:v . * i* ?. / . %y?. ^ * I ? '!?.? I I POPULATION lq corpora tad Kln?a Mountain tfiM lauaedUte Trading Ar?a 16,000 VOU 57 NO. 36 T-B Survey T Tuesday; Pla Local News Bulletins TO PRESENT FLAG l.o.iul Camp No. 13 WooJmtu 'of the World will present a U. ij. Flag to the high schol Friday. , Sept. 6, at 11 o'clock-*. m. All woodmen members, an woodmen circle members and Boy Scouts and Oirl Scouts are urged to be present. VMOStmAnaar HUDAT All veterans and others whs are regis tor at the principal's office at Central school Friday morning lat 41 a. as. according to an anaeaemement by J. E. Huneycatt, principal of the higtt school. * mWrTEEXAH PROGRAM Mrs. T. C. edasuey of Shelby, wlio has rendered years of outstanding work with young people of the Presbvteriau church, will deliver a message to the young peo- | pla on Sunday night at 8 o'clock rat the First Presbyterian church here. . j r IJfcGJON MEETING Uogular monthly meeting of Ohis D. Qreeu Post 155, American Legion, will be held at the City Hall at 7:o(> Tuesday night. Commander W. J. Fulkerson said that blHlikf> Voi application for furlough pay will be available and that anv ex-Gf needing helo with bis application way obtain it aft<er ttic- meeting. A full utteudance is urged. KIWANIS MEETING. Rec. Walter B. Freed, pastor Of Ht. Paulas Lutheran church, Wilmington, will address members of the Kiwanis club at their meet ing at the Woman's elub Thursday night at 7 o'clock. Rev. Mr. Freed i* currently on the faculty { of a school tor chnrch workers at Lenoir Rhyne college, Hickory ? He is also secretary of the Wil.mington Kiwanis ctob. V TO BOYS' STATE "$uwa?n McOill, George Tolleson amd Donald Glass will leave Suniiay for C'hnpel Hill where they will represent Kings Mountain at the annual Boys' State to be held at the UniveWity or North Carolina Sept. 1?8. LIONS ZONE MEETING President C. D. Blanton and Secretary Martin Harmon of the Kings Mountain Lions club will attend a Zone 8 meeting of the organisation to be held Thursday evening at 7 o'clock at Hotet Charles, Shelby. LIONS TO BE X-RAYED AH members of the Kings Mountain Lions clnb are to meet at the downtown T-B mobile station Tuesday night at 8 o'clock to take T-B tests as a group, it was announced Wednpsday by Sam Weir chairman of the club's health committee. "The mobile unit Is mailing a special *rtp for this purpose,Mr. Weir mid. "and we are expecting 100 percent attendance. Vets Take First Of Play-Off Series, 9?3 The Vets look the first game from Rex in the play-offs here in eity stadium yesterday t>y a score of 0 to ,t. Boyce Stone was the winning pit cher, tossing 5-bit ball and striking out 8 Rex batters while walking 5. Charles Ballard had 2 for 4, and Don Parker mid Coley Ouyton, 2 for 3. The Vets toed-off for five runs in the fifth to sew the game np. After' Jack Harvey singled' and Parker was safe on an error. Ballard was intentionally passed to load the bases. Harold Beal delivered with a hard line aingle scoring the two rnnners. Bill Throneburg doubled In two more ( eons "WIfh s smash on the hank. The Vets meet Rex :today at 4 p. ) xn. in city stadium for the seeono contest. . I ^J-BlsThe Kings B o Begin Here ns Are Given F.asl plana were virtually rem UK V.. iiii>:.'?y far >uu!is X'tnyii;^ of Cio.itlai.u county cittxeii* to Jc teririiii* iuriilot.ee ot tuberculosa .vi 1 la i liv project to jitt u . Icrway here j ext Tuesilay. Miinritv of local iuilustrial 1.1a tit ire cooperating in the project, as ard all loiul civic clubs, and the hope it to X-ruv every citizen 10 years ot age and over. Children under 10 will also be given X-rays, but ouly if they are ac eonipunied by their parents. Under present schedule announced Wednesday by the U. 8 Public Health Service, which la conducting th? survey iu cooperation with the Cleveland County Tuberculosis association and the county health depart as at mobile X-ray salts will visit Klagi Mountain textile plants on a set er mobile unit will be located la the downtown business district from l'J s. m. to 0 p. m. (until 8 p. m. on Saturday.) Actual tahlng of the X ray requires only abonh .10 seconds, and the person undergoing the X-ray is not required to disrobe. The X-ray is free and u confidential report of the findings will be mailed to the examinee | within four or five duvs following |lhe X-ray. The Cleveland county project 11 i the second of its kind nductcd in j the world, the recent project in C?:?ston county ? when 51.474 underwent j the texts ? having bwu the first. Incidentally, 8 total of tases of : T -B were found in the Gaston ku vev ' which was estimated to include 70.per cent of that county V population be - tweeu tlie ages of If?60. Among Kings Mountain Industrie : pi,tilts whi-.-h are inv ring families oi ! their employees to avail themselves | of the free service are K'ug* Mouu jtoin Manufacturing .'Oinpanv. Flie ! nix. Betty I'arn, Kntlie. MargrnTe Pauline. Cora, and DuOourt. "The mass .survey is the greatest j effort tli'? county has ' evfcr made it i slumping out tuherculosia," said 1 Mrs. W. C. Stalling*, executive see rotary of the county association "and we urge the full cooperation ol all. No person is too olil to take the test. It is free of charge and re ports will he confidential." Legionnaires Enjoy Supper At Trout Club ! Sixty-six members of Otis D. Qreen i Post 155, The American Legion, en I joyed a ' chi^ken-in the-ruff' suppei at the Trout Clut> on York highway I last Wednesday night August 21. The supply of chicken was aplenty | with some of the members present re porting that they had eaten two ehic j ..ens. instead of the usual brag of so j many pieces. | Delicious corn bread balls were ?er\ ed along with potato salad and beer. Commander W. J. Fulkerson an nounced the regular monthly meetinii to be held at city ball Sept. 3. at 7:30. Horse Show P! Comnlete: Croi % Members Of the Kings Mountain Lions club were hard at work Wednesday completing arrangements for Monday's Third Annual Labor Day horseshow, most ambitious in the history of the event, featuring bote afternoon and evening performance* | and 22 classes. The afternoon show will get under way at 3 p.m., with 12 events docketed, and the night affair ? first night event in Kings Mountain's City .Stadium?will begin at R o'clock Show officials reported this week that the advance ticket ifile was going at a satisfactory pace, and that Hubert Davidson, LlOhs club treasurer, announced yesterday that approximately 20 ringside auto parking spaces remain available at five dollar* for both performances. Persons desiring parking spaoe may secure the tickets from Mr. Davidson. recent entries include several fine horses expected to wage hot contests for the ribbons and prize money totaling over $700. Among recent entries received are three from Holly-Oak Farm in 8hel(Cont'd on page eight) Silent Sla KSS5? ; Moun :UJOS MOUNTAIN, N. C THU&8DA Schedule Announced > For TB Survey Units The following schedule, begin- j I iuug Tue.l.r.y, Sept. 3, of the units j | ot the TB survey were announced ^, J isteruay by iurs. Mary O. Btal- i ; U"gs: Tusoday through Friday: Down- , tovrn area?10 a. in. to 6. p Saturday: Downtown area ? 10 i a in. to 8 p.m. Tuesday: Bonnie Mill ? 12 uoou through second shirt; return lor | , i third shift. Mauney Mill: 11 a. m. through 1 (! secc.h. shift; return for th.rd shift. 1 Perk Yam: 11 a. m. through tec onl shift; return tor third shift. Wednesday: Kings Mountain Manufacturing Co. ? 12 noon to 4 pun. Phsnlx Mill: 1 p. m. to 4 p. m. , Betty ?Tanr Mill: 11 a. nr. to 6 p. nr., return for third shift. Sadie: 11 a. a. to Bp. s; return I 'I tm ?hM ?hin. | nm?i| Marine* ? 10 a. m. I to 9 nftarm tm thUl stotn. I Ooca 11 a. m. t* 4 p.r*twr? i 1 Pa alia* Mm: 18 boos to < p.a 1 Mn tantngi *lso laxwiwrt that tmtta ?m be available *poa reqaeet for civic organisations at night* 'luring th* w**k. Lions To Conduct White Cane Sale ' ' 1 ' A VYiiiu- Cade sale will be conduct, ed in Kings Mountain Friday and Mat; urday, August doth and dlst, under j the sponsorship of the Kings Moun- , tuiu Lions club. The North Caroliua Statu A-socia-1 tiou tor the Bliud, au organization which wus created by the North Cur ulina Lions club, is conducting its I 1 t'irst annual state-wide White Cant, sale- this week, and the various clubs 1 in the towus and cities of the state ' arc responsible for t*e success uf tbo ( ' . umpaigus. J. U. Darrarott, chairman of the I Bliud committee of the local eluLi,. is directing the sale hero ana an ' 1 tiouuccd. yesterday that young giris' will canvass the downtown area ou Saturday and the loeul mills on Frt; day afternoon. The White Cane buttons will be exchanged for nominal contributions, , 1 and there is no limit to the amount , interested button purchasers may contribute ? any sum from 10 cents upOne-third of the funds derived from the sale of the White Cane buttons I here will be retained by the local Lions club for use in the program of ! | its own blind aid and sight conserva I tion committee, which is the major ' i project committee of all Lions clubs, i The remaining two-thirds of the < White Cane button sale funds will go tc the state association towards meet ing its goal of $18,000 for the 1046 | campaign. j The association expends its funds chiefly in providing funds for eye operations and hospital care in sight , conservation .cases; for examinations j , and eyeglasses far school children; supplies for blind persons taking voca j ( t tional and home training; establishing I ! deserving blind persons in business' enterprises, and otherwise. ans Are Almost vd Anticipated j Some To Work, Others I To Best On Labor Day i | With the Lions club Horse Show ;' | topping the list of activities for I local observance of Labor Day, a survey conducted by the Herald yeste.Lay showed the day would be I , a holiday for some, and just anoth- > | i' er working day for others. [, j Majority of tlfe city's retail i, ; firms will be closed all day, and ( | employees of the city, the postof- t ; flee, and other federal offices will bene from the long weekeril. I > | Only Industrial firms haying def- ( I lnitely decided to suspend opera- . , ! tlons on Labor Day were Mar grace {, | and Pauline plants of Nelsler Mills, Ino. | | The First National Bank will obI serve the day as a legal banking j , | ho: i .ay. j, :i ~~ I1 NEW OPBBATOB I , Callie W Cowlck, of Osstonia, 11 is now employed st the Imperial | i Theatre as projectionist. He will ] continue to live at his home in I < Gastonla and will commute daily. I yer - Take 7 o Featur iiain ( T. AUGUST 29, 1946 Kings Mounl To Open Wed County School Board Outlines Building Needs Wit i vul> one more Saturday re inainw.c tor registration tor the special eouiity -v.-ide n. hool bond elect iou. the Cle\elnn<l county board ot educaI'.on this, week listed fne ptlnripa! reason* for the board * request thai the bond issue ? which will meaa (1.000,000 (or county school improvements ? befavored. Projected building plan* for schoolr in the Kings Mountain area include the following: Waco school, completion of voca"8W* UU UL iyiL' HHsiuf and lunch room. Ucthwure school, building of gymnacum. two classrooms. and installation of a heating plant. Piirk Grace school, construction of rfii national building. ' Orover school, constructk>u of gym iiasium and six class rooms. (Of the total of gl.50O.0iHl, ?165.000 will go to Kings Mountain city schools for physical improvements All.>cations to the county, Shelby nnil K'ngs Mountain districts arc based on per capita student enrollment.) ? ? - Need? for the new construction, as listed l<y til" eountv board, follow-: 1. Very little construction has been' hue i" tlie cou' fy sin e 10:56 when several news build'ngs and many addition* were provided with the ail of the Federal Works Administration. Ibi'-ti: the ten years since, tin- only -n-.strui tior. has l.e-.-n of a few voea io-al huildings. L' The crop of war time babies j.i ji-"iinj to pour into one schools ith tie largest fbs' yirV. enrol! r. cut in many yenr*. Th s i -.crease in ...i!c oxpe. fe-t :u cretin ue for at least seven yearn. produe ir.g an nil time record srlHol enrol: ment. Htntisti-inns estimate that in 1!>50. there will be four million more pupils in the elementary schools of the United States than at present, rieveland County will hayc its share of this number. 3. In recent years, the school lunch rooms have become recognized as a necessary part of the public school. nome 01 our scnoois are now untune to operate lunchrooms because of a lack of space; others are using space really needed for classrooms. Ppace equivalent to at least two classrooms is required for each lunchroom. 4. The addition of the 12th grade retains pupil' one more year in chool. Housing the pupils for this grade calls for more building. 5. One of the most s'auifi ant de elopments in modern education is in the area of henlth and physhal odu i ntion. There is definite need for physical education buildings which can he properly heated and used all riav in all kinds of weather. The "tin cans" now in use in the county were built for basketball. and cannot be properly heated for use in cold weather, and are for the mosi art in bail repair. These "tin cans" were built at very little cost to the taxpayers. All districts in the county need physical education buildings. Service Officer To Aid Vets In Filing Claims Captain John McBrnvcr, Cleveland county service officer. announced acre yesterday that he is able lo offer veterans any service connected ivith filing claims for unused leave under the Armed Forces Leave Act of 1946. The Art provides, nmong other things, for rompensnting all former P .listed personnel of the armefl forepa for unused leave. In no ease may any individual he compensated for more than 120 day's unused leave. Claims must be postmarked not later than Sept., T ,1947. The unused leaTft will be settled and compensated for on the base pay plus longevity the individual was tn receipt of it the time of last separation from active duty as an enlisted person. pTTis subsistence allowance at the rate of 70 rents per day. Former enlis'ed ?-?r?ons of the fi>*t three par grades with dependents will be entitled to an additional allowaneo (Cont'd on page eight) ; Your T-B ^ ^ ' ' '*. ' . ' ' 4- - ./ * " ' : ' ' ' " ' .??- * \ e LaborDc lerald tain, Fark (j] Ines Ja/ For 1 j ' > ti . - _ . :i -*t Hi j . . K * ; I. . j \\ ' . ttl \ . - - ' I 1; * ? * T . *i i tl I ? : . .!? ?' *t-li, v r.i t< .'t r . : i if.i.i .ti r. It i *[ !' i: It ttilinok if *. - r J ;r:: t thi- \c?r ilu in j'.irt t? tin* f'n that thi* i? the f:r?c \enr tile twt*!\!h grade lia? been ri-quiri-l. Mr. ttutilu* i"! I.r rinjiloT m^nt of Mi** Mary Frum-os Harri noii* of GaMonia who w-11 ?rrie a* a teai her at Kant * hnnl. thus filling | all \a.-ain ie* in the city system. Mr. BariuM nail that the critical i rooming situation fo* tea her* ha J j been greatly alio, iite l and that. though five tea- her a have not vet "llll'lE1 JI f.l l)fl .III V. 1UI UJll'l'llH. 'Itf' | fii'ieut available room* have been llHtBiI to ftfltlirO tholr a.> !ai. , In this connection, Mr. Barnes stated I considerable appreciation to those o t zeus "who ba?e opeued their homes I to teachers. and tiuia made poa-'bl; scheduled u|'(<niiig of schools." I School will open at !?:3" Wvdaes day morning. following a general tea vborai mooting on' Tuesday morning at In o'clock. Otfi'dal opening who', parents are especially iviud to atend will l>e Friday n orniug. tsept. IIPark (it-toe sliooi w II also open at I <:'.' >> Wednesday nt .\Irs. J. C. Nickel-, riin-ipal. aii noun: Cd yesterday that lite lone new (acuity inemte.s will ie Mrs. Aua y - 4 v. iio roplsi. = Mis. Aul-i'; Clay, resigned. ij; ;.? i.c.-'ii't-i> ?f t!i? fa ulty In lude Mrs. Carl lla\iil-uu. Mrs. James Mot'i ill. Mi- Pauline Wctivei. auO "lis. Nevot,.* Hughe. 1 FIRST GRADERS Mr. Born (.-it pnit.U-.l oat that child .en turning school fur rlio first tiuio , n r..-. I o ? \ , i a i Vi. r. .0 n- or lie O tal oi 1. I'.cii. h>- rvi|ues '< ? par . 'i -co th f r-t gia'le j -I- i ii .:i ipve !?irrh .-on li.- to- with I ilis'tr.. lie n!.-o pointed out that Not I tit I .if 111 a law requires tbut child rin entering school lo vaecinated for small pox and immunized against diphtheria. Parents ate invited to accompany children entering the first grade. Half rlav schedules will lie observed j op. Wednesday. _ Congressman Heard By Lions Listiug from ttic record. Congress man A. L. Bulwinhle. of (iustouia, pra > >?> ! the work of the recent Cougivsn for accomplishing mu.'li in the fiel't ot legislation, in mi address la-fort ;.\cml>ers ot the Kings Mountain i.ion- club last Thursday niglit at tiegli ? tiool cafeteria. Mr. Bulwinhle pointed to the formation ot the United Nations, tho atomic liomli legislation, continuance of efforts to halt inflation, and the hospital and airport construction bills as legislation with far-reaching effects. In commenting on world struggle--, I he said. " Kveryone now prays for sii-eess at Paris." Citing a sample of the difficulties being eucountcud there. Mr. BuiI winkle discussed the International '.Air conierem-e liclu it: l'h;.::-.t> which I he ntten le-'. pointing out tl.at all I these delegates wen interested io peace, yet were hnmpeivn ... attain iiiji i uii ruufnTui iMif nut* t n piwaiv jealousies and suspicions. Hi* praised tin- hospital n:>j<:-os-"it tion hill, which. lie sai?l. will in crease hn-pital building in Ninth i.'nr olina and the South and will result in bringing more doctors to small I'OllltUUUIt es. Touching only lightly on the labor situation, the Congressman -aid that he drew the bill designed to eurb .lames Ceasar I'etrillo, the musicians labor ohiof. and the statement drew applause from tho audienee. Wars always cause distraught minds in the people generally, he said. and history shows that many years are required for a general returning to normal. He pointed out that reconstruetion required 20 years in the South after the Civil War, 1") years in the North. In his intrOduetion. .he spoke of the Battle of Kings Mountain. stating (Cont'd from front page) FX-Ray N I' s iu>- N' ' <rr&y.""" 'V ' ^ ?y Holiday II O Pages A ~ Today FIVE CENTS PEE COPY race Schools 946-47 ierm < ~~m ~ - School #?jnd Work Is Free Says Edwards New dtti uit>|>U/Ci.l? 11: 1 ... . etivcm crs .(I ! lit I . ; \ l>ar a?*oci;,tiuii and ( uutiii A'tori'sy lion' ry U Edward* onceriti.i3 too* pud Mr. Edwar i? ?fr? I mi;< : t? employment l>\' tin' l>ar association of .lobu Eck. Git'vuii ai'iountunt,, to ! audit tiie rouuty'a payments to ita .attorney, and (?) another statement from Mr. Edwards, atat.ug that ha would make no charge* for bin work I in connection with the forthcoming school bond election. 1" Mr uuwuui juiu1 dt ink iiui wnu to jeoj*ardize in auy way the welfare I of the children, adding th#t ha did j not wish any person to use bis fee aa 'an e*'.u?e for voliug against tha t School l/ouus. - " * ? swi j The statement of Mr. TTdwar.t* folI lows: I ''In an O'litoruii lust Hsturdny the I Hhelby Ihiily star a-hed mc ami the | County Commissioners to make a clef. iiiite -tHteuient with refcreuec to the ft. was to be |iaici n.e for the 1 (School Hon.I Election win. li will be hob- ['ember 14tl.. This j.:i|ier staI ted tue future welft'.re ami o .'u -rt on! r?! .1 ,u'| i!"-r.t of the children of Olavi alti ul.i no' oe jeopard* j Ill t!:*l heartily ogre?. ' ; ..'?i uiii? iii.i uu i-ti the ?-Viit '.r.-.i j! cut county to be hurt by any | ssue relative to me. lhave thought about this at length ami in older that i NOT UNK SINULK VOTER may j i'\* nu-a- li;i i-*i'u?< for voting aI u: t It;- tie too I now onto that I I si.ali make no charge whatsoever j for my l*4al .services in oiiiiection I with . le t'or ar t b url issue. I . ?lo '.I ha: ciie the same to the best of ' r.-.v airiity I nave -'.ate.I an ' I now again -t.'i'.o. ttiat I fee! my fee in I tlie hospital election wa? fair and | reasonable, consider ng the tiuie and j efforts put into same by ine. 1 ant handling this election fo: nothing ONLY because ' sincerely do not | wish our children hurt and in this I way no one can say 1 did not do my ] part to help. Mnsslich and Mitchell, bond a'toraeys. were written by me for the amount of their fee *nd I showed the'r letter, dated February 11. 1!?46. to the Commissioners some time bach. I have their letter setting their fee iu my file. 1 hope this will clnr'fv tlie ele-tiiui and that the pubi !">' generally will also back our chil* j dren. ?. ? ? "In my recent statement 1 had so . tv.u H to discus* tlutt I overlooked something I think the public should understand. Ill the tax eases in court lia::<ileil i.y inc* the court i> -ds were paid to t:.'.: and in tiirn disbursed hy me. exactly as lawyers do in each case handled Liy tbem. The costs com vsttd of lee due t .'il Cie:k of t'ourt, the deputy Sheriff, the newspaper, (if advertising had), the fee of $5.00 to me for suit handled, this latter be ing provided by law, and in some instances, as provided by law. u fee of , i-o.iHl to tae attorney filing an ansj wer. In a few cases in which laud was sold, and I was appointed a ComI missiouer of Court, commissioner's fee j tvi.s in hided in costs for me as is provided by law. In each instaiKO tnese costs were itemized by tne and orrei tlv disbursed bv me. paying to the < leek l is part and that due the fl-pu' it.rift, to the Star, Times, and l.erald its part, to the other attorney hi- pari, it any. and retaining t:.\ fee My records show exactly wi.i?; \\;i- receive.! I.y me. psiil out ne! I da ' l?t me. I shall be glad ti eooperat iit every possible way in the ainr.t to be made and as entirely o.f'dcvt that the same will clear this matter up." Ckn?l/t?. uuui iioi oaiui uuy XXOUrS To Be Effective Sept. 7 Kings Mountain department stores, hardwares and furniture stores will close an hoar earlier on Satu?lays, effective September 7, it was announced this week by W. P. 1 Laughter, secretary of the Kings Mountain Merchants association. The new closing hour will be 7 p. m. Mr. Laughter said that all i ft rifts In the three groups had ai srreed to the shortened schedule of Saturday hours, atfl he pointed out i that this policy had been gaining t 1 In favor througfiBat the state. ext Week J .1 ?"v > - v>- - ' -ryjfl

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