u^\ tabmduto tmtat an* 16,000 v^ ^ ???? _ I jo^au at ira to^ j Neisier i Local News Bulletins i xxwjunm pbookam Vln? LL Walter W. Chanery, \ le^^ieer?ltiag dWtrietTwlllbe la ak|i|l of the program at Uo nge M? mnHnf of tko Blags Mewatain ItMal^^tolMkoU atU? Wo"Oooyoattn Bowoltln Pngna." Ako te be heard am tko pray are rSgi. D?aH L. Baaait asd Sgt. X>wight Ftnaio. 1 1 jj. i i 1 ii.i. i i i ram rom amoni laplojaao af Sterchi Broa. atora Ban were geaeta on Tneoday alght fal- Shelby . of Mr. and Mrs. Wrad Balrd at a turkey dinner at the Balrd home. It was the annual employee get-together of Sterchi emylagreae of Shelby Forest, City, and Kings Mountain. jf ' 11 i . WW FOUOBMAN James Loroa Thornburg, for over fire yean a member of the Shelby police department, has aeeepted -a position with the local constabulary . -according to an announcement by Chief N. M. Farr of tha Kings Mountain police. He served with the . Nary daring the war and is n for. mar Kings Mountain Central high Mel athlete. sssjstsr fmm tried la tkl* *<" ?lty Himtar'i Ity Hall km iut Ho* pa bile drulHMM aa aaty-two oaaaa triad bjr added to the long Uat I of penoaa triad far LMT ware mat tamed!tat are ttafkt to the IMC record* of the court tar* ftr pntr idared a not juilty Tfclarebting O. O. Moore ^Maaaaaiea f i xwr tataeeoa wa* Johnnie wa* fiaed CIO aad eoetof* driving without a driver'a BeefcM md Adam" Oakee wii land with tW ?mU for the eeat offence. Yaae* Pr&ltt *11 fonnd guilty en an Affray ekarge and waa taxed triih " *e?n Ijgjpfr P*M of $8 mad eoata for pah Bd dnttahaaaeoe war* William B. #er CUtehena, Tracy Stewi, John O. Wilaom and me taxed with eoata tonnoMi Ben Oooper. 'Baxter Hayeo, 0. R Borrow and Rufua is In * tbulary i Kings Mountain Po 'ttCOUepartment during the month of Katimhai show throe reaignatione and '' ' V one aoeeptanee according to informattenreloaaed thia week by Police , Jtar.' leasee Levon "Thornburg was accept *& into the department to fin the va eaney of 0. I* Onrry? reelgned. , - . - reaignation of Boyoo P. Stone watKnoooptOd' oa November 89 and . r?. O. on November 15. ..'r;' Btadd-rhiw' holn with the douertment I ^ (ft #? '* - a '. ^WsM jT? yz3Rri^Hp8yjww'^ 3* e^e^l*j^ * S PPP';' ? To Ma ' Kings Plants Lions Directors Endorse High Teacher Pay . Director* of the King* Mouatal Lioa* clabMo?d?y *ight^e?dor?odtS juT Somtk PMa?t district ud A Charlotte Obeerror. Tala pay Mate, which will approxl ate a 40 pororat laeroaae ow proa ?rt riff, porooat Mora than the wuma uk 00 by tho North Oaroliaa Bdoeattei aaoaeUtlom. For tbo paot aororal weoha, NCBJ offlolate C. W. PhUlipo aad Claw Nffia an JU. U rwlw dtetrtetc throughout the aUte, MM tially for- aaklag too llttlo of - thi 1047 General AsaeaeMy. The resolution of tie Hons dlrec tore la to bo forwarded to State Sen ator Lee B. Weathere aad Bepreeenta tire Odna M. Mall, both of Shelby. Teaeher pay la expected to be on< of the moat torrid iaaaea to reac> the General Assembly's 1947 aeslThn which convener in January. Action by the Liona directora wai tnken at the regular December meet ing Monday night. o I Flyers Hear Travis, Eat Fried Chicken Newly elected offieera of the Cleve land Aviation club were inatailed ii offiee at tbe regular meeting of th< group held at the Woman's Club Tnei day night. They are Brad Moeer, president Harold Haaaleatt, vice president, Oa tW imp * tiitr futa ripg fried tkkkn, ud heard t home ^Mr addrees by fldi Travis, CharlotU Otetrm columnist. Atru|MMati were ttidt dnrlij ? bariaaee nwiw for-a large" repreeea tatioa of flyer* from this eouhty ? the annuel Miami, Vie., eir ebow fa be eteged la January. WAT. |tIJ With only slightly more than on?third of the goal raised, citizens througheat the county are being urged to return eaek or cheek fee the familiar OksUtmaa seal* they reeeired la' thematic last week. Goal of the campaign is #S,000 and receipt* to date total over *2,800. The i fund* are need la combatting toI berenlosis and for providing emergency relief to tabeealar patients. Coal, Or Lack < Big News As IV An it was the nation, eoal wu stll the big story la Kings Mountain foi the peat week, and though there wei immediate optfcahpa concerning th< rwumpviun ui upoauuns ( Mills plants, eltixsns still gave th? coal sltoation their most strict atten ion. ' And tome had, very goed reason ai they watched the week's low tempera tares make farther inroads into th< home eoal supplies which were moving to the dwindling point. To a question, "Is anybody suffer ing?" Claude Hambright, eoal dealei said he didn't think sq. He was hoping for release of sev oral ears of coal by directive and saic his supplies of stoker and furnam eoal were still regarded as adequaW for the immediate future. He added, however, that mine stoel piles are dwindling and, as" about ev eryone else, hoped for an early retail to work by the miners.. Initial reaction to the #3,500,00#"fln< handed the United Mine Worker* an< the #10,000 fine put on John jL Lewli in federal court Wednesday**# fha U would not pat the mlasgl baek ti work. Meantime, cltisese Mnftr am j^~*wW 1 1 ^ >^TyMnWTT^T .77T! ke 1946 1 v Moui I KIN08 MOUNTAIN. N. 0. Resum Fireworks, I To Feature 1 a Merchants Are Open 9m f? ? ^T^rnmwZmm tHn'w aU^ln <ly ?^VJtowiS 1 n SSs? t sszkp?^*M>!iip>r<?i ii'kou! dan ud will mhm tki Waftnw - d*7 afternoon slnrtnf on January 1 1M7. ; J. R. Davis Is | County Attorney J. B. Davis, prominent Kings Mom tain attorney, was appointed count, attorney on Monday by the Clevelan connty board of commissioners, afte they had been sworn in for anothe two-year term of office. Mr. Davis succeeds Henry B. Ed wards, who recently refunded ovo $9,000 to the eounty following alle| 1 stA *?1 3? vvi w<vi viMtgvBy ?uu Tfuu JUMV jrnu*, ' waived hearing la county court 01 ' two counta of forgery. The Kiaga Mountain attorney ia i , former representative la the Generi t Assembly and haa for many year 1 bee} eaa pX Xko ehyV letting attoi Serving their foarth tenaa a* cos . missloaors are dee A. Bridges, Ma , WaahbOra and D- D. Lattimor* M Lattimore waa ehoaea ad chalrmaa o i the board, succeeding Mr. Bridget . and Mr. Washburn waa named vic< f ehalrmaa. > Charlea Q. Billing of Kinga Mom tain was re slOitsd ooanty auditor. Joe 0. Whlsaaat, fomef county al torney. and C. C. Hess, both Shelb: lawyers had declined the count attorney *e poet before h was tendei ed to Mr. Davis. viwiiw mWMMBP AOOU8TA, 0aVint Lt. W. B. Dogma, infantry, Enaband of Mrs. W. B. IiQgan, Kiaga Moaataia, 'K. C., was' among pafTeata who ar rlv#d hare recoatly for further treatmeat at Oliver General hoepital! Of It, Week's [ercury Drops 1 ventorlea at a record high since 1941 r end though a few lteaaa are short i white dress ahlrta, nylon hoae, shoe l and n few other items? many nor r article? ere available than during Do > cember 1945. IndoatrlalUts are beset with shii ping problems, but many have beei i ihlpplng considerable quantities b; motor express and thus the eurtaile > rail shipments will not complete!; f close off the outlets. Superior Stone company will b . considerably hampered by the rail ce r bargo, as a big portion of their crus' ed stone has been moving by rail. W. M. Moorhead, of the- Souther 1 Railway office here, said Wednesda; 9 he knew only what he had read i s the papers regarding the rail curtail menu and did not know what passen t ger trains would be taken off regula . runs. I Tli? measure Included: (1) Clamping of an embargo on al l rail freight and exprees ahtpmeati 1 with the exception of eommodlDe i and enppliee neeeeeary to the autr I teaanea of pablie health and eafetj > effective It:01 % la. Friday. ' (8) Order of a; aaaaad 88 pereen .A. M? ?I?? *- I. - - -- F tire Us#? p. mv Suds?. ? i (?) Umit ?f tiw wdiM'M^fni , f??t to ftv? ponN? 11 diDpdvtd tkd t llfWere lisp 1 THUBSDAY, DEO. ie Uper; Old Nick Art fule Opening The lMd Chrlatmaa enopping eeai 1 Clana Mkw kU annual rtalt her* k glee yeugetera a print of the fell [ they expect to riait then Chrieta l *r?'i ii iit r- T .j I Old Saint Nleholaa la ?chedaled I arrive by plane at Bridget Airport r approximately 6 o'clock. The h: eehool bead will be on hand to m*. him along with i eity fir* track i frsasftirf i fcf-rr Iff c ntnsrfr, ithran > the business district "to City Btadic where children will be given fay by the Kings Mountain Merehnntc , soelatlon. After hit arrival at the Stadium, 15-minute fireworks display will ( max the event. W. P. Laughter, secretary of t Merchants association, said this we that Christmas lights will be turn on in ,the business section as pre 1 ously scheduled, since this ITTrea is ? 8 included in the federal governmen \ brownout edict, d r The parade line of march is as f r lows: Bridges airport north to Watl son street to Mountain street, ei 1- on Mountain to Bailroad avenue, si r th on railroad to the Gold street r p crossing, then to Battlegromsd, a T North on Battleground, to MounU d street, and thence east to City Btadi ? In the event of unduly Jnelemt j weather, which would prevent Bui , Claue' arrival by air, the event v .., b? atafed *? Monday, December <h? eank* vtfnee and with the wm? ringewenU. * "The Kinga Mountain me re ha r' have gone to considerable work a * expense t* provide a eultable Chri ' mae party for tie children of I h community," Mr. laughter aaid W neaday, "and we are eonfident tt '* thia year'a celebration will certaii equal, if not ourpaaa former eventa '* thia kind." f y An estimated t.500 persons jaatn ? the buaineea district for laat yea Chri i twee parade. Jaycce*-Plan Ynlft Prnorrnm King* Msuntsln Junior Chamber - Commerce, in it'a regular semi-mom ly dinner meeting held at Cent: school cafeteria last Tuesday nig voted: (1) te in rite the IMC Mount* eer football squad and eoaebea to i neat dinner meeting on December 1 (2) to sponsor Arthur Smith and 1 ^ Cmcksrjueks, with Grady Cole as n * ter of ceremonies, here on Decern* t 20 with proceeds going to the Grt 9 Methodist church building fund; a (3) to sponsor a Christmas party 1 children of the town, naming Jayc Bill Davie as generaal chairman J the Christmas activities program. J Other routine business matters w( d alsd taken care of and Dan Fing Y wns accepted into the club as a n< member. e n Highlighting the meeting waa t ij dinner honoring the football tea with plans being made to Invite u college coach to be guest speaker. O y. er matters to be included on tKo pi rj gram are atill tentative and will |. announced at a later date. Famous radio artists from Chariot r Arthur Smith and his Crackerjae with Grady Cole, will present th< program on Friday night. Dee. 20, 1 the high school auditorium us t ' Junior Chamber's contribution to t * building fnnd far (he new Grace k I* aV^.J?l_4. - S - * * * luuuin courcn, 10 replace IU 0141 0 r' deatroyed by fir* some month* ago, wu announced. Ttlme of tha progn will b* announced at a later 'data. iAlao Included an the Chrlatmaa i >1 tlvitta* committee ia addition to 1 a Dafb war* the followiagi Ifaaxal P a far, Grady Howard. Paal Volker, D d Ptbgar, flaaa MoAbee, Oaarga Uaaa t. oat WH Pago. Parpoaa of tUa, at . adttaa ia te ptaa aaUrtntnaaant t ? ooatr oUldraa during the CWM {S7 * '. - ?'* ' Friday At Heralc 4 ations 1! Interviewers Here gk To Take UCC Claims Five Interviewers from the Nor i Carolina Unemployment Commissi I will be here today at the Pauline a Mary race mills to take claims f unemployment compensation ai veterans' readjustment allowance, Mrs Oofortk pointed est that v ?- -; ^SU^risi%ek>tJmT to Other employees are ragnlted to i at tabttah a mm week waiting parte igh Oenoerslag the lfargraea Paalt ort shutdown (scheduled to end Mc to dap, Ha. OoTocth aald that no on quired waiting parted and would 1 a- Immediately eligible for bentfl should they become unemployi through no fault of their own do lay the course of the next " months. Workers in Industrial or bnslne firms employing eight or more p< ek sons who earned as much as ill e(i daring 1945 are eligible for unei vi. ployment benefits ranging from |0t minimum of four dollars to a mar t >s mum of $20 weekly, based on averi weekly earnings. Mrs. Ooforth said the TTOC sent ol* lnterrlwen here and elsewhere wh ter large groups are out of work to be ist ter serve ths' unemployed worker* oo ? Alderman 2 May Be Named it* _____ Principal business of thp . rtgv monthly meeting of the city board *** aldermen, to tue place next Tuesc night ht City Hall, will be posfffllfc' Bt? petutmeat of a Ward 8 "fBhneil mi ud b*r' H. L. Burdette, city manager, m ;he Wednesday that m ? ? -- ?? yv> VI ,a" nkttcn, other then presentation Mt routine report* wma lilted on the gende thai far. * of He enid it wni likely tile eomn eionere would chooee a Ward 3 eld lWj mm, to eneeeed Lndd ?r Himr r,9 who hoe mo red to Boiling Springe, 1 profound leek of knowledge ee to ( identity of the "pertieuler Werd eitixen. A eoaree eloee to the boerd indie ed loot week thet Derld L. Ssund wee the most likely eppointee. other* ender consideration, W. B. 1 gnn, nr\v ve\r*n, it now on. eeti duty with the emy for hoopitall of tion, end thie feetor ii thought liti th* to eliminate him from ednilderetfon ml The eppointee will lerve until M ht. 1M7. in t'l STEWART EEBKLI8TB 17: Bey Stewart, eon of J. A. Stewer ill o k? -J * ? v* *v?.v ( u?o mo-cuuiiru in IE ins artny, reporting to Fort Bragg o >er Monday, November 23. He serve ce daring "World War II foh almot nd three yeara, with a long period c !or duty in Africa. Italy and Franc ee He held the rating of corporal o of discharge. ? Football Banc Features Featj he mi Annual Lions football banquet tu a oring members of Central high sehi th football team will be held tonight rO' the high school cafeteria at 7 o'clo be with the Southern conference's 'Cos of the Year,' Beattie Feathers of t ^ N. C. State 'Qator Bowl-bound Wo I,. as featured speaker of the P jl'r gTtXn^ All member* of the high *ehi ^ team which had a seaion ' record aeven vletoriea and three one-toni down losses, and Coach Feather* u ne The public at large will be m it ndtted free to the showing of m. am tloa pietnree of esVerai im? Bta' games la Central aodttorta begl slag around 8:80 p. m. aooordlag 1 J'- W. J. PmlkereoB, member of tl V" Lions otab arrangsaasnta oaaaltte an sy bis party ? exported to soaaist m- assistant coach Bob Saffridge, I tor Oeergs Allea and J\m OTbeoa, KD taa Mean tain members of the Wolfpeel . and mrtf Clyde Oaafpe and I htop PdoWff dee sjaaaf 4ka IU4 mifll a ?nw was gwi (HP whieh taatadee Wilton Oandeoa, spo faB^or of tike OhlMdt* Otstmi, a . > . pS?r ' 5 O'clock I 16 TaT I A v 1 oday FIVE CENTS PEE COPY Monday Neisler Mills ? [Are Installing Z Oil Burners it '* I The bij{ Marirraee * down sine* Ike night of November 2J dVe to tba coal strike, will roaumo Op *" eration* Monday, Paul Mauaey, offl* 1^ *', St CO"r**y' rv- - - -~ Heaumption of op* ratio a* will bo **" complete with the poeelble exception ?, * of the fiaiahiag plant, Mr. Mauney JJ ? aaid. ~ enii It wan origoally announced that the po rllrl. irovli w??)? rifsr/v.' n?tH tJ?e w minora return to the pita, and the earbe lier resumption of production la due Ita to installation of oil burner* which td will enable the plant to uae oil inatead r- of coal for a major portion of ita op* 12 erative need*. M Mr. Mauney said resumption of work ^ in the finishing plant depends on the jq completion of installation of the oil n. burners. * The announcement from the compauy that work would be resumed was classified as "good new*", not only tor the approximately 900 employee# ** affected by the Lewis-enforced layoff but for the community us well. I. The Xeisler company's Kings Moun tain payroll is approximately one-third the city's textile payroll, aud, with the possibility that the coal strike could continue for several weeks, paoa pects for a long layoff which might have carried through the Chrlatmae season waa discouraging to the whole I community, accordTng"To opinions and ilarI :? ?? h * ^ .tynwiuui vDKta. tae piM'VMi, lay Otherwise, the city's industrial p- plants were still operating at fall prt ran- duction, and W. K. Mauney, Jr., gen? sral manager of Mauney Hosiery eom pany ? next in line of local plants experiencing operating difficulties ** doe to the coal shortage ? was acts 0 optimistic yesterday and said Us eoai a* pany "will be able to struggles throu* . gh until the Christmas Kblidays at 1 least." The hosiery mannfaetaring firm, which employs 125 persons, may also install oil burners, Mr. Maoney said, in event the eoal situation is not ' | relieved in the near future. ^ Legion Christmas Gift of Deadline 6P.E Holiday 'jar Ire Commander W. J. rnlkeraon, of sa* Font 155, the American Legion, jreesly tsrdar reoneeted nssmfc? en port to ho to their OkrMoui gifts ay for hospltaJlsod TtUraoi at Bridge* and Hamrlck rtoro by 6 p. m. Mas day afternoon, Deo. 9." Gifts are to bo sort by the Anxt, lllary of the port to wounded * and ie sick veterans in hospitals at Otoon n and Fayetterllle and donoffe arfaak d ed to select a gift that will be saltit able. if All legionnaires who have not ale. ready donated a gift are asked to do a so by the Monday afternoon deadline. luet Tonight hers, Movies >n- will introduce the featured speaker, jol The Wolf pack mentor scored the at first big upset of the season when his ck team defeated Duke's Blue Devils it? eh the opener. He is n graduate of the he University of Tennessee, where under If- General Bob Nevland he was chosen ro- an All-Ameriean back for two yeare. He has an impressive professional re* sol cord, being chosen on the Al!-"Pro of 'dream team' for two years, sh* By gniding his Wolfpaek to a seant* son's record of eight wins and two one-touchdown losses, Coach Feathers ^ was chosen as the Southern ' confer* ^ enee's 'Coach of the Vwr' aeeording _ to W. J. Fnlkoraon of the Idone clnb U" _ _ ... M oommutM la ebtift of arranging tho program for tho grid banquet. ' BU ' team has accepted an invitation to play in the New Tear'a Day elaaele _ at Jackeonvllie, the 'Oator BowL' ef Aleo a farmer Teaneeoe All-Amort' d eaa aaaletaat coach Saffrldge will g* help give the beaqaet a decided A1V i? American atmosphere. >ea Notion pietare at eeveral of the eta Mate football gamee ef the carreat rt# year will be a highlight ef the pew ftp gram it wee aaaeaaeedL ''' ' > '''

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