" i iii ii.II i E i ImmImi tndiai Aim 16.000 ? t-Wttf:? ,'j? > ' * * - . '*. ? -; ' ' ." :>** * V1 "_" wo*. I" I 1 T'l 1 I'll S 'WSa .. . v :' Local News Bulletins t ooubtj Of hon ok Regular monthly Court of Honor for Kings Mountain Boy' Scouts will b? held Thursday night ?( the City Hall at 7:45? according to announcement from PieiRnont Council hegdquai .era. ( scout 1kovtb. A tsre rest movlf of especial interest to parents. scoutera.. Sad prospective scouts will be ^hotqn, as Dirt of the oroitrara at . "Theatre today only, It ?M antwt TJ1** ? ii pmnttd In connection with tb? currant nenbtrtklp drive be tag conducted by seonter* In King* Meentala. ( Effective Monday, Mm following office Averse will be Ibaaned at USES Employment office beret to 5 p. ?. Saturdays?0 e. m. \o 1 pm. Annonncemeat of the changi was made by Mary A , Ooforth. bead of the 4oeal office, -who pointed out that the agency return* to atate Jurisdiction on Saturday. ,t HOED ON ACmVH DUTY First Lt. D. F. Hord/Jr., who, has been commissioned la tbe ar my dental corps, left Monday for "San Antonla. Texas, wherd he will report for duty to BrooVj Attn* Medical Center at Fbrt Sam Hoiis-. ton today. BAND OONCERT Tfie Highland high school band ?f Gastonia will give a concert at Davidson high school, Thursday ev-enlng, Nov. 21, mt 7:80. The program i> Uelug "Sponsored by the wAvAntt) inH atohfh (rvbdac A# til* .Davidson school sad Mr*. Jesaie Coitner. -small admission fee -win bo oharged. . it . \ -sowamis p*o?uut, . Mr*. W. T. trarian and ton membari rf * U* wenlor elaaa will pseaent a program ?t the regular meeting of ttarrKi-watns club at tha Womah7s ohib t Thursday eight et SjM, The * pregram wflt take thrfTorm of 4 rouad ' -table discussloa on IB* tople -'Bulldlag World Security Through Education." and is being prsSeat ?ed in connection with NaTTbnal Education week. ! "' ; /FTTLTON AT HOME Robett Pulton, chief aviation or1 -dnancemau. in the navy, ^pd ion of Mr. and "Mrs. P. D. Pulton, arrived Sunday from the West Coast " -Chief Pulton la oa terminal leave awaiting discharge on January 0, following six years of serried. Per the past four and one-half years he has been assigned to the UBS Curtis, an seaplane tender, on duty in Pacific waUira. * i BAKU OH TBXP The TtlngS Mountain High School lmad performed at Hickory *Priday . -eight at the Lenolr*Bhyne-OuUford i football game, going through a ae V riea of marching* maneuvers at tha "half, and furnishing rffaetr through -the game. Tt was tha band ' tecdnd trip of the seasou to a college game, tt hating performed at Daaldson , 4? October 29. v [ './ . ' *> '' \ i V. ' v., v.. 1 BCOUTERS MSBTINO Officials of Piedmont Council, Aoy Scout* of Americd, -wTTl father at BoQiag Spring* next Wednesday afternoon at 8i45, fa a Scooter Cobber Pound-up. A lar^e number of King? Motmtain Scout leader^ are ^xyeeted to attend. M 8AXXTARY BATIK CHI ^ following ^ ' ^ iff* t} JM Santa Claus Comes To Town December 6 th b'anta Clues will make hi* annual prcOhrutmus visit to Kings- Mountain on December 6, as -the merchants of |he city stage their Christ ' mm opening celebration for the benefit 01 the young folks. Final'plans for the acrival of Old Nick ^er* set at a called meeting of the. directors of the Kings Mountain Merchants Association Mohiday night. Aocording to plans announced this week, Santa Clans will arrive air. Smn t) Bridges Airport late Friday 1 apac noon, with the high school band isadiag way, he will be drives lb# bneUobe dbitriat ^ Stgdi?where' he will dtftrilmU fssihii te all ehlldrea. aether sew fsetase of th* prograw arm- he a fireworks display at the wuj mi? io? mraou bp on tag tf the rCkri|tmi mloi is *'?T MlUttii, and. street slectrie ^ fireworks display. Ltrp crowds attended the Christ'' sua event last year, when Santa Class paraded through the city on the 'back of an elephant. , . Members of the association commit tea arranging details of the event were Joe Lee Woodward, 0. W. Myers - E. C. McClain and W. F. Laughter, 1 association secretary. y ' ' a tj . Keeter's Now Remodeling Keeter's Department 8tore began thia week extensive remodeling designed to all 25 percent additional i floor space to the firm. < Lee Construction company is in ^ charge- of tlla remodeling, with W. . ifc. - Totteeon in charge. l^kl^V'pH^TMd Ratl^'u^g ^Bosrd! ' f addad apse# wUt make a total i floar space in Jhe two-floor baildiag j 10,000 iquft fist. , ' J. B. Koeter, owner of the firm, aafd the present work is the first t top in a ganernl remodeling of th? , store. ' { To faeQitate the work, the firm fa ' ttnnAHnslne^ ? ?? ? ?J ?* ^ ( rnuaj lOlOUUBIlBg ClCftr* _ fcnce sale of ladies' and children' ~ ready-to-wpar. . ' Hunnicutt Named Vice \ President Aviation Club 1 ( At a meeting of the Cleveland ! county Aviation club held at Bridges Airport in Shelby last Saturday night Olee A. Bridges, of Kings Mountain; , yeas succeeded to head of the organisation by a Shelby man and H. ft. Hunnicutt, also of Kings Mountain. , was elected a viee-president. , Brad F. Moser, cotton merchant and operator at the Byera airport, was el- 1 evated from* the vice-presideney Into the presidency where ne succeeds Olee A. Bridges of Kings Mountain. 4 who bad headed the group since Its , organisation. Other officers elected j included H.'R. Hunnicutt of Kings | Mountain, vice-president, Miss Carolyn WHHauts. reelected secretary, aad Mise Nell Roberts, re-elected treesur er. 1 ] Nine new members were accepted by the cub,' they being Dr. Sam Schenck,'Z. J. Thompson, Johnny { Brewer. B. P. Qherer and T. E. Holmes of Shelby, Bob Riley of Kings | Mountain, Howard Anthony and Darwin Earl of Ofover. - i UA?4 - A aV. - I ngii.iHniBK ui nreargnnzrtTtrrr will be December "3 at the "Woman'? rlfch hnitdfog in Klngi Mountain. Qrover District ScUMf -Opcny, Cotton plekia* * recoaa for Qrovor Aiftfiet aehoaW eaM Monday while | >V>^ Mour * 1 t i . . . I,. * :, t i , . UN CM MOUNTAIN. N. 0. Tl ;v' ." :ijfl ;.v?H ? spouts AitAnr i>?ai bas* ? left, bob of Mr. yd Mrs. X>add W. on of Mit and Mn. O. B. Atffl, both gem, ibttiai thm* they hmve attained rick, a member of Troop 1, hold? 98 for Baglo, and qualified for Eagle In 2, holds 92 merit badges and qualified bona me Cub Scouts at the age of 1.2th birthdays. Broadus Most. Is mar is Troop 2 Scoutmaster. Mountaineers / In Shelby Clasl Big Cleveland county football clamlie of the year, the annual meeting >f the* Kings Mountain Central high ichool Mountaineers, under the tutorihtp of coach Clyde A. Canipe, and he Shelby high Lions, piloted by the eteran Casey Morris, finds thousands it the i*o 'twas- football) followers u Shelby high gtafHam at fko p. with the largest ^rowd srtr to wit? sees a high school pigskla tnstla ia the opnaty expected to orerfow the flood-lighted gridiron, weather per* sitting. All set and ready to sEoot the works ityar laat Friday night's 12 to 7 jptet vietory over Lenoir's Seareau, he Moantaineers are in top phyeieal ia3T~mental condition for the invasion >f the Lion stronghold, with Brusler 3(11 Cashion, plunging fallback, and 'leet-footed Dwight Ware, wlngback, ready to mateh yardage behind their sard-charging forward wall with the ihelby spark-plugs, tailback Dick Wnl ter and wingback Allan Washbarn. fashion scored twice against Lenoir est week and Walker ran two over against the Lincolnton Wolves to lead the Lions to victory, 18 to 7. Heading the list in the workhouse department, the uheralded forward walls, will be Bob Neill at tackle, Bad Medlin at center,> Boy Behelor it guard, and Bill Dettmar at end Tor the Mountaineers and such stal* warts as Ken Bridge, end, Backer, at guard, and Williams, at center,- for BSelby. Shelby homecoming festivities are expected to enliven the Championship scramble, giving the contest a strictly big-time collegiate air, and prom lee is for a lively evening of football entertainment. Probable tart era: KM \ 8 LB?Dettmar McKee LT?George Allen LG?Harmon Cannon 0?Medlln Williams Country ClubM Will Be Held N A general membership meeting of Kings Mountain Country Club, 'Inc., baa been set for Wednesday after noos, Nor. 20, at 2 p. m., at the club, with officials particularly anxious that' atl members attend. Principal items of bnsiness listed by President Joe Nelsler include *lectlon of officers snd direct bra and making of preparations to organise the corporation, to ?#t up a plan of operation, and te ley groundwork for rules and by 'Mr. bf the dub. t "J mm P?, $ v^V ttain t IUBJSDAY, NOV. 14, 1946 *Jol - % m^iWr " ^^j Btf m i rtsi. i Kl: Mwn ilm aro Hurray Hamrck, IT? iliili. Mid Otrlud Still, right of wIob recently received Eagle badtho highest rank in Scouting. Hammerit badges, fire more than required September. Still, a member of Troop for Eagle rank in August. Both boys nine, and became Boy Scouts on their Troop 1 Scoutmaster and Laney Dettkre Underdogs i FridayNight Merchants Half-Holiday <Wf During December Wednesday afternoon. Nor. 27, win be the final eeekly half-holiday for Hinge Mountain mere bants .until Hew Tear'* Day, according to ] action takes by director* of , the King* jfeufklHi Merchants aseocia The director*, Mowing c?omary iiShy, -voted to re?in open all day Wednesday daring Deoember to m ??w iwnaiwqn viriMBift inop* pm Mar ohante will ki cloud both J Wodnoodoy afternoon, Hot. 87, and on Thanksgiving Day, Hot. 88, (trine poraonnal a ono-and-ono half day respite. Tho director* aloo rototf to observe rofnlar houra othorwlao dar ing the Christmas aaaaOO, with the xoavtlon of Christmas Bra, when Saturday hours will ba observed. Aaaoclaflbn by-laws call for holidays on both Christmas Day and DeceffiboT 28. Lions Football Banquet Is Set The Kings Mountain Lions club win hold its annual Football Ban' quet, honoring members of the high school football team, oo Thursday night, December 5, it was announced this week. ? It was stated that a big-name eoarh has tentatively accepted an invitation to be present at the meeting. Further announcement concerning the program la to be forthcoming later. Members'of the committee in charge of arrangements for the banqnet are Otto Williams, W. J. Fnlkerson and Charlie Moss. Rfl?Boheler Rucker BT?Nelll Kiser RK??Black K. Bridges OB?Led better J. Bridges LHB?Oanlt Walker RTTO?Vm ?1-1 , ? ....w Iinsnuuru | FB?Cashion Cheek embershipMeet ext Wednesday isthought that the course will be rady for regular play by early spring Building of the clubhouse dining room and locker room have been comuleted end await only installation of fixtures before being ready for nee, and sense interior work is still required. When ready foe open It g, the dining room dad etebhoeee is to be under the eupareSMea of Mr. end Mr*. W. J. Fetytereea. (Mb officials announced. "Pregraan ea readying the oountry deb bee been considerable in the past Jos&Jtentbe," Mr. Heislor saM, "aad imH to ne season it ean't U U oporiWa b? the nearfnbsre.^ ^ J ^rgb tg^eo"sir *totels MS ^ ' ' "vS.'W f '.'. V ;.W, ? ' ler aid 0 UonsClub Ph Cftizen-of-the Tbe Kings Mountain Lions Club announced this week that it would award a citizenship cup to the Citizenof-the Year Tor the period June, 1 1946?June 1, 1947. The club thus revives its former Man-of the Year award with the ex i ception that women will also be eli- I gfTTlo for the honor. According to rules set up by t! -? i club committee handling the arrange- , ments for the award, the Kings .Muu'i tain citizen to receiva the award will bo chosen from a seven member committee representing seven local organisation* Th?* ?n? ^ j ..1 'I'l .. , iwJJ?r M'Ua.V.' Clab. Woman's Club, Kiwanls Club. Junior n?-ww? -? ? WV VI VVHUDVI \m BDd Lion* club, witb the Mlvidul organization to Mloet tti representatives. The Llom club ispr?satativs will serve m oi-officio ehslrmsB of the award* committee. The anrsngemeats committee la re ' Tear committee that ao award bo made ia the event the committee Is unable to find a citizen particularly i deserving of the award. i Rules also include: (1) The person receiving the sward muat be a citizen i of the Kings Mountsin 'area during 1 the period for which the award is I made. (2) The award will be made to the 1 person rendering outstanding civic service, over and beyond the call of 1 duty of any average citizen, to city, ' state or nation during the period' ' for which the award is made. | ' According to tentative plans, open 11 nominations from all citizens will be | ( accepted, and a letter setting forth!) reasons for the nomination should ac> company each to enable the committee } to have full Information. Nominations | however, are not binding on the com- ; mittee, which may go outside those ( citizens nominated in choosing the { Citizen-of-the Year. Further announcemtnt will be made ' at a later date concerning manner of nomination!. ' Election Pot Still Warm on J of P. Race? , In spite of the announcement that the only Republican elected to office November 5 in Cleveland county was' < a Waco conatable, some question ha* 1 risen concerning the No. 4 townahip ' conatable race, in which five Demo < (rata and one Republican ? W. Boyd 1 Putnam ? were candidates. Peyton < Mc8wain. chairman of the county e- t leetions board said Wednesday. "The t Democrata were elected, the Republican defeated." Th question on the part of Candi* i date Putnam's friends harks back to he May Democratic primary when the ffve Democrats waged a hot primary fight, then found they were ?11 nominated. According to announcement at that < time by Virgil Weathers, then chair- I man of the elections board, the state hoard of elections had ruled that No. ' 4 Township was entitled to nine mag istrates jinder Public Law *-113, of i the North Carolina code, which pro- 1 vides that each township is entitled to three magistrates, with additional 1 magistrates for each incorporated town in the township on the basis of one per 1,000 population. With only six candidates and nine posts, Mr. Putnam's friends think he is elected. 1 The ballot listed a notation over i both Democratic and Republican tic* 1 kets reading "Vote for Five." On the hauls of Mr. McSwain's statement, Mr. Putnam is defeated ua lesa^the state board of elections certifies otherwise. New AEP Minister To Move Next Week Rev. W. L. Pressley, pastor-elect of Boyce Memorial ABP church, is to move on Monday into the redecorated manse on Piedmont avenue, and he is to deliver his first sermon on Novem her 24. Dr. W. W. Boyce, head of the Erakiae college seminary at Due West, 8. C., who has been supply paator for the past several months, will preaeh his final regularly scheduled sermon Busday. ?AV nx>wa? BAZ<B VM Disabled American Veterans Ifltifesls chapter will spossor a Forf?-He Not sale in Kings Mountain oh Satarday, Nor. tS, It haa boan announeed by John ?W. Olnddon, chairman of tho Kings Ifsantnln Sam of ?oaflitrs of the maalm. ? U? 1 A Pages . ^ * Today, \ FIVE CENTS m OOPT ms To Make -Year Award Ol's Attention! Can Anyone Read Dutch? Caii anyone read Dutch t If to, please get In touch with Mrs. J. O. N icicles, principal of Park Onto* school. The need arose In this manner: In the Victory Clothing cousv^in lrct year, school children penned good will notes for transit with ub the dothaiR And last week a lettir was received In reply, bat wrttten in Dutch. It was the fourth "thaakyow" lilfriilnifliiiWiinl lin'i'dliliiili'iWMil - mmm wee* written la SagtMt. Kn. Nick els and the pap lis are isrlnue for a Board Does Not 4dJGbJ2scis(^^? The city board of aldermen took ae iction at their Tuesday sight meetiiik on filling the Ward 3 vacancy oa the board, according to H. L. Bnriette. city manager, but several perjons are under coniideratlon foT the ' post, be said. Though he ha* not formally resigned from the board, Ladd W. Hamrick Ward 3 representative on the board tor the pnst several yenr*: " moved tie residence to Boiling Springs last iveck and automatically disqualified iimself for membership on the board. According to the city, charter, the >oard is empowered to appoint ^ council member to fill the unexpired term, which, ends iu May 19471' Mr. Burdctte did not announco jamcs of Ward .1 citizens under con-j siderntion for the appointment, but taid that other board members indl:ated that all mentioned as possibtllies would be acceptable. Several weeks ago it was aaaonn* :ed that 'Mr. Hamrick was leaving Sings Mountain, and names moat v prominently mentioned in connection rith the aidermanie post In streetcorner talk ig&ude David L. Saunders, W. B. Logan, and J. E. Maunty. Mr. Burdette said the hoard tea don was "routine," with only minor natters on the agenda. He said the board passed a resole* :ion granting permit for the Kings Mountain Merchants association firecorks display in connection with tha Christmas celebration, and that the :>oard discussed, without action, forte* ?UUt 4 ue icucwii oi sewer (llspoiftl SOft racts with industrial firms outside he city limits. John Coker Sentenced For Drunken Driving John H. Coker, for driving drunk, eras given a six months sentenoe. tuspended to pay $75 and costs and to give up his drivers licemse In action taken at city Recorder's court leld at City Hall here last Monday. Other cases up before the judge were: William MoCleary, attempted issault, costs; Bantam Huston, druna snd disorderly, $10 and costs) Wha? Fred Hope, possession of liquor and tip boards, 110 and coats; John F. OUUtmCATIOM The Ruth Baatty is is t toned In last west's Recorder's court story Is not the Ruth Betty, address Phenlx Mo. 2, the Herald la happy to report. Berry, speeding and no drivers li- , cense, $20 and costs; Louis I. -West, possession of liquor for beverage pur? poses, dismissed; and John A. Royster. speeding, $10 and costs. Robert Kimbrel, on a larceny chac- # ge.'was given a prayer for judgmeat continued, to pay costs and be on good behavior for two years. The public drunkenness esse a-1 gainst Catherine Crouch was dismiss ed nnd the following paid fines for public drunkenness: James L. Bell. Ben Avers, and Andrew paid *5 ami coatlT, Jamea Stagga, Ben Avers, Krvin Hudson, John Hullender, Curlee Preoaley, ^IVe .T1 m rri e rana. and Fletcher Hughea all paid costs. Hoey To Teach Sunday School Lesson Here 8?aator Clyde B. Hoey will teaeh the Sunday school Toeaon before the men's otasa of the Central Ifethod 1st church Sunday morn lag with several other men's Bible elaseee equaled te attorn4. . ,v Sonater Hoey, fttltfby, %J|imli Err is day aehool rsphii, in WNp> Nst to aelnc to Ba1ei?h asjt^thq *e .

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