f) | Picfarerfi f < 11 4| H H^|,; r^ 1^ ar A DO* 008TNER I POPULATION XacoifonUd Kbgi Mountain 6,547 lMNfll? Trading Am 18,000 " 9 " VOL. 07 VO 87 -i - ' T ' * C Local News Bulletins JAYCBB MEETING Members of the Junior Chamer of Commerce will hold a bus. iness meeting at the City Hall Friday night at 7:30. President Hoyle McDmnicl is urging all members to attend, particularly committee chairmen and members handling phases of the forthcoming Jaycee Beauty' Pageant and Dance. VTW AUXILIARY MEETS The members of the VFW Auxiliary will meet Friday evening at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Madge P. Warlirk, 108 Gaston street. Mrs. Grace Williams, of Charlotte, state president, will install the post and the post's officers and all menbers and prospective ssambers A are urged to attend! ' "*4'* *" ' ^ BO WEN ARRIVES IN STATES Pfe. Hubert Bowen arrived in Beettle, Wash., on Friday, June T8th according to a telegram received by his wife here on Monday. Hhe has been in Japan for the naat 14 months where hn ear ved with the 5th Calvary. Upon arriving at Fort firagg he will receive hia discharge from service. Oirn FBOM JATOBXS Soldon Waldo, newly elected president of the natlona Junior Chamber of Connneree, was pre eeated a chenille spread and oae j - j doaen pairs of socks on behalf of | j the Kings Mountain Junior Cham- j I bar of Commerce following his j election at the national convention ' In Ifilwauhee, Wis.. last week. " The gift Was made possible by VoTnon Crosby of Velma-Craft and W. K. Mauney, Jr., of lfauney Hosiery company and was pre" sen ted by Robert Abernethy. who attended the convention. WTO TO T.hKB OtAWTOWD Kings Mountain Bus company announced yesterday a special bus a ? schedule to Lake Crawford, be gianing July 4 and eontiauiag W': K' through the 5, ?, and 7. Basse* <J will leeve the teraatael a* the 7." '4 corner of Railroad avaaaa aad Oold street at 10 a. m., 11 noon 8 p. n>? 4 g. m., and p. m. and will leave, Lake Crawford at 11 ? a. as., 1 p. m., 8 p. sa., 5 p. m. and I y. tm. '4 mriwri HOXJDAT I i u The Klwaaia elub will Mt hold tte Nphr maatlag n Jaly 4 to Bow Ita awitw to fkm fall Unitaft mt Ito h*U4?y. 11] WMk' Homtr ln 11th ? Bute Oraeftrtee, 8-2 ' | . Bab Walk, VaU lift tUUmr, a tow i ' W Ml aaa avar lata tha n?liry i? ^ tha battoat af tha 11th taalag y?atar; , ? day to ghro to# Ktog? Ma?tola alab ' 1 lalhT<2*oaw|erah fa>'tSSiiai^H {J Cat PtrVn Utha Wf *aMKmBmm*' * ? ^**5*55, ^ V^| fa* ** at tha au# far ytaeh-hUU* thh jtot of tha aighth JS . ' A 1 yy rr-yy H Hi -,.? '<?-<? ' - ; v ^ T .' :-'t ' ' .? >: ' . . Here: Six / * V ft P^SM BvT:'' p ,'^9 H i' - > ns,: --w Kv ,s ^ aw * '^/5H Ml- y^a ^>- > i ^Hr. v ~-J+ ? mlk%$&W' KmWv . -; v S ES? H I " *.! .til I Ni?^&?? ? -:>. ?> A.,', fcjjv. 2OH OAKOLYK raarOB ? ft. ? Kings Registration Light For Bond Election Bvgttntton books fcsTO boon o pon for tto ifocltl bond eUctlon bo bo ftiU oar 7aly 27 stndo J?no 22 and ao far only a comparatively few ciMnw kave registered. Opposition to the election seems to be increasing with many citizens demanding an account of funds already spent, especially on the stadium project. Citizens may register anytime before the books dose on July IS. except for holidays. Beglstrars wfl; be at the polling pieces on each Saturday until the books close. Registration bocks will be at the homes of the five registrars and ate available for registration at any time. Registrars for each ward are: Ward 1: O. L. Black; Ward 2, Mrs. O. F. Thomasson; Ward 3, Boyd Putnam; Ward 4, Miss Oussie Huffstetler; Ward 5, I. Ben Goforth. Auction Results In "No Sale" Kings Mountain's aged landmark is still standing and perhaps will tx for sometime, whieh is by way ol saying that the auction of the Moun tain View Hotel laat Friday did nol result in s sale. After the nine lots were bid in ? for a total of $20,710?the auctioneei put up the total, plus building, anr this presentation attracted no bid ding. At this turn of events, a gent. L. B. Padgett of Forest Citj bid in the property for $21,000 an< puuled onlooker* *nd bidders wen' my with the feeling they conic register "No Sole." P. D. Herndon, who had pnrrhas ed the property from Dave L. Bann dera, eald Tuesday that negotiation! sere still going on with a privat' bidder, bnt that the sale had not ye! been confirmed and he had no an nouneement to make. . Though Mr. Herndon had announc ed himself as owner of the property majority of citizens interested in th; sale thought that Mr. Herndon, King Mounthin realtor and insurance man simply held an option to the proper ty. The impression was partially borne out by the fact that the las '' paper'' recorded by Register ol Deeds Andy Newton was a $15,00< deed of trust from --T. Saunders n former owners D. C. Mauaey, W. K Mauney, and L. Arnold Kiser. This impression became another eoi /naifln wk en lf? flannile * an m?v?wi n??i? <? i ? uuuvtv wu tered the bidding on the property an<! captured the corner end adjoiaia) lots. , However, Mr. 8ennders stated t( the Hereld Saturday that deed to th< property w . conveyed on Thursday day prior t- the sale. On the sale of lots the following high bids were noted: Lot 1 (corner), D. L Saunders, $4. 800. Lot t (fronting Railroad a venae) D. L Saaaders. $8,080. Lot 8 (frosting Railroad avSae) O. W. Myers. 88,708. Lot 4 (fronting Railroad evens) D. L. Stewart, 18,000. Lot 8. (froatiag |fonntaia street) J. R. Heradoa, $1,800. Lets ?. 7, 8, (freatiag MeuaUti =ft>i Friday evaalag at a'sloeh ia tha I asm sat sf Ooatrel Mathodiat ehareh. Tha aovfag pietarse Jak>c ' J; v * ^ IforeJEntrdi gg 1 '1 * , . * * I " ^BJs;. ^> HRt^^^^I^HHIHHHHHMHHMPV ^xTsB ^.-MO.^bir CA8HION ; Moun KUP^. jooirr aw. w. a t Cash L<?* <K ar? | Will Conirt%. o/ j New Show house David and Charlie Cash, operators of the Dixie Theatre here and also j of 2 moving picture houses, one iu Cramerton an.l one in- M;. Holly, announced this week plans to butiil a new theatre here as quickly as | | .materials become available and , ! building restrictions are lifted. David Cash, who made the announcemcnt, said the new theatre [ | would he completely modern and up- I j to-date. with latest equipment thro I 1 ughout and that it would have a seutiug capacity of 800?considerably more than the 591 capacity of the 1 Dixie, which was opened in 1935. Beats in the new house, to re, quire a building 34 by 140 feet on i ' the lotabove H and M Motors, will I . be spaced for better vision ano ; greater comfort, Mr. Cash said, ana j the construction will be of brick and | fire-proof throughout. - - - ?A-'* The architect is How completing', detailed drawings for the theatre,! which will boast, among its man;, j E new features, a- "crying room," ai ' glass enclosed sound-proof room,! with separate speaker mnit, where small children may sit throughout a movie without diatuitoing any other spectators. r Projection equipment will also be i completely modern and the building . is to be air-conditioned. Mr. Cash said he and his brother ' would eostiaue to operate the DixIj ie Theatre and intended to operate ' I K/vtk ?;??.>! > ? -i : ? . j wv.m ? ataWVVtaaom UUUOOD BU^WiUg latest and beat picturea. j BOTOX XS SUPPLY PASTOR i Dr. W. W. Boyee, of Due Wert, ? i 8. C., will be the supply pastor t of Boyee Memorial A. B. P. chureh here until a pastor ia secured to fill Rev. R. N. Balrd 'e pastorate. Dr. Boyee is president of the seminary at Erakine college. Beauty Contest ! Numbers 27; In r ' Twelve additional entries for ttte * Kings Mountain Junior Chamber of ' Commerce Beauty Pageant ware aa , a iL!. _ 1_ I... mil uounceu tan wt? u/ om 1 chairmen of the entries committee. I with the additional number inerees ing the number of entries to 27 and indicating a keen contest for the title of "Miss Kings Mountain ^ of (1914" aai ths right to represent t Kings Mountain in the state beauty ' contest to be held at Wilson. As Jaycoe committees continued * work on the event?tp be held at the high school gymnasium on the evening of July IS?increasing Interest was reported and prospects ' for a successful presentation of Kings Mountain beauties appeared 1 certain. Katriee announced this week la' elude: Miss Marion Arthur, spoasor , ed by Plonk Motor company; Miss Peggy Wilson, sponsored by D. (J. , MeOaftifepSMrat Mies < Leeise M Mswjedt-kppebered by Paaliae M01 ' i Miss BM^OCatp. sponsored by 8a?a HUdreth RTehart ;> sen, sponsored by Myer'e Department Store; Miss Joyce Poster, fspoaaored by Western Anto Store; Miss Dotothy Hayes, sponsored 2, hp Ippwr f y ''' .. Ms in Jayc \ .<v i . y *-* ; '"' <4^B?| Ttfwif^i ^sil IM|Hhk * ^?*^1 "'* '^atCtf^B Cl - ^ , ? ^v v -&^H H ^'?v^- > MARY ANN CROUBE itain I HUUD1T, JULY 4, X9M M~r.:ii I ^ IUVU1I1 UIgl To Maintain Houser Is Chairman Of Lions Horse Show Director* of the King* Mountain Lion* c>ub in * meeting Monday night named George Houser ai chairman and H. Tom Fulton as cochairman of the Third Annual Lions Club Home Shot* to be held here on Labor Day. The club has presented two successful Labor Day shows, in addition to a spring show in 1915, and plans call for a bigger and better show thia year. Work on the event is expected to get underway in the near futor* Legion Officers fentaJtaHF riday W. J. Fulkerson, veteran of Worl War II took over the commandei ship of Otis D. Oreen, Poet 155, A merican Legion, at a call meeting o the post held in the city court root here last Friday. J. E. Herndon. past-commander a tl ?a *-? - - me pvat, ia?ian?ci me in coming ozi: cert, pointing oat the importance o good leadership to Legionism, bot in the city and in the state. Retiring commander John Floy made the report for the delegate who attended the Department conve tion held in Winston-Salem June 1< 17 and 18. Mr. Floyd emphasized the ionpoi tance of the etate conventions to th progress of Legionism in Kings Moo tain "and called on the members t make plans now to attend the 194 convention to be held at Carolin Beach. Mr. Fulkerson, In reviewing th progress made By the post last yea (Cont'd on page four) Entry Lwt Now terest Grows i gan Supply Co. Previously announced entries U elude: Misses Jeanne Oriffin An Butb Hawkins, Jacqueline Fall Betty Hayes, Christine Oailant, Dc othy Costner, Stella McQuire, Can lyn Prince, Dorothy Foster, Sue Rut dock, Boots Walker, Avis Watliel Mary Ana Crousa, Peggy Smith an Margaret Cushion. Tickets for the event go on eal this weekend, with spectator's tt< kets p^ced at M cants, and tick*! for the ceatsst and dance at par parson. " Prices include fedefi ten. "* i The eon test la to get underway a 8:15 p. m. with the dance to foHoi Ik order to aeeomedate perenta ei> friends who wish to see the eontei but do sot wish to remain for th dsnee. Winner hare will reoelve en el ddpenee-paid week'a trip to th beach with ehaperoae, and the wl nor at Wttoen will eon pete in tl national ?en8eot at AUaatle Oit; H J., for the title "Mine A merle of 1M8/' plus valuable scholarship to colleges &hd~universities. "We have bees highly cmtifU at U* initial rseponee to Kl>| Mountain *? fin* > beauty pegeeat, sir***1 werre wtti^jeftesp* a contest efS ' r ees Beauty mmm* ~ v ,jk ^K' 1 I -W JEANNE GKITFIN ierald is Merchants OPA Prices <As much it it had been cussed a a-1 discussed, the departure of OPA, which exgdred Sunday night, bad lit! tie immediate effect 011 prices in Kings Mountain, and merchants gen( erally planned to hold present prices. Johh L. Mctiil.. president of the ^ Mer-nants Assn. .at:.:-, iwed a state ment urging mtri'l.a:::.- ts nvoid increases and h'd-' t. .; .-sent c <.ngs. Se\erai tin ai ts. in to a, *? issue of the lier.'ti I. arc making statements to the buying public that they wiil I hoM to ceilings and win make no in j crease.- ua.e-s tnavufa tu'fi r.-' prices I toke jumps. , The pr: c of v.hvr.t has jumped sev en and one-half cent- . e: l u-'.iel aua corn twenty cents, and meat dealers anticipate higher meat prices, but ou Wednesday there had been insufficient time since the lapse of OPA to indicate what raises aould take ' effect an<T, perhaps "raws ixrfppyymt. whether the demise of price control would result in increasing the flow of i meat from mid-western packers, f- Mr. MeOill's statement reads: t "Merchants throughout the state f and nation are planning to hold the line against inflation by maintaining present mark-ups, and I wish to urge f Kings Mountain merchants to follow i* a similar policy, as many have alf ready indicated that they will. a "If the apirl can be stopped, or sufficiently halted, until goods again ^ begin to flow, competition will force i ? atahlA marlrof D J, "I should also like to urge citizens generally to use caution in making r- purchases and to refuse to buy goods e obviously out of reason. If the buying u public make purchases conservatively, a get-rich-quick operators will find no 7 market for their goods." ^ J, Rippy To Be Tried 111 County Court Two defendants. John Rippy and J Harvey Ramsey, were tried for viols tion of the Turlington Act, in action taken at city recorder's court held at city hall here Monday. Ramsey's ease was dismissed but Rippy 'a attorney, E. A. Harrllt, ret quested his rase be transferred to county recorder's court. n s. Elmer Clio Martin and Onan Smith >r were charged with reckless driving. ?- 8irith forfaiting bond, and Martin 1- getting sixty days, suspended on pay t, ment of #20 and coats. d ? William C. Martin was charged with speeding and not having a dirvftp'fl lUftflaa mas fnn ft <4 mil t , and sentenced to thirty day*, eui5 ponded on payment of^#20 and coat*. 11 ' Joe Gat* and Lenore Avrill wore also found guilty of spending and each was given sixty day*, auapendw #d to pay #10 and coats. it Wheeler Nlckelton was given thire ty day*, suspended to pay #10 and eoatt far driving without a driver'* j. lleanaa. * Jnanita Thomas and Will Fields n ware arreatad by city pollea whan '* thay anapaetad fornication and adnlr' try In cheeking a negro house for an* other easpeet, bat the ansa arms dls*" anlaead la eoart. id John b. Wilson and Samnel Worpt than ware given thirty daya, sueponded to pay #6 and costs for pubn. lie drspVsnsaa, and ' the following it ware, taxed with tha easts: Mr > the k- same effthagt .'VI. B. Barrett, Jolitt id Covtner, Frank Brawn. Henr^Ear Pageant Wk >j&? >?SB ANN HAWKINS 1 A Pages AVI Today IT7B CENTS PES OOPT " _? \f* *? * comity Board Sets Bond Vote Of $1,850,000 Kings Mountain jptizens, already considering an.l registering for * I special city bond election, will be called on to repeat the process in a coonty-7|ide bona election to be : uei i September 14, this one for St,j S31'.000. Action was taken by the county | board of commissioners on Monday Of this week with the big portion of the issue. Sl.5o0.0dt'. to go for school improvements. iThe balance?of ?>;.50,b0u, if voted, will be used to make additions to the Cleveland County courthouse at i Sl eiby. considered to be inadequate iii size and badly in need of improvement*. j Of the tl.850.UOO, a total of $165, j 000 will be for improvements to schools of the Kings Mountain dlsi trict. ! School officials had made a rei quest last spring for the $l,500,00b I for improvements, but the commis, siotiers had tabled the request at I that time. | Of the total. $1,000,000 wUl be used in the county system for build1 ing improvements. School structures in the county system were described at that time i as badly in need of expansion, due to several years lack of improvements and the addition of the twel vin grade. I Under the present school district arrangement in Cleveland county, bonde for school improvements must be voted by the separate districts. However, it is assumed a ballot will be formulated to allow citizens to 1 vote to eliminate this district plpn | in form of county-wide basis. The bond issue is evidently arranged on the county-wide basis which means that each district receives a portion on school funds oa (Cont'd on page four; Flyers Urge I Rale Adherence The Cleveland County Aviation chia ! took steps to bring about closer a?berence to flying rules in a meeting at Bhelby Tuesday night, as the group 1 unanimously passed a resolution to that effect. | Olee Bridges, president of the group, sei<! the resolution as passed asked "all pilots, studet pilots, instructors and alfpprt managers in this vicinity to strictly adhere tn Ci. vil Aeronautics authority rulimgs eon* earning flying, especially including low flying orer town, zooming, saa making uaaeeetaarp noisa which in Inclined to aaaay tka genaml public." ' The 49-member club include* oarer al people (lOa Kings Mountain. Smith Bound Orer , To Snperior Court rack Mth, driver of llw ear that BBUd nine year old Ann Olontnger, | daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John OUf> lager of the Margrace Mm community, on Jtma IS, was put under 1400 hand and bopnd over to tea Jaljr tana of tea Snydrtor Oourt, in action taken at the Oounty Baoord er's Oourt bald ta Shelby on Jgna 8S, aooording to Patrolman Mai

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