SWtTLATION v * . > * ' " Incorporated King* Mountain 6,017 lamilrt* Trading Are* 10,000 VOL. 07 NO. 42 Local News Bulletins , ' V KXWAN18 MEETING Joseph B. Johnston, superintendent of Presbyterian Orphan* Borne at Barium Springs, will address members of the Kiwan:* club gt the regular meeting of the Woman's Club Thursday night at 6:30. Mr. Johnston is a graduate of Davidson college and has established * reputation as an outstanding leader in his field. SA PMTBHT1TM TP. A minnfl Members of the Kinge Mountain .Lion* Club will hold their annual Teacher's Night program on Nor ember 21, it wa? announced this week Invitations to teachers are being issued through B. N. Barnes $slty schools superintendent. Bay UodsekaU, Gaffney, 8. C.. Jaayer, and governor of Lions district S2cC sddreesed members of the Kings Mountain Lions elub at the high school cafeteria last Thursday. Mr. Godschall commended the club on its record and urg, ed the club to plan a full sched-. ale of activities for dormitory betterment. MONDAY FIRE Kings 'Mountain Fire Department answered a call Monday at noon to the Burgin Fulls residence at lOd Wattersou street and according to Chief Grady King a onioning stove upon investigation re, vealed no fire. NBW PATROL OSS, Police Chief N. M. Farr announced this week that the City Police Department has secured a now 1940 Plymouth which will be used aa a patrol car. AVIATION MEETING President Glee Bridget, preald_i _a - al A a 1 /via ug h me ox ins *>ieve. , lend Aviation club hold last Tuesday night at hla airport here, bam?d a nominatlnb committee to list a slate of candidates for the November"eleetion. At the meeting Hunter Neialer of Kings Mountain -was accepted into membership! a ' WINDOW DISPLAY Charter of the American Legion i .Auxiliary here is on display in the window of Griffin Drug company ; along with certificates received by the Otis D. Green Post 155, members. . SEAL SALE OOAL Goal for the 1M6 sale of Tuberculosis Christmas seals is $6,000, it was announced this week by Mrs. C. Rush Hamrick, Jr., of , Shelby, seal sale chairman for the second consecutive year. Seals for .the mail campaign are being readied by the GHrl Scouts. ABOABD nDP James B. Hemdos, BS C, has been assigned to the U88 Mo> Cord, a destroyer, operating out of "' Cuba, it wear learned by his family hla weed jATon surra Members of the Kinfs Moun? of the at nual Woman'a ^ "* P?'r Wl'r reported advauciy heilule thi week, us prize lis^ rioua com jtetitious were annt The annual event v. told a the clubhouse on Frith ^ 25, an memberB in charge oi ^ ^ment for the fair anticipate th best in the long history < * 1 oi ganization. v O " Almost all business firms are mt king prize contributions in the var ous divisions, and Mrs. Haywoo Lynch of the prize committee e? pressed her appreciation to the firm for their cooperation. Complete prize list, including awir and donor firm, follows: . FBOWKM Chrysanthemums? 1. Best vase of 6 blooms: 6 ponm Jane Parker frnit ca'ke ? A and 1 ^Store. Buttons combined: Farel Destm Cm I metic set?Ansell Beaut y Shop. 3. Best Azalea chrysanthemums Bastket groceries ? Baker Grocer] Dahlias? 1. Best collection of 6 blooms: Dis Garden ? Allen Flower Shop. I 2. Best collection of any kind es I rept pompoms: set of 4 mixing bowl ?Eagle 5 and 10c 8tore. 3. Best collection Pompoms: 2 11 fruit cake,?McCarter Grocery. 4. Best unusual arrangement o flowers: Basket groceries ? Gault' Grocery. 5. Best arrangement, grasses, set pods, etc: 1 dozen pairs men's hoseAiauney Hosiery Mill. Hoses? 1. Best vase of not less than blooms: Rovall Hickman glazed poi tery?Dellinger's Jewel 8hop. 2. Best collection red roses: one 8: 10 oil painting?Bundy Studio. 3. Best white roses: Luncheoi cloth ? Margrace Sales room 4. Best Pink roses: 2 pound Merit Fruit cake?Blalock'a Grocery. 5. Best mixed vase: $2.00 cash ? Home Building and Loan. Mixed Bowls of Flowers? l..,Be*t mixed bowl: . Evening I Paris bath powder ? Piedmont Dru 8tore. 2. Best bowls in tones of yellon pink and white: Throw rug ? King Mountain Furniture Co. 3. Best miniature arrangf nent crystal vase by Duncan?Garland' Jewlers. CANNED GOODS 1. Best jar fruit, any kind: On lady's dress dry cleaned ? Saunder Dry Cleaning. 2. Best jar vegetables: Dustin; powder ? Griffin Drug Store. 3. Best jar cucumber pickles: Con gress bridge cards ? Kings Mour tain Drug Co. (Cont'd on page eight) Election Nears Activity Little Except for some Democratic rallic in the various districts, some can paign releases from state headquarter and a few other minor rumblings, pol itics in Cleveland connty is of th quiet variety In spite of the fact tha the November 5 general election I rapidly approaching and election re titration books opened lert Saturday In Kings Mountain, some six pel sous registered at one precinct o the initial day. Books will be open this Saturday a the polling places, again on Octobt 26. with November 2 ae challenge da As Is the custom, interest la pol tics la Cleveland county has not rei chcd fever pitch in this "off-year' election, and tha pri tclpal reason the prepondfr? ,y D > -*?ie vol which for y. i its cai didatee to at1 \ ' ??. Neverthc' .e u lblicana ha* fielded a to. C. Y. !* : /, of Union MUla, 1 oppoee Incur >ent? Olee A. Bridge for hie conarooulonal poet, and publican eauidldatea for county rot miaeioner inelnde John L. WrtgV who Urea between Shelby and Falli ton, and C. A. Bfvttain of Caaar. The oppoae Incumbent* Glte A. Bridge Kiaga Mountain, Max WAhburn aa D. D. Latthnore. For the county board of edncatic the OOP ia offering E. A. Hoyh Pallet on, J. 8. Ware, former TCln| Mountain poetmarter, 8. C. Dnaea and J. B. Grow. Democratic incut benta include B. I?. Plonk, Oa| Mountain, B. Anatell, A. Ik Calto W. H. Lota, and 0. D. Forney, wr. In No. 4 townablp Ervin Ellftoi Republican, ia oppoeiag W. Ik Blael burn, Democrat, for townihip conat ble. Votera of Want, Kluge MBlThta vote at Victory Chevrolet compon and votera of Eaat Kinga Mdunta ierald 13 Are "Reprieved" From Draft Process Nott? < ' lnc.il li.ift hoard to cease process. n? registrants throi jh I'. -i-mi.. iiieant thut l.'i regi tranta of the Kings Mountain boar bad trips cancelled auddeuly. ' ! ej The order was received ou Mouda >jih - out s In' 'ulod to tak i- pre-induction examination* t lie fo lowing day. j Those who would hn\e revised ? ] animation* ..were: Barley Edwar 0 Strickland. Henry Wilson Bennett, , , iLeroy Gene C hampion, Billy Kugen Carpenter. J. B. JIackey, Charles Ai ^ drew Neialer, Henry Parks Neiale Avery Ellis Morrison, Floyd Henr ^ Styers, Fred Lowrance. Ed Adam: r_ Lionel Wilson Queen, and William A f ; drew Moles. (The last'mentioned fou had been ordered up for re exainini j tion, aas they were veterans of let than six montba service. i Reason for tbe cancellation *u g | ven a* 01.700 enlistment* end 25,00 ' I inductions during September, pk War Department budgetary limiu E> L ' .TXTntr-S! ?1 I Special Legion ? Meeting Tonight * Officials of Otis D. Green Post 15 American Legion, are urging full at ' ; tendance of tbe membership at I special called meeting Thursday nigb ' ; at tbe City Hall at 7:45 to conside 81 special matters of business. I- j Cards send to the members by I - i G. Hord, adjutant, list the fullowin items on theagenda: g (1) Adoption or rejection of cousti . tution and by-law changes. (2) Action on changing name o 1 post. n (3) Discussion of special money making project for the post builJln. a i fund. "We are particularly anxious t have a full attendance at this meet eg:n receding, much as it did during the period when nil ceil "> ing- were off. Healers and meat eater- were not 3 the only ones happy over t'e end of it this piece of price en? f. I. hut men r chants generally were li: ;>t-v Shoo dealers think that the leather supply will be greatly increased onee the * meat-packers get going. They point "? out that a man killing an auimal for the black market undoubtedly buried t. the hide to avoid "getting caught." Other waste materials are used for soap manufacture and they feel the f soap supply will also he increased. The dealers say that it will be two of three weeks before packing houses get to shipping meats in quan tit.v. but that the removal of ceilings will step up the flow of locally grown o meats immediately. ' Cranford Rites Held On Friday i Funeral services for Dr. Jama* Frank Cranforil, 62. of Gastonia and Kings Mountain, prominent physician, were held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 8. R. Suber last Friday afternoon. Rev. P. D. Patrick, pastor of Firat ) Presbyterian church, conducted the if rites and interment followed in Hoi* c. tywood cemetery, Gastonia. e Dr. Cranford succumbed last Thure " day in Memorial hospital. Charlotte. !e following an illness of three weeks, in Born in Davidson, Dr. Cranford ol i was a graduate of Davidson Crilega and the North Carolina 'Medical Colo lege. Following his graduation he e was associated with the Crowell Ure8i logical Clinic in Charlotte for two ie years. Leaving the Crowell Clinla, he was located in general practice la Hendersonville until 1914. In 1915 he !g was a member of the Finellas County Medical Society and Florida State ? Medical Society wh?a he returned te ,f orological work in that state. A veteran of World War I, he serred with the U. 8. Army Medical De* , partment, specializing ia urology eh r. Fort Oglethorpe. Dr. Cranford entered practice , ' ? B Gastonia in 1933. He wet a meehMt ir of thf North Carolina and QeWNW it Medical Societies, and an ex-preetihot of the Gaston County Medical Sfitfaty. A member of the Tint Presby,4 terian church in Kings Mssstits he f. was also president of the tnke Mh tonia Club where he had summer l' home. Y A member of the committee apy pointed by the Chamber of Oese* merce to eocuro a veoeral clinic for Gaston is, he appeared before maay ; civic elube and other group* trsedag the need of the eiiaic which was a*. eared Mid la atlll In operation there. Twio# married ha la snrvtved by Ij hla wife, tha foraar Miaa Nail Caaeo lar, and a eon, J. Prank Cranford, Jr ?f of Klagn Mountain. Ha wan formerly pj married to Mian Queeale Mobley of er Active pallbaarera ware Dr. Everfe ett Meier. Dr. John Qolckl*, Dr. Dan ad Fronabarfei, Dr. H. a Proneberger. es Dr. W. A.