GAKBON PAFEB: Now id otock, um> it many ime? and it (till make* good r'g^ahle copy. Both icandaid aod legal aire. HERALD PUB DISHING HOUSE. eitfn. WALTERS FLOWERS Phone 95 ' Flowers For All Occasions by reliable and experienced Florists Member: Florists Telegraph Delivery Service PENOES OOK8ET8 : individually deal go ed fouL>u?iion - medical anrgieal aupport*. Fitting* guaranteed. Phone 1876, Qaatonia, or write Mr*. Dora B. Ethendge, 3^2 N. Boyce St., Qaatonia, N. C. o-3 pd MOTABY SEEVIOB For prompt no tary service see Mr*. Billie Logan, | notary p.blic, at Logan Supply company *1 t ti SPECIAL HOXIOB: Complete insulating for al ltype. of home*. A nice cool hone in the cummer, a nice warm hone in the winter for only a few dollar*. Don't wait, aae the CUae Iaraatioln Co., phone M7-W, Shelby, N. C, today. a-Stfa >rri' wm*mw> latioa Co., today for a eomplete estimate ea your hone. No charge for thle service. Save fuel, aave by, N. a a_8 tfa WAXTBoT hauHng of aay kind. Loe&rldge T-anafer. Fboae 10. aept 8 BOT is pd KZ HZ atop. RUNNING FITS in doga or we refund your money. "We know of no other guaranteed running fits remedy. Griffin Drug Com | pany. o-3-24pd FOB ttAUB: Boxwood, and other sArtkbbery. Mr*. W. W. Souther, 411 W. Gold it. o-24-pd PROTECT Tour new chair from moth, for only $1.25 for five years protection guaranteed. One .praying of KILiBUG atop* moth damage or KILBUK pay. for the damage. J KINGS MOUNTAIN DRUG 0O9T- j tr ai^ x V- A |?u FARM FOB BALE or trade for house la town. Located one mile below below Archdale Farma. New five ! room honae; 30 acres of land, sotne bottom; good pasture and pleity of water. Bee R. L. HOWELL, route 2, Kiigs Mountain. o-17-31pd TRUCK TIBB8 FOB BALE: 6, 10- j ply Atlas truck tires, size 700-20, slightly used, ?275. Bee J. C. De- | Veney, route 2, near Betbware, or call 445-J3. o-l7^d wilL TRADE 1941 Special Buick 4door sedan, extra clean, for any model light car. Bee M. C. Poston at 302 E. King street or call 331-W. o-17pd FOB BALE: Warm Morning cabinet circulating heater. Used one year. A bargain at $75. Call Drace Peeler, Phone 54. o-17pd ABUT STEEL COTS: limited amount BRIDGES and HAMRICK, phone 187. o-17. FOB BALE: 1 upright typewriter in tip-top shape. Bee or call John Cheshire, phone 22. o-17 WANTED TO BUT: small circulating i heater in good condition. Fnonc 887-J. o-17pd FOB BALE: two large coal burning circulating heater*. KINGS MOUN TAIN FURNITURE CO. Phone 57. 0-17 FOB SALE: four room house. See j ' , P. J). HERNDON. Phone 140. o 17 | t WEDDING INVITATIONS: Reauti-J fully engraved on fine quality Stock. Two week delivery. Hl*".K*\ ALD PUBTISHIXQ HOUSE.* WE HAVE: Desk size blotter*, an assortment of card boards in white, orange and green. Ten cents peg heet. HERALD PUBLISHING . HOUSE. eitfn MARKET QUOTATIONS (Corrected Oct. 16, 1MB) - Egos, grade A large 60c J. Bweet Potatoes (bu.) $2.00 ' ' Heavy Fryers [ , 37 l-2c , ' Heavy Hens 25c Cam $2.23 j ' Wheat r, $2.15 _1 L__ $1.60 Oata 00c Irtah Potatoes (100 be) $3.00 ~ Cotton, mirtditng 38.20c / . I 1 t i,-i T . . PATTERSON UROVE NEWS (By Mrs. Thurman Seism Regular preaching service will be held Sunday at 11 o'clock with the Rev. W. A. Roberta in charge. Bun day school at 10:UO. Mr. aud Mrs. I). M. Teague, Mr. aud Mrs. Clyde Barber of Charlotte, were Saturday guests of Mr. and Mrs Marvin Wright and family. Mr. ami Mrs. Clifford (jueen visited through the mountains of western N. C. over the la/ week end. They are making their home at present at 209 Kast King street,^Tvings Mountain Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pliifer, Miss Lona Seism, Mrs. Beulah Bridges vis ited Mrs. Lee Thoruburg who is in the Shelby hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lee Putnam and son, Jessie, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Putnam ana family of Prospect. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Seism and ann* \f ? *"* ......cue, iiuikd, eruce and Paul visited Mr. and Mra. Garfield Neal of Kings Mountain Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mra. Gettys Rciam, Martha Sue. Mileg Gene and Nell Seism viaited Mr. and Mra. Carl Seism andeon Sunday atternoou. Mr. and Bra. Clyde Short, Miaa Mazine Short, Mr. Ruaaell, Carl Putnam, Mr. Frank Moore left Sunday for Myrtle Beaeh. Mr. aad Mra. Lloyd Tnraer were week end gneata of Mra. Lettio Tensfamily were Baaday gneata of Mr. and Mra. Ira Wright of Deeaeaer City Mian Mary Cat ell Beiam waa BunMa^Scleni.^^" Mr. aad Mra. W. A. Sciam and family 'had aa their Sunday afternoon go eat, Mr. and Mra. Jamee Bolin and eon, Kenny, Mr. and Mra. Earneat Naples, Miaa Naplea, Mr. and Mra. Boy Long of Klaga Mountain. Mr. Lewis Bridges of Thomaaville viaited his mother, Mra. Beulah Brid- | ges over the week end. Mr. and Mra. Ab Logan, Grace and Philip were Saturday dinner gneata of Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Sciam and family. Miaa Nell Seism was Sunday guest of Miaa Martha Sue Sciam. Davidson Alumni To Meet Tonight Davidson, N. C., Oct. 15.?Davidson College alumni in the Gastonia area will gather Thursday night at the Armington Hotel in Gaatonia at 7i00 o'clock for their first meeting in several years. W. J. Pharr of McAdenville, president of the local organise tion, will preside. Dr. John R. Cun \ ningham, college president, will be the principal speaker. Also on the program will he Bill Story, new coach of the Wildcat football tear* . In addition to the alumni and their wives, the nnrervtm n' tending Davidson ana special guests are also invited to be present to receive the news from the campus. The meeting is the second in a series scheduled for North and Booth Carolina this fall in the College's alumni reorganisation program. The purpose of the meeting is to perpetuate the friendships formed in college, to promote the welfare of Davidson and its alumni, and to promote the cause of education generallv. The only business to come up during the conclave will be the election of officers f<\ the coming year. All alumni and parents"bf students in the area who plan to attend should contact Fred P'.tcbford in Gastonia before the meeting. ?THE HER AID $2 00 PER YEA&? WAFFLE SHOP'S ?/ ? STTNTIAV TITN"?srE!'Rtt Country Style Steak 60c Barbecue 76c * Fry Oysters 66c Boast Pork 75c Hamburger Steak 60c All prices include drink One-half gal. Ice Cream to carry out 86c THE ' WAFFLE StaOP Phone 379 THE KINQT UOUNTA1N HERALD THURSDAY. OCT. 17. l?4g | THE POCKETBOOK Or* KNOWLEDGE By PiUiKlM 2 836.000 Businesses- IM ^ \ '^?^f THH U.S. EMPtOVINS WPUWR Oi ? \ jf"52?JJZS&n H TVWN tOO PBWOKlStACH PRCMOP STHIKMMWWSeP JOM FOR A TMIKP Of ALL I L WCT emwws ^i?H6| >v. MOMTtf Hourly earning! of workers io 25 Somebo?S kas come op with a key frt,1V**> T?iB^",^rr'BT i'itfatrfrr.*nrr inrrVir t gone upew.'k mouth this year. Wage* bui?tary b> use of s skeletou key. per hour reached an all lime peak in The gimix fits into the keyhole and July, a gain of 8 percent over Juh only the proper door key will open 1M5. ' It. I Auction Sale Beautiful Building Sites for sale at Auction. CROWDER HOWELL FARM on Old Orover Road subdivided and will be sold at Auction Early in November. j P. D. Herndon Phone 140 Kings Mountain, N. C. I For Men and Bo 1 Polar Coats for Polar We WOOL AND LEATHER MEN'S LEATHER SUEDE COATS sizes 36?44 MEN'S LEATHER CAPESKIN COATS sizes 36?44 MEN'S WOOL MACKINAWS sizes 36?44 MEN'S SHEEP LINED ZELAN JACKETS with large fur collar, sizes 38?46 \ *BBBBBBS88BBESi5555SSS55 , * ' V T-? -:'.l . I o PAOE SEVEN llow RIGHT yon aret .... to CHOOSE a Gag* Hat, to WEAR a Gag* Hat... for Gag* hat a way with hatt that mak*t th?m RIGHT for Ratt**y and chic. Lwxwriow* for f*tt. $3.98?$22.50 aI 'itf' 'JUJ ! * .' IfcJUi ?,*%?..?.. i?HMst* NOTICE POTATO GROWERS ARCHDALE POTATO HOUSE IS NOW OPEN TO RECEIVE POTATOES I PLEASE BRING- HELP TO HACK POTATOES-? ARCHDALE FARMS Phone 2405 v* Z I aithcr Jgl I ? Boys ITHER CAPESKIN JACKETS $12.96 A \ to 18 >L MACKINAWS $6.95 I 5 to 18 I OL JACKETS, leather trimmed $74$ J: I to 16 . , 4K BROTHERS & CO. "Your Merchant Since 1899"