3'"* -* l' ' Herald j '* ' J 0?U Society Editor, Mr. and Mr*. Davit! Hamrick as daughters, Norman Kay .and Bread Oayle returned Monday from a visi to Hamlet, Chadbourn and Wblt Lake. Mr*. F. M. Biggerstaff and childre of Burlington spent Tuesday with Mi and Mrs. B. N. Barnes and family. Mrs. Bill Carroll and children wh have, been visiting relatives in King Mountain duting the summer are gc ing next week to Covington, Va where they will l!\e. Rev. ;?n>I Mrs. \7. A. Kisti ot < i cero, 111., have been visiting relative here. ?o? Little David Pinnix umlei went i tonsil operation in Memorial ho?pitn in Uastouin Tuesday. ?0? .Tames Rntterree an.] Jama* Amo< students at tbe UNC . are expoetet home Friday to visit their pnren lor a few days. ?o? Mrs. W. I. Maunoy, Eddie Mauney Billie Kennedy and Mrs. A. J. Turne and son of Charlotte vi?tt*d Mrs. \V A. Burnett in Hartford, Mieh., be lor? reurning home, they visited Con ada. aaaaaHHBBMasHBiBBi -I.V.V. . \\V.V ... .'.'.'.".WWI :: ? v < ' | inten 1 don't JI luxm/mx* < - .?g?uMk MMvt w>iffl^K99l ^ ~ "M I ^-v ^ i I "W hen wear in j! on a big^ Vai They'? Look foi i Saui | ?S * V.H, . f , ' . g ' . ? v ..v'w-vi .V,' V , ?*' ?> . . % Personals j Home 189, Office 167 i d, Robert F. (Buck) Dilling of Atlan 1 ta, Ga., and Jack Bimonton of Bir it rningham, Ala., spent Friday night I at the home of Mrs. W. 8. Dilling. I Mr. and Mrs. Rol>ert Styers and ' n Bruce Styers of Washington, D. C., f. ; and Miss Delores White of Elizabeth, Pa., visited relatives here last week , end. a ' Friends will be happy to know that i- M!ss Pearl Ilicks is able to be up and experts to return to work next week following an operation she under i we t simi weeks ago. ?o? " i , Miss Joan Gay 1" I'adtfcti *.f Ifamfvt *. hn* returned to her home after an . i-vtcr.ded visit with Mr. and Mrs. N'e* I vette l!ughe?. . ?o? i i Mis, Klmn Stewart, Mrs. Will Bvrd Mrs. F. F.Finder, J. W. MHam, W. L. Plonk and Martin Harmon were Sun' day dinner guests or" Mrs. J. C. Plonk , at her home in Iliekory. r j James B. Herndon, P2-e, who re- i ' eontly eorapleted navy hoot training' - i at Bainhridge. Mil., ia now stationed i-jat the naval training station, Newport, R. I. 11 DANCING CLASSES I 1 o 1>egin soon! Anyone wish " ng to enroll will please contact me before Wedneslay. ; MBS. COMAN FALLS a 1 Phone 198-J jj; ??? t La-.V.WW."".". . "AWAV/, A'.V. . dW. . ..?? nissions V. last forever? f&|39 uar -. -it; ' 9n|!^E?lL^9^C^fl VV . v'JBf ;?^SB^^P5 K- imiik ' ^liBlsSKl^l x ill BHy^^Cs y lit' , ^ me curiam gees up en ji\ plentiful supply again, it get, richer variety show of i Heusen Sir "e going to malie a big hit ; our notices of coming at\ riders & D; FINEST nr MEN'S WEAR 1 Specialty Ladle* Aiwa - "tmr kikoh Mr. and Mrs. R. L. LoveU, Mn. M. L. Harmon and Misa Nansy Plonk ware Sunday dinnar guests of Misses Laura and Lillian Plonk in Aaheville. Mr*. Nevette Hughe* spent several days last week in Hamlet visiting her sister, Mrs. Roy Cadien. ? o? Miss Margaret Ratterree left Bunday, Aug. 25, for Asheville where she has been elected as one of the teachers in David Millard Jr. high school. Miss Peggy Ann Black, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Billiard Black, spent several days ip Charlotte last week visiting her aunt. Mrs. R. D. Hoyle. ?o? Mrs. J. C. Patrick is visiting Mrs. I Inane Blackincr at Crescent Bench. ?o? Mr. and Mrs. George Peeler and family are spending this week visiting their relatives anil friends in Kah.-igh. They an- expected to. return to their home here on Saturday. 11..i. t.....c.i . .*?? ? ? *. viuiiivii i!ii? ruv wn Fri'lav after s-everal .lays spent in Washington, New York City and .la.k-ou. Mich., on business. ?O? Mr*. Ali.hi llamriek. of Charlotte, was tba guest last week of her brother, B. T. Wilson and Mrs. Wilson. J. B. Wilson, Ton of Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Wilson, is visiting his parents here this week following bis reeent discharge from the marine corps. Ho saw service in the Pacific theatre. Mr. nr.d Mrs. "W. Ben Wislon ass family, of Charlotte, were guests of Wilson, here Ink! week. Mr. an?l Mr*. Tom Tiller of GasoriTn and Mr and Mrs. Marion Biro if Shelby ha.l dinner at the home o* llr. and Mrs. Harold Crawford on Friday night O. W. Myers and son, Earl, left Yednesday to go to Myrtle Beach or a few days. . V.'CAV. .'.V. , N'A a 5 v<"" '* m irf> 1 scamm* k .m. ||; | r > > 9* . I ft r* > !# .# r, # ft ' '? I ** ft'* ? * J * r-* * % r * f * ?% ft ' ft * < 'ie men's will rise ? ?* ? ' t r ' iris : # r# r* with you! * tractions! C ,k r ' * , I avis * 11 ys Welcome J ILl) ' ' flTURSWrr, ATTCTUBT ft.-* 1948 Miss Anne Blair ( 'Of Jauies K. Willi | Hickory, Aug. k.o.?On 8unday aft- j I erooon at 5 o'clock at the First Bap- c| J tist churc h Miss Anne Blair Crapps y . became the bride of James Kirby Wil- a, ! lis, Jr., in a doublc-riBK ceremony a| performed by Kev. R. 8nolan Bcnficld q , pastor of the church. C | White ivy-covered trellises stood | behind the altar, where the exchange i of vows was made. Burning candies , in tall seven branched candelabra, _ i baskets of white gladioli and palms 4 I completed the decorations. Special | ' pews were marked with gladioli tie I j i with white >;;Vn ri. I on. j .\ i :<>u 'it <?;yu i n'-jfie eo j dercd before the iereino?ry by Mr- *' j I., ti-iode -.v-ui diive I "i l*i*r do J.ii'-e.'j "Ah. Sweet M est ere of I f.. ..I--! Mur'a." "in lism l.ove tell." ! " I.'? '>? " 1 >ur:?!i; the .?p J nuc v .'i, :.t-<vc.| ' <). TYrfi t !. iv<> ' j i .I..*- ( n * ' * ( bride v.a* her number* In ii j "Pe.si". l.ovc Y'.'i Tr Iv " j arul "Thi* l.e-d"* I'mvc!.'' **.r s t- j benedict ii'., Tladitionnl wi*:' ! ; i ' ;.*!*s v i , Ms* < !i?r .p <>: ;>; I.y' rai- i < : Columbia.. S. C.. attendpd her r-ist'-T a? maid <it I nnnt. Slip wrc a whit* j , satin ilrc*' with full hp! owrpkirt. t* sweetheart ne.-kl:?e. tiu' t bo'Vep a ' short puffed ?lccvo*. Bhe carried a j nP-Pfc'iv ot jijvk and wliito asters and delj.lrninm ftwore a 1 nr 'onu < ' ' flowers and blue *w-t el ew length | nrtts. Pi ?! "ill; ' w."e ,\j >i?*. ? ' j (]re*-e* *.verp pink tnff> !: wi'h t ?! n\ rr?l,':? ''"ah ne"kli?:"- h r ! p I ,r.||*>-* an I tiu'fe l *'? T'-eir [ flowc-*. hen |l.,ird? aid i* v . r' j Identical *p fline of tl.'- TT*s* ?1 pf J en j or. ' T'*e bridegroom was attended ns m best man by his father, James Kirby ? Willis, Br., of Kings Mountain. Usher* were Menzell Pbifer, Garrison Gofor th ami Charles Williams of Kines Mountain, and Robert Crapps of Hickory, the bride's cousin. The bride \v a - civen :it marriage by her uin-le. Maury B. Crapps. For her wedding she chose a dress ot whi'" ?nt:n ?v'!h a Io'*g wlrfe satin with long white net skirt extending ? - ?_ ? *? i .* .1 ? ;'n'^ imii, ,>i?ur niin p fitted hodiee and hieh round ne"k. the dress reatured wide ruffles I J lie y c ill lieloxv the wnKfl're and long *)eove? pv-l'ng in rnlla points j n,0r the ha?"l*. lie: ve't of ir.'j'rrtrd 'Huston, fell from a ttI ?ra of ? ' iioar|?. I . , n wipte intip-'ovrren I .-ri'vei ; ii >! -. to|i|n> 1' with n white or! ehid tie ! with white ?nt>n streamers av I bn'y's breath. The l.rWe'? nun*. Mr* v..* \ dr"M-".l to- It * * o; :i*:OTi ;n eri.y ; iti .ii', v.'t!i w' : -In write 'I ' a res-orbs ii'ii! n nuvide or-hit!. Mr*. j Willi*. nt tile t ?i I r.mi1 -i.i' iow ,-reiio w:h bl.'-k I a> I'i'ii-ii'/- :!: ! an ofi'lliil. j M.s. W lli ;s tile (laughter of the I late Mr.and Mrs. Harry P. Oiipi's of Oi'sto- a. She was gradui.'ed from the Sholbv 'a:gh M-lionl ami lm- turnip her l.oniP in Miekorv with Mr. ntld Mrs. M. S. ( rajijis for a nun ber of year*. She ha* held 8 posit: on with the Highland l>ry <.'leaner* here. Tlu' son oi Mr. and Mrs. .1. K. 1 Willis, Sr.. of Kings Mou ta;n. the] ] bridegroom is a graduate of Kings ' j Mountain high - -liool and was attend | j ing Letioii Kliyne eollege when he j I euti r< ' Arniv seivVe in He j I has 22 months of overseas duty Hint , j in ! I tin in ok of staff sergeant when ] j lie v. i* (!'* Ii;1 "uej in Jutumrv. lit ,is now a student at Lenoir Rhyne ' j I'.e.-o. j Tin- . uijile left after tin- < emcne 1 . I'd- a A>d.'ii.g trip through the shin-' ! nti i-.i'ii V.i li', Washington. L). C. ' F- r tii;.eling M.s. Willis wore a I Ib.i.'.iT. . . - i<?* I*. ? wnl) ' rowu and 1 smoke white aeeersories and the or I , whi Ii * pi.e.l her i>rayer l>ook. t Mr. ii-'o Mrs. Wilis will be at uiu upon ;'.ii .i .. '.u;n at loll Sev- j i . en. ii a .'oiiuP. j Those attending the well iii.tt from 1 i.* .... \i ? ? !? ,. .11.1 if: v, ? !? 111. ?*lUt| .>1 rs. j .1. K W":'!.. r-r.. Mr>. .1. K. I.ipford, \ Mr mi-i Mi Itor is l.ittl-john. .la.i'Of , l.'it It h Mrs. .lot- lloul, Mr. anil j ! Mr-. il - llir-l and son. B. L>. j M-: . !' ! ' !??:im. Mrs 1?? * '(inform 1 Mrs. V F. Tlironehurjf. Miss Mnriiiir- j i l i\"i livii-k, Mrs W. M. Moorhend. , ; V t. *'|- i:'- li.-iv "".apa'mm. Rnv W'il ! i:.-. M<.,r.:-y ui.vl I'.iir- I. < . Fin- I n't. Th-.-MDscon's Sister Die:; Site: Conducted I I i " ii) sorvii-i-s tor Mrs. Ferric | ; T!: a -Ksoi! Mi i.fi.r.im. aistvr of J. B. | i Thoro-ss-on of K'.nys Mountain. wo-e j hcl-i Tuesday afternoon at 7,. A. Ho I' vis nml Frii; fotiCrnl !:..me in I'hnr-, lotto. w:th Br. -lo'iti Tio?r;-ro r.tirt Rev Tl-omns Mi.one -if A-.or dale j PrOsi-.vtori; itr-r !i -t tia;yr.. Rariat I took i>1"- o i i " ij-. i i n*T?ctory. Mr?. Men-h nil > wn of your* ' of ayo, ?;i'i":t"M at her homo in | | Charlotte shortly :-?Vr noon on Mo?? I day. She hail I'ocn ill for several month*. iVig ?as a "-''if of York eounfy, 8. C., and ia survived. in addition to her brother here, by hor huaband J B Mearham, ? daoRhter, Minn Virgin'* 4 page rm Mr. and Mr??"Tame* Bird of Coluai i, S. arrived last nigbt to spaad few davs with Mr. and Mrs. Haaol'* awfonl. ?o? Mn. Dewev Kail* *? ill at'ttlffi Ifct,iricl Moa|'ital i?i Cbarlctne. Mis* Saralee Hariiit fT t.<tnrr.;s and a friend of Vrm-'W.'Sil ?periCt e week end nere witn M'ts >!tar l> narenrs. Mr r.i.d Mat. \x j> .... irrill. iheck List | $9.50 to $221)0 ? $5.00 to $13.50 | B RAZORS .. $15.75 u f / 'rapps Is Bride is, Jr. *' . B. Meacham, Jr., and six grand ; lildren, all of Charlotte, two sisters, m? Irs. P. J. 8chocb of Carolina Beach ad Mr*. Y. Y. Abreshch of Gastonin. j nd three brothers, Dick Thomasson , arolina Beach, M. E. ThoiuusRoi. arolina Beach, and Means Thomas ? in. lirH'Hville, S. C. ,*11 r'll Pallbearers included t'. P. Thrnnn* jjj )n of Kings Mountain. School Day C MILITARY SETS .... UTILITY KITS REMINGTON ELECTRK BILLFOLDS IdETAL EXPANSION Vi ttTAiig VlUilXV?lll?i ill ZIPPO CIGARETTE LK METAL NAIL CLIPPEB Wooth* Use Your Credit Freely I * I We are frequently asked the a genuine diamond engagemei gold, for a hundred dollars, or If considering the purchase of an engagement ring for j your bride-to-be, it will in terest you to know that you Icon purchase a magnificer ring for a hundred dcllcrs, e> lees. i Five of them are illustrates j here. Many other designs ere I available. You are invited te see our large selection before i purchasing elsewhere. We can save you real money. I t j ; M . /lift ?Complete Watch Sep r - > y. -- * ' + * yy/ '& v * J $1.00 Up ^ rATCH BANDS $1.95 GtHTERS $5.00 BHTERS $2.50 IS 25c ir, | -i rarcTsl ] >i I -*'* % .. ' '*rn - J& I VV<4^ 4- I \ y4? v i w"vV \ Y if '\ Prices Include Federal Tax i question?"Can ! buy rit ring set in 1 AY. solid less?" ?... ...... mt hi ?lA# Week flr?3 ::.:*n obov# con be I on fornv of t1 "J "> w?r!: * you ibctv.d wont o Mtjf r'*~ Irtff #e a Mew fuM porcbot? pro* II JtWCLRY .cPARTMrUT iair Am ilw ^ ^

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