I BuUeHm I I C?ndid*te*i for tk? King* Monn^3K|H JUM a wwkyo M UitU city RTWI?WHBi?ni J^!, I.l^iWL . ?, ' * k^ta^l ^fki?AiH^cr^V^>^.!x8>' ' ot (V Li|im .JSr-^KL trwitly im ?W|? ?( THrr? (tot >||t|ili?M^#r , aa>io r (Qrover ' 2? l*< thhe-TrfcCounty WebeuJl|^guej? '\img.mt f ltd. Tiiketi TriHbToiS?lf>. :)util TkiMdat aeon ud the public im invited. Tickets Me $1 and ?mny / Iba purchased from CUM m 'Tlmiaiiae Fra& Olaas, Frank Glanf ] den, Done' Allen, aa| Johry.Hedry r -YOuTH OBnTKt \> The regular Saturday night meet-' r* Ing of the Tooth Center haa Wuj nailed off. The YouOr7pfi2ldU4y{ relented the WooUnj club he:that >ibke VTW might have a chicken ^?p fr Touts l?OXBB DDKS S Th-Yeuth Center will held^ a ?KS S5??8et't$&^Iw% M? ? U Maftoch, Cmnerto^%i7iyle? 1H ! tT*b*?J5tee '"pE?* d^^to^e . '? 1 i - B' Sari Bnt^ Oty Betieatlou uiree-' : ^tor, hke announced Bojte : eofthall j C praattee to be held at the high j P eehaol at 9>80 Saturday morning, I Junior Chamber of Commerce "will thril8'4bMrvesa)ur emeljnoethly.. bue- , 1 iam meeting ?t the City HaU FriI ?*-?. ? "c". CLU MHWIMtm QB0W8 % d .Membership in the Kings MounUla country club nosy toUl^ 00, deerting toan ennoaocsmcnr this week by W. L, Plonk.'aecreUry, Mr. [ Plonk sold that alT&meena who wtah * j to be liated aacharter members tet the elub should MMNtvjtfme wtoek within the Don Finger an* AveUe Coetner . knee received ibttW'tlfeekaitffc gro^^the yy ^?nd I r tt* INefcend.^^bWjg^^ *5s.' v. < -: " 'mT mMIHBaM ? SS" ~# ' iiiBuff ha jS /yL . -J^M __ 4 ? i\* Lj-li^^fci^' ? * ife,1<"' ' ', ' *.; i 1 fe,':t;,,.>; U Member* .ef, the King*- Mountain Klwnnbf club will -on?/ thai/ ' KK ??ul An$ee " on the Occasion of the 4 Jcth anniversary of tjjMt.* folding of;, the etvle club at the annual ladies' tight banquet at the high aehool aa-| feterin %t f t'eMt .Thursday wight. Bav. John McSween nationally* known raligloua leader and inspirational speaker from Orpepvill*, 8. 0., will make the featured address of the traaiij to the 88 aaibtn and their wives and guests who win be present. Bev. W. H. 8tender, will be the blaster of ceremonies, followeed - by the invocation vy Bev. j. O. Winkler, n. DUU? A sjw a? a -aik. M, luuy Vi A AU^QIV WU4 M?a IW akjnte to the .jPHi ud Btr. P. ' D. iftttriefc -will introduce Mr. MeSweeit. cdSt3H|raMi^ awards. for pirfMt BLlwa.Jcl/jfcjpV.V ."** Mot? W* CMf >Bd ***** W^TC.^lf^uney la chairman of the nrqpsgemente committee. 'Other* on the.; committee ore J. R. Devi*, Hut>ter -Noisier, Joe H. Thomson, Dntce' ?2wp | .-Kings Mountain hone* again eflppetr honota in,show* held Mat weak-; end., a* Fashion Lady, Byron K?et-! er'i vnUklng mare, teok< firat place Ten Fulton 'i Um'Wilaon"to^k flait in the epa* walking elnaa aM aaegnd in the Open waiting stakes at 8*Me "MT-' U JF In addition. Mr.. Keeter's Jeiade ' |T ' Principal basiaees ' regalltr moe% 'S*"*? aldermen ^WNr ^btflt' details far' the #805,006 pnMle Improvements bond election. < H. Tj. Burrtette, ? Hut several petitions for street anil side-walk Improvements - have ' Deck Vtted and urged othen wanting work' done in tkelr section to file petitions immediately.? . ifc ; \?m y Kings Mountain schools musicians" lMt week to winning kigk hoiser iW ^l> : SrifeAi *** * #** it* eftfc whtok; rnpivt** *igku* rette* < i-PJKS jC' end tke bojoT glee tlib wklek wa? BlUyv fitw' Amos, bertRaes eolo, II, *?d ' Jack PrlftO.; |)W|i|f,k<|. ' other* in the re*ding contest were \ Phyllis Ware, ; school. who read ,4bW Votoot'lu*' 1 X2?: ?* <^%nXr?i[ 3 school, who rd?4 "Kitty Ooet Adopt- 4 ???'" I : ^ ' , .'... ; , t Representing B**t? school in the /Iclsmatlon contest was Charles Gut- ii ton. who 'gaTO My'. Own United,^ States", and WdHcrGriffin,- C*n? tral school1.''gat#?* "Ndtida* OauUot Live with, ,nkwU?Ths.vAlon?." Musife Jn tMr+ktd .by .^CawArtfi-riinpipf Hhn^;frloy the direction of Miss Mary Let# .Rot*; * tie. Judges. 'fer.,thuiIfoijtcsto ,w?w(T Miss Mary Helen HasstwUht. Mra. 11 ' , Tho annual ' juntoe-Scnto* 'banquet ' for ]ii(k cekool lid dcntrwiH W?oiT?rt* - . fM?pf.<8 ludM/10s-o'clock in tho higai ckool cnfcterik The thOrn* wMT he n' mm .. %? iii Him JnMt Bwgtfnt, jnntor tUn 1 l>onMr, :lw MtBonneed 'thjit- kbit yewr I tie ellM ItM'to to?? .m iliote fol? , tewing tko ^ ^ l^o^gcbool ' d ft ,fMn tW^PfcjWHLjj* ^nPpil^tS^^flHp^npw In ^ i Ifc r-t sit* ' fi|" Tir^y^-* * ^ T^^IJ P^fQ^krtTT] K#^r ifl Wlightourt ( *r 1 " Everett K*bfrt?, King* Mountain colored men, ?M abound over to St? '' yej-lor Court oa tkroo cum ?t bfOnkIng Aail entering in pity recorder,Js coutt: Hero Tuoodijf, gft^rnoon'. '': *} Roberts hud bwt Jtrtcited loot ?ki ' MSaMe eeetioa d WtfMpTOiir I>| toaghstfrieei ^>tt$4 'ofhto' dinmlsaei o1 ss?s%r-r; gWtfBt y>* _ pjllty on Ji_ non-suppovt charge and. jr the plaintiff, Ifrs. George Ivejr, wu F taxed with the. costs. IJloyd Bdtler ** found. fo< he if peetfeeidn of bob- ? tax. paid , whiskey aid given a two- V nonths spepehded sentence on ' paynent of a fine of $26 and eoets. Thomas V. Nodine was fined $10 _ ind costs fdr not having a -driver's J " ?vij* MVVMfU Mli UCH . W?? . 'ined 110 and coeta for improper 0 ??** V ' ' \l \ \ * tQ ' Auewed aocte t&r public drunk en- ?e itu were Date 0. U*Tr tenjcerty of Harden community . ln<'U Oaetea county who died, Saturday baigktot ike borne of -her granddaui>ia%' M*?. Kntkryne Coetner* But-; til gia?aad Miee~Hhttia-Centner of flhar R] letta, were bald Monday afternoon av Bt. Paul'a Lutheran churofc at Harden. ftev. P. Mr Bpoagle, the paator. officiated and .waa aeelsted by Bev. ,tt Oltn Sink of - Charlotte. Intermen t waa in la the church cemetery. y.- c< . Mra Cnnpoeter wad the mother of' ett# - w ThoAe Attending the aervleee from tl Kiam Mountain were:, Mr: and Mfa* m Okmanter; Mr. art Mra. Oeem M a Mafiney, Mr. WlCrd^W. B. Blake 4 tjr and Miee Martjka Prancee'McGM. .U ??? ?- * -+ TW .Klags Mountain Vets, a mil' ? pr* aggregation of yth* TH- o*a_ eity stadium Saturday afternobn at S o'clock with appropriate open log < day ceremonies oehodnlod. ! Po'Tf^ftM? Ct^'Sumou^ chair trvan ot ihe-'tommittM, for .opening < lay corogwt'wr onnminceil to$at. thai ?J ?vcr Thomson of Ki?gi jkonn; tain will piteh the first ball to 'ArtConnty League" fhrosidea* Yates v? Bmith of Oaatoaia ia'the batten boa aad ^hat, Mayor K. V. Hon of Gfaar- j ry ville will bo Mr. Thomson 'a bat j tery mate. See. L. 0. Piaoiz will say tho laroMtUa amd a rapvCaaaUitiVfr } j tart tnm Ua KJrta Mountain high i?Ml kud wW fetafafc tta *o*ic. - , Caramon Im will Mfelii M tiM. ?? . Mm H.nryMoa* i gar of th* loaal iIm, aaaoaacaa that i>r "?^ifrrt> fluj." hUs uiti ' ttll tha wiiSmi* of tha >M*?rleaa Ip ' ' WwMndoet'' ' ^ ' ? fit UN Rm iM| paper collection. riilfilll Cflumbor of Oomm?rce, of? total collection I t\ jwrvxbntuyf 15,000 pi,uru.j. ^ i -win liot bo ob gf rati. *U?U-j \,Jgt0a ??l [an making tho fiolt^MN^bi th* kftontooit h4 toflwl loto Into tto g y NBMlfeOd, ' f A# ' -t-Wdfc . * ?A-J ' - M A " ^ WS Ww r^Kfcii ? ##. yg^ f nVB CENTS FEB OOPY '^jjl ommittee High Rating | j King* .Mountain high school was rated superior in six specific features of its nine-feature operatio^, according to a report of the evalua tiou committed of the Southern A* -J toe let ion of Secondary School* and College* received here last week. Superintendent B. N. Berne* and Principal J. EX Huneycutt, in' making public the remit of ' the ' evaluation conducted hero 'April 10 and 11, etatod that they were weU-pleaaed with 4ho reeult* of the evaluation. ^ The huge evaluation job required answering of 1600 questions on va- ,.fj| rioui department* of the eekool. resulted in 800 evaloatloaa and 110 thermometer graph showing the percentage efficiency/oT~various department* and phases of- work in those departments. A t.' i The evaluation medium was sot up by % specie committee of jhe six M ,regional school associations of the net lot* at a cdst of $20(7,000 and was based on a study of 200 schools, both public and private. wtteh had met .the standards of excellency required for membership la these-, associations. Of tha nine special features of the summary, six trere devoted to ths school's educational program. Highest 4 possttda ratiop.is 100. , - '. . In icnffKulum offered, the loctl school fated 76. percent, well above the highest' average of 68 for very :? large hfgh schools, and' high above rVjS the -Southern average of HO. C; \. t :il ^ - .? w 11 ; vbh tod at 82, against a Soot hern average- <# of 43, and a .private school average Other divisions included the achool staff, the plant, aud^tbe administra- ' 'JaM The staff was rated at 76, four points below the highest group ayerege of 80 for very large schools, and much higher than the Soot hern av- '??a| irage of 84. The plant was listed at 69. Closest .; J9 group ia this division hi the Western r region, at 67. ^ *' . ' .''jsfcgfrB In administration, Kings Mountain ' school wu mted at 81. *' ngS&t a high We steia region Hgttegra* 4L The evaluation committee, heated , ' -Ujm by Dr. J. Henry Highamith, aa#e '' iwwwww period am of u ' ad pea t > >?5' ^Tyf 7 perience tor tho pupil#. 'MMM. ^ Wr fS ~!3FTB?^^^BSHEir?8i^^F3Ft' flB KAmv . *1 Wi^SF ?j jM 1^5E^**e-2H : ?/jA/vjg^vi :? >$jm 5 4 v klsvV 1 ^y i B|J