PMllliill MMMMIMMMIil 'SOCIAL AND PXB80KJ of INIERES\ i PHONES: House 189; Off ;; M i ?? ? < Invitations To BridgesFranklin Wedding Issued The following invitation ha* been loaned thia week: Mr. and Mrs. Joe Marcna Franklin requett the honour of your presence at the marriage of their daughter Pearl Edith to Mr. Joseph Cleophus Bridges On Friday the twent-fourth of May at six o 'dock First Baptist Church Kings Mountain, North Carolina Ulan. #A. ik. .aJJi.. ?ill k. .. ? <*u *wi tuc ifvuuiu| wiii uv au' nouneed in n Inter inane. DIXIE THEATRE THURSDAY ' "Up Goes Maizie" Ann Sotham - George Murphy ? mm . Don bin Feature "Close Call For Boston "Blackie" Cheater Morris - Richard Xeme end "Strange Impersonation" Brands Marshall William Gargan Serial IA1U1WL1 Double mature "Gunning For Vengeance" Chart* gtarrett - Phyllis Adair mmA "Notorious Lone Wolf Oscald Koto - Juris Outsr mienif ?j winy? 'Road To Utopia" Bob Hop*, Bine Crosby Dorothy Lumoi. ?WJW uii fUUIUlV "And Then There Were None" Barry Ftescorald Wattu Hasten v'. - - 77;, \ , ? i i t BEAUTIFUL TOILE A ATTRACT] r: STATIC J:' '.*1. |y. Also: Fine selections of ders, and perfumes. $?<?'. * ; vR * v ? t Ik~\ ????? SRv%. " ;" :< j, f, * . P fc ' ' , Boxy'l^i^g wU ?T Utt MftlimiUllllllllMIIU iL HAPPENINGS 1 to WOMEN t ice 167 i: ? RS. HUMES HOUSTON ;; Mrs. Gtoforth Is Honored At Lovely Birthday Party Airs. Bessie Usntt entertained at {a delightful party on Monday night, April 30th, honoring Mrs. &. D. Ooforth on her birthday. The party rooms were charming with roses and other colorful flowers used as decoration. Rook was played at two tables while bridge was in play at two othera. Mrs. Yates Throneburg was winner of high score rook prise and Miss Leone Patterson won high score prise at bridge. Mrs. Oantt presented the honoree a beautifully decorated birthday cake with candles' which was then eut and served with delicious ice . cre?iu. ( The hosteis, guests and other I friends presented Mrs. Goforth 19 . pieces of crystal in her chosen pattern. i The guests included Mesdasnes Goforth, Ben Beam, Yates Throneburg, I H. B, Patron, B. G. Plonk, Boyer ' Murrey, Lynwood Parton, James Mer cer, Bill Boss, Marshal Heavener, Misses Netta Bowers and Leone Patterson. Home Arts Club Met t R&tterree Home Mrs. Bright Batterree was hostess to members of the Home Arts elub on Tuesday afternoon at her home on Mountain street. The meeting, rooms- were- bright with numerous arrangements of lovely peonlas, sweet-peas, roses and Dutch iris in various colors. Mrs. J. E. Herndon presided over a short business session. The meeting was then turned over to Mrs. I* P. Baker, program chairman. Mrs. Bill Craig took part on the program and gave a thorough discussion of "The Holy Grail," pointing ont the artistic and scientific nature of the legendary hold vessel Following the program, Mrs. Batterree, assisted by Mrs. P. D. Herndon and Mrs. John Gamb]e served a lelertable course of frosen fruit salad with sandwiches a fruit drink 'olloweH by cup cakes. The meeting was well attended. <smw^0?>. CARA NOME T SETS ND rvE BOXES >NERY Colognes, dusting pow/ it speomi I BL . i 1 r k; U* ' " : . _ < * ( - ? -..' . +- 'c hwttMii at Dogwsel, 1 7:30?Msrthcw BlU|( club ?Mia* ' Helen Kam?*y, hostess. 7:45 ? Bridge party? Ur*. Jou Neisler, Mr*. J. W. Timberlake, Jr. ' hostesses at Dogwood. FRIDAY? 3:00?Party ? Mr#. Joo Neisler, Mr*. J. W. Timberlake, Jr., -hostes*e* at Dogwood. SATURDAY? 7:00-10:30 ? Youth Center? Wo, man'a elab. 8:00?Thursday Natch club ? Mr*. Dan Fingar boat*** at L. A. Hoke home. MONDAY? 8:00?Mo*i? Radial ? High school auditorium. TUESDAY? 3:00 ? Tueiday Afternoon elab ? , Mr*. Buth Ormand hostess. Locpl Members Attend District UDO Meeting Several local ladle* attended the 3rd Diatriet meeting of the United Daughters of the Confederacy which was held in Charlotte on Wednesday <v# ...V ? ??.. U. B fc' V* "w". ? ??w w/v?? f|U? !| Methodlit church. The member* of General June* H. Lane chapter of Charlotte served as hostesses to the visiting delegate*. Mr*. Thome* H. Williams, general . chairman was in charge of the meet- ' ing. The speaker of the day was the division president, Mrs. Paul Lam- < bert Borden of Goldtboro. Her sub- i ject was "Highlights of Our Work." , The welcome address was given by | Mr*. John Newitt of Charlotte. Mrs. Tom Craig responded on behalf of j the visiting chapters. Report* were given from each chapter in the die- j trict which was represented. Those | reporting were delegates from .Con- j cord, Kamnapolls, Llneolnton, Shelby, 1 .qaetertm, Slags- Moan tain and Char-', lotte. Mrs. Bill Howard gave the report from the local chapter. following the meeting, the host , chapter served a nice luncheon to ] delogatee and offieera attending. Local members attending were Mrs Howard, Mrs. Andrew MeQlll, Mrs. P. D. Herndon and Mrs. W. A Rldenhonr.' Mrs. Mercer Is Hostess Honoring Mrs. Hand all Mrs. James Meretr was hostess on Friday night at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Plonk, paying compliment to Mrs. Talmadge Randall of Hickory. Bowls of lovelv roiift decorated the. ] rooms where bridge wss in' play at three tables and rook ot one. The honoree ' plaee was marke4 with corsage ef. s# wofohad*. --Jfe ;?: */&.. Miss Leone Patterson win high score at bridge and Miss Saralee Herrill won second high. Mr% , Carroll Barnes was high scorer at rook. Each received a ldvely prise."' The hosess's gift to the honoree was silver in her chosen attorn. Mrs. Mercer also presented Miss Har rill an honor gift. A delieions salad coarse and frait drink was served. Baited nuts were served daring the evening. The gneets included Mrs. Randall, Miss Harrill, Mrs. Lornwood Parton, Mrs. L. M. Logan, Mrs. Nina P. Welch, Mrs Bruce IfeDaniel, Mrs. Ertls Powers, Mrs Clyde Kearhs, Mrs. Car roll Barnes, Mrs.Clarence Plonk, jr., Mrs. John Cheshire, Miss Leone Patterson, Miss Margaret Cornwall, -rise Nancy Nichols and Miss Mary Frances Oantt. ' Jr. Woman's Club In Business Tfaatfng .Thel Junior Women's elub was in west on Monday night at the elah building with ' Mrs. Lynwood Parton, 'president In charge of the basin ess meeting whleh included n number of items for discussion. New committees were ' appointed to 3|v4 the elub this year. Oma eoeittee will select a suitable gift fft the Senior Woman's eWb. The North Carolina Federation of < Women's clnbe was announced to \ meet In Greensboro on May 20, SO, < AS.S -U m-w -'* * oi?? uu an. \yTSl| JF1U9 Wftl If* pointed delegate to thi? eonventloa. Mr*. Charter Alexander' la alternate. Mrs. Parton will alto attend ae delegate. , Plana were began for a banquet J card party to M held ia Jnne. Bias Betty Grantham Joined the ? elab at the '"^eting. Kra. Grady Yet, J tea wan a victor. ' Mfca Martha PrneOe MeOill and \ Hiaa Helen Bameey, who w?re hew < teaeeiC nerved lee ereaai, eookiee and < eeffee at the eoaetatoa of bariaaag J v' i ' 3 triiUHerndotrOircle g 1 Mil Monday Afternoon The l*hi .TEeradee airele of the i flrat Beptlet ehnreh met oa Monday ] aftoraooa at the tiae of Mra. ? ] gran LtpCerd and Idaa Margaret Kna J drtek. ^ j ^at^ with^ a^faa^of^^S j K?jr g, weight eight pound#, five r luaeea. I 1 Dogwood To Bo Scene Of Series Of Parties Mr*. Joe NeUler ud her daughter, Mr?. J. W. Timberteke, Jr., of lit. 1 Holly will fnlertaia at a eerie* of ' three partlee this week at tke lovely ' Nelaler hone, Dogwood. There will be- a luncheon Thureday 1 at one o'elock and a bridge party Thureday night. Triday afternoon the ' hoateeeee will entertain again. 1 v. ' I Mrs. Templeton Presents Pupils In Music Becital lira. Ton Tompletou will preaent her nuaie pupil* in a recital on Men- ) lav nlvkt V.. 1?.t D -1-1 ?- ?_ "V. ?mj ? > i mi\j Mm* U V WW* i?s tar , high school auditor!am. The recital is the first of two to be givta nekt week. The Monday aight one will iaelnde only grammar grade pupils. The high school pupils wwlll be presented in recital later < la the week. The pnblio is invited to attend. ktrs. Thomson Hostess | To Tuesday Night Olub ' Mrs. Bill Thomson was hostess on rnesday night to members of the Tuesday night bridge slab and inrited /nests at her home on Bidge street. Lovely spring flowers we<e need in decorating the living room. When scores were totaled the high score prise was awarded Mrs. Harry Page and prise for low weat to Mrs. Jamee MeOUL The hostess served-.t delicious fro, tea'salad with accessories. Onssts other than club members were Mrs. Hat Plonk. Mrs. Jack Drmand, Mrs. Harold Hnnnieutt end Kiss Nell Hay er Baleigh, houseguests of Miss Helen Hay. > It . 1 1 a I 1 I J _ v V f ' *l" ' -H * r; V?W? i mm mm > . .. > I?1 w newer nee sua to nuke his Moth ? in 1M6 when wi being re-muted. And if he wants 1 ate gift to waxmi Drm B^oppe, fro >om toy *oth? .. i. 4ft ' . ' ' To Hmhwr Members Miss I rut Allen wmt hostess on rkursday tight to the member* of the Mtrahew Bridge club et her home on King atreet. The party roomi were beautifully decorated with numerous bowla of lovely rosea. When acoree were totaled following several progressions of bridge, Mrs. loe Meddon waa awarded high acoro Drise, Mise Helen Bamaey received low ecore prise and Miss Bnth Randtil won the floating prise. The hottest served a delicious salad tourse and pnneh. Membera 8f the elub Include: Meslamea Jqe Hedlon, David Saunders, Jr., Robert Wren, Mlsaea Helen Ramsey, Martha MeClaln, Eloniae Randall Rath Randall and Irene Allen. Mrs. Falls Unable To Rare Dancing Classes Mrs. Coman Falls will not hold any daneing classes this week due to her illness. Mrt. Fall* cays tnat unless | pupQe are notified further, classes i will be returned next week at usual, i IMPERIAL IT PLEASES US TODAY . LAST SHOWING "Whistling In Brooklyn" Bed SkefcMn , and the BROOKLYN DODGERS lee . "Black Market Babies' Batpk Msrpa FRIDAY and SATUBpAY ytfv&rnSF "Young Ideas" Suaaa Petm Cartoon ma Serial \ . ^ V; ^ ^ ' ''it' i . T >' *' " ^ ' '" - ^..4. ? Br 9!s k|BM^| Bfcc v ) *3Jl?^' v.n -? ? >:r- ^J^5S?^?^F^v^PF v /*'' '.. v A" . ? f in uniform or not, you can ;\-.' '. .' '" V ' ' ' : '. r enjoy her happiest Moth . ir has ceased and families h ?.*' v'.vi y. * 7 . , . , JV.X # , t- _ ' . "V, ' V . A . . < " -vv^v' i* ' <> " * \ &h ~'* ? make, his Motheir happy, bte Mothert heart, hell fli m wide selections of drew ?r J 4 -4 'kv '> - ' iiiKI! v: ^ Ji?! j1 >i* ' ' ' '' ._: . A-iitf. _.? ii. L-** />, ,,' / Derrick society of ill* 81. Mittlw'i jV Lutheran chorek: honored their pea- v tor, Rev. W. H. Stender dad Mn. Stender at a dinner give* In the ehor ch recreation room. ? The long dining table wm glowing tight with a cover of ikhite linen aet at interval# with bowle of lovely yellow roaea and yellow irit, interaperaod with oandepab+E ea* with lighted green taper*. A delleiooa fried chicken dinner waa aerved after which, Mr*. - Carl Moae, preaident of the Society, presented Mr. and Mra. Stender a handhome aterling allver vegetable dish in appreciation for the aervicea rendered during the first year of Mr. Stender'a pastorate in the local church. Mr*. Stender'e mother, Mr*. Me* Dougall of Columbia, 8. 0., *U a special guest at the dinner. THEATRE TO PLEASE YOU * MONDAY and TUBBDAT M Bugged action ThrflHa< Somanoe in Wataual Ootor. "Song Of Old 2lUx5i2?" Ihorta . Neva WHD. and YHUMDAY "Home In Indian*" la Tilliiurfir Walter Brannen "The Flying Serpent" owp Baooo ' Nave . Battel * < < i:. .: | T" ( > y i Bb ? l^p ' < s ' * ;'-: i\Fxi4i ?wl -k. be sore hell want | Br's Day in yean t ?fo ma auu an i , i i ?< \ . ? 1 " . . with an approprild one at Myers' if thow personal J p ' 1' ' . ' . a tiSfe'

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