% . - > POPULATION I Incorporated Kings Mo oat* in 8,547 Immediate Trading Area 15,000 VOL 67 NO. 26 Local News Bulletins RECORD ENROLLMENT Enrollment at summer school this year is a record number of approximately 60 students, in addition to more than 60 students in the band summer school, J, E. Hun?v<>htt. nrini*inal innnn. ced this week. Courses being offered include typing, American history, biology, advanced algebra, civica aad English. Instructora are Misa Helen Logan and* Mr Huneycatt. Mr. Huneycutt aid requests for grammar achool instruction were still insufficient to offer this wbar that a eonrse would be effared if enoogk requests are received this week with classes' te begin Monday. 990m *6 OA** ' " Ten of the iy members of Boy Be oat Troop V have sadargone medical esamiantloia and are reedy to, leave on Mp^day for . week* outing' at Piedmont ' Bey 8cout camp at Tryon. Jameo Mass, eea of Beontmaster Broadaa Moss, is a councillor at the oamp this year. TTM KBBTHrO Members of Jo^py W. Blackwell Poet No. fcS?8. Veterans of Poreign Wars will hold their regular semi-monthly meeting at the City Hall Tuesday night at 7:80. Commander Charlie Warllek said the Jaycee beauty eontest and a fish fry would be among the items of business on'the agen da. ? LIONS INSTALLATION Dr. W. M. Boyce, former paaA. .o ** tr. ?_ * s tir? _ sor 01 dojcb memorial Anr cnurek and now a pastor of Charlotte, will install the officers of tho Kings Mountain Lions club for 1MM7 at the moating of the club to be Held Tuesday night at tlO at tho Woman's club. OW OOLXJtOB BOABD Mrs. John L. MeOill has been appointed to serve on the Board of Erskfhe College at Due West, 8. V.. according to a notice of appointment received from P. li Orier, ?l?rk of the board, thia week. WKAZ. KXWAina BPBAKKK William 'H. Keal. vice-president f the Waehorla Bank and Trust company of Winston-Salem and president of tbe North Carolina Bankers msaoeiation, will address members of The Klwsnis clnb at their regular meeting at the Woman's Clnb Thursday night at T o'clock. ATTBKOl CONVENTION J. O. Darracott, secretary of the Lions elubr represented tbe local organization at *he annual State convention held at Raleigh laat week. Dave Mauney, of alaalar) Mtra*. VBVlijTllivi wwmm %v?va WOt of District 31-A, in which the . Kings Mountain club is Included. union nxmnos Bov. L. C. Pianix, pastor First Baptist church, will dsTTrer the sermon st the regular Sunday erasing union aerrico to be held at Bt. Matthew's Lutheran ehurch St 8 o'clock. KSW FOUOXMAK George Lemuel Curry has been appointed a member of the city police force and assumed his duties oa Sunday. ^ J MOM AtTMNM MOT $ George Moss, superintendent > W the elty water works here, is attending the 1044 Waterworks ; Operators school, oat eg ted for. I' tee North Carolina Waterworks \ Operators Association by the TJaireralty 'a school of PubUc i Wealth, in Chapel HUL Mr. Moan j , la aaseng the snore than 78 opetai tors attending Me meet from all | wrsr. the state. ' ???? ?mi;Mf to With John Gold, BUly Thorn { Wig and am Bttera shewing the I Kings Funeral Kites For Cloniger Child Today ' Funeral services for Ana Cloniager, nine-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Cloninger of the Margrace Mill coinuiuuilj, who died iu Gaston Memorial hospital about Id o'clock Tuesday night of injuries ustaiued when struck by an automobile Saturday afternoon, will be 'held Thursday afternoon at 3:00 o'cloek at Macedonia Baptist church. The pastor, Rev. C. B. Bobbitt, will conduct the rites, and interment tn #aiia? :- D..i wm luiiuw iu nuuuiiiu ocii cvuic tery. The young child. who attended Park Ormce tchool, sustained a fractured -skull and broken lege in the accident Saturday. She was struck by the 1941 Pontine driven by Jaeu Smith, after getting off a elty bus, according to Patrolman Hal D. Ward who investigated the ease. Mr. Ward said the child went around the front of the bus and stepped into the peth of the approaching ear. Mr. 8mith, who Is empoyed at Mrs l?ata Blahton's seWlee" station, " is under bond of 91,000 on charges of reckless driving and assault with e deadly weapon (the car.) The child was rushed to fie~*Wnoton hospital after the aeeidont, bat never regained consciousness. Preliminary hearing in the ease trsinst Smith is to be in Shelby Becorder's court at a date yet to be set. Mr. Ward said the child was picked up sbout 90 steps beyond the place where she was struck. Both the bus, driven by Pred Sawders. and the car driven by Smith were proceeding toward Kings Moun tain on the street which passes the Msrgrace Sill store. Surviving, in addition . to the child's parents, sre seversl brothers and sisters. Bond Election Books To Open Beuiatration books tor the sDecial I #200,000 public Improvements bond election will open for the first time, Saturday with nil citlsens who expect to vote required to ? register. Registrars will be at the five ward polling places to take name* for the registration. As is required by law, the vote will be "against the books.'' Registrants who fail to cast a vote will automatically vote against the proposal*. The voters will vote "yes" or "no" on four questions, since Ihe total of #200,000 is divided into four Issues, one for construction of recreational facilities, bne for sewer expansion and improvement, one for water line extension, and one for street improvements. I Mrs. Cobb Succumbs After Long IHnoss _____ t Mrs. Nora Wilson Cobb, 73, widow of A. B. Cob(> of Kings Mountain and Mother of Mrs. J. P. Van Pelt of North Belmont, died at 4 p. m. Friday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John F. Harmon on the New Hope road near Gastoaia, .after an illness of one jrear. Funeral services were lie Id Saturday at 4 p. m. at the Harmon home with the Bqv. Garland Winkler, pastor of the Central Methodist church of Kings Mountain, officiating. Bur ial waa la Bethlehem cemetery near Kings Mountain. wm /i.li. i_ s a a * a. _ ?s.ra. VsOdo u surrivea 07 nor as a ghters, four sons, Bassell Cobb of Detroit, Tom Cobb of tht merchant marina, A. B. Cobb. Jr.. of Beseemer City, and Hal Cobb of Birmingham, Ada., and aeveraf f indchildren and greet-grandchildren. Baptist Bible School Oommencement Friday Vacation Bible echool, being held at the First Baptist Aorch, will end Friday >erealagf in coeameaeament en erctaeW to, be. .held at o'eloek. Pareats and fri*hd? of the ehS4ren are InrltA # t /> Enrollment at the echool. whleh letted two weeks. Is aroand one hundred, with tat Average < ttUi^nu ore* eighty-five. picnie hunch' will be held at Lake Moatonia at noon Friday with 4ke mothers of the begienere ,a?d * . v v -.-v- ' " ; ' m? Moun [NOB MOUNTAIN, N. C. THUBSDJ Superior Stone Outs Charges To Minimum Superior Stone Company has lowered the weight of dynamite charges used In blasting operations to the absolute minimum, according to an announcement by Trent Bagland, official of the firm, this week. In response to complaints from cltlxens and the Herald the company brought experts here to determine the minimum on chargges, Mr. Bagland said, adding that he hoped the rather considerable concussion caused by the blasts had been lessened. "We regret, of course, the necessity of blasting at all,'' Mr. Bagland said, "but It is required if wo are to IShttnne this nitMr larga operation. However, V* an do lag oar boat to bring tho blasts down tothe minimum of both do 1m and i inn nntnn " New Yorkers Boy Pnenix Number 1 Agreement ,JU> aeU.JJnit No. l .of Pkoalx Mills; Kings Mountain, N. C. to Fifth Operating Corporation. Tew Tork City, by a Burlington Milla tub aidlary company, waa announced laat Friday. Sale and management take-over date will be July 1. The unit, which | eonalata of the weavTnfe divialon Of | Phenlx, has over 18,000 apindles and 388 looms. Weekly cloth production ! is approximately 200.000 yards of ! print cloth and broad godtfa . I Principal officera of the Fifth Op ,erating Corporation are Courtland Palmer, President, and George B. I Duekowney, Executive Vice Preai1 dent and Treasurer. C. G. White will ' continut a sSuperintendent of tho j weaving unit under the new owner : ship, which will operate under tho name of Du-Conrt Mills, Inc. Burlington Mills Corporation will retain Phenix Unit No. 2. a cotton yarn mill. This plant will continue to operate under the present manage-1 ment and supervisory set up. rui Will Bp operated Here; Buiffuig Started Construction on a 26x100 fotmrrtck building on Cheroke? street to house a local Fanner'a Cooperative Exchange was begun on Wednesday. The new businesa establishment here is to be operated by Hal D. Ward and will specialize in the sale of feeds and seeds and other farm needs. Mr. Ward said he hoped that 'tha businesa would be in operation by September L "A White Threa Veteran Teach By Martin Hanson "There is always a white threa 1 in every person's character, no matter how dark his character may appear on the surface. And if you find that white thread and develope it, it is frequently possible to' completely i eliminate the dark ones". The statement was made by Mis# Bessie Simonton and gives an insight into another statement that in 401 years of teaching youngsters, 'she has never had any trouble with children or their parents. Forty-six years Is a long time, and Miss Bessie, as she is known to her many former pupils,- is retiring for what anyone would tell you is a well assnsil In the course of 49 years?47 spent teaching King* Mountain children ? Mils Bessie ha* had many exparien ces and met many people. She hai also taught children of four genera* tiona and frequently meet* people on the street who apeak and aak, "Ton don't remember me do you?" The usual' reply la, "I don't re member your aatae, MTT remember your face." And 99 timea out of 100. It'a aome now-grown young man. or woman, who learned hia ABC'? un der Mine Beatfe, for ahe haa "started" at leaat 1,200 six-year-olds on the road to learning. Mlaa Beaoie first began teaching In the old familiar one-room aehoolhonae In South Carolina, with hM aeven gradea confined to one room. The children hat on benches, and there waa no flksk to write on?Or lean ?? Te 4wlla,*tha children had to leave their seat a, wad go to the writing bench, aMtply a' slanting shelf at the front of the room. The foilowhag^year, 1900, Miss ifthMiufc^iSwg under the 3ministration of Bee. A- J Klrkpafb riek and Bar. A. jC h4*daay. At bfc , >*r*r / ? ' ii"in I ?iV*. tY, JUNE 20. City Taa ^sre To Be Hiked By 10 Cents Kings Mountain's 1940 tax rate will be Sl.O'J according to preliminary budget estimate prepared by City Manager H. L. Burdette. Meantime, the city is again offering customary two percent discount on prepayment of next year's taxes during the month of June. The tax ia to be figured on the $1.60 rate, and is, of course, subject to readjustment. Mr. Burdette said the tax increase ia due to Increased cost of materials and labor, and thaTTue principal reason limiting the rate increase to 10 cent* per 910o valuation la antiuipa- | tion of greater income tro.^ t ie sale of water, lights and power. The budget was aet op Off the city'a property valuation of 94336,955 which will bring in an eatimated 971,471. with* tie balance of .an estimated over-afr revenue of 9204,81* to come from water and lights. lieenae taxei, intangibles, cemetery i and sewer rental inrome. Vinaf estimate is fo be prepared in the near future. The city's bonded debt will drop to 9399.000 at the end of the current fiscal year. June 30. Of next year's anticipated income, 951,54'' (almost one-fourth) will go for deft service, with the bondeu debt to be reduced 931,000. | Daughter Of Local Citizen Succumbs Mrs. Aronia Webb Hudson. wife' of C. A. Hudson of Gastotiia, died , Tuesday night at 7:30 in a Charlotte! hospital after a lingering illness. In addition to her husband she is survived by her mother, Mrs. J. A. Webb of Kings Mountain; four chil-. dren. Mrs. I.eonard Summey of Gas1 tonia, Paul Hudson of Cherryville, , ] Ray Hudson of Oak Ridge. Tom; . ! and Carl Hudson of Castonia; the fcllowi: g brothers and sisters, Ray I Wcbl^ of Cliffside, Ralph Webb of J Gaston:?, Forcit Wabb of Ohio, "Mrs. I C. W. rfullendcr of KingS Mountain, Mrs. J. W. Dagenhart oT" Charlotte. I Guy Hudson and Mrs. Gardie Wilkie of Swannanoa. Kour grandchildren ?* ! to survive. Funeral services will be held Thurs day afternoon at 4 o'clock at the Main Street Methodist church of which the deceased was a member. Bev. Claude Moser, pastor, will conduct the services assisted by Bev. Wv] C.~ Black, pastor of the Wesleyan Methodist church. Burial iTill be in Mount Olivet cemetery. id In Everyone" er's Philosophy Just How Old Is The j Mountain View Hotel? In what year was the Mountain View Hotel bnllrtlng erected? { P. D. Herndon, real estate agent, who la sailing the property at auction on June 88, says many people are asking just how old the Kings Mountain land-mark Is. Ha la unabla to tall them and baa been unable to find any dtlsen who knows tha answer The hotel property has bean sub-dlvt&td into nine lota for the auction, with the provision that the boAlng, to bo retained by seller, will be removed try January i, 1047. I Bob's Cola To Close For Week?No Sugar Bob'a Cola Bottling company will uapcnd operations on Friday and re main closed until Monday, July 1* according to an announcement this week by Bob Abernathy, official of the firm. Beason for the suspension has been inability to obtain sugar. "We have plenty of polnta but can't find' the sugar," Mr. Abernathy said. "We regret very muek the necessity for suspending operations, bat we have no alternative. We will reeume bottling Bob'a Cola on July L" | Kiss White Is Reporter F<*r Ahramae Ooker Votes Hartaville. 8. 0., June 17.?Class reporter far' Coker Note#, * quarterly publication' of the Ceker College el tfmma* association, hava' been namdd by presidents ojMnost alutanat^aaa % terald i MM " *J9^^m LAa^' ^e2 E?9^BV^ r j?IPM I * -VP^WHw ww? J.&0AIU1 X ? flUII ATM WU11CI | is to be one of the contestants In. til* beauty pageant to bs staged by I tha Junior Chain bar of Commerce on July lft. -'Miaa Kinga Mountain of 1940" wfll rapraaant tha city at tha itato contact In Wilson. Fund For Food Totaled $1,053 W. Lk Plonk, chairman af Kinga Mountain'a Emergency Pood collection, annouced today total caeh gifts to the fund of ftl.033.90, plua eontrl-! botion of about 2.000 cans of foodatuffs. The cash contributions have already been forwarded to collection headquarters in New York, and the foodstuff has been shipped to a Baltimore, Md.. warehouse for shipment to starving Europeans In addition to many personal contributions, organizations and other groups taking part in the collection I were the K wanis club, Lions club 1 St. Matthew's Lutheran. Boyee Me j roorial APP. Presbyterian. Central Methodist, First Baptist. Patterson r?_l ?? r? ' uiu>c oa|iiui, uuiTrew oipun cnur | ent-s, and the Church of the Nazarene , an 1 al! schools in the Kings Mountain j area. "1 wish to thank all persons who I helped make the eosuccessI ful''. Mr. Plonk said. "In addition. I wish to thank particularly Hubert Davidson, John Caveny, Billy Bouser , George Houser. T. C. MoKee. J. W. Milam, H. C. Wilson, Charlie Bla-i lock. W. B. Logan and C. C. EuTJns for their help in packing canned < goods for shipment, and Ifityor J. H. Thompson and Neisler Mills. Inc.,; an'd W. K. Mauney, Jr.. for furnishing cartons and other necessary pack ing materials. I I Bliss Allen Returns From Chicago Meet Miss Grace Allen of Allen's How ' er Shop arrived in Kings Mountain'1 Sunday morning frtffh Chicago. 111., I 1 where she attended the National Telegraph Delivery Service Conven | tion held at Hotel Continental. Reg- i istration was held Monday morning! and the design schools started In | the afternoon lasting throughout | Thursday. The convention came to a ( close with a banquet and dance in j the grand "ball room of the hotel on Thursday night. j Every phase of the florist indus- \ try was brought out with leading designers of the United States and Ca-; nada demonstrating. There were four ! IU.1.*. V.JL C <1 - - aiuiiw* iivoi i^vrrva vsrvunt I opnjsented ?t the convention. Baird Resigns ARP Pastorate Dr. B. N. Baird, pastor of Boyee Memorial AfiP ohurch, has resigned I that position doe to ill health. Dr. Baird presented his resignation , on Bnnday, June 9, and it was aeeepted by the chnrch session at a meeting on Wednesday night Jutte IS. He has been on leave of absence from his dnties as pastor for ths past several months. Dr. Baird. who assumed the Sbties of pastor p? "the church on February 11, 1940, succeeding Dr. W. M. Boyi ee, we* uniformly sneceeefnl in hie | church and has been a civic and eom inanity leader serving die proel#?st of the ^iwei^ie club et the tinyj.^hp . suffered a stroke of paralysis In May IMS.,-. .. He and Mrs. Baird intend to continue to mele their home in Kings Mountain and have purchased the Gaston street residence now ocenpl-1 ed by Mr, nnd Mrs. Bill Howard I from Mrs. J. as.. Garrison. . ?,J rrm to msbt Johnnie W. ' BhMkwelU. Poet* 22?s, VFW wUl hold Its regnlai1 : '*< *+r t A Pages ' A v Today. FIVE CENTS FEB COPY Frank Cranford Is Chairman Of Beauty Event Frauk Crauford lias been oamed giUernl chairman of the Kings Moun lain Junior Chamber of Commerce Beauty Pageant to determine "Miss Kings Mountain of 1V46." Also announced this week were committees for the event Which is to take place on Joly IS at the high school gtmnasium when Kings Mono tain girls between the ages of Tfc-28 vie for honor of representing the city in the state contest. North Carolina winner will subsequently represent the state in the national contest at Atlantic? City, N. J. Mr. Cranford reported four early entries in this contest: His* Avia Warlick will be entered under sponsorship of the VFW poat, Mias Peggy Smith is to be sponsored by tae Lions club, Mite Margaret Caskien by Mauney Hokiery company, and Iflaa Mary Ann Crouae by the Kiwaai* Several business ftrm* have e?ready indicated they WTTT sponsor ?ntrie* and are aoxioua to eontact pee ible contestants. 'Young ladies latereated in competing in the eon teat ahould g?t in touch with tJhalrmin Cranford or the members of the entries' committee. Following are committee# appointed: Orchestra?E. W. Neal. Publicity?Martin Harmon. Entries?Charles Thomasson. Bl'.i Davis. Finance?W. K. Mauc^y, Jr., Jim Page. Tickets?Charles Carpenter. Judges?Hoyle Mf Daniel. Conduct?Hal Ward. Haywood JDlen. Decorations?James, Houser, * Fred Wright, Ertle towers, Drace Peeleri Arthur Walker, T. M.~ HnufcrJ. Program?BiU Logan. George Hoti ser, Clcmonsee MeDaniel, W. Ki Maunev. Jr., James Houser. I Ushera?James Harris, Marriott Phifer. j Members of the refreshment com} nrittee are to T>e appointed later. j It was also announced (hat TIafVfcjf Laughter will serve as master of cerai monies at the event. Two Drunken Driven Fined At Busy IWiiiion f Robert Britton and William Who:}ley were found guilty olf driving drunk end each Was given a 90 day sentence, suspended on payment of 50 and costs with bis driver's license revoked, in action taken as sU. ?-J ?- ? ? * ? * ' uvj rm-uruvr ? court oere II IM tlty hall last Monday. Thia brings convictions for driving drunk to a total of five for the last two-week period. Myer C. Arrowood was1 given sixty days, suspended on payment of $10 and costs, for not having a driver' license and driving without brakes. Ross Lee Oats was found guilty of speeding and not possessing - a dn ver's licen\e and was {axed $10 and costs with a sixty day. sentence suspended. t Henry MartTh was found guilty of being dr^nk and disorderly and was given ninety days, suspended to pay $10 and costs and put on good behavior for one year. ' On a similar charge, fiowell Hayes .was given sixty days and taxed 910 and costs, art-, so put on one year's good 'behavii. Leonard Bennett Wns charged the costs for destroying a mattress :n the city jail after he bad been lock ed up for public drunkenness and waa taxed the coats of the eourt for the offense. * Collie M. Smith was charged with violation of city code number five and taxed with the costs. Ha had torn down ft street barricade and partially destroyed It. Garland tioofin w?a f?Wd polity of carrying' concealed weapon not on hia pftraon and waa taxed $10 and eoata. 'The following ware given thirty days, suspended otr payment of $8 and eoata for public drunkenness: J. L. Buck, W. C. Humphries, John J.. Stevanaon and Barley Green, v tried r for,patyk> ?q^ken ness and aenteneed thirty days, each euapraded^topftyeosta. IshttavxxJ. B. Myers. Fred Adftrholdt. Bessie Short. 'thmr' Glenn hoe. /.Mtti 0:v-. tv Merchants Association Telyhons Nomber gBl ^ , *. aisaoriattaa, >aaassecas tut- fWk that the offtoe aoir M