POPtJLATIOF Uett90n.UA Kinrn MooBtaln KMT a. - |h ^k. ,. k *? * U ? - " ** % .'I " ? . lantdl&ti Trading 4tm VOU 87 NO. 34 Edwards I Local News ! Bulletins KIWANIS MEETINO lt?r, Mnri- ('. Weersitm, pastor of Oakhurst Presbyterian ihurch 1 Atlanta, Oa., will address mem- J bers of the Kinps Mountain Kb | wunis club Ht their regular meeting Thursday night nt the Wo- ! man's dub at 7 o'clock. VTW MEETS TUESDAY Members of Johnny W. Black well Post \o. 2268, VFW, will hold their regular ieml-njnthly meeting at the Woman'a club Tueaday night at 7:30, it waa an1 nouni-ed thia week by Commandtier Chartea E.-^Warliek. REVIVAL AS OAK VOW Revival aorvieea will begia at Oak View Baptlat church 8unday night. Aug. 23. The Rev. B. Lovt Dixon will conduct theae aervicea , each evening at 7:30. Special aiag j, ing each evening. The public la t Mra. W. O. Weir ia now a mem- j i ber of the sales personnel of Keeter'a IVpartnient Store. Mra. Weir assumed her new position on Monday of thia week. EMPLOYEES' OUTINO Members of the sale* staff of Belk's Department Store enjoyed j their annual summer outing Wed- j ( nesday afternoon nt Chimney ! Rock and Lake Lure. Departing j from the former picnic get-toge- j, ther, the group leit early in the _ #? _ a t a j! ?_ .s ? aiiemoon nnn una ainoer ai m resort hotel. I | \ TO HEAR BtTLWrN"KLE Congressman A. L. Bulwinkle, of Oastonia. representative of the ? 11th district, will Address members of the Kings Mountain Lions eluh at their regular meet ing at the high school onfete-ia jW Thursday night at 7 o'clock. Announeement concerning the program was made by Howard Jackson, program chairman. BUYS SHELBY HOME J. W. Heim, Jr., assistant secretary of DuCourt Mills, Inc., has purchased the J. W. Dorseey home in Shelby and will take possession of the properly on September 12. DuCourt recently purchased Phenix Mill No. 1 here. FINAL UNION BfiBVIOB Final union service of the summer is to be held Sunday night at Central Methodist chnrch, with i the sermon scheduled to be delivered by Rev. W. H. Stender, pastor of 8t. Matthew's Lutheran church, according to the schedule of services announced by the min- , istcrial association. WOHS On AIR Cleveland county's first radio i atntion, WHOS Shelby, officially < went on the air waves yesterday morning, broadcasting on a fre- , queucy of 730 kilocycles from 7 i a. m. to 6:30 p. m. dally.' Holt MVPherson, one of the stockholders in the company, said that reports from listeners over a wide , area indicated that reception is k clear and covering a larger area i -L " ? ?.laikalln . nll.lnfetBlI y l ii a ii was vwgiunuj ?nv?|?w?vw. V ENLISTS DC ARMY Foley P. Cobb, jr., left last i Tuesday for Fort Bragg, N. 0. -to re-enlist in the army. With him i was Baddy Walker, formerly of Kings Mountain. PRAYER SERVICE Prayer service by members of I the Church of the Nazarene will be held Saturday night at 7:30 at I the home of Mrs. L. L?. Homer. I Famous Singers Here On August 24 The Heavenly Oates quartette will make a personal appearance at the j Church of God. located at Tub corfter of Parker and Gaston streets, on Saturday night August 24, at 7:30, aecording to an announcement by C. F. The public la invited to attend. Retail Merchants to Close Labor Day I, W. P. Tiiightw, utmiry of the B. - jKtage Mountain Merchants ssso ftMlpiMli Oat lilarttj k?aii kings Says Fees AttorneyLasl Press, Defenc County Attorney Iienry B. Edwards in u lengthy statement endorsed by the board 01 county commissioners, yti ter.luy defended his work loF "he county, denied ho had beeu over-paid for his services, and lashed out at members of the County Bar associa tion for their action in investigating the fees of $10,H19 paid him for his work during 1P45-46. Mr. Edwards also criticized, without naming them specifically, newe papers which had presented "only one side of the picture." He was particularly critical of the aption of the hnr. which in the i?rf week held "a meeting relative to tbe matter, "without giving me one rhanre to exjrtain to them." In the etatemeat Mr. Edwards took up at length both bones of contention, (1) the $5,000 fee paid him for handling the county's 400,000 bond Issue, and (2) the $25 per rate fee for eerk * *--1 Y.'n i In reference to the hospital bond issue. Mr. Edwards rcporlA a long tenure of work covering the period trom the tall of 1044 to the spring of 1O40 whicn required four trips to Raleigh, one to New York and anoth er to Washington anil New~York. In addition. Mr. Edwards said he handled the affair complctly. including preparation of a state-wide enabling B'-t to allow the bond eleWufll, prepsratiou of n prospectus for bond-buying companies, swenring in of tho hospital trustees, and pie|?aration of options and deeds for purchase of the Kiugs Mountain hospital site. Of the *5.000, Mr. Edwards snid he paid *602.88 to Massilich and Mitchell. New York bond attorneys, for their services, with the remaining amount representing a payment of less than one and one-fourth percent of the $400,000 involved. By comparison with some other lawyer's fees. Mr. Edwards inferred that the fee was puite reasonable. TAX OOliSOTIONS Mr. Edwards pointed out that tbe handling of tax collections required checking of title on each piece of property involved ? a large amount of work ? and he said that the agree ment as to fee was reached with tho county commissioners on this basis alone, after the commissioners bad adopted the policy of clearing all delinquent taxes, large and small, from the tax books. Re said that Cleve land county's tax books were in better shape than any county's in the itnte. Mr. Edwards said he bandied no money belonging to the county at any time. Mr. Edward's statement, addressed to the Herald, follows: To The Editor of the Kiugs Mountain Herald: There has been a great deal in the papers recently and considerable talk among the public with reference to certain fees paid me as county attorney. None of those making statements or investigations have even talked with me abqut it, seemingly have not tried to get the true and correct facts about it, and I no* think that a statement from he is in order, that I may give the facts concerning my work and why I was paid as I was. I know full well that lots of people will not read this in full, that those who have already formed an opinion about me will prefer to CflWcgnrd it. but I hope that the generat ntihlic will take the flme to consider my side of the matter and at least he fair in forming its opinion. At the outset let me state that I have done nothing wrong and my eon science is entirely clear ahout the matter. I was employed to perform legal services and did that. 1 consider that 1 did a good job. the very "best, and I Was very proud of tho way in which I did it. The hospital bond elee tion was handled, so far as 1 ever heard, to the entire satisfaction of vveryono. The clearing up of delinquent tax cases was an especially long find difficult job but cleared up they vore and now I venture to assert that the delinquent tax situation in Cleveland County is the best la the State of North Carolina. I received much praise for the work done by me on the taxes and was happy over a job well done. With reference to the hospital bond c lection, let me make it clear that this work was not done over a period of a few weeks, that It did aot Involve a district election for the sale of bonds as had mainly been had la Cleveland County heretofore but was a county wide election. There was no l*w on the statute hookp |p fqltyw b*t one had to be written wi|h particular reference go our sitnatji*. TJhbf Coustitntinn of North Carolina nc ?';i,: ' ; Moui KXNOB MOUNTAIN, N. 0. s Charge* lesOutAtBar Is His Positioi 101ii3i Farr Issues ! Warning To Citizens Police Chief N. M. Farr Issued i warning to citizens here tnis keel against the practice of ahootiu] small aims, specifically .22 calibri Wflao *h. ii.. ia ?M*vQf w?wmi vuc ttljr UUilU. A city ordinance prohibits shoot tag of weapons within the city iiml end Chief Fsrr stated that his de partiucnt would enforce it strictly i Be cited one accident that hap | pent J recently in which a Mrs White was hit In the leg by a straj * calibre bullet that cant* Iron "out of the blue" and struck thi lady while she was sitting *>n b? porch, niar Phenlx M,, ?. The bulisi entered one side of her leg, glance*1 around the bona? and was taken ov on the other side by a doctor. I Other incidents hare occurred hi ! as ths one mentioned a bore, the) | were none the least dangerous. Chief Farr requested the co-oper ation of ereryone in stopping thii practice by unthinking dtlsens, especially urging parents to be sun children understand the danger In mired In careless use of firearms. ewe to public health, and therefore was necessary to draw up a bill stai wide in scope but with particular re erenre to our needs so that wh< passed by the Legislature and enaete into law it would allow us to folio the same in having our election, pri vide for the appointment of trustei as desired, their terms of office i wished here, and provide for a ne hospital at Kings Mountain and f< the enlarhemeat of the Shelby Ho pital. It was thought by some that statute already upon the books eoul be used by us and I was asked b tbe Commissioners to look into th law aud advise them. This 1 did an ! liPPanid /if tha nilininn iKoi iVio 1o ? ?? ? w? ? * V|-?U??H V???l n?t i? 1 already in the law "hooks 'rould*~ ni be used by us, that it did not alio the things we wanted anil would nt ut all be satisfactory. I, therefore, a vised the Commissioners that such w< mv legal opinion but, to get the < pinion of others, I suggested that tb opinion of the Attorney General < North Carolina be secured and ah that I write the bond attorneys i New York and get theirs, because the bond attorneys did not approve < the law used they would not approv the bonds to be offered for sale am if they failed to so appfove, tb bonds could not be sold. The Commii sioners thought this sensible and a cordingly. at their request, I di write the Bond Attorneys in Ne York and the opinion of the Attorne General was secured. Both gave the opinios that the law already on tt lak hooks could not be used by u that it would be necessary to ha< a new law. Being instructed by tl Commissioners I then began the pre aration of a bill to be enacted inl law by the Legislature. I began th work in 1944, in the late Fall, i order to get this bill ready ttT I . introduced in the Legislature as ear' j at possibe upon its meeting in Jan ary of 1945. Upon this bill I wirke exceedingly hard, during the da; and at nights in 1944, to get ready as quickly as possible. It wi not an easy job but was a complici ted one. After getting it completed ! met with the Cleveland County Me< j ical Society and went over it wit j them, they being naturally vei I mucr interested in the hospital s< ! up. They suggested certain changi | Srfiev desired made with reference I , appointment and terms of Hffice < j the trustees and I made such change After that it wns decided that I would be wise to take the bill 1 New York and go over the same wil 1 the bond attorneys there. These bot . attorneys are exceedingly busy, doit bond approval work for th vnrio stntes and counties country wide. T send it there would have meant d j lay as they would have talked wil attorneys coming into their offii nnd would have had to delay woi not represented by anyone there. Th they explained to me and thought j wist that it be brought to them. M J. R. Davis. City Attorney of Kin) Mountain, and I went to New Yoi early in January 1JM5 and spent se eral days with the bond attorneys g ' ing over and cheeking the bill to I sure that it did rontain lust exact what we wanted, because" It wou ' have been entirely too late to mal ; any change after the bill was on enacted Into law. After being appr I ved by the bond attorneys I broug! [ the bill ba<k here and^ftnt it i j Wf"t? Raleigh to eaatoy.Lee -A ?i weathers and Representative C, - / 1 ft(tre fe be enaA^edbrtb law. It 1. sometimes a complicated master ' gat a state-wide bill pasted by tl mgteag. * f&?K M ?* * ' t*'' * ik. itain H THUBSDAY. AUGUST 22, 1946 J County \ Cocntywide 11 9 tfonti I 1 V oWjjt^icg !{? >.'?trut>y'iji,' *or tin- forth- J c-n. > .? 1 '* bond election : v\ . 1 i I>o open r\*" .lot tune on >aturua>. a.-..! "i 9. r registered per1 sens who with Sote should arroui t plish registration. i Mrs. .1. II. Arthur. West Kings ? j Mountnin registrar, reported that only one person put bis name on the - books last Saturday on the first (lav k. i . - . jot registration. A large registration is not anticipated, rftai-e pcr'-oTr7r"cur i rcntly registered will be eligible to I vote. . I The special election will be held r Ion September 14. _____ _ _ t~" IK "voted the total Issue will be utt vided as follows; county school sysr tem, $1,000,000, Kings "Mountain t school system, $16.1,000. and Shelby. I school system, $.'{.'15,000. (The division ' I is based on per capita school enroll- : I ment.) According to official notice of the ' j L T, nrs-IV-V 'aift lraaiiriKi^ > ' j tnnds for the local school system will j be expended for the following purpo' | sea: to erect a new school building in j t"o Central school district, and re- t 1 ' model and enlarge Central school f I building. Davidson school building r i (negro). East elementary school build t | ing and West elementary school ou*!d d __iing. u it .* long nenrbv schodts of the county t tc' systen iiste-l for enlargement aret f f- Bethware. Park Grace, Compact, (no- ;; :a,s.-ro>. Waco end Grover, id If the bonds are issued, they will w be liquidated by a general property u j- tax on all county properties, es Precinct officials named for near- 1 ts 1 y I'Oxe- follow: w Ea?t Kings Mountain: >frs. P. D. jr Herndon, \V. B. (iil)eapip, L. M. Pears' sor. a West Kings Mountain: Mrs. .T. H. ! !-.l d-tbur. Bright Rattern-e.ll^''A. Wil- f y Earns. 1 is Grove': J. It. Genevieve Tate rj id Mrs. Tyree Keeter. e w Col. Peyton ifeSwain. Ruelby Haw- I. ?t ydr, was sworn in last week as the F w new chairman of the county elections e >t hoard. replacing Virgil Weathers, now 4 undergoing a speeial course of inis struetion nt Purdue university. ;l;Baker Is First j1 In Plane Event [I )i < | e | , | Tommy Baker. 18-year-old son of \ ' Dr. and Mrs. L. P. Baker, captured ? I the grand prize at the Southeastern Model Airplane championships held.0 j | at Greensboro last Saturday and Bun . '' \V ! <U-VI The Kings Mountain lad's entries \> j"r j plfend in each event and IPs prize | i< I hrlu'led seven model airplane mo- a s | tors, two trophya, two model-plane ! kits, and a pair of sun glasses. the o ( j prize total equivalent to approxi j t< .pimarely $280. ' 11 , According to the Greensboro Doily a jg j News, some 78 contestants took part e jn ! in the chnmpionship events ? rang- F 30 i ing in age from nine to 55 years. ' a |v i Baker's entry in the Class 5 speed h * model event (engine with .60-65 cu|(j I bie inch displacement) attained a li I speed of 91.8 miles per hour, and he p it I won second in the Class 4 speed mo- f jg! del event (engine with .4d-.50 cubic g. incli displacement) as his plane at- p ( tained a speed of 52.9 miles pe'r w j. hour. o j, Among his ofher victories, B.NRy ,v took secoml in stunt flying. f st TKn small lint nntrnrfnl nl a nPi ftr.d " cv | * "? iiiinin "UI |'un V I I III, |!iuin.n ? >. [M | manipulated by steel wires attached lo : to the wing in "what is railed "IT* >f line control." In fhe speed thials. the I' : News stated, the engines created a it | pulling power up to 50 pounds. 8 to' ' | Handling of the planes is regarded j j j as a difficult task, as evidenced by < ^jthe fact that 20 planes were demob v u# ished in the final day of the event. \ ;; Records Expecte j At Lions Labor C it' With the Third Annual Lions Club j r. Labor Day horse show only 10 dnva I u i away, indications this week were h 'k,that the event will break all previ-I ii ous records in attracting both fine ' o- horses and spectators. 1.1 > >, The exhibitors will show their jo ly . mounts for a total of more than $700 ! ! in pri7e money in the 22 events, and ' *o,the spectators ? or at least those C re who purchase the double pcrformao- ' < o- ce combination tickets ? will get o ht chances at two prise drawings, one t tor $l General Electric refigerator. j B. andvthe other foy a Philro combine- i P- .^io%^radio and turntable.. Is WSp two bands^sfc prixea tor spec-1 r to tatora are being exhibited In the wdn- F > dfiw e2 Western Auto Store on Moun- r leraldl Vere Not 1 % County T-B Su Here Week Of Accommodations For < >ix Teachers Needed 1,1 t v B. N. Barnes announced here yes- lal torday that accommodations are still u' needed for six teachers and urged ' l( anyone who can keep teachers to ' * contact him at once. He also announced that Mrs. u" Pruneil Postor, Kings Mountain | native, has been secured to teach he the thlrS at X!a?t uIiaaI I leaving only one vacancy. I vul Accommodations for four teacher* l'r( were secured last weak and Mr. :<6' Barnes stated he felt certain that someone would be able to place the u* remaining six. l lu e.l Fat Salvage S 'Jtegras?'I J. T. Shipman. special represents- ** iH' for Lever Brothers soap manu- ? acturers, said Wednesday that ar- *< alignments huve l?eeu completed for m he majority of local grocers to linn- J' ile used fats and, with the grocers. L rgc local housewives ft>' cooperate in ct lie nation-wide campaign for used bi ats in order tbut supplies of soaps A lav lie increased. Used fats arc essential to soap man '?'e tacture. and the soap shortage has 111 ecu attributed to the shortage of pei his surplus commodity. in Cooperating grocers will pay four (),, cuts per pound for use fats. r_ Listed as cooperafTng iu the drive _ y .Mr. > iu pin.1:1 were the following ? ' irms: Blalock'? Grocery. Plonk ?I trotliers and Company. Margrave { tore. Weir's Grocery. S and T. Gro- Netry. It. and W. Grocery. Dix-.a '01 lome Store, C. J. Gault and Son, ' 11 'auline Store, L.- L>. Alexander. Ron- < ; rts' Cash Grocery. J. P. Gantt Gro- fre erv. and Craoford's Market. ; w[, 1 set Ch furlffp Sontfltiefln Turn . for^Dnrnken Driving I , set Two men were sentenced for driving rutik in action taken in city record 1 rs court held here Inst Monday. ? . Ernest Lee Smith, for driving drunk j if nd without u license, was sentenced I _ o ninety days, suspended on payment IJ f $00 and costs, with his learner's erniit taken froin him. Isaac Campbell, for driving drunk. ' ns given a six mouths senteuce, susrc,'<.,| on payment of $50 and costs 'as ml loss of license. Ferguson Benton, charged with <l!s- ^ti rderly conduct t>v his wife, was sen cnced sixty days, suspended on pay- P't lent of $10 and costs and to stav ' way from Mrs. Benton anil child ex >1'' ept when it is permissahle with her. \ ' '! 'olice stated that Mrs. Benton has divorce action filed ngninst her hus , * and. an Harrison Kskridge nnd J. L. Laugh- i in were each given sixty days. sus- j ' ended on payment of $10 and costs..1 or speeding. Fa Herbert Crumpton. on a chnrge of ublic drunkenness and disorderliness, ! ' ras sentenced sixty days, suspended Mi n payment of $10 and costs. 1 Mr George W. Wilks was sent to jail or thirty days on a public drunken- ' Oil c?:? count after failing to pay the nel osts. no' Burgin Falls forfeited bond on a ublic druukenne.ss charge. .1. L. Buck wns gicer: thirty dav?. . uspended on payment of $5 nnd costs lE or public drunkenness. "Tlw. #nlln.oi..? I??a1 ? UV. . V - ' ? |?? 1\>IK/T> ?' ir in.M'f ^>1111 I IH," > I oats for public drnnkenm-y;; .ttil'u Do t0(| is, Elox Adams. .lumen E. T ilos, Sam ?|(( Villiam*. ami .Tamos Royre , y,nl idToBeBroken ay Horse Show ;; Entries for the events are beiti^ rged immediately in order that nil '<" orses and exhibitors may be listed " n the official program. j The afternoon show will begin at _ . o'clock, with the evening perform- ] **' nee, featuring three $50 and two j B! 100 stakes, to begin at 8 o'clock. A large number of entries from < Cleveland and adjoining counties are ! Rn xpected, along with horses through-1 ba ut the Piedmont section. I ui, Advance ticket sale Ik being handed bv members of the organization C*1 rii Work Is already underway on e Pc oeting atalla for horses, and the City Itadium will Ive a busy place Th the th text few days, as a ring is , built in nd other aecommdhatlons arranged- > lie ???i I O Pages. * ^ Today FIVE GENTS PEE COPY Excessive irvey Begins September 3 i'iiopernt ing wish iTjtf I". S. I'ublio alth Servire. the Cleveland coun* Health Department and the Clevo id county Tuberculosis Association II sponsor a tour-week TB survey in fwlaiul county beginning Beptemr with the units to he in King* runtaiu during the first week, it ? a a noun red. Dr. Herbert A. Hudgins, county alth officer, and Sirs. Mary Q. tilings, head of the county Tuberosis Association, will guide the ?ject which is expected to number ,OOU examinations. ? "P? w m n * a j lit. n. li. .Morrison win neea ia? 8. Health Service unit which lades two mobile X-ray unit* mountin large trailer* and three portadam Wetr, Idona otab rapcaeaa ittve. announced today a net lay > bo bold Friday, An?. 83. at tbo gm&a? ir the porpoee of planning tbo :bodalo aad tbo publicity ??y'f > endeavor to teach tbo ontlro Ling* Mountain area populace. HO bod for representative* from tbo inisters, Vf'W, Amarloan Legion, unior Woman'a dab. Woman* dub, ions clnb, Klwanla dub, and Jay:es. It la nderstood that a mamer of the Cleveland County T-B i relation will moet with repreaon it'.ves of the Negro populace aoon. X-ray units which will be set up buibiiugs. and souie two hundred >in iii-l. lieniii.naitcis for the unit will bo fslielbv and it is understood that personnel will live there. rhe unit just completed a survey Gaston county during which over 000 examinations were made. Gaa1 county was the first county in : nation to benefit trom tbe surr, and the citizens of Cleveland nity arc fortunate to have secured service, according to Dr. Hudgina. X-ray examinations will l>e taken of every person in tlve county o wish them and a report will bo it them as soon as it is prepared, ildren under 15 years of age must accompanied by their parents. [.location of the units here and tha ledule will be announced next week. Irs. Mauney ites Conducted funeral services were held at First ptist church in Kings Mountain t Friday afternoon for Mrs. Alice lunev, mother of Paul Mauney, ngs Mountain textile executive, 0 died August 15 nt Gostonia hosal. Mrs. Maunev, suffering from a long iess, fell 011 August 6 aud broke a i. and did not recover from the 1. " 3he was born in McDowell county d was the wife of the late W. 8. iunev. who preceded her in death. Services were conducted by Re*. C. Pinnix, assisted by Rev. P. D. trick. Mrs-. Mauney was a member First Baptist church. I She is aurived by two sons. Mr. iunev of Kings Mountain, and W. 8. iunev of Batfleboro. N. C. Pallbearers were Dr. O. P. Lewis, ae Bridges. Joe Lee Woodard, Kea thOr ook, Charlie Blalock, and Arid Kiser. all of Kings Mountain. eeter Horses Win 1 Charlotte Show Motmt: i wan woll rPuresen I at the Charlotte .Javcee Horse >w last week end, Byron Keeter's rses. Fashion Lads- nn<l Ramblin <*. winning two thirds anil one seo'1 pla?*e. t\*^th Mr. Keeter riding in all three nt? the tally is as follows: Friday ;ht: Walking mnres?third. Fashion dv. Saturday afternoon ? Junior liking horses?Seeond. Ramblin ?s. T><*nl walking horses ? third, slttoii l.adv. t. Barnes Now With rooklyn Army Port "'arroll Barnes, husband of Mrs. rbara Barnes of Kings Mountain, s aeoepted a commission in the Beg tr Army and is now stationed with i Quartermaster Transportation irps in the Port Transportation Dillon, Freight section, of Brooklyn rt of Embarkation, Brooklyn. N. T. lit Barnes was among the 216 Nor CarJIttna officer* aelected to serve the Regular Army by presidential t last Jane 28th.

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