Incorporated Klnpa Mountain 6?47 Immediate Trading Atm 10,000 VOL. 87 NO. 37 Citizens \ Local News Bulletins KIWANIS MEETINO Dr. A. C. Current, Qastonia dentist and civic- leader, will addtess mebcrs of the Kings Mountain Kiwanis club at their regular meeting at the Woman'8 Club, Thursday night at 7 o'clock. He is president of the Oastonia Rotary club. LIONS MEETINO B. X. Barnes,, superintendent of city schools, will discuss the Saturday county-wide school bond e VlkiVU vvtvic uicmucK Ul t U U King* Mountain Lion* club at tha regular meeting at the high echool ca(eter<a Thursday night at 7 o'clock, it ha* been announced by a member of the program committee. ??*?? . ? ?'iOTw-giiMim*ar ? " * The regular September directors meeting of the King* Mountain Lion* club, postponed from Labor Day, will be held nt Blarkmer and Company Monday night at 7 o'clock, it wa* announced Wedne*day. HUNTER HERE SUNDAY Rev. John L. Hunter of Charlotto will deliver the message at First Presbyterian church Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. Included on the program will be the showing of pictures. Mr. Hunter is affiliated with the Charlotte branch of the Golden Rule Foundation. NEW FACES AT BELK'S Hilton Ruth, manager of Belk'a Department store, this week announced the addition of Jack Patterson to the personnel of the Men's Store and Mrs." Claude Bell to the personnel of the alteration department. ATTENDS MEETING . . Glee A. Bridge*, and Miss Imogen? Bridges Have returned from Wrigtateville Bench where Mr. Bridges attended the annual convention of the North Carolina eout ty commissioners association. Max Washburn, of 8helby, was retiring president of the organization. 'Lil Abner' Joins Local Constabulary Boyce Henry Stone, son of Mr. an Mrs. W. P. Stone of Shelby road, i now a member of the Kings Mour tain Police Department according ti a statement by Chief N. M. Farr. Mr. Stone was a member of th Vets baseball club sponsored by thVFW here this summer and is a vel eran of World War II, with ovei sens service in the Pacific area. He began his duties with the loca constabulary on September 6. Ware & Sons Bobbed Of 500 Pounds Sugar Ware and Sons, feed manufacturer and wholesalers of Kings Mountalr was robbed of 740 pounds of suga around midnight on September 4, tft culprits, evidently in a hurry to ae away, leaving 240 pounds of the prt eioua commodity in a field near th building occupied by the company. Officers C. L. Gladden and G. I Curry discovered the theft but coul find no trace of the robbers. Officer Haywood Allen stated yei terday that there were no new d< velopments in the case. Revival Services To Begin At First Baptist Revival services will begin at Firi Baptist church here Sunday, 8eptert ber 15. with Rev. Raymond A. Thom son, pastor of Rtate Baptist ehurcl West Columbia, 8. C., conducting th services. The revival will continue throug the week and will end the followin Sunday. During the week, morning aervies will be held at 0:30 a.m., and eve: ing services at 7:30 p.m. Roberts Resigns Post With Insurance Firm Garland Roberta, formerly eonnec ed with Pilot Life Insurance C< her* for past several years, has r Ignad and will take up his new di flea aa clerk of Rscordor's Court, b ^ will succeed Mr. Ro Kings VQI Vote S DuCourt Mills Buys Mountain View Hotel P. D. Herndon, Kings Mountain real estate agent, announced this week sale of theMountain View ho* lei property to uuuourt alius, inc. The deed listed the amount paid for the property as $10,000 and other considerations. Though the actual pur chase price paid was not announced, Mr. Herndon said it brought considerably more than the $20,710 bid for the property at the auction sale of June 28. t The aggregate bid at the auction ' was for individual lots and the agent handling the sale then entered a bid of $21,000. J. W. IJeim, Jr.. of DuCourt Mills, said the property was purchased in order to provide quarters for em-' plovers of the mill. 1 a -oo.-?inK House, it will . ron- d T mur a11 bi ijuitnw ra gement of1 Mr. and Mrs. Hal D. Ward and the dining room will continue to operate, Mr. Heim told the Ilcrald. According to Mr. Heim. the new owner expects to have occupancy by October 1. The sale includes the complete prop | ertv. building, fixtures and the 100 by 210 lot it occupies. i DuCourt Mills, Inc., is a recently formed eorporntion which owns and i operates what was formerly Phenix ] Mill No. 1, which it purchased from Burlington Mills, Inc. i iTeacher j Directory The following is a directory of the 1 out-of-town teachers of Kings Mountain schools: Mrs. K. A. Shenk, 204 Parker street 1 ?Miss Jean Browne, Waco, N. C. I Mrs. Luther Ware, K. Mountain etreet?Miss Margaret R. Andrew/, ' charlotte, N. C. Mr. ar.d Mrs. II. B. Covington, Polkville, N. 0.?commuters. I Mrs. Luther Ware, E. Mountain I Street?Miss Catherine Payseur, Shel- i ,by, N. C\; Miss Mary Frances Harrij son. Oastonia, N. C. Parton Apartments. 104 E. King , street?Miss Ruby Lee White. Rutherfordton, N. C.; Miss Alma Wright Fallston, N. C.; Mrs. Mary B. Page, Kings Mountain. Mrs. Marvin Houser. E. King st.? Mrs. Prue Nell H.' Poston, Kings ' L- Mountain. i Mrs. Luther Ware, E. Mountain I 0 street?Miss Nell Trexler, Bndin. N.C. 1 | Miss Odessa Black, Bessemer City, ' e N. ?commuter. 8 ; Miss Frances Carpenter, E. Mountain street?Miss Mary A. Cromartie, , i Gainesville, Ga. , # j | J. R. Davis. E. Mountain street ? < .Miss Mabel A. Goodman. Gold Hill, j ! N. C.; Miss Alice C. Ridenhour, Dal- ] las. N. C. Miss Lojriee Fogleman, Fulton street J Kings Mountain, N.C. Mrs. E. A. Shenk, 204 Parker street ' f ?Miss Tennie Miller, Shelby, N, C. 11 ' Mrs. D. F. Hord, Gaston street ? o Miss Janet Seogtjins, Greenville. 8. C. ' 't Mian Marie Linebcrger, Lincolnton, 1 > N. C. < e Mrs. L. P. Stowe, E. King atreet ? ^ Miss Margaret Ooforth, Rutherford- 1 a ton, N. C.; Miss Mary Anne James. Woodruff, 8. C. Herndon Apartments, E. Mountain street?Clyde A. Canipe, Kings Moun tain. N. C. ' Veteran All Set Loses His Homi i D A young Kings Mountain veteran and liis wife, on their way to school * at the University of North Carolina, lost their 'home' last week when a ^ wheel on the bouse trailer they had g recently purchased locked, causing the big trailer to jack-knife and oven " torn near Columbia, 8. C., the only s" thing left of the completely furnish es honse being the floor and the ' wheels. The unfortunate couple was Mr.' and Mrs. T. H. Austin, jr., of King* 1 Mountain. Mrs. Austin is the former Vivian Prince, daughter of Mr. and t- Mrs. A. B. Prince of Railroad avenue. >., Mr. Austin was discharged from e- the Marines last May with the rank 1- of Sergeant. e- The couple had no insurance on the trailer and used all their - savings b- plus a loan to purchase their school 'home' it was learned. I NOS MOUNTAIN N 0 THUBX^ * Saturday C Ladd Hamrict Will Leave Po Construction ; Begun On Plant > Construction is now underway on a | ' portion ot the building which will 0 house Kings Mountain Narrow Fabrics Inc., ami the firm hopes to be in op eration by October 15, according to ' an announcement this week by J. B. (Bob) Riley, officer of the company. The building now going up will 1 comiiid z.imiu square reet or Tloor pare anil will be sufficient space for ^ niue looms which will produce binding ami electrical tape. C. T. Bennett Construction romps ov is in ehrrge of bi'llding operationj ^ property on the Beason Creek road. Mr. Riley said that original plan* for tbe large unit, announced several weeks ago. are going forward ana \ (but be hopes to ,be able to go into * full operation in the spring of 1047. ^ He said the company bad bee* delayed due to alowness in obtaining . il machinery. The larger unit, when It g built, will house 48 new looms. '. Mr. Riley is now residing here at the home of Mr. aud Mra. J. R. Davis. I ' e Civic Committee Meets With Aldermen On Bonds E Officials of four civic clubs of jf Kings Mountain met with tbe city a board in last Tuesday night's monthly p session and informed the city govern- u meiit commission that their cluba 9 were interested in bringing up another bond election for the greatly need- ^ ed improvements, including the com- v pletiou of city stadium. ? The city hoard re-affirmed its |, statement that if enough citizens were interested in another bond o- ^ lection they woubi call one. j t Two of the clubs, the American Le- ' gion and the Junior Chamber of Com- " meri-e. had previously gone on record " as favoring the move, while the ' Lions and Kiwanis clubs were expected to take action on this important ( issue at their meeting this week. | j The Veterans of Foreign Wars re I preaentative was not present at the joint meeting hut that organization ; s has appointed a member to the five- a man civic organization committee to d >ressthe bond election. Commander si Charlie Warlick announced yesterday ci :hat John H. Moss had been appoiu. ted to serve with the committee. ' t ' Formation of the five-man commit- \ tee. composed of"one representative ? Prom the five leading veterans and p rivie clubs of the city, came as a remit of action taken by the American Legion last week when W. L. Plonk was named to represent the Legion tnd to call upon the other clubs to a appoint a man. At the meetiirfc. the t| Legion voiced a voted npprovnl for 0( immediate action to complete the |e itadium. , p Other members, other than Mr. Bl Plonk and Mr. Moss, of the five man ' i-ommittep arc O. O. Walker, Lima dub; Tolly Shuford. Javcees; and P a D. Herndon, Kiwnnis. , * COURT OF HONOR 1 The regular monthly Bov Scout court of honor will be held at the City Hall Thursday night at as o'clock, it was announced this week from Piedmont council hendquarFor College; ! e In Collision The trailer was completely furnsh ! ed, including three rooms and kitchen ' equipment. The unlucky veteran has ' trailer space reserved in the trailer; ( limp at t'liapel Hill and cannot Be* I cure a room go that he enay be assur e,l of entering the next session there, go the only eolation seems to be rebuilding the home. Officials of Elmer Lumber company here stated this week that they are going to try to have the vehicle ready for use in time for school pro vided the couple ran secure material for the top and sides, i. e. aluminum or plywood. Estimate, for the job is $400, not including furnishing the' rooms. . / According to a reliable informant, it was learned that the conple would probably be unable to pay for the re building of the trailer at the present time. i iV>4- -** i i i'tf ' V /<* * K . V - j' , J,' / f' f r*?" , lain h |;V 12, 1916 In * $1,500, t, C.G. Whitejl sitions Here Vacancies on tin- city board of allermen and city board of education vill be created,-it was learuod this cock, with the departure from Kings fountain in the neur future of Ladu V. llanirick, official of Pheuix Mitts, uc? and C. G. White, superintendent 1 if DuCourt Mills, Inc. 1 Both men were out-of-town on Wedicsday and could not be reached for statement concerning their leaving tings Mountain, but it was learned i ' hat Mr. Hamrick, a member of the : ity board since 19:19 and a citizen f Kings Mountain for the past 14 1 ears, will enter business with his j 1 irother in the firm of C. J. Hamrick ' _ nd Hons at Boiling springs around ^ h-tol>er 1, ami Mr. White ha* rptcd a position as superintendent j L>JiaiJB^aWii?i<il<i'?rfir %?<?'<*' ?? ? a ri fti<-b he will assume in October. Mr. White ami his family have liv<1 in Kings Mountain for the past 13 ^ ears, and Mr. White hn? for many ears been n member of the board of ol duration. being reelected in both l'' and 1!?43. ?l Mrs. llamriek said Wednesday that ,a was possible they would not move 0 Boiling Springs until late Novem- ,f er. Neither Mr. Ilnmrick nor Mr. f'hite have vet submitted resigns- 1,1 ions a* members of the two city gov- al rning bodies, it was learned from '' ity Manager If. L. Rurdette and w uper'ntendent of Schools B. N- y> tames. In the case of the eitv, the board 1 empowered by statute to appoint *'f member from Ward to fill Mr. n lauirick "s unexpired term which runs ntil next May. In the case of the' ehonl board, the eitv ordinance is onstrued to mean that the Ward 3 1 rusteeship held by Mr. White will be c' acont until the next city election, hen the post will he open to filling nf y election. f)J Rortion of the ordinance covering ?r be school board set-up states " ft ml biannually thereafter (1939) a w rustee or trustee shall he elected to ill any vacancy which might occur j ' any ward or for the term of anv rustee which might have expired." *5 j J Jity Court Session lightest In Months Stanley Pearson, hefore Monday's1 ,f ession of city recorder's court hell p t city hall, wns sentenced to ninety ays for driving drunk, the sentenco uspended on payment of $."0 nnd osts and los* of his drivers license ' ' s< Four case* of speeding were up he- , , ire the judge with Ollie Sims, Frank dr 1. Wall, and Willie Ford Irawinu rc ntencos of sixty days each, susended on pavmcnt of ilu and costs. Carl Littlejohn was taxed with be costs for speeding. c George Sheppard forfeited hond on ^r' charge of public drunkenness and ? te following were taxed with the ^ ists for the same offense; .Tim Hul! t, Cletus Long. Klsalee Degree, 'red Nenl, Robert W. Whitesidea, nil 'Dwight Woods. E i s -ity Almost i15 Meatless r, 1 t :i It was nice while it lasted. The celling price holiday, which | put supplies of meat In local mar- |<r kets at top heights for recent mon- ( ths ended Tuesday, and several mar- | rf ket operators here predicted a meat 0I famine here by the end of the i Ti weekend, if not earlier. During the holiday, it was possi- 1 ble to secure a good beef roast, a jfr good T-bone steak, and other delicacies which replaced the Orade B | f and cutter variety meats of the 1 earlier OPA period. ? On Wednesday, several dealers said they were already sold out, and others said they would be told out by Saturday night. Meat packers, for the moet part, have already in- vi formed the market men here that v no more meat will be available, tc stating they cannot buy at oeUlng M prices, and others fave taken their tl salesmen off the road. s? Swift and Company offered one market only storage eggs and a lit- ci tie cheese. 1< Another said, "We're out. and X can't say when we'll have any t; more." y Whether or not sufficient fish ti and poultry will be available to a tske care of the public's ?rtree ? problems, is the present question. 101 V K. ^ u-'. ?' ?'. ''fc" t .. . [erald 000 Bond Jarbers To Close Harlier Saturdays P^rh?r shops of Kings Mounts li v.'i!< Institute new Saturday closinj hours, effective this weekend, 1 was announced Wednesday by Bax ter Wright, spokesman for the bar bers. New closing hour will be 8 o'clock "We have been staying open un til 0 p.m.," Mr. Wright said "which Is an especially long worl lay. Since many Kings Mountali retail firms are closing at 7 p.m. the barbers feel that no undui hardship will be Imposed on theli customer* The iWftn?rnf<An A# public la requested.'' *-TA Endorses ichoo! Issue "STtu-nrl^oivdorseiiientfor tne pri used fl,Sim),000 Cleveland Count ond issue for schools has been uia?l r the Central School P. T. A. TUi gxiiizat ion. in making public it idoraetncnt wishes to call attcntio i the voting citizens of Kings Moui iin to the urgent s hool liuildin ecdx here. It is lelictci that if t1, lets arc known by the public a erwholming vote will be register* i this bond issue. The school buih' gs and facilities of Kings Mountai e badly overloaded at the prcser me and the situation is grow in nrse. No facilities are available fo national education and class room -nerally a"e overcrowded. If tli liMreo of Kings Mountain arc to r 'ivo adequate education in the ft ire we must provide I he iliblings and equipment. The P. 1 . calls attention to the fact th:i icre will be n big saving in internte by the entire county going t< ?ther on one bond issue. T1 ;4 11".-ani/ati-n urges the parent the children of Kings Moi-nta' a11 interested patrons of the sehoo i vote for the school bonds an lerebv insure the future education] elfare of the children. [armon To Attend 'ress Convention M-irtii! Harmon ixlitur r\f th<? ir?? d. will leave toilav for Anlievill here he will attend the 74th annus invention of the North Caroliti ress association. in session toda; imorrow and Saturday. The session ve il feature an nddre' r Krnesf K Norr's. president of th rmthern Railwav. roup ?tt< et'iias f t:vh?"s in I nth the weekly nti lily fields, eleetion of officers nn ports by retiring officials. Mr. Harmon will serve as a motnln the assoeiat-on "s .auditing eOmtnl e. .and Will O. Arey, Jr., of th h veland Tint's. w:U set \ e on th solttt'nns eotntnittee. Also expectc attend the convention are Lee E feathers nnd Holt McPhcrson. i e Sheltiv Daily Star. Ins Company Selling Special School Tickets Hiil I'l'ink. manager of Kings Mou tin Bus company, announeed th eek that seliool children may ohtai lecinl hooks of tickets for trnnspo it ton to and from school which wi vp them a cheaper rate. Purchase of a week's supply of 11. Ms?five "to school" and flv from school''?-can he made for 7 nts, for a two-way fare of 15 cent a five-cent saving on the tw des. The ticket hooks may he purchase otn the drivers. a nnn I ico i ly -tjuvu V Jnit To Retur Kings Mountain's first week of sc By by the U. 8. Public Health 8e ice X Rav machines showed that ital of 3,973 persons in the King fountain area were examined durin le five-day period, with the uni heduled to visit in the city again. Total examinations in Clevelan junty up to Tuesday night number* i.777. Mrs. Mary O. Stalling*. of the cou r T-B asaoeintion, announced hei esterday that units would be at C? ral high school on Friday from n. to 4 p. m. and at Davidsc tlfool from 10 a. m. to 3:30 p. i a the same date. She stated that tl ' * - . . - r - > . '. ?. - / f- :v f "v -. ' ym*r77'T by?#| ' **2 i 1 tbt 1 v 1 oday __________ FIVE CENTS PEE COPY I Issue Sale iCity School | , Board Suppo.ts ' iBond Election King* Mountain's <-itv 1>oar<l of ed. lucatioii. the Central Parent Teacher * - ' organization. Senator Civile R. Hoev, , | and many other eitizcus throughout t the county this week added their t i support and endorsement to the elee* i? { tion on Saturday in whVh the voters s | will decide whether to issue #1,300,* t ,000 in bonds for construetiou improve 5 meats on the schools. Meantime, the Cleveland Times reported receipt of a letter from one lone eitizen opposing the issue. AH eitizen* registered tor n general election are eligible to vote, but ia general it was predicted that the vot* ! ing would be light. In Kings Moon* ' tain, citizens will vote at two bozea, those tu Kast Kings Mountain town* I ft waw ?* Kings Mountain at Victory Chevrolet y company. lo Results will he determined hy mais jortty of vote* en?t. s should the hotid issue carry. tho n money will he distributed on the hasix of m<*Ii oil popnlnt on io tween tho d ounty unit-, the hilc'iy school* auJ ? the King* Mountain schools. 0 Statement issued this week hy tho d city hoard of cdueation follows: I* Saturday of this week the voting n eiti/.ens of Cleveland County have tho 'f grave responsibility of voting for or " against the proposed l.3tM),UO0 hon 1 r i-sue lor sehool buildings and equip'* tneht. Tlie addition of the twelfth 0 grade, the extension of the eompuh ** gory attendance age from 14 to Id i- years, the addition of vocational and v health education, the provision for P s lino! libraries and otlier faetors ' have brought about an overcrowded ' hortl house situation throughout the v ounty. In Kine- Mountain we find our s-linol buddings and facilities badly over'Tovvded null inadequate We ero ls unalde to offer voeational education, 1 a- we have neither the buildings nor the facilities available. Our playgrounds are insuffieient. our lighting and heating systems badly -it need j of modernization. We believe now is the time to j vote the bonds neeessary to provide i the needed buildings and equipment | in order that we may be in position .. 1 to provide for the edueational needs i of our ehildren as soon as building j conditions improve to where it Is advisable to build. We believe tho I ountywide plan lias great advantage t's over the distriet plan of financing 1 school buildings and we think th? '? plan adopted gives proper listribution io of the money between Shelby, devoir lei'.I Count v anil Kings Mountain. Wo it ilo not think the proposed issue will 1 affect the tax vite very much. as present issues will soon be paid off, leivini: onlv the new is>ue outsfand r ma. tWe u'ae the voting publie to study ip, the flints and we are confident an i,l overwhelming vote will be east for t, the schools. jf Senator Hoey, remarking that he I has always voted for every bond is! sue or tax levy for schools. roada or hospitals, expressed optimism thU the county would respond favorably in Saturday's election. "The advantage in holding the e? lei-tion now and making arrangements 'for the bond :?sne is that the county ,n would know exactly what we wish to 13 build and could have all preliminaries " attended to and all tdnns provided r for the buildings so that there would " be no delay when the time "ame fo* th" a -tual construction to begin," the Senator said. ? "The tax for the bond issue will - a- mint to only 21 cents on the hn*? . dred dollars worth of real property r, it- tangible personal property. In only n few yenrs the previous hont issues of the several districts will be d retired and the tax rate will be re? (Cont'd on pnge four) Jndergo X-Rays n September 19 ,r | public is invited to the schools to r 1 tako the test if they haven't done so a already. :sI g | 8he also stated that the test wonld ts he conducted in the downtown area ion Thursday and Friday, 8ept. 19 and d ' 20 from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. and ost !d Saturday, Sept. 21, from 11 a. m. to ' 7 p. m. in 1 '3 I William L. Imughter, of the Ktiiga ( I Mountain Merchants Associatioa,, ha* ' visited all the business firms her* j| land urged the employees to tak?4 thS ij| th?f -a ('f j firms who havo reached 100 perdtaV, A-* : iv

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