?r;:~ v.; / '" ' ^ V/juWlSJ?.- ' . v POPULATION Incorporated King* Mountain 8,547 ImmodUte Trading 4rta 15,000 VOU 57 NO. 40 Mauney I Local News Bulletins COTTON CUNNINGS TIP Census report received this week from T. C. Beam, social utfent. show* that cotton giuninga for 1046 are considerably ahead of the samo period last year, with 441 bales ginned in Cleveland countv through September 1G> as compared with only 294 bales through the samo date in 1045. ATTEND MEETINGS Rev. Win. II. Stender, pastor of 8t. Matthew's Lutheran church ami Mr. Aubrey Mauney left Wednesday morning hy plane for Erie, Pa., where they will attend the National Lutheran Brothrrhood Convention After this, they wilt ennial convention of the Unitort Lutheran Church in Ameriea. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. "Mauney will also attend these meetings. WOW SUPPER, Woodman Circle is giving a weiner roast at Lake Montonia Triday night at 7 p.m. with the members of the Woodmen of the World invited according to an announcement bv Clarence Goforth KTWANI8 MEETING Members of the Kings Mountain Kiwania club will bear an ad dresa by Dr. Edgar Long, head of the English department of Er^ Itine college, Due West, S. 0., at the regular meeting of the organisation Thursday night at 7:00 o'clock at the' Woman's club. Dr. Long is a native of Gnstonia anil has been a member of the EraVine fae.nltv for 25 years. LIONS DIRECTORS Directors of the Kings Mountain Lions club will hold their regular' October director's meeting Monday night at 7 o'clock nt Blnckiner and Company. A full attendance is uryged. . JAYCEES TO MEET Members of the Kings Mountain Junior Chamber of Commerce will meet at the City llall Friday night nt 7:110, it was announced this week. The meeting will be a regular business session. Bill Buddock Receives Degree From Clemson William O. (Biil) Ruddock, of Kingi Mountain, graduated from Clemsoi college on September 21, it was leari ed this week, with a Bachelor o: 8cience degree in textile engineer?^ Mr Ruddock left Clemson in Sep tcmber 1042 to join the Army i: Forces and ro-ente"red the school las February. He served overseas aa a pilot witt tre 15th TJ. 8. Air Force for threi and onc balf years and was releasee to inactive duty with the rank o: ytl a. t l a A. x irst xjieuienuut. Mr. Ruddocy stated he had no Im mediate plana for the future but ?ai? that he planned to enter his field n: work In this section of the country Legion Numbers 204 Members John W. Oladdon, membership chai man, reported 204 "renewals for thi year 1947 In his membership drlvfc-re port af the regular monthly meetini of Otis ft. Oreen, Post 155, The A merican Legion, held at city hall las Tueaday night. In his report, Mr. Gladden RTgft every member present to drive har< In order td reach the goal of 100 per cent renewals by November 1. Commander W. J. Fullcerson, pre elding over the meeting, introduce' Norman McGlll, jr., the host's repre tentative at Boys Btate, held at Chi pel Hill the flral week in Beptembe end Tie Aide e abort talk on hia ae {Tvities while atteading this America' Legion rnoneored event, ending wit! en expwdon gt gratitude to th Poat for having been choaen to at tend. ) John Bemetrtadea, chairman of th , County Fair project, reported tha , the undertaking waa a sncress an thanked all members who helped pu . * It,over. S ..T*T. t T caatrata or the co ' . - * , ; '' - ? I Kings :amily Pun Citizens Will InWorld-Wid Kings Mouutuiu churches unci their membership are collaborating again this year in the' observance of the seventh World Wide Communion ou the forthcoming Sunday, October 6. The Kings Mountain Ministerial as socfation has endoised lo?al pnrticipa tion in the service and a large number of local churches will observe the service this Sunday. lu a story concerning the obaervan ce. 'She Church Council liulictiti, .official nuhlirat ion of the North Cam- i I Una Council of Churches stated: "In these post-war flays uTicii the' world is filled with confusion and suffering, there is a real need for Christians everywhere to make touch i I of this significant day. The com;ng to i . e,tb?r of Chris" a t'W tt.e Lofd's I Table on the same day will he an ex- j j ^cession of Unity which all believcra have in Christ, it will be a witness 1 in n broken world, to an unbroken fellowship of Christians everywhere. 'The observance of the Holy Com- I munion ou October 6 will begin in New Zealand. The worship services in J the churches there begin at 10:30 in the morning. When it is 10:30 in New Zealand, it is 7:00 o'clock on 8atur- ; i day evening in New York (K8T). It . is 4:0u o'clock Saturday afternoon in ' Los Angeles. A time clock has beeu i worked out which gives the time j in about fifteen centers around the world, when it is 10:30 on Sunday I morning in New Zealand. By the aid j of this clock, one is able to follow ! the World Wide Communion observ- ] ancp during the entire 24 hours. This time clock may be nscd a^*n aid to j prayer since at every hour there are groups ?f Christians about -the Lord's Table in some part of tlie world. " Ti:e World Wide Communion obserinncc is being sponsored nv tht t outiclls of Churches in many lands: I ' hv numerous denominations around I tlie world; by national an.^ interna- j tionnl missionary organizations ot' tbo : churn ho*. There is no question hut i that tho observance and the attendance this year will he wider unit greater than ever before, ' Mrs. Galloway's Rites Conducted IH*E WEST a. C. ? Mrs. Mary K lennor Galloway. winow of Dr. II. S. Galloway and mother of Mrs. Helen ) ! Seal of Kings Mountain, died hero ,, ] Saturday. She would have" been 87 on j i October 11. f oTr8. Galloway, a native of Jefferson county, Georgia, had lived iu . Due West 64 years from the time of r her marriage to Dr. Galloway, who t later became publisher of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian church paper, the AR Presbyterian, and an > official of the Due West railroad. J The funeral was held at 4 p. m. ' Sunday from the 'Due West ARP chur f ch conducted by the pastor, Dr. J. P. Prcssley. Surviving are the following ehild1 rent Mrs. Jennie Kirkpatrjck, ' Charf lotte, Mrs. Helen Neal, Kings Moun. tain; Mrs. Lena Mosley, Bluefield, W. Va.. Mrs. Ansel Putnnm, OreenttUlo TTs... ? n-11 luiao naitu tii vto nutv my, 1'UO West, and Bobert 8. Galloway, Due West. Basil Whitener Heard By Lions r 8 Basil Whitener, Gastonla lawyer - and solicitor of the 14th district, 'in S an address before members of the Kings Mountain Lions elub last t Thursday night, urged all organised groups to attempt "to thwart fbe 1 lack of respect for duly constituted 1 authority.71 Mr. Whitener scored circumvention of the taw, pointing out that many i- persons and rtikny groups take liber 1 ties with the law beckuse of legal i- loopholes. i- "The lack 6t fSspect for manr mads authority is carried over into lack of featfect for the Almighty," he n said. ? h Stating that 55 peiceni of crime e Tomes from TTlffs 15 year# and under, t- Mr.' Whitensr said that rivle clubs honld assume the parental 'role e where children are underprivileged in t the-matter of having parents to look 1 after them. t "We hast dsdfceta ourselves to the tank of seeing that* each young n child has sn opportunity for trainhf; i Moun KIN OS MOUNTAIN. N. 0. TH chases Hor Participate \ e Communion f Kings Eountain Battle Fought 166 Years Ago *'? n On Monday Kings Mountain will ! 11 celebrate in a quiet manner the i I' 166th anniversary of tbe Battle or J 1 of Kings Mountain, which firned the tide of the Revolutionary War. | ' Except for a lew club program* V and school notations, the day will j be Just another work day In Kings P Mountain. *< a On this day, 166 year* ago, a band of not-to-well trained mountaineers routed the red-coated Brl- P tlah force* of Major Patrick Fer- d guson, who was killed in the en- t gagement, and tue defeat marked t: the turning of the tide for victory u Local Police j" Get Big Haul f William Cole, of Oastouia, was ar- 0 rested here last Thursday by Officers ! Curry anil Petty for transporting 120 i one-half gallon jars of white liquor p and driving drunk and was sentenced fi six months on each count in record- g cr'a court here last Monday, the stn-j G teuces to run consecutively. The seu- g tence was suspended on puyraent of ' t $200 and costs for transporting the I ti whiskey and $73 for driving drunk, ' g total fine $273 and costs. a Cole lost his drivers license anil tlu | lU.'lO Dodge coupe he was driving was ordered advertised for sale in the King* Mountain Herald for two week.* and to l>e gold at the County t'ourt house later in the month, accordine to law. The liquor was order*- 1 destroyed f l-v the court. < Owner's name shown on the re^ *" 1st Till ii>u cuid was Mrs. Onic Ktlslor. .J also of Gustonin. Local Company Now Bottling Whistle " Bob Abernnthy, of Bobs Cola Hot- ? liny company bore, announced this , j, work that bis firm is now bottling j Whistle, a now orange drink famous I ,, in the West and mid-West. First bottles of the now drink were I Seen in drink boxes in town lato Tuos | day afternoon, first bottling of thc'c new, vita-quality beverage beginning Tuesday morning. Mr. Abernathv stated that bis is tl the second plant in North Carolina to a bottle Whistle and thnt be experts I the new drink to be appealing to ev- b eryone'a taste. e County Service C Busy Year, First Captain John Z. McBrayer, Cleve- \ S land service officer, this week made ;? a public report of activities >n his u office for the year October 1, 1945, t to September 80, 1946. f ii The report Bhowed a large amount ^ of traffic in intervTWta and otner'8 servicemen's aids had been handled 1 through this office. f, ,i 4 ,, ._:_ ,i ii ... > t 111 tuo ropun, vftyiaui ail uiaj ci dv? ted that national service life iusuran- ? Co can be reinstated by payments ot two months premiums and reported * other changes in this particular subject which are of interest to veterans Captain McBrayer, a retired army J 8 captain who lost his leg in the Her I . vice, is in Kings Mountain at the 1 City Mall each Tuesday morning and Thursday afternoon. He did. not breakdown the work of his office in auch a way as to show the amount of work done here, but a goodly portion of ald-to veter ? ans was handled for Kings Mountain ^ sr?t -veteran. The office was set hp by the Cle- . veland county board of commissioners last year and Captain^ McBrayer became the "first full-time county ser- \ Ice officer: His report follows: "11,246 Interviews and contacts in e eluding Veterans of all wars from ' the Bpanish-'American up through the 1 recent war. Families of deceased ser- ' vleetnss, and many veterans return < tof j* or fou(ytb visit seek'ng In ' jtemhiUijs.,>?d mssHtapgr about ? " i - * ' * * tiiii H UKSDAY, OCT. 3, 1946 d Home F< Annual County 'air Attracted lecord Crowds t'lex eland county * tided urnuul tir closed up shop hist Saturday 1 ight After the customary fixe day lu, but not until l!i<.u.">u per Mint- t.ail asBi-u i mux" K"r.'S I" enjoy lilt" j eStiv it iff. r?ausnl?y's "gate" was the record-; reuker. with visiting tin- lair j rouii-is on I lie i'iiial day. Ai <l "! lay K 'is Mountain pen j le were included in the total which i-t a record lei arrtviioiTTIf- at th> uiiual event. Merchants reported business ap roxiinutely -a percent oil lroui or niary autumn Saturdays, as citizens ook tlu-r paychecks and wont to the! cis or lite mi l way. and barbers, j -unlly working on u rigorous inr sa j aaionully were able to stop for a1 liuutc and pass the Tine of day a-J out the weathor^Br a football game. I Doing a thriving business were [ ixicabs. Tluses unii "CTiicr trausporta- | ion vehicles which went back aud \ urth to t"he fair "ground's on more i less regular schedule ? always ell-packed aud Jammed. The lair itself came in for some raise, some criticism. Majority of j air-goers reported delight at the | randstaud events. incfuding the j leorge Ilamid shows aiur~ihe races, omc flsgust at the Midway attrac- ! ions. wTi'ch were vended to the cus- | outers at "high yricOs. One weight , uesser whotn inflation hyt*i captured sked 3u cents for telling how mui'h is customers grossed. Sdtnchody evil reported tiiat t. iuo v<us 'J" cents, cr game. Some were i-t mating the amount f money that changed hands and. fi nrii g *" per person, guessed that ,-f. K' '-(in ViO nas ?* ill "l'.i! mo ;et t? another In the course of the ivi> day run. Study Course; Planned Central Methodist The \Vi>i''nn'? > icbty of <'hristinn iervice o" IVn'rat ?! ilui-list church ill present the I rst of a series of our pi .igrains on a church study "Urse "In-lin at the Thiesholtp' , eyt We ilie-day night at 7 o'clocK n the l>:isement of the church. The forthcoming program will in. iudc a general intm lief jon to the heme and ashit. "The Missionary 'hallenge of India." in aTTition to t:o lvstorUal background oF the nurse. The prog'ani is church wide for <en and women, and members of Irace Methodist and K1 BotWd Mehodist churches hate been invited to ttend the programs. The remaining three programs will e held on conse.hitive Wednesday . venings. Officer Put In : Report Shows >o many changes have been ? aud re being made in the laws and reft j lations effecting veterans benefits , hat a steady flow of calls come >" rom the approximate 1,300 veteran* j ibi- n ? *- ? u iuis v^oumy dow receiving telliesional or Training benefits under ome law. "2,631 Applicntions, anil requests, or general information on the Edoca ] ional Provisions of the G. 1. Bill, j nd Public Law 16. "145 Applications for Hospitallzaion nnd Local Out-Patient Care. "143 Claims against the Govern lent for back .pay, allowances, or illotments. "2S Applications for Certificates n lieu of Lost Discharges. "284 Applications for pensions, and tppeals to re-open pension cases; >oth service, and non-service conneo ed. "287 Interviews concerning Re-in itatement or Conversion of National lervice Life Insurance and United itates Government Life Insurance. "330 Requests for information on xians. "050 Applications for Termtnal veave pay have been made. "In addition, numerous miscellanous applicntions such as: application 'or permit from Federal Housing Adninistration tw buy building materials 'or home construction; delayed birth lertlficate; burial benefits; insurance lenefltsj tree tombstones or markers; information n? reluming JeCQM j lerald >r Memorii Residence Wi To CityHono Woman's Club Meet Scheduled Friday An important meeting of tho Woman's Club will be held at the club house on Friday afternoon at 3:00 o'clock. Mrs. E. A. Shenk, president, announced this week, and ?be urged all members of the club to be I present. I Mrs Shenk said that several In- | Fcrestuig natters pertaining to the | ciub will be revealed and she said that plans will be laid for the ! club's annual Floral Fair. "We are Indeed hopeful that etery member will be present Friday." Mrs. Shenk said, "for the j meeting will be very Important?" Kiwanis Gives Stadium Lights In special half-time ccrdnTonics dui ing the Hickory Kings Mountain football game last Frhlay night, Glee A. Bridges, president of the Kingi Mountain Kiwanis club, officially pre seated the stadium lights ? theti lighting the field for a high school athletic contest for the first time ? to the Board of Kdncation of the Kings Mountain cTtv schools. i Dr. L. P. Baker, chairman of school board, accepted for that body. The ligtits were purchased by tlis i Kings Mountaiu Kiwanis cluh at a cost of, *.VKM. In his presentation. Mr. ltriliges said: "Fur a number of veins tin- in.-tu1 vis ,ii the Kiwunis < lab saw a'hictii. ht'iiM, in i at" larger low-:- tilreutihouT tin" Ciunity si1. I longed t" sec the 111111' when we niii.l in'..- :t lighted fi?*id here in r. Muiiiilaiii. "We it-it that such a Projiit -..in: u la si:0- it iu ileuto a filler colli ?; Itv -pni',. that it Would lit- tin el >i:rat;t,ti'.i"it in the pii> net ion ot athletic- and better sportsmanship, 'lint it wouhi ti-i-. to tin- morale of our bo\ s and girls. "Almost all ol tin- KiwaniailS have ) ad a part in this project and the entire amount ot the investment was do * noted bv Kiwanians and tiie firms which thev represent. "l>ue credit for putting over this project should be giveu to a special commifTec which was appointed for the purpose of raising the funds and pure.hasinff'the equipment. This coin liMtfee was compose.I of H. S. l'ei ler, Aubrey Mauney and II. Y. Ballard. I wish to publicly thank these members j and many others who have ma le sub- j stantiul contributions. " Due credit for the success of this project should also lie given to the i City Council and to City Manager H. j L. BurdeMe and his staff. Without j the backing of this group and tlio 1 technical details taken care of by Mr. Burdette the project would have been difficult indeed. The time that they have spent has run into many hours fieyoiid the call of duty and the cost has not been small. They have assumed the responsibility of e r?cting the equipment, and furnishing other items too numerous tfl mention. "At this time it is my bappv privilege ?s President of the Kings Mounto'e 'tiwanis Club to present | this lighting syatem. without nnv strings attached, to the Board of Education of the Kings Mountain City Schools." Three Men Added To Victory Body Shop W. O. flrnnthnm, mnnagor of Victory Ohevrrff?t? company here, announ eed this week the addition of three men to the body repair department of the firm. The men, D. P. BohcTts, of Shelby, and Harry Kistler and Guy W. Harrell," of Lincolnton, are all expert body men and, aceording to Mr. Grantham, -will be able to give exifdlent Tiody repair service. Fire Causes Minor Damage On Sunday A fire at the home of Crowder Ware, on Wilnon street, caused minor damage Runday afternoon around 4 p. m. Recording to Fire Chief Grady King. Kings Mountain Fire eepartment answered the eall and ertinjushed the small blate, when an oil stove caught fire. *1 O Pages * ^ Today riVE CENTS PEB COPY il Library ill Be Given ring Parents 'Hii- children Mini grandchildren of the Into Jacob S. and Margaret .lulotta Maunev have purchased tlie property of the late l>r. J. G. Hord at tlie corner of Kill}* street and Piedmont uienut, ami. after tha house has b"C*r. renovated and other changes made, will present it to the City of Kings "Mountain as a memorial library the purchasers announced on Tuesday. -Tilt property was purchased on Monday from II. K. Parftin, who. only two weeks ago, purchased the property from the llord heirs in what was described as "a straight cash t ransa. t ion.' * Purchase prce by neither Mr. Parton. nor the JSTaunfy family, was >nuout.ci-d. hut the figures most promb 111II1 iHWlif.lldl.l1 III flfU'llld IMBTflf-' 1 sation concerning the-- property baa lot II t-ieStm. The Mauney family thus executed a ild-dny option on the property held i y \V. K. Mauney. At the time information was made public concerning the option. Mr. (W. K.) Mauney said it was possible that the large two story residence would be renovated in or It r to provide accommodations tor leactlers oa the second floor, with the first floor to lie usTd for a library. In the announcement from tho Mauney famify, only the library was mentioned. The present city iibrnry ra located in two rooms in the basement of the city hall. It was begun in llNStl and has been largely dependent for suppott upon "interested citizens. In nddi tion to furnishing uuarters. the ritv has Teen appropr at ing .*600 per year lor operation of the library. Th} county also supplies a small sifpPTeinent, ami circulation "l.as increased / continuously. For many year-, a larger library with more volume? and t .ore space li.-.s l.een placed h.yli ?ii the list of the c'tv's nOci-v !.v n .n\ i,>.i,r. > - ?i/ci *. ! 5 The n.t nmr.i.l !ii-<:ir\ wilt honor two of K iij:- Mountain pioneer el- s t7u;<. Mr. Mr<. .Intnl. S. Maun v. \? I i> wi re among the fir.M to elionSc Kings Mnurtstn for n home. Mr. M:;ui;fv. a t'o-'*-Tera'e veteran, nns one ..I 1 '.e founder* <>f the first t.-vtile phit.r hero and became prominent th-i'uvhoiit this a ton in the tex- ' 1 i'i? roll. r, Mr. Maiiti- v sue umbmT at the ngS of lit in Xnvinnl.er I'.blti. six years a?it r r!i?' death of Mrs. Mauiiey. I in i ii were highlv interested in the * <-} welfare of ili" community and were ! a.iiws in St. Matthew's Lutheran church. The statement from the library do(t'ontM on page eight) Health Officer Hudgins Resigns ! Cleveland county will again be with ) out a public health officer after Saturday, with the announcement trut week that Dr Herbert A. Hudgins is ] resigning effective that date. Dr. lludgms is accepting a position X with the federal government's public health service in Haiti. ' Announcement concerning Dr. Hudgins' plant was made several weeks ago. but his resignation, tendered to tllee A. Bridges, chairman of tha county board of health, came earlier than anticipated and was due, Dr. Hudgins said, to demands of the U. s. Civil 8ervlce. Other Kings Mountain member of the seven-mat county "health board is Dr. L. P. Baker. 9 The local health board will attempt to arrange by the end of the week a ,9 temporary set-up for continuing the 9 work of the health department until a new connty health officer can be Dr. Hudgins came to Cleveland County last May upon his release from the U. 8. Army as a lieutenant colonel. He has been in public health work both prior to entering military s':j service and while away with the .>9 Army oversens. He studied health work at tha University of North Car Dr. Hudgins succeeded by six mon- '?]H ths, Dr. Z. P. Mitchell, who resigned a* county health officer in the Fall [9 of 1945 to accept' 1T similar post in Tredcll county. It was understood from members of -*roSH the "health board yesterday that so fsi en w. s kiioa>i i re no pro?poets for immediately filling th* health department vacaney.

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