I POPULATION "1 > - * ' f uom** w .*Xanodlato Tradlai Aim tw<xw> ' V ,jjro?I> w , MO- ? Mayor's Slat j)Stails On B< Local News I Bulletins] LBOIOK MSttl nrsaOAT Otl? D. Creep Post, 155, the American Legion, will hold Its _ regular semi-monthly meeting at the city ball July 16 at 7:30 o'clock. Commander Fulkerton aska that all members -be present and atatsd that. cards would not be mailed aa the adjutant expects to get a sew method of notifying members ef meeting nights. The asoetlng will end promptly at *:*?* rrw iurm Veterans of Foreign Wars, Post ~226S, of Kings Mountain will held a fish supper Saturday night July IS, with the public invited. All persona going are asked to he at the city hall promptly at F o'clock. Tickets are now on sale and will be sold at the Vets base toll game Friday afternoon. Members of the team are invited guests of the organisation at ? the supper. OOUBT or BOKO* . Boy Scout Court of Honor will be held tonight (Thursday) at 8:15 o'clock at the city hall, according to an announeement from Piedmont Boy Scout headquarters, < Oastonia. > i . Baptist To Meet At Fallston On Sunday The Kinga Mountain Baptist Bon-, day School aaeociation will hold it? f quarterly meeting at the New Bethel1 Baptist church, two miles west of Fallstoa, on Bandar July 14, 8 p. a. J. N. Barnett, ot Nashville, Tenn., head of the Baptist Sunday. wchoel board, will be the prlaeipal speaker. Hr. Barnett Is a native of Cleveland County and has betn active la Sonday school work for a number of years. . Rev, Lewis E. Ludlum. aseoeiatlonal missionary of, the Kings Konntaln Baptist association, will be in eharge I of the program. Bev. L C. Plants ! will load the singing. i Representatives from 58 Baptts: Sunday schools will make brief re-* ports pa Bible schools held in each , church. ' ' L. Mrs. J. E. Webb Sncesmbe Sunday Mri. Lulu Belle Webb, widow of. Ue late J. E. Webb. died Bonder morning at > 4 o'eloek at Carolina Beach. Born Aug. 22, 1902, she wai a natlvy of Cherokee county, 8. C. She 1* iurvlved by three brothers, Edgar Cash of Mount Holly, Charles E. Gaeh and Darld Caah of Kings Mountain; and one slater. Mr*. Ethel Brown of Columbia, 8. C. 'S Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at 6 o'eloek at the {brothers Funeral Home in .Gestosis. * ' Saturday (ut Day Tor Bsgiitration 1 ' Wits Ward 4, Mis* Ousel# Huff; aWtlar, fugle* er, not reporting the total# of registrants on the books for the special bond "electlbn to be held hare on^nly^7 now^numbers ? ,v7^"!*v i..' %i'< ''$ ^BpBPi>' 11f *<P^? m i? i' i ? ii ' ? i ' ill ? ^4 f%* HMttuves rod Election Mayor Joe H. Thomeon, speaking for the city board, iaeued a categori cal statement yesterday giving detailed information concerning planned ezpenditurea from the proposed #200,000 public improveAents bond issue, if its is approved st the spoct 1 election July 27. Mr. Thomson eeid the city anticipated no increase in tax rata dae to the sale of tha bonds with tho pot ible exception ef a 10-cent increase over a two-yen# period. "The board has no personal desires im the Adtter of ISsulag the bonds.'' ,Mr..TOetneen said, "bqt k ordered the fcMd eleotien ia rftpon m to sMny rhhieets from ?ltis*ge for municipal iMW# s#hleh they' fro Mthlef tad-SStth moaev Mast be voted if fiw anricsi are provided.". v "The board denbta that any greet proportion fd the V?rh, provided the bonds are veM?'wtll be done within the nant year, And t* the scarcity ef materials, laber. Mi other exigencies, bat the bqnrd Wants Us eity to ba in n position te provide thee# services when conditions are suitable. The beads can new be loaned dt # very lew interest rata, possibly at a ! maxiraam of two end one-quarter per coeat, and this represents a ' great savlag over foraser bond isdnos whieb required five to eix percent interest . ritn. % "Our anticipated bond tale* sehe-l- ! ule indicate that no tax increase ! will be necessary to finanee theso [ bond*, with the possible exception of; the years 1049-61, and at a maximum I increase in these years of 10 cents < per $100 valuation." ' , | The mayor's statement dealt with each ot the four issues. ' . STADIUM "There has been wide demand tor completion ot the city stadium, and j the board has received petition* from the Lions and Klwania clubs, the Junior Chamber of Commerce, the < -VPW, and American Legion and many. citixens requesting that this project be completed. - '"It was started under a WPA appreprinting, bat the war began ana TfTPA expired, "Tbs .stadium at present represents On investmtu,. of about $24,009 from the federal governaiaat, for excavation and drainage tile. Thn city has expanded the cost of the land, plus supervision and engineering. ' "Some are under the impression that the city received the total appropriation outlined by WFlA Of $61,329. This is a mislmpretsion, as WPA naver turned over fands ' for projects to fther age'ncies. , WPA wrote its own cheeks. "Another urgent need for -the completion 01 me siamum u the feet that nearby residents are complaining abont use of the stadium without tewer facilities, consisting at the pre; sent time of one privy. Health offi- . riali eay it wonld be possible to obtain an injunction to halt ose of the tadiua in lta present condition. "Estimates call for $30,000, to ooeiplete the atadium, $5,000 to build a field house." VAXII BONDS Mr. Thomson said the'water bonds of $4Qft9 wo aid be need to inatali mains as foVlows and perhaps others: Lin wood road, 1,600 feet, Cansler street, 8,700 feet and 400 feeL Moun tain street, 700 feet. Oriental avenue, 600 feet, Broad street, $00 feet, West side of Cleveland avenue, 3,600 feet; creee connection, 160 feet, end Wilson street, 600 feet. i r'--*- ? irtmw BONDS Mr. Thomsen said-that the $40,000 from fltree^h<bbad$ will be used on the basis of petitions received from property ojraers. The city, he eaid, will pay half the costs, plas * the | coat*of paving latersections, and as- ' vy' (Otot'd oa page eight) Cite Will Have Employing Ove Slags Mooataia. la to have another. Industrial satablislm$at, Kings Moun tain Narrow : tbbries, Inc., mannfac-1 twfSrt > eleetrleal , . ,. .*.,.. , .... 3XCM MOtrVTAXN. N. 0. ft Revaluaiion Of Property Is Assured City officials and citizens general praised tbl* week the aotioh of t county commissioners and represen tivea to the state legislature la t auring a proi>erty revaluation f the county during the year 104T. The revaluation appeared aasur when Henry B. Edwards, county i toruey, announced last Saturday- th Senator Lee B. Weathers and Bepi Mutative Nominee Odus M. Mi had agreed to enter a bill providli la the 1047 general assembly for t revaluation. Bequest for such a b had been made by the county coi misalonere. Last property valuation la Cles land couatv waa made In 1087 ai tkt c??listeners took the positi tkrf many inequities had eome i Jrl?l that long period. Otty of Skelby official! hare be< affiof a general revaluation. In Xlagt ItounUin, where taxah reperties ere luted at slightly mo Thai #4,wo,ooo, city official* m Pete that a revaluation will ran Ik doubling the eity'a total tan n tilt ion, with a consequent loweril if tax rata City and county valuation* are tl sine. There wat a blanket reducti< in raluationa In the county In 1?: of 25 percent, no change in the val at ion of real property has been tnai ainee that time except where ii provementi or alteration! were d! covered. The commissioners in asking f revaluation admit that property now selling at an inflated figure ai have said that therp is no intentic of putting the property on the boo! at a high market. The principal ah they say. is equalization of values. Penland Here Visiting Parents Commander Joe Penland, USN, ai his wife and four-year-old child a visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Penland, of route 1, Kings Cree 8. C., while the Naval Plying Off eer.ls on a forty-day leave, the Ion est he has had while in the servlc Commander Penland, remarking bout hU leave, stated '' Its "the-lon i >..? k..i i ? L.... ^ cai vus x ?c UBU biul'O x rj oku the(Navy and I intend to gain l< pounds while in Kings Mountsin. m ing good home cooking." He lest visited his pmrents in 194 Commander Penland graduate from Annapolis in 1935 in the els with Commander Wriston Carpenti the first two graduates of the Acad my from Cleveland county. He served as flying officer, exec tive officer, and captain on air-cra carriers during the war, being sh down on one flying operation, flos ing for 24 hours in the Pacific fc tore being rescued. t Commander Penland wears the N vy Cross, Bronze 8tar Medal. A Medal, Presidential Unit Citation, ai the Asiatic-pacific ribbon with nil battle stars. He will return to duty at Bar Bt bank, Calif., as a representative the Bnrean of Aeronautics of the N vy Department with the Lockhe Aircraft Corporation. KXWAMTB FIOMTO Members Of the Kiags Mountain Klwanis club will hold a picnic at Lake Montonia Thursday night hij t o'clock. No format program has been arranged, with attending'to the picnic sapper the principal item of business. Nea^lnriisetrv r 2^ Persons oiTtano m *aa? . EX* to equipped wl rompieW/ nw. inekllNy throof ont and it wttl to air-conditioned. Binding, tape tl uaed in game mannfactnro tod tto electrical to need In. <dtot?ieal equipment. AH operation* id tto mannfaetn of tto tojpd. iadto4l&f blencklng. dj ing, and finUMng, la-do to don* >, Che plant tor* with tto firm to m hot a completed product. ?' ^Incorporate*, in addition to * p^&a^gd^rtai^ a &***>' Wai ntain I (UK&DAV, jui?y, 11, l^ie City Board Total Is $20 lly Iiegion-VFW To Hold he Joint Meeting Friday ta A call joint-meeting of Otis D. oi Green Post 165, American Legion and Johnnie W. BlackwelL Poet 29N, Veterans of Foreign Wars has 6(1 been called by Command era W. J. lt* Folkerton and Charlie Wartlck for at Friday night July 12 at the city hall at 7:30 o'clock. 1111 All members a re asked to be pre*8 sent as important business effecting he the two organisations will be dia111 cussed. ' These members living In the dtp of Kings Mountain are aspect,g. ally urged to attend. id rati " Lifns Committee tibers Named rs of the King* Mountaiu 11" i bioOAjdub net up their organization ^ j for nk year 1940-47 at a regular J meeting held at the Woman's Club &S | ItMldaH night. ! Don felanton, recently installed lle j president, announced standing com#n j mittees- for the current year, and HilI ton Ruth welcomed John Henry Moss to. j as a new member of the club. ' : L. I. Sherman and Rev. D. M. Mc* i Geachev, of the Besstmer City club, ' were guests at the meeting. Club committees for the forthcom? ing year follow: or Attendance: C. D. Ware, chairman, TS Hubert Aderholdt, Karl Sawyer, 1(* ?loyd Thornburg. >n j Membership: Holland .Dixon, chair j inan, George Thomasson, George Hou"t1 ser, Jacob Cooper, George Mauney. j Program: Howard Jackson, chair man, W. K. Mauney, Jr., Tolly Shu1 ford, Allen Herndon. Finance: Charlie Blalock, chairman Charles Moss, J. W. Gamble, Dan Hu^fstetler, Charles A* Goforth, J. W. Webster, Willie Grice. Constitution and By-Laws: Tom A. 1 Pollock, chairman, Lee Roberts, R. L re Love^v-Mw. AUsml. ? A Sight CbnserVation: J. G. Dafra. ' cott, chairman, Jake Keller, Richard Barnett, C. P. Barry, W. M. Hill. Lions Extension: H. T. Pulton, * chairman, Hendersom Herndon, C. C Edens, Fred Wright, Jr. a Lions Education: Paul McGlnnis, ,g- i chairman. Bay Smith, Jimmy Harris, in ! Baxter Wright. >n j Boys and Girls Work: Charles it 'Thomasson, chairman, Otis Falls, I RrOmrln* Vfna? Rill HaKorwa | Finger. | Citizenship: W. J. Fulkerson, chairad | man, M: H. Blser, Clarence Flowers, a, ' T. C McKee. Sfi t Publicity: W. L. Plonk, chairman, q Paul Walker. Don McCurdy, Luther Morrison, Bobert Miller. Community Betterment: Carl Mann ney, chairnjan, Hilliard Black, John Caveny, Craig Falls, Dave Saunders, ot j Huttter Allen, Eugene Patterson, i- | Education: W. B. Thomson, chair>e i man, Hilton Buth, Glenn Grigg, .B. J C. Wilson. r4. | Health and Welfare: Sam Weir, ,ir I ?i>*'rman, Charles Bandall, Harold B,j I Earp, Thomas Crawford. Safety: Billy Houser. chairman, Bruce MeDanlel, Billy White, , Hay1P, wood Allen, Hal Ward, Bay Foster. Food: Oscar McOerter. chairman, .Tames Logan, O." O. Walker, Wallace e(j Loftin, Edwin Moore, Boyd Putnam. Military: Boy v. . chairman j Oarl Bamsey. Charles F. Stone, Char; lie Warllck. Brooks .Tafe- . . . Gleaners Announcing Slight Price ^crease ntnge Mpuntun cleaners are this week announcing an' ' advenM ' in cleaning price*, to become effective on Monday^ July 15. , V . . Caahr and carry prices, for instance i on cleaning of men's suits wit) .be ( 50 cents, a 10 cent increase, and the same prlee increase applies to stoma'? dresses. "We regret having to raise prices* particularly just when price control th has gone off/' a spokesman lor the |h- cleaners said. "However, our price* have not boon increased since bent fore the war, and oar cost# of operpe atlon have been increaelng constantYj, for personnel and materials. r* I "We believe that the poblle wftl W be sympathetic with these small in pries increases, which Is still nnder iT cleaning prices In sin-founding towns siid; cities." he M&nncd. If. Notice of fhe Increases are carried B- in today's isene of tke Hemld. tf ' % , r? h- r UNION SSEVICB iy>i 'sttl| Mr. J. O. Wlnlltr IsllTtr lerald Approve 1941 8,435; Tax ] Kings Mountain '* city board of alj lieriuuii, in regular meeting at the , City Hall Tuesday uight. approved a 1046-47 budget totaling $208,4115.59 i and officially set the tax rate at $1.60 per $100 valuation, as tentative ly announced several weeks ago. i Of the* total amount, almost one} fourth, or $51,670 will go for debt j service, $31,000 to reduce the city's | bonded indebtedness, $20,540 in inj terest payments on bonds outstanding | and with $130 listed as bank com ' mission. The budget provides $6,000 for cap I ital outlay, with $5,000 of this amount ! allocated to the street department I and the balance of $1,000 to the-^oI il.A a A??_a i ug0 uvpariinani. General Fund expense estimate U $145,108.59, divided aa follows: Administrative Department: Salary, Mayor and Commlaaionera, $540.00; Salary City Manager, $3,795.00; Salary, City Attorney, $50.00; Salary City Clerk and Treaaurer, $2,070.00; Salary Aeeistant City Clerk and Treasurer, $1,725.00; Salary, extra help, $1,495.00; Stationery and Printing. $400.00; Fuel, City Hall ; Postage and Box Bent $400.00; Tele phone and Telegraph, $400.00; Auditing. $300.00; Traveling. $150.00; Mis cellaneoua, $100.00; Janitorial expen: see, $1,500.00; Office Supplies, $200.- , j 00; Total. $13,125.00. Street Department: Labor. $16,000.; 00; Cement, pipe and lumber, $500.00; . Tools and Equipment, $600.00; Ma I chinery repairs anil rentals $1,000.00; Truck expense, $850.00; Qas and oil, $900.00; Supplies. $4,5uU.O0; Miscellaneous, $500.00; Total $24,850.00. ^ Cemetery Department: Salary Su- \ perintendent, $1725.00; Labor. $2,130.00; Supplies. $300.00; Machinery repairs. $200.00; Tools and equipment, j $300.00; Gas and oil, $50.0o, Miseel(Cont'd on page $ight) Clyde Canipe j To Coach Here | Clyde A. .Canipe, of Chapel Hill. ' has accepted a position with the j | Kings Mountain high school, it was! j announced this week by B. N. Barnes, j I auDerintendunt of nnhllo ka?a I Mr. Canipe will head the physical education department of the high school and will coach athletics. He | will also aerve aa director of the City I recreation program, replacing Earl' 1 Buthiwho haa resigned, effective Sep , tember 1, to accept a coaching posii tion with Catawba college. Mr. Barnea stated, "Mr. Canipe {cornea^to na with the highest of rec-j i commendations and we feel that he j ia the man we need for \he job." Mr. Canipe ia presently at the ! University of North Carolina working on his masters degree in physical ' education. He was head coach for At bemarle high school for six years, leaving to accept a position with Ap palachian State Teachera college, , where he was head coach of basket ball nd baseball arid assistant coach of football, and was an instructor in | the physical education department. ' He left Appalachian to enter the Air Corps, serving two years before . being discharged June 1. i Mr. Canipe will assume his duties with the .school on August 15 and will begin his recreation duties on September 1. He is to continue the Youth Center during the wljlthr wifh Saturday program and an industri{ al basket ball program during' basket ball season, and is to have a full summer recreation program.' Mr. Barnes .also stated that coach Don Parker will continue his coaching and .physical . education duties with the school. Plan* For Beaut I Nearly Comple i i ^ With the deadHne on entries past, with a total of 28 Kings Mountain ypung ladles ready to comitate for ' the honor of becoming "Miss Kings Mountain of IMA" and with interest in the event growing daily, members of the sponsoring Kings Mountain Janlor Chamber of Commerce expressed confidence this week thai the Beauty Pageant and Ball, to be held Thursday night, July 18, at the high school gyatnasiunt would be a nwris% - Latest and final entry In the beanty contest la ' Miss Virginia Moss, who. is belrfg sponsored by the Dixie u "v.y.' Bill Dav^s, -chairman of the entries . committee, announced this [ ronteti jrill fcftld it th^ 'j/fwuwfo' .... ' , - - W; 1 O Pages * " Today rrvs cents pes copy 5-47 Budget; Hate $1.60 Rural Schools To Open Monday Bural schools of Kings Mountain will opeti for ths next term on Monday morning, July ib, with the exception of Fark-Orac* school. It j warn announced this week hy Super | Intendsut J. H_ Origg. i Park-Orace school operates under the city school system. Official date for the rural students to return to the classroom was set July I at a pre-eohool o penlng principals meeting held at the offices of the snperlntondeat ef edooattno in Shelby. YCtngs Mountain schools that are Colored Legion Post Is Formed Negro veteran* of World W*rs ' 1 i and II sat up an organisation of an. > American Legion post here Tuesday : bight at a meeting at Davidson school and elected D. A. Costner, World War I veteran, post commonVler. 1 (Application for charter is being made to national headquarters. Other officers named were: John V. Setter, vice commander; Thomas Edison Sanders,' adjutant; Mason Cas hqls. finance officer; Selmcr Kibler bergeat-at-arms; Coleman Bippy, his'torian; ans William Orr, chaplain. Some 55 prospective members were on hanr for the organizational meeting. also attended by John W. Gladden. Gilbert Hord. Pride Ratterree, and W. L. Plonk, member? of a committee from Otis L>. Greene Post 155 who were appointed to aid the organisation of the colored post. The new post will meet with the Otis D. Greene post at its regular meeting Tuesday night, it was an bounced. ; Officer Wine Dramatic Chase I . William Eugene Denton, charged with reckless driving and driving drank, waa given a four month* sentence, suspended on payment of $75 | and costs and loss of his driver's li-( cense, in action taken st city recorder's court here last Monday. Denton, of Shelby, was arrested Sunday night by Patrolman Gladden i after a dramatic chase, during which he made a quick turn in the middle of highwap 74 going toward Qaatoma, with Gladden on the chase, and ran i his car into a yard on King street, when the city patrolman caught him. : X<ester Diehl was given sixty days | for carrying a concealed weapon, with the sentence suspended on pay ment of $50 and costs. John Leach, on a charge of driving , drunk, requested a jury trial. Boyd Dayberry, charged with public drunkenness and assault on a female with his fiats, was found guilty by the judge, and sentenced to thicI ty days, suspended on payment of $10 and costs. Dayberry also received punishment from some unknown citizen-judge. according to Police Chief Farr, receiving a broken and smashed nose for his breach of etiquette in striking a lady. Melvin Causley, Robert Holland, and Wlltiam Carroll were found gnil . ty of speeding and each received a sixty day sentence from the court, wsnended on payment of. $10 and costs'. ' Dan Miles was given a thirty day * sentence, suspended on payment of $10 and costs, for being drunk amd (Cont'd on page eight) ty Paseant Are te; 28 Entered am on Wednesday night, July 17, at 7:30. All contestants are requested to be present, and contestants who do not have transportation should notify Mr. Davla. He also announced that conteataata must wear bathing auita in the contest, but that dress for the danee will be optional, either street dresa or evening dress.. The contest ta to begin at ' 8:15 p. m. with the dance to follow, in order to allow persona who do not wiah to re ma lb for the fall evening > entertainment te leave when they wish. Beats fcave been installed in ' the gymnasium during the past weak,

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