jaws**" ? % Mr*. WiUtim Wright |v.v v. tt* local church today announced M. !K?yjp^fc? for its Memorial' Day eerriee told on( Sunday, May 10th fea- w: HK$ fOnleg a epeclal service for returned -v; JMMui. Speaker to be announced la ja aPellowing will be the Memorial ?>| 'M*jr address to be delivered by the jj|k. priar, Bev. W. F. Fogletnan. Lunch' w, aoa will be served on the grounds. In t\ V afternoon a special song -sorvice the held. x< Mr., and Mrs. William Ware and V ' "Mill", Billy and Wanda Ruth, of U Egi'vv. MBntoa-Salem were the house guests a" > . off Mr. and Mrs. James 8. Ware and jp?'' Mr. And Mrs. Frank C. Ware and P ,snr SUFFERING FROM ^ RHFIIMflTKM x V A :> amnmoackacre, merrito te, ? 9M HW i ii y;>> in V . mW* **? f iiRulal ? ? *111 w? ? liwri t drops ?m km imrti dM a?. ss?Waaarr.TgLa: ok ?Sw!!w5t* DROH' Ow f?> to go la man; homes. He worked Belgian labor la variably. The dog population average 4 to doge to a family .They em o the low typo breed. If T kill m; dbgs the skunks will eat my ehlel one. and my doge will be gone then. I don't know, who wae the fin gentleman to write a check. Bat h sure did have something worthwhil np hie sleeve. A lot of folks' now have more m< oey than/they've got brains. ^ Trust in the Lord ahd do good an verily thou shalt be feed todaj Those devils oa the other side of th pond don^t trust in God. They tnu In America to feed them and w trust mostly in money. The feminine mind. I find the an angel la truth. She's faithful, he est and kind, keen sighted and bllw She's cruel, she's kind. She loves yo but she's fickle. Ton fiad finds el is faithful, deceitful and hateful I times She'll take yon for better an 1 _ . nt *? icovd jmu xur woiwe. DDB ii crow you her king and make you hi clown. Yon fancy she's this but yo find she's that. She plays with yo like a kitten and scratch you like tomcat. In the morning she cooks, i the evening she don't. You are a ways expecting she wil when si won't. 8he's an angel in disguise. W love her for what we find in h? kind heart. Men aren't nothing. 81 y Glean t ' . ' V ting away quilts and rhen the nights get cold pour winter bedding by nd putting them away ull have no trohble set them during the e&rlibe fresh end clean and -> me is a hard Job. Let ns .' V:- -il \ V V? ' v. -Si jLOjip . . . ^ ; ^3 Q Hncusvy * tar, 4? 7Mi|rHt ' I was surprised my little green mil saw bucket turned up' this week. li pays to advert is* oar trcublee. ' Wken yon meet am Just |irf m? ,i dollar sad a dime. I'll ssad the pa >- per M times, til pat yen on thi y front line end thank yon for being U Wad. , ' ^ We find it difflenlt to esteem oth era as we do ourselves. . , n I met a little boy on the street. I y asked him what he was looking for u Said he, "My teaeher sent me t? the store to get a peek of cigarettei and I've lost the money." I sai( :S gOOd. 8 I remember that 'day my friend a, Bkimtp Stowe took me up in his plane ir I was a little nervous. I asked what h he would do if his motor died whll? r. we were in the air. His answer cami u without hesitation, "We will leav< a the plane np here and We will gt i. down." That was my first visit up .. in ths Land of the Sky.' t I have been asked by several of a my readers to re-write the story of | vjjo uogwoua irw. UOOK XOr IX Q6X1 0 vttk. ?, Boenebody always trying to take the joy oat of life. Nov a certain r phyeician is experimenting with so rams' in sn effort to find cure for 7 laxineee. .' ; *'' Looks like the election lavs will H have to be changed. Under the pre* 0 ent set op there's no way to . xnak? u the voters vote like they are told. j I most stop right here. X fear * 1 y haae already bored my audience. n e M The Phileo Company has installed a >t logging railroar with gasoline loco 1 motive, a crane at the mill ane many f. other labor saving devices in the 't Simmons Bay area of Columbus Conn L ty where it has bought timber rights r I PRESORIPTIOF * I 8EBY10E r I We Fill any Doctors' c~ I Prescription promptly 2 I and accurately at rea- 8 o I s enable prices with the I * I confidence of your phy-1 d-j kihqs'mountain i I drug oo. | 4 I THB IJSXALL 8TOKB * I We OaQ For And Deliver "I id X ^ ^ - X sr ; lU J J Ifl ?' . Big 11 BmM :: mm -4 > I I 4 4 9 I 4 ' < ?. ^ i ,i < f -?? . ' * ^ I ? *?'* p.' '.' * ? * ..-> z jx ^ i -TBS HWHO BOO A Tia> i . t : v 'ir."'' 1 * * ? k. y V"" 1 ? 'i . ' i ; EXPERT REFRIGERATION t REPAIR Household - Commercial L t Day Phone 317-LW ?, v . * - (Logan Supply Co.) ) f Night: Call 21 . I. Blacksburg, S. 0. Collect ! iV:' ' I ; ;? to* SATURD/ Due to the holding of I I on May 25, the auctioi ' I property on the Grove I til June 1. This will g I purchase a portion of I which has been sub-dii I VALUABLE PRIZES P. D. : I nv.A] 1 * j liVrX * "wffa-!A-A'?! - V 4. ' rj '. ';':., ." y Uia MAKE HAPPIER M} *. .-:.* ' ...- . ?*y~ '. OF toujour * / j/? Mv v^r^-vr:* ; . ,' : AiJh,v.. '. SriB'^'V I. ' vf/*,.*..? V' . ' *.1 * ' ' Qst'*' i uif yuui jioton i wv xioio DW I Mry to topUea bar old ono for Mothsr'a Day. Wo'ro proud of our ^ good aama; proud of oar ability to aarra tta rtttaaaa of Bags Mountain; proud of oar long Uar of rr^-Tnl patroM. ' ' i . rJrlO ft'i f-.'fi tr.-'j.: >,.i> lY, June 1st ? ' *' the Democratic primary i.of the 0. H. Sheppard r road will not be held unlive all an opportunity to this valuable property Tided into 80 lots. I TO BE GIVEN AWAY ierndon [.ESTATE ^ ^ ' 1 ragg , + <> BaMBSgagl * ?tiaBxm * mBM < < > ^Hh?I ' ! > ?> r :' * 4 . . I m *' Pf>,s: 5^'y f.-V*.^* / ' ' < ' . '" . v>. SMOKIES ;.. ^ ^ . i j| :*?9 'jj ' ^1^8 ^r X "''kft