^ ^ * f, ' 7*? %' ' ' . r~" ' -.: ij .; *-j % . ; V ' f i >,. *i r a <' ? -/ K^"' -^_2L / J TABLETS / 1 Olvn* mar* ttiaa I i 1 Mly minima r? yjy/l!/ I ' Kl ^olromtht (30 ag.) f^ IfA af Vitamin C (of mn|# k. E*\ cKIWrnnl 40 tnbWtt, 4F? !?; t BS^l , , 14 THIS If ACS IS OffN MAM FT I'' iA%7 '* *' MO CMAMCMI Vm, jflp ' KINGS MOUNT Hk|^ We Fill Any Dod . ' ; " . r\v<: - ^ ' . . . TH* S"\ J C l ^ * ? iPhoto by Bundy\ ttis Married To ' lari ji sjjJi/ j liron'o'u a!. Muirk the leretnont. | i, ?.ii?u .hi. ,> ! i RIM""*1" 'Iff H'll i [ i l-iyi-. it ! .Mi '.itrU-hon '? mnri-h from " \ '! i r NiuliU !?teain," was ( si.sod i: . ?'icnitl. There \> i" ii > 'ci.1* ?. Tin eorii.le ri>* :n h . I I way tntfi . ier. T'1 > : . ; . t ir. iiH- v. re a white , : w ' "ihi ( i-' i -. il witn . 1 1 or ! (I lu? Niacin- A jn to takol V Otfl ItBY "LinJI A f MILK OF MAGNESIA J | t?? enough (or BI your babyl Fro# of disogreeoble earthy BnngJ| lotto! Mitdty anlocld In action. 6 ounces 2J< tile 1# ? i?exail ' Arm mm tic CASTOR OIL r5-fj ( | Disguised tastel |[ 7: ~|j Fven the irosl fos- Iti ?sy,. tldlous user won't object! Thorough VoSS' laxative for children. VQc Jounces, reg. 2 Sc.. IT? gb&S&HS? i ^AAtMflhA^ ? / FtOYlOfD fOm Vm f MKftCHAHDtSC Mt T rtseses:trKS v > n|M?n4 pkniiM Ifk Bh?i | AIK pBUO OO. I and 81 " w 4.f ; ? C?* . ".' , /nv _ '>' '. KINGS MOUNTAIN IffltAT.U ?????? ? ? ??? ? 4 ? SOCIAL AND PERSONA I ot IN1ERES \ PHONES: House 189; Offi y ' ! MJ L mly ornament was a strand of pearls,. . fa.it ol the bridegroom. Mrs. Bettife, mother of the bride, I tore navy beuiberg with biaek ac-! ossories and a corsage ol pink roses. { Mrs. Kyne Little, sister ol the bride | ;.ojiii wore aijua with a corsage ol | . :..te i uses. J The bride, oldest .laughter ol Mr. : ii,(l M s. Austell Betlis, is a gradu- j .to ol Flora Mac Donald College tn [ tc.i Springs. She received a B. M. do j irce in Music. Since lier graduation i lie has iuug.it music at l^ittimore in 'lev eland < ouuty and in the city chouls in Marion. At present she is upcrv isor 01 Public Scuool Music in lie city schools of Kings Mountain. tile i it.,eg room, ,on ot the late Mr' iii, 1 Mis. Harry l'agc ot Liiicolutun, s associated with the First National gi' k hi Kings Mountain. He served n the I*, fj. Army lor lour years dur ng the war. The couple left on a wedding trip o unannounced points, alter which hey will make their home in Kings Mountain. For travnlinu the hri.ls wore a soldier lilue suit with white 'louse aii'l lirown accessories, and a shoulder bouquet of white orchids. Out of town guests at the wedding were .Mr. au? H.i. The president, Ab Wolfe, ulter an tildress of welcome, introduced He\. l>. O. Pinnix who conducted the devo tioiiul busing his remarks on the bboT. of Kuth ami bringing out- in a most appropriate and impressive manu-r some thoughts on family relationships. A memorial service was conducted in honor of the late Mrs. I. A. Me3ill by Mrs. Frank Whitesides. The officers for the coming year rre: president, Mrs. James Baird, j rice president, W. L. Gatling; secre- j tary and treasurer, Mrs. James Bail- I nun. | A bountiful ami delicious pienie I unch was served on the grounds | ,vhev.> much fellowship was enjoye I! ogctiier. i Book Club Hears Interesting Speaker Mrs. 8. A. Avowry of Charlotfv ras hostess at the Woman's club milli ng on Wednesday, Aug. 14 to nemhers of the Thursday Afternoon iook Club of which she is a member. Mrs. L. P. Baker, program chair- . oan, introduced Miss Clara Plonk' vho opened the program, with a solo, lira. Esther Stage, superintendent of he Florence Crittenton Home in ;harlot'e, spoke in detail on the work nrried on at institution. Her ipeech was most interesting and inormntive. The program was closed vith "The Lord's Prayer" sung by diss Plonk. Mr*. Lowcry served a delicious' ce course at the close of the pro- ; ;ra"m. DIXIE | THEATRE j THURSDAY LAST SHOWING "Do You Love Me" MatifAAti H'TTaro ! Dick Haymes Harry James ' ?i?e I l FEIDAY Double Feature Program "Soul's At Sea" Gary Cooper George Baft also "One Way To Love" Janice Carter Chester Morris Serial SATURDAY Double Feature Program "Under Nevada Skies" Boy Rogers Dale Evnna also "The Unknown" Karen Morley Jim Bannon MONDAY atU TUESDAY "Saratoga Trunk" Gary Ow>? Ingrld Bergman WTO. tBi THURSDAY ' MmmaA99~ THTJBfifcAY, ATJOTJOT *?,!** 7 # * ii L HAPPEN IN OS P / to WOMEN i < > ice 167 11 r i > IS. HUMES HOUSTON ;; P , , * Patrick-H&mbright Rehearsal Tonight |?' The rehearsal for the Patrick-Ham t bright wedding will begin tonight at jj 8 o'colck at the First Baptist church. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Patterson asd Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hambright will entertain the wedding party, families ami out of town gu:->ts ut a cake rutting at the Patferson home imme ! Iiati-.lv following the rehearsal i Kiiilay at noon, Mr. and Mrs. Paul ' Noisier will entertain the wedding j party, two families and not of town j guests nt a luncheon. And at -ii.'ln ' Friday fateruoon, the wedding of ; Mis* Mary Helen Hambright and ' Henry Lawrence Patrick will bring together members l'rom two of Kings i Mountain's most prominent families. : Out of town guests arriving todav , for the wedding include: Mia- Janet Jaeger, Mr. and Mr*. Brooks Smith i and sous, Jaeger and Donabl of Flor- i enee, S. C.; Mrs. W. C. Spratt and 1 son Campbell Spratt, Jr., of Freder-j icksburg, VaT; Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. j l Patrick. Jr., of Charleston, 8. C.| I ' Miss Be*v Tat rick of ATanta, Oa; Master Keith Jaeger of Marion, 8. ; C., William B. Merritt of Mullins, 8. C.j Charles Morris of Concord and Murdoik McKeithnn of t.'ameron. I iSiimIii hmtmmmmti ci .sisoi-ix?m***,mmasms Mrs. Houser Is Hostess At Two Lovely Parties Hcorge Houser was hostess at . two ^harming pnrt:es on Wednesday of last week. The morning affair given in honor of Mrs. Cornelia Cooper. mother of Mrs. Philip Padgett and Mrs. Jens Moller who is Mrs. Padgett's sister, was a delightful i cola party with about 30 gnests callI ing between ten nr.fl eleven o'clock. I fluests were greeted by Mrs. Hont * t ; -rer and invited into the living room . to meet the guests of honor and j visit for a short while with Mrs. | Cooper. Mrs. Moller, Mrs. D. C. Maun ! oy and Mrs. Philip Padgett. I Mrs. fieoree Lattimore invited | guests through the beautiful dining | room to the screened porch for reI freshments. Through the glass top j of the lovely white wrought-iron tai ble, a profusion of m'xed flowers [ could be see"h. "Potted plants, vines j I anrV Kntv Hi A f 71 n n I o nnmnloto,! Ilia i >lpi'orat''ons where guests were served colas from a huge copper 'bowl it chipped ice. Large Silver trays ot fancy shaped sandwiches. cheese rings, cookies and bowls of salted ' nuts and relishes were arranged on a i I I -i _ I \ Mt& | ^^^^^SqmSUMT | ABE | FEATURED !l j Myers j Dress I ' 1 Shoppi M * seond table. Hot bam biscuits aased. Mn. Hooter was assisted ii elving and serving by KTrs. tore, Mr*. Hugh Ormand, Tdrs. ab Cooper, and Mrs. Garland I "Art. Cooper "and Mrs. Moller emernfJerftT with honor gifts. Wednesday afternoon, guests resent to piny bridge at six rbieh were placed in the hall, 30m, dining room and porcb. Mrs. Houser used vases of g n the hall; roses and tnapdrag he living room and mixed bo IMPERII IT PLEASE X VX/AI IaADI unuwii Double Feature Progra "Nob Hill" in technicolor George Raft Joan Ber "A Guy, A Gal, a: A Pal" Lynn Merrick Serial - News FRIDAY and SATUBDJ Double Feature Prograr "Rationing" Wallace Beery Marjorle "Wild Brian Ken1 Ralph Bellamy Warner Broa. Cartoon - B Portraits Comi 111- Tfl ~ I y V li?>l Photoj KOD War Su Weddings, Conven We do all Call TJs For You] Bund "Qua! Ben Bundy Over Dr. Anthony t& LJ > DJ _ Braid lavisl J note of dra the deep wi for importa ea complimc kavy. Sixes t ' \ * ?Second Hoo**? ' if 'Java*, .* **' i . were of rose* in the dining > Arn0,<* Kiaer r?' reived the second high prise oafs Mis* Helen Hay was winner of ton* wero ,core PrlM' tables living The hostess presented honor ptlv to Mrs. Carl Finger and Mrs. IX Wi. llord, Jr., both recent brides. ;ladioli A delicious dessert course of m? ons in cream, cake and miots was aarvedc wis of at the beginning of the partyr. tL THEATRE 1 S US TO PLEASE YOU j *a a MONDAY end TUESDAY m I George Brent Lucllla B*n i Vera Zorlna in ! - - 1 UT mrAt. FIAMA TJonbn ! inett I liuvui v/vmu xiuucl Qd Sbort - News WED. snd THURSDAY $ Double Feature Program ? "Sunday Dinner For A ' Soldier" i Ann Baxter John HocUak ,^alD Big Horror 8Bo\r "Devil Bat's Daughter" erial ^ 8t*r 0Mt 0 ) nercial Photography Copi6S graphic Copies of Discharges AK FINISHING rplus Film Printed | itions, Schools, and Reunions types of Photography n \I7 A?*1r TTTA n M A . ? L nuiL ? u uu AuywutJit; ^ i ly Studio Lty Work Only" J. C. Bundy, Jr. ^ 's Office. Phone 332-W | ? 1f*S' I % jSs-? I ''' I VRK and DASHING : 1 with tiny silver studs a matic elegance that accents < ng sleeves. Sophisticated suit ; J nt dates .... a suit that pledgints. Hamilton crepe. Black or j 9 to 15. $13*40 -v. t