<feA ?$ -jiL". *'-?> i$ |i. SPECIAL* k\ city oy tares xoui p.'' Jinw &'. ; ^ INSTB 1. To vote "yes'' on anj mark in the square to thi #. To vote "no" on aifr 5 mark in the eqnare to tb< 8. If von tear or delfciinn , return"it and get'anotSI tf ? I'V 'V?'' P^lliS? h. *o u , a? t, ' * * 8h*U in ? r U Sis ____ tki: eoOtem wr*\ I 1 ion ?T kMh H0 I 1 i'ElX'JS paring *t assesied, m ? 4. Shall an o sing not m: Kings Moo V _____ City for wn | I ing the ett WO I v I a tax for &:r.-r,s: t-u . ^ > I iv v VtMaifflile of a m.- ' ... ? . &: -'?> <\( ??UoM Horse $ 22 (Via, Da Ltoas elib 9km a^ew tflmaitt*. bei ad by George Houaer aa chairman at H. Tom Ttjton as co-chairman, eoc pleted basic plana thla week for tl , presentation of a 22-everrt show, fe : taring both afinMN and evenir 1 performances, $U0 in prisO mom for exhibitors, and valuable trophi mad ribbon*. The eyant-ibich will be the club Third 4nnnsd labor Pay show, l?Hy ata%?paM is/jby ??> ?!< east ofMmgr, both fir exMLftora mi > '. ' *poetator%.?? the history of the thr. year old eVent . ; I I Big feature will be *he final fit f; -j: els?n Of the oromilt show, wti $80 t* prill money awaiting wlnne Wz > of the ffm*>han?ea, three-gaiUd ?? L ??admtMV*t^oo, mat W ? pd* fMh for wiwiO?T%f the walking and fii TSrelre events w'Ul fesFure the af ' erne la ahow, with a h?aber design* to appeal to Joeel heraeOMn. W > 'M v -w There will b? two!pew" Ami?*, / saodek elm?** three-galted elasa, jm | ,t or walking Slats, fivwgdited ela | ! (far ClpveleM am* adjolsfing eeworf \ em). ladles'.five-galt*. loo x. f (No. 4 #M? ?ly rttkiu tlui, mliMis'i koiMM p 'V M^i^MnSSfZwiTy^ *w .aR-.?!?*&'^iP! ?,J^;9pttn V}# MffcfdM Xl ?M ftftttyrttfr.* jl^ ;? -'5r QStfO SUCTION ITJJN, NORTH CAROLINA r sr. i?jB y ,1. MOTIONS r question, make a cross (x) i fight ?of the word "yes." question, make a cross (x) l. pht of ihb. word "no." ^^wrony^r, mark this ballot, Migi $75,000.00 bomde tt U? City 6t AMU jMr mfiilag thg afctkkry eewer '54$ C"/. taelkSMlf tfc? ruction N*mU # Mftle took aa4 the ttttol diltfaaal sewer lines, and a tu for k M *ppr*y*dT V.? ' . rdinanee passed Jane 11, 1944, authorl SMdisg MS,000.00 bond, of the City of 90tain for constructing or reconstruct rfaeo of streets in mm City, including iportnsous construction or reconstruc?walks, curbs, gutters or drains, six! inding, at least one-fourth of the cost or i rovsments, exclusive of the coat of Street intersections, is to be specially nd a tax for said bonds, be approved f , t ' rdlnance passed Jane 11, 1946, author!- 1 xceeding MO,000.00 .bonds of the City of , Main for improving land ownod by the , .creation and athletic purposes, includwtlon and equipn?ent of a stadium, and said bonds, be ai>provedT ? ' 'L I'!--' . fy* a IguaUm of Secretary of the Board Offl City Ocnaualsfeadr* . . f| bowfifeatturei y, Night Event, id'",' ** Members of the Kings Mountain *?; ideas dah wfll hear an Mitiss by ) Jj Oar, Mannay. ^^rryT^gsnr e* | Uoe to 4a bald as the hltfh*eoh?ol cafetet!4%ters4a* Matt at mm 4 I -v J"M* -tt- . m ' n to _ f?'""i, E tWo Iniurwf In tTroelt t. AirtolSSiio* Saturday ,a Two porsona won 5 in*h eShkm X.iSfirtiiii^ii > lI- ; BOtaomer City highway, mt thol ?I a4rrk?aatkm, aboat i*o| * , tlLftoJUH 'Till e*A*ba oitpooML' ?**?**< ' *& i 35 to lltfk fliltellMt *fc lift lai>w*kal Vmi ! < jm ahb mm Rv-, t ^ojr^ Here Wilt Be Consolidated - ".^' 1 *"^ ' ' r" King* Mountain's selective service yoard, known officially ns Cleveland bounty Local Board Number 2, will be eoneolldnted with the Bhelby board (Board 1) effective x August IS, according to a letter receive* Wed nesday from Qeaeral J. Van B. Metts, state director, TSTe tijo boards. Kings Mountain . Chairman Paul Mauney made the, announcement here. According to tile letter .' received bate, principal ohaogca in the eel entire terrier 'Sc't-np will he tduuftt of rcords to the Shelby beard office, and With Miee Naomi Bdene, clerk t* the Kings Mountain board, to boeeaae coeijjlnator. An a practical c ha age, registrants and others hkriag bust mv wixn UM coord will nave to eon?Mt tktt lirtmn is Shelby. The ldent ity et Uo boor J# it expected .to eeatajttl. U Jhe eeperate.Rer request of ttiU VriiMtn, ttd oil fomr functions boord arm to b? handled bjr mae& group. General Motto sold that the resooa for tbo conaolldatloa U to effect a saving ia operation azpoaoo, neeeiltated by a curtailed budget pawed by by Con grew for selective eerviee operation. In bit letter, General Metti pointed to the fact that the ecleetive ser vice act area extended until March 31, 1947, but he indicated that enllet ments, Which it ie anticipated will be speeded by the hike in service pay rates, may atop the need for further Iraft calls. Chairman Manney indicated that the I .-hange will affect little, if any saving j lore, since the only eoat reductions? I >ffiee rent and telephone ? will be', used in supplying travel expense fori -oajf.onsated personnel and board 1 j members. On a stste>ide or nation si da basis, he added, it is poesible , lome savings will be made. v The Shelby board office is in the >' */ ;? : MM From Gl!) Jul John Seaatr, ll ydalUld Kings Mountain negro, mada a. sensational Meape n?a tM.olt/;jnli yesterday norning Jut Mon' nood awarding to local police-officers. ' jpitftir.:?serroetOil Monday on a cteni'<v<rt ntterlnnr- and mmIbc bad fli Kad forged a Sock on IHoaaaaaon '# BhlMim dapply, Company, cashing; ths check at tke Dixie **>one*jbelieve njdeUvery boy from Hi#- Kings - Moantbin Drag Oompghy u Involved i)t tke eseape, aiding Smarr to apt the stage for his dash* 5fhe delivery bey. according to tjkesn,eers to go to tke latriae end was not locked op agoln. . fCk* offlcese stated that tke .dolirery bey arribod alike Jail at a?KprSLiiir^.*\rt mmsmiffli MtML'ftmfr? ??i?i ttmik ' tt* MMV4tw. .?& i '^iHB7?aMPBIBClR?sy//-?, .;? i?t MOO ' ^' ^rciiun/. . JfllflMi^^KSiyraLMrjr S".Z^Ayrt-*'.t??v, r4iix? jj^ '* '^*"'T' ' . V^ 'v >?-. . ? : .i V^SS^H f . '' f'.^ ^ >': j . % ' *. ". *i'Vjtij ' ^*^j^ti'-5 ,-* vl UN KXMCM MOUNTAIN OF 1M Wazttck, 18, who vu awarded tit tn the Jaycee epoooeced beauty ? Avis Maie Wa Of Beauty Till I Local News Juh & Black, MS *f Mrt. Jim "B* Mtr . of' OroYBT tend. Kings Mountain. w>A discharged from the U. 8. Nar?l Personnel Separation Center, fehoeauker, Cullf.,,on July Id, according to Information received from the public Information officer of that station. " 'V U / Ton ratixmr ' Members of the Junior Chambet ef Commerce will hold a business misting at the City Hall Friday night at T:80. Several important matters of business are ttf be attended to and a fnl attfcridaace 1* being urged. \ ) . : KZWAKin tcBBTnro Henry Bdweuli, Shelby lawyer and" county attorney, will address member of the Kings Mountain Kiwanis elnb at the regular meeting-; tbbd held Thursday night .-ft 7 o'clock at the Woman's CI Ob. Mr. Edwards will speak on the county tax set-np and will alee disease the special county bead election te be held In September. ^ ; + % ommmv snvics Jack H. Begin, assistant pastor ef the Presbyterian ehareh, wll deliver the sermon at Sunday aloha's antrflF m?Ii i t? h? kJi si ??? ? ? ? w- ? -va w WW "W** Boye# MtawUl ABP <*nnk tf 8 o'clock. ' Mr. Mbjoet ' *m-W^'Tta JHvUM C*1L?? '?:.?* i *-??> "' *>'/ '*"-*> v i,:' ,' < * ." j*.* '.*' ' ' I1 MO> OSOM inwraMs ' SHsSP^ lIlteMi wfti f^MRty Jflttk*ravUT? ^ ^ L - -_ ' ? '. X _. , nd Issue * ; v l K i^'j v '; f v t . ?Www* Ibor* to Mto Arts IbU title of ICm Kings Mountain of m* >n test tost Thursday.?Photo by Bandy. II I | <. * rlick Is Winner e On Thursday ij Miss Avis Male Warllek, daughter I, of Mr. afad Mrs. A. P. War lick, we* I doelared, Miss King* Mountain of 1 lM6_be<sreA_cr<>wl of at. lefat 1.000 PftawM flM hf?K *efcoe> gymnasium K laat Thursday night. I . Mbe- Warllek, age 18 aad blonde, taaa was the winner of th? first a a. 1 anal beantr pageant presented br " ths Kings Mountain Junior dumber ?( Commerce, end will be awarled a week's vacation st Carolina Beach. 8be will also represent Kings Mean tain in the state contest, a part- of . tha annual ."Miss, America Pageant," to be held at Wilson on Aag. 2 and 3. Awarded second piece by the seven out-of-town judge* was Miss Peggy Wilton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Wilton, while Miss Virginia Mots, daughter of Mr. end Mrs. Forrest Moss wait awarded third place and Miss Jacqueline Falls, daughter of Mrs. Gillie Falls, was awarded fourth '?/ * ** Due to. last-minute electrical troo(Ue in the form of blown fuses, the contest was about 30 minutes late get ting underway. The'<Oeontestants were; judged in bathingv sutts and there were many. new model suits in a vn, riety of eolora.' j FoTlo-ng~ the contest, the. TeenTown Cats, Gestosis dance baud fupr* lahed music for a dance. . j , ' Harvey Laughter darted a* master of eereaseniee, and the winner's 'awards, including an arm bouqnat 'of roses n?dth??y"Miss Kings MounJudges,ifere Mrs. ' Zoe Kincaid Brockman1 and Mrs. Maids Adams, rf 1 Gastogia, jftrker and Howard .Tarp^r pf.dltatfen WBT Charlotte, and 1 L./?.flaWg. WJaa V-ll mdm ??d Uti.'JWj* Lo*?k??, ?H fX ..,;. ' , Pttor to tho eoBtoot^ eo'nteitoati \. t y fi3f\ I : 15SSSSSp?P -?~~r??^r? Saturday . ^ ? . . Only 720 Are v Registered For Election ?, v v King* Mountain citiseni, or a poration of them, will go to ths polU Saturday to determine whether* U? City of King* Modntain will inat up to #200,000 in bonile for j&bllc improvement#. ' * ' " ' .. ' Voting booths will be Mt up is each of the five wards and the voters *V \ot? "Yes" or "No" on ifoor' iesues: \ . . .'. 1. Shell the ettr. jMfw *?0,Q00 & bonds for extending the water works vstomt ' . \ %. a, ... 2, Shell the eltjr ieaM *75.000 < kllHila >A. ?? JU. ,L. - - *? ! t"em .end lor ?i53|5s "a"euptte"ta?kt ?. 8teU Oft*!*. toM MM' * I bond* for stl^t a^gIBewal*> USh *T*b.n t*? ?rSSSwiK;,,A ',. : bonds for imp r a sjsmsnt';^ M?4fe ( ' athlete- and ror/i;- . -.-I r Following elose of * >; book* July 13, minor in the election has, boon evidenced. , Prior to that tint oomo eitlaMa expressed opposition to the iasoe o# various grounds, and the eity tdnja | ittration took the position that issuance of the bonds at the present tUne I would result In a considerable saving I on interest payment#, since it in estimated the bends cad be issne'd at ' a rate not exceeding^ two and ono| fourth cver^ent. Hie board points out that present bonds of the city carry ' interest around six percent. Mayor J. H. Thomson, in a detailed I statement, said the city did not antie ipate getting into the full improve[ ments pfogram until materials get ! more available and he estimated that I the issuance of tlTe^WWis would not require a tax increase, except for the I years 1040-50 and 1950-51. with the | anticipated Increase 10 cents per $100 vHqetlon. This estimate he based oa present fax valuations, expected to bev increased Udnrjderably it aad when fhe eoqjnty accomplishes Its psopqsed county-wide revaluation. TMty aervfei cTrgSnitatioas, this AI merican Legion and VFW, have eri1 dorsed the'iasoe for the completion of : the stadinm. ! Though registrations spurted earn1 siderablv on the final d?? tK? KmS* were opn, only 720 are qualified te vote. % The voting is against the boohs. A registrant who fail* to vote will aw ,'-f, (tomatically cast his ballot sgeiedt each of the four proposal*. | Aay one Isaac may be favored or opposed, thus s citlseo could vote im j favor of the tewSr bend issue, sad vote against all the others. Or ho may vote in any combination. For any issue to pass? it must be favored by s minimum of 861 voters. Polls will open et 6:80 a. m. sad . close st 6:30 p. m. rt,. * i^Voting pieces follow: Ward J?City Hall. W*ML ??City: Hall : , . Ward. 8*r-Phfmi* JBtprp.. Ward 4*-Kjungt Mountain a turlng Company' StarS?^?; . ? Ward '5?Victory Chevrolet Comi pany... j- /i' '<?*.' . &y ' ? I " ^ ' ' ' - ^ p Four new directors were >haperfat?t j at the eunual Bed Cress meeting held ' at eitv hall last VslSa* auM^U. - - 5 .1 ..... .... I ^ Jjj no announcement b/ltrs. J. N. Qem- ~v bib, executive eeoreUry of the King* Mountain chapter. -4 \ ** " ... iiffl The Board of Director. will hol4| it ,Vf |j .meeting at city hall Thnndajr nlgtg I (tonight) to complete plane -for the | chapter for the eoqri&g. year.. The ?Hj meeting will be held at BtlS p. an. j( -Me# Lambert appelated were Kit Vjiraflj 1 J. K. Herndon, Ledd SMMeh W. L. ?%RS& Plonk, and J L. ICe?B, ** Itottrlag members are' p. D. Patrick, . #T. >%. V<S*j$M BUkely. Mff. 0. B. + W%3$m *** * Ipaf Virginia Plonk ahd' M&| th^wfer made talka to fh+-'wklfr'rjjfm ' lew * e?.?- ? ? tjk, ,t % _ ^ I # h I . KTi nttr^ftlOffa IC SMPain w / .?IW-.-WfYjyfrkmtt

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