POPULATION Incorporated Kings Mountain 6,64" { Immediate Trading Area 16,006 VOI* 57 NO. 38 Local News ( Bulletins KIWANIS MEETING Hubert Morrison, of the U. S. Public Health service, will speak to members of the Kings Mountain Kiwanis club at their meeting at the Woma'n's Club Thursday night at 7 o'clock. Dr. Morrison, who is in charge of the TB survey oow in progress in Cleveland county, will discuss this work, it has been announced. JAYCEE MEETING Members of the Junior Chamber of Commerce will hold their regulnr monthly business session at the City Hall Friday night at 7 it was announced this week by Vernon Crosby, secretary. i LAUOHTEB OH WOHS William L. Laughter, manager of the Kings Mountain Merchnnta_ Asaooiat ion, will present a five rl- ?.? Qtriyn. WHO*. Hhelby. at 4:1S Friday af. crnoon in behalf of the T B survey. Intoxicated Drivers Before City Court Wood row linker lost bis drivers ' license and was given a six months sentence, suspended on payment of [ $-*0 and costs for driving drunk in ae* t tion taken at city recorders court j held at city hall here last Tuesday, j Leonard Duncan was found guilty of. carrying a concealed weapon an-1 was sentenced ninety days, suspended on payment of $50 and costs. Helen Tumblin. on n vagrancy rhnr' ge. wiih sentenced to six months, sus- | pendcd to he on good behavior for i two years and to carry out instruct- j Ions of the county health, officer. Clarence Rham, for reckless driv- i ing, was given six months, suspended i to pay $25 and costs and to make arrangements to pay damages to a ear. L. H. Miller, on an assault charge, was allowed to submit on payment of costs when the plaintiff failed to appear to testify. Dedrick James Milter and Spurgeen McSwain were each taxed $10 and costs for speeding, a sixty day sentence suspended. Joe "Wray, for possession of liquor was given sixty days, suspended on payment of $10 and costs, and Theodore Laughridge, for public drunkenness and resisting artest, was given thirty days, suspended on payment of $10 and costs. Roy E. Bridges paid $5 and costs for running v red light. Millie Wyrin was committed to jail for failing to pay the eosts on a public drunkenness count and the following were taxed with the costs on the 'same charge: Earl Beatty. W. H Wynn, Montiqne Baker, C. D. Ware, and C. B. Owensby. John Stevenson was sentenced thir ty days, suspended on payment of #10 and costs, for public drunkenness and T. Q. McClellan, on the same count, was sentenced to thirty days, suspended on payment of #5 and costs. Phillips Charged With Inside Job James Bronson Phillips is beiug held in Shelby jail under bond of $1 ,000 ou charges of breaking and en tering and receiving stolen* goods, according to Hal D. Ward, state highway patrolman. Mr. Ward said Phillips is facing the charges iu connection with the theit of #2,731. in upholstery material from the Margraee mill, where Phillips has been employed in the pack ing department for the past year. Loss of the 58 bolts of upholstery material occurred on the night of Augnst 22, and Mr. Ward said Phillips was arrosted on August 28 at Oaffney, 8. C., where he resided prior to a year ago, when he began working at the mill here. Mr. Ward said that, on the night the mill was entered, the Sonth Oate loek was cut. He said a truck was apparently on the outside waiting for the haul. Mr. Ward Mid that Phillips did net work on Friday, August 23, reported for work on Monday, August 26, said he was ill, then went to the Margrace boarding house, where ha was living, packed his clothes ana left. .'I * j The investigation, Mr. Ward said, jv. . L Is being conducted by Sheriff J. Ratjli-t' i mond Ciin? and the state bureau of \ i .. Investigation, in addition to himself.; Kings ^ - t V rfr j MATOB ENDOB8BS FAT ULTAU above, conferring with J. T. 8 hip man, m cm, Inc., concerning the looal fat eel /a late are needed for aoap manufacture ai the campaign. Local grocer* are coopsra _vl!\ pay four cento per ?ound for us< Lions Horse Sho Before Record C To the delight of all Kings MoUn- X tuiii Lions. sju'itatoiii ami c\h hitors, Jj Labor Da> nun bright and sunny. and mi estimated total ot 2..VMI persons were present lor the eh if club's third annual Labor ltav horse show. Hhow officials pronounced the show as a success from almost evcrv stand e point. A total of 00 horses were siiowu in the event, many of tliem fine shot, horses wearing fancy pi he tags. Uoth afternoon and evening events were reeled off in two hours each aiid majority of the spectators reported full enjoyment. A total of 2f classes were run, including two added. It was the first time a night event s had been presented in City Stadium. Local horses captured their share cf ribbous and prize money, and the r { oiifesai011 s:hii<1, tnnjoriug ;ii real * country ham sandwiches, did a rushins business all day. I g Exhibitors were guests of the club 1 and Byron Keeter at a buffet supper between the afternoon and eveniug shows at the Keeter home. Congressman A. L. Bulwinkle, of 1' Oastonia. drew the lucky number in the afternoon prize drawing, and Mayor Joe H. Thomson did the honors in the evening. Wendell Phifer held the number for the turnflole, ?' Mrs. P. -G. Padgett for the G-E re- , 8C frigerator. jf' Officials at the show were E. B. Ogan, judge. Mrs. Ben Hendricks, l" ringmaster, and Otto Williams, mas- a ter of ceremonies. if tl Ribbon marshals were Patsy Barlard. Dorcas Carpenter, Dovie Ervin, f0 Tnoqueline Palls, Margare t Lutu, Frances Summers, Virginia Summers, j,j Avis Mai^ Warlick and Peggy Wilson, j; Winners in each event follow: AFTERNOON i h CLASS NO. 1?PONY CLASS: (rider 18 and under: First?Flint, owned ' w Parader, owned and ridden by Montana Drum. Kings Mountain; second? 81 Double Trouble.' Bobbie Lineberger, i rc Mooresville; third?Pete. Carolyn Mc ( m Bee, Marlon; fourth?Sam, Tony Derr 8* Stanley; fifth?Greyboy, owned by Montna Drum ridden by Billy Drum, m Kings Mountain; sixth?Sir Edward, j Kenneth Parks, Gastonia. CLASS NO. 2?PONY CLASS (rl<-.er 18 and under: Fiist?Flint, owned r and ricblen by Max Craig, Lineolnton; 8 second?The Jeep, owned and ridden by Montana Drum: third?Biff Broth-j or. owned and ridden by Barbara ? Ford. Clover. 8. C.; fourth?Sir F,d- ^ ward. Kenneth Parka; fifth ? Ginger owned and ridden by Kay MeGiania. ( Kinga Mountain; sixth?Maud, ridden by BuJ MeDaniel, Jr., and owned by J Tom Home, Kinga Mountain. ' x CLASS NO. 8?MODEL CLA88: * Firat ? Fashion Lady, owned and | shown by Byron JCeeter, Kinga Moun ^ tain; aecond ? Strolling Ed, ownea by Rock Hill Saddle Association, ana shown by J. Ed. Allen, third ?Leit- j rsey 'a White Rambler, owned by Rock' 1 Hill Saddle Asaoeiation and ahown by j ^ Horace Leiteaey; fourth ? Genius j ^ Mias, owned and shown by C. R. Dog ! . gett, Shelby; fifth?Walton'i Pride, owned by Rock Hill Saddle Association and ahown by J. W. White. CLASS NO. 4?THREE GATTED *' (open!. First ? American Sun Dance, owhetf "By Billy McEachern, Wilmington, and ridden by E. G. Oilmore: second-? Born A Beauty, owned by Charlotte Hedgepetb, Lumberton, and ridden by Jack Boyd; third ?Night Life, owned by Holy-Oak Ifrms, Shelby, and ridden by Mrs. Virginia Washbtfrn; fourth ? Star (Cent'd on* page (our) ; " v . " * < if/'.*-'' '.v -v-y- ' 1 -1 j?i ' t VT- I /'' v V - ' ?- * Moun KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. 0. 0. !j H jj 11 I !l i; I?Ibjor Jo* H. Thomson la shown, I i an, repr?ntatlra of Lever Broth ge campaign now underway. Used 1 . id Mayor Thomaon has endorsad * ting In the drlre for used fats and i id fits. in ms h n m i w Reeled Off 'rowd Monday lions White Cane Sale Reported A Big Success . i The White Caae sale conducted by the Kings Mountain Lions club nere last week end was regarded as 1 | % success according tc member, cf the club. J G. Darracott, chairman of the ; blind committee, was out of town . iVednesday and could not be r ach- , :d for a financial report on the sale. Don Blautou, president cl the :lub. stated yesterday that he wish- i id to thank the young girls who sold < ioid the White Canes aud all contrl- , butora on behalf of the club for ' waking the sale a success. j a ?-? , !' >cho<>ls Crowded j )n Opening Day _ i Schools of Kings Mountain were s site crowded yesterday as a total of ' cii ..uii.i? 1? -^ - ? - uii vuuuicu mur&cu tutj ina ui iramor vacation!) ami enrolled (or i: le 1946-47 school term. li The total first day enrollment gain rer 1945 was 249 in the city's (our n hools. comparing with 1,562 on the . e rst day last year. ? B. N. Barnes, superintendent, in re f arting the figures said that though gain in enrollment was anticipated, 1; te big jump was considerably more v tan anticipated. " He listed reasons (or the gain as llows: ^ (1) The 12th grade is required for ' igh school graduation (or the first me. ,, (2) Eeturn of colored citizens who | ad been working in defense areas. e (3) A clear opening day compared t ith a rainy 1945 opening. x p Mr. Barnes reported a considerable r, ?commodation problem. Two or three v ?oms reported enrollments of 45 or g ore. He said there were several in. t .antes of insufficient classrooms and j asks, but said some planned adjust- s ents will help the situation. t Only West elementary school show j v 3 a drop in first-day enrollment, s ith 180 registered, a drop of five a om the 185 first-day registrants t st year. Enrollment by schools follows: j Central high school, 306; Central c ementary, 615; East. West, 180, !0 nvidson high school, 65; Davidson ^ ementary, 15". e I 1 Ixcavation For New " luilding Here Begun The excavation now underway on j le Morrison lot next to Foster's hoe Shop on Railroad avenue is the cginning of the construction of the (w home of Dixie-Home Stores, big iper-market according to J. W. Webster, official of C. T. Bennett onstructlon company, contractor for ^ ?e project. The building will hay# a frontage a f 51 feet and a depth of 109 fee* cording to Mr. Webster. ' 1 WOW PBESBNT FLAO t A United States flag is to be presented to Central school during v a program conducted by the Wood- c men of the World Friday, Sept. 6, t at 11 o'clock with all* WOW, Woodmen Circle members, Bov t Heouta, Girl Srouts, and the pub- c lie in general invited to attend. c ' y -syi lain H THTJB8DAY, 8EPT. 5. 1916 T-B Survey All Urged To Barnes Urges |! Public Support For Bond Vote B. X. Barnes, superintendent of > \iugg Mountain city schools, issued statement Wednesday iu ->ui>i>ort ot he $1,5U0,0UU county wide school >oud election which will be held on ieptember 14. Alniort ciiucurreutly with Mr. ' Jarites' statement, a number of Kings Mountain citizens received letters 1 ?otu i. natics 1. lJo.cr, president or lie Shelby Kotarr club, setting forth i nforiuatiou concerning the election I uni the anticipated effect of the bono isUe. it passed, on the tax rate, ana ] tilting that club's support of the J ssue. j Mr. Hirne?' ?ta. tnicnt rend: "The nfnSP iir.: "fiilif nikuy i I u lor the district plan of financing, ill.. *, th.s (,ui.',i has u?c*l. the .oun v-wi it tux rate for school debts la ,et up f. mat It tTie in... .< .. . ? j: h.' . a .Mi- .MUitv ihs'r.t'. Moui.'i :i and .M.cll.y ..'.stii t- r.v i\ . : ci > . I- 111'. . > .111 i i v r apiti l a-is a-'ordinji to .uiimioI ? pei.t rot .mint*- s iiools. ptmi'led he two .-iti ut.iu halt a debt .... . ' ? i aii.i, v. "This mentis tlint it we >h ..11 i.e. tss I !t - . .llllv wide issile ..till ( ' ..s'r'.ts I i: n .o'.ing sepiii.'ito i? ...*. j. on. has nirea l.v done in the . nit year. Kings Mou: tnin would in- , xtfd to help pay the district in , lebte.'ne-i without getting bene*it# ; !c.-.- w< too, run our own l.oid e ion. or in some way create a debt. Liiis moans the tliiee ? h'.ol utii? j . oi'.n'v Shelby, Ki.i^s M junti. i . nust stay approximately together in 'tie mutter of debt in order to effect 1 n approximate tax equalization. ' 1. "Question as to advisability ot ' lol.iinv the lion 1 election now lias, t! iter. roisca une ro <utii: uil:es in c' luihting. However, it is thought tills. s best time to sell bonds to take dvantage of low interest rates, and I Ithough we cannot build immediate- I y. crowded eoniTTtuins will demand ome construction as soon as condt- I ions allow. "As much of the construction as j possible will be postponed until | >uilding conditions improve." j y Mr. Barnes 9aid crowded conditions ' u t the schools are resulting many at auses. including addition of the 12th m trade, libraries and other school uses or classroom space, and?cafeterias. g He listed as high on the current ^ ist of needs in Kings Mountain a tl ocational building, a music building g nd several additional clnssrooms. I U Salient portion of the letter from dr. Dover follows: J ' Throe school board'', local school o ommitteemen, principals, school su- h lerintendents and hundreds of inter- \\ isted laymen who keep in close p ouch with our schools during the b ast two years have carefully plan- *< ed the needs. To meet those needs j rill require a bond issue of $1,500. I ii 00. This money will be divided be- 1 a ween the rural schools. Shelby and f; Cings Mountain on the i>asis ot p ehool children iu the three units. As he bonds are sold, all the money ; ! rill be placed to the credit of the ehool boards. There will he no fees F r other service charges in connec- w ion with the hnn'tlina of those funds. e< 'In this election the people ar# 0 >eing a iked to authorize the issuance r! >f bonds. These bonds will be issued nly as needed. Present plans are ^ hat the school boards will not uml- V iftake major buildins until eosts of n abor and material reaeh a normal f evel. If Federal funds become avail- j I! ble not all the bonds will be issued, ci (Cont'd on page four) d; American Legio r o Reopen Stadi Kings Mountain Legionnaire* voted tl 'uesday night at their regular month- d v meeting to take appropriate action | a dong with other civic organlaatlona j b n the city to complete city stadium ,ci is soon as possible and Commander. V V. J. .Fulkerson appointed W. L. I e iMonk as representative of the port 1 o conduct the campaign. I Mr. Plonk stated that he, along rith a representative of other civic i? lubs. would begin the necessary aeion immediately. | ^ Commander Fulker~on was voted he authority to appoint a three-man ' OUipiittfe to dTafl a vii?l<ONhl to ill- , rease the ceilipg set on veterans on- p [erald Off To Good Take Tests Jome Firms To Close U 7 P. M. Saturdays A Urge number of employees at Kings Mountain retail firms will benefit from a shorter Saturday schedule beginning this week, as majority of department stores, bardwares and furniture firms begin observing new Saturday hours Majority of the firms in these three groups will close at 7 p. m., on Saturdays according to W. F. Laughter, secretary of the Kings Mountain Merchants association. Cooperation of the buying public is requested. I Hash Brothers !n $75,000 Deal in! mm", i) i" n? i . yn ir In* uwk the |iur<baM' <>t a large mount of jxoi>?-tt> in tia?lenm. 1:1 1 I ill g l"i 1 I'll* in.., t? iluU.-i ?. ' I < '.-Ur a. oi'ili . t<? I'a'i i < a*t' i t5 <.?? a* i. i?ii-.?!? riit !?u o? ?7", .in i The lr.i!i>!it ii rla-.e il the liul t in let-;. Wt'll'e; a I; ? u.te. r. UVilur. : .: .. * m i.t .at an.ill: it \ I;: .hi : \V:iV.;e, tuwii ". ill i. lie !><e j) . ! nf flavor, . ti.ii* !: tiie unit .i .vi? tern seettOtt the city. Tile | ill iia*. i m . ' li i i.! wife, f'ora I/E-e :i?h. hiu! L). H. u*h. ami \v;te. Wattle ash. all of . eg Mountain. Tilt * n>i. mother* V... I.. i:. 11 ??.7> -t ii- it;-. . _ i *? i' * . I: i' I; v in < r;ii>icitoil, nii-1 i-iic if! Kin** - . "iu. -?! > ' M I- h .. s t-e-r :i the property which expires April lid*. ,\o pijiit* b:t\c ye*, neen ancuiiceil I v the Cash brothers as to :te use they will raake of the proprtv. Reynolds Is ?ar Dealer i _____ i Warren Reynolds, well-known Kings [ouutain automobile dealer, is anouneing this week his appointment i dealer for Kaiser and Fruzer autoobiles and farm equipment. In announcing the dealership, Mr. eynolds said the firm will now be nown ns Reynolds Motors, changing roin the former f'rm name of Warren evnolds Auto company. The location will remain at 117 attlegroumi avenue. Mr. Reynolds is inviting Kings lountain motorists to pre-showiiia f the new automobiles which will he eld at Carmen and Lure. Inc., 109 >'. First St.. Charlotte, on September >, and he said cars should be availale for showing in Kings ^Mountain >on. , The Kaiser Frazer company, newest . i the automobile manufacturing field No manufactures a complete line of inn equipment. including plows, Inrters. and the new roto-liller. Though pr*-*<* i eilings have not opn definitely set on the new auto"d ;;, > Ka'*ser will be in the ord. Chevrolet and Plymouth olas?,. bile the Frazer will be higher prle1. probably romparinc with the H? mobile. Pontine. Dodge price ?"ge. ' Tt is n pleasure to announce our npointment as dealer for Kings fountain and the Kings Mountain ' rrt.? " Mr. Reynolds said. "T am conident that the automobile huving pub f will lie pleased with the*e new ?rs of whirh production is increasing aily." j n Takes Steps ium Bond Issue i le job training and forward the raft to higher headquarters with the pproval of the post. Adjutant Oilert Hord was appointed as Ex-Offt- | io Chairman and W. E. Blakely, Hal i rard, and James Ratterree were nam j 1 to the committee. The post voted to sponsor an outoor eafe at the Cleveland county air to be held September 24 throng* 3 and John George Demetriade*, re? ently transferred from Post 23, in la.stonia, was named chairman of the ommittee. Around forty five members of the >ost were present for the meeting. *??mmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 1 A Pages * " Tc<Jay rrvr o^vt^ p^^ copy Start Here; 1 his Week ( 539 Examined At Uptown Mobile Unit i ? I I p to *:lo W'ednos.lay afternoon, a I total ol .>..! Kings Mountain c-itizena j had taken tuberculosis X Hay tests i at tile downtown mobile unit of the j U. S. Public Health Service, otbera I were ?till filing through iu a steady , stream, and large numbers of citizens j were being X-Kayed in the mobile unit which was shuttling between the | industrial plants of the community. No check of the exact number al1 ready X-Uaved was made, but officials regarded the opening of the pro ject to feiret out tuberculoaw as I .?! ?.. I sui t ?;?siui. The t?>?ts will *till l>o available to j^-c iw- ,-.-.-1.^ . Following is the remaining schedule of operations In the Kings Mountain area of the mobile units m thi county wide T-B survey: Toioy and tomorrow: Downtown .area. K. a m, to 6 p. m. Saturday: downtown area, 10 >. tr to 6 p m. Tod'.y: Margtace Mill 10 a. m. to 5 p. :a . return for third shift. C r* ir'V 11 a. m. to 1 p. m. return for third shift. F-'drv DuCourt Mill 11 a. at. to 5 p. m. <or shift. ^ .1 ~.e Mill, 12 neon to 1 p. m. Se;;t:u.ber ? ? Grovcr hii?h school, in <a. rn. to 5 p. in Bethwr.re school S:30 a.m. to 11 p. m. Compact school. 12 noon to 2 pm September 10: Washington school. 9:30 a m. to 10:30 a. m. Septembeer 13: Central school. 10 a. w. to 1 p. m. Davidson school, 10 a. m. to 3:30 p. m. er of the week. nit.I the puMie is be iii^ urpe<1 to visit one of the units im riii'dintpU - The X-Rav requires only about 80 seconds. It is free of charge, nn4 aim of the project is to make tests on all citizens of the eountv from 13 years of age up. To be X-Rayed, the examinee mere lv has to enter the unit, give his name and address, tbei: step up to the X-Rav machine. It is raised or lowered to fit the person's cheat, and Miss Sallv Saravo or Melvin Hults. operators in charge get the subject "fixed" then snap a button. Then the operator says: "That's all." Within a week, the person examined will receive a report on the X-Ray teat. Should the picture indicate trou ble. he will be called back for another test. The reports are confidential On Tue-d >v night, members of the Lions club were X-Rayed in a body and members of tbe Kiwania club will take a mass test Thursday night following their regular meeting. The mass survey is being "ondi^tcd by the 1'. S. Public Health Scr\ ice. in cooperation with the Cleveland County health department and Tuberculosis association. The project in this county, winch follows immedi* Moly the first such mass survey In the world, lie! ' in flaston county, vns init'atcd by the Shelby Lions club. It was announced by Mr. Ilults that the lie bile unit will be at Daw* < ism. s.-hool on Friday, Sept. 13, from P a in to 3:30 p. in. P-TA To Meet J On Wednesday J Mrs Haywood E. Lynch, president of Central Parent-Teachers association this week announced committees of the organization and urged full at tendance at the first meeting of the jear to be held at the school audi- y, 'a jtorium next Wednesday afternoon at 4 o 'clock. | Mrs. Lynch said that the executive '9j i committee it particularly anxioua to | increase the activity of the group i during the current school year and ' urged full cooperation by all patrona /c28 i of the school. ,?s ja I She announced the purposes of tho ; organization as follows: I (1) To promote the welfare of children and* youth in home, school, licnh. and community. j (Cont'd on page four)

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