lu this race, as well as in the magistrate'a race, with four candidates on nhe line. Meantime, Deaaoerata throughout the county will held precinct meetings Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock for the purpose of electing product oiih?m w?o win repraaaat tke pre(iaet at tke Dmocntk eoasty eoaTestioa la Sktlby oa April 17. Priatipal basiaeaa at tke eoutj eonveatioa will b? sleetioa of delafates to tt? state eoBvestioa. (For fall list of Deasoeratie aad Republics b candidates for office, aee page one, second section.) Special Services At Bethel Church Special service* dedicating new ckarck faraitar* will be kold Senday at Bctkea lfetkodist ckarr k in Boa- . Bossor City, it waa aaaoaaeod this week by Bar. Kelly Dixoa. paater. Dr. W. A. 8taabary, district saporla toadoat, will daliger tka address at ? the warning service at 11 e'eloek aad spatial male la ta bo raadored by tka Baitk fasrtet, of Bpartaabarg. U? Kakjr u4 Bfbdlt City qurttt*, mt Ont?ii. ud U* Happy f?U Tlliaw ?iB Im ?nil ob tko iinih 11:30. ?M fit" la ia<rtt?4 to Btt?d yM Mr^tM^bTa'r'HuL f- H* t?t Wrtmfay ft? AiWHht j| X (Mtaan?

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