5r ftj*' " 11 1 555it~Bi m > Vy ft' y -. ?13 \,T ^r,y ;. ., V ** ' t .'fko'aMOttng tki Klwaal* eiab . nuidv night, u tha_Ofelb tbMTTM its manual custom of(kt rejllar meeting sche<r_ for Ckriitmmi week. An^ounc _ AWAIUMD BOND Wnrllek of Kings roeently received n W MplWelt moving, bond from , '^floa therm States Fair aseocia . '3MhT as reward for winning mecond wy'v" > ntfha in a contest to select' the | <|M?a of the fair, it >> learned > : " * ? - JpHr KBArara PLANT v;.r -,v^L *be -laiperiml Theatre warn _ eloaed . ml Friday of thle waak;a*d a part of the day Batorflay thetalllmg a new heating plant. /tjfcaaMnyfaraoor, manager, said the V isw nali vt larger, and designed to give greater comfort for patrons ^ frill'theater. Be said that "Bath.tag lKkoty tn Utah", which had ?ladplid for showing last wflTbe shown la the a*er s ' ' " "** "*k raoUvltlea of the baf!41ng 11 aaaociatlon and also to HBpfSdr.' olootrieal appllaaoa V, f | - - ? ifwifrtHi Tii VTjmv *" ^^BHEjrX|| ^ttlMhotitak' iftd WM8mj - ' ?'^-' t| i. ji ? . WMCmv MRMMW-' HKaulfeA mmBm ? All. ^ 8pt5?'jSk r /v*. 'J'.? / ? }V'*V'? .Kings I y Making Betty Yarn Mill Sold On Friday v nn * ? t Haywood E. Lynch sad D. C. Maaaey, owner* of Botty Tarn Mill yeeterday annoonced aale of the mil) equipment and it* properties to Troy Whitehead Machinery Company, Ine. of Charlotte for an unannounced consideration. Transaction for sale of the mill, located on Mountain street extension off the York road, was completed on j Friday. It includee in addition to the mill, the 175 by 272 foot lot on which is built the mill plant proper, a 96x112 foot bnildings, plus a 40 x 50 foot warehouse. Mr. Whitehead, head of the com pany which bears his name, told the Herald by telephone yesterday that he plans to liquidate the machinery, used in the manufacture of onecount to four-count yarn, and that roe ouuainga are ror aaie. fenilt within the lait year, Betty Yarn Mill went into production on Mireb 18, 1848. At peak production it employed some 40 persona. It curtailed operation! In November. The Whitehead eoneern assuaea ownership, of the properties tl^a morning', Mr. Mann ay said. -The tain has been made* the active management, of Mr. Jjyach, former PUMr*kL h*. had ?eet *ottewtiMr a"**ree.a^j Operation, before <?aritiag a decision on future bating .plijMb'fe CaL Peyton ICeBwain, Shelby atto may aJHTetftafi' iMdjl ceeamae* avr or. tu Natiemai dnard, Mi the ffip lltuUia Llou dub fktndv sight be believed In National defense bat opptoed amlveraal military traintag. : ' ' "It MTIbtfoa to i^nmt war. It bu (ailed-to. fit, anything egeegt p? eipit*te wan **& bmin tba tuptfi en. > " ". '-VL'" *"Clur wan ban bwa worn by civilians," be eentlaued, "not by tba regulars." * Ha aaid be favored a big national guard and reserve emit, pointing out that thia method would giro adequate natioanl dafeaae without andaa tax burden." > "We ean never have worUT Tpeafee by entering an armament* raco with other nation* qf tie world. We lack confidence, between ~ nation* right now," he contended, 'bat if we can accomplish confidence and reduce armaments, we are on the road to yeit*.? ' * - . The colonel recited the hlatory of the North Carolina national guard, praising* it aa one of {he beat unite in eifMr World War, and pointing oat thnt lb men were need to tab' command of many other now unite whlob proved tEelr mettle in battle. He aaid the futuVg tot-up of the National GntffS" t* etllT in the planning otage, Tut fa aaid be anticipated a North Carolina Writ twice the eto* qd the obit which was activated " (Cont'd on page 0yo)> t*_ \jmg* \? isr. jf\ ~ - y '' 'O' ' ' V-V. ^Vloun SINGS MOUNTAIN, N. a MONDA Final F u|| Dll a ^Adyff ]u dP1^B^iCll89 ^S^EMh^X - SI ^Sii ' H ^hh|| ju ? St. Lul and tt mm to |hi?thmi^. mm ttm ?nk mi * turn fm ^.amplm ill tio wld m^roiirt^s uv'jiiiu * am mi vmttte t ml my m to mi ?wm emy. and jmwk mm fm u tro? wa? |? ot *^?rr: jtr vimm* mm *?% ? ? -or t*r- *f' ngHi. Mdk lineage of David:) Ta Im twt ?tth Marr Mi ne>? ?* wife? . 1*1 |M wttk 4?>' t? V * N. **? P"y y 1^<SSj^? Um mm. m^SMStjSS^ B. & L. Dividend* Total Of er $6,000. Stockholder# of building and loon association# kern have received recently semi-annual dividends totaling 90,249, according to announce ments made by the respective institn tions. Semi annual dividend# of the Home Bnilding and Loan association on fnll-paid and opTTonnl eh#>e atoek totaled 93.549, while dividend . on these two type stocks of the Kings., Mountain Building and Loan association totaled t.TOO.^.a. ? ' According to past Customs, PTecVs were mailed stockholders prior to fi rst-of-1 he-year due date,' tn' time for Christmas. The figures do not include Installment stock dividends. Be Installed dee On Sunday '.i- yJ.- ;urw"i ' "v> ' Tt - ?. ' ? I' iftfryT' -'i i- ' ' /*,' > ,* i'> * : " % 1 ' - v A itain t Vf ' lans"* "For Ti nvi H V ^ 7v' ~&t^** & ' . -^f" Y ' te a Christmas , JS*' ' JU+ +* mrn IMA ? * tk^ g?r ?te lk^.I'MHA, 1 Mac ?w csod tiUlg rf gwM Joy, wftfeh akall ;?**U fCplk he wkto.fM to kara Ok day to toa jdtyaC Xtotic a Sartomr, vBfeft |^BpSp|^|jbi'sms wtM> tka anfU'tlmM P? Service Set I . : : '? L- ' - A Chriatmaa Eve Service will be held at 8t. Matthew'a. Lutheran ehur eh on Tueedny evenUg'ht 11 o'clock Chrlstmae candle* and tree* will light the ehtrrch for the tinging of the enroll and .epeeial muafe by the church choir nnder the direction of Mrs. J. E. Herndon, organlat. Am, ' * < The aervice will laat until. midnight, and 'each worahipper will receive a eandle for the eloae of the aervice from the altar eandlea, eymbolieing their receiving the Light of the World, v Special muaic for the aervice in- , e)udee: i pt|?? Pnehgle, ^'Ohrlettnas Pre> h?4,e," (Oorelli). - J Hytn*. "A New Born King Who Oemee Today." lAhtkem, "There were ehepher&a," {VlfctMl). tW *W?.- ~ "TV. Holy Nlgkt," (Ifv.U.r), tV. ehoir. ^ ^^Wl^irhiPi fj7 infe r flBftaeffl lerald Yule 0 ? , &^^^mgmritmmjirx?rz?cjjL*Sivm D t BflpHA - ?' iRVfMariL Story j M*l ? ?ItftadO Of tftft iMBTMdy kott ihM^ CM, u< Mill Otey to (Ml to tk? TTt<M u? on mrtk pum, rood will to word And it out to ptn, u tt? u( !> wtro gono tvay from thorn into kosvon, <ho skophords ntd ono to snothsr, X<ot no now go oroa onto lUtilth?. ond .mo * ' tkiar wklok is eon* to psas, whlok tho Lord kotk ?do known to as. An thiy eth* witk hosts, ond found Msrjr, sad Jossph, sad tho UV. ?~4 i And rta tktjr had soon tt, U?7 made known abroad the seylag which waa told thoa eonoernlag thle child. And all they that hoard tt wondrfrld at OtM things which woro tofC l&em by tho shepherds. St. Loko 8:1-18. Independents Tangle With Grover Tonight Kings Mountain's red hot cage outfit, the Independents, tangle with Grover here in the Central gymnasium tonight at 8:15 in a battle that ahonld give forth with some fancy Court antics and hoop ringing Headlining the Grover line-up is a pair of old, well known basketeere, A1 Crisp and John Gold. Both were members of the VFW baseball club here last _ summer and are classy hoopstere. Also on (he visiting 'card is a Wake Forest eager of this season, Dnb Hicks, high scoring ace of the Grover outfit. Hambrlght and "Rollins round out the starting team for the visitor*. } A preliminary ganfe between the B squads of Central school will begin r ; ?r-r? Local Social SecwUfcy ; Office Schedule Given ,'A representative of the Social Soearity Adnalnlatration will bo at tha Oft/ Hall la Kiags Moaatala at 1^ K V. on tha first and third Taosdnyr la Jaaaary 1MT, ** at ^INsrysae laUmlal^i^ ? CSSXS?SSS5SISa. * ?i <i 5SSS5C3 % HBf, ^ far 1 fi Pages ^ Today "* \ FIVE CENTS PEE COPY bservance \ I Merchants Ready For Last-Minute Baying Flui??"' ,,www" With only two (hopping days remaining until Chrlatmaa, King* Mountain citizens prepared themselvea over the recent weeK end for the last-minute flurry "before the annual holiday? in which they will busy themselves witH completing gifts lists, menu lists, tnu offier necessary duties. . ^ After Saturday, merchants particularly were glad to pet Saturday night fitd Sunday's 30-hour breathing spell. Sunday** weather onmr up bright ind cTj-ery. following the icy. bitter Friday Tnd the gTay Saturday, all of Kings Mountain merchants will observe regular week-day store hoars today and will observe Saturday hoars on Tuesday. Department stores wCt close on Christmas Eve at 7 p. m. which "nflded to citizen's hopes of suitable traveling weather on Christmas day, when many will visit parents, relatives and frlfrius in other cities, and when many will remain- aV home expecting guesfs. AH manufacturing establishment* have already begun their holiday*. ceaSThg oner*ti?nron Rstnrday. ' .Majority of fertile employee* will receive a week'* vacation, though Frieda Manufacturing company and Park Yarn MllP'firBRet to reiume operations on December 26 MercTiaSfb generally will obaetve a two-<iky holiday, closing on December 29 and 26, thie tsctwttng department, grocery, and furniture firm*, according to W. -F. Laughter, secretary of""** Kin?r* Mountain Merchant* association? Oarage* will have a varied holiday schedule, some Joining the mer chant* in_ a~"two-day rest, others closing a* early a* noon on Tuesday and re-opening on Friday. Sterehi 'a has announced that it will close' at 3 o'clock- on Tcreday afternoon, four hours earlier than majority o* other firms. Almost all churotiea of ths community have already gone well into the Christmas season with special services n. 1- * . ... ue wcc? enu, including musical programs, pageants, amft other serviced built around tBT5 Biblical event* surrounding the birth of Christ. St. MaTOieVe Lutheran church revive* an annual euatom on Chriatmaa Eve when it praaenta a Chriitmas program at 11 p m. The one-hour service will feature special music. Already college student* are at home for the holiday* and many other naETve citizen*, now residing elsewhere are expected home for tha Christmas season. Several 'private parties and sociat events are nlso scheduled for the ensuing week. j Today's Edition Last j Until January 2, 1947 6 Today's edition of the Harald la the last until 1947, with the next edition to .be distributed to subscribers and newsstands on tha morning of Tannery 2. Today's edition Is tha ragnlar ani nml Ohrlitmig adiHmi iU In ?Ueh majortty of the city's bulQM* flzm* convoy wlafcoo for Christmas choor to thotr patrons. Also tnnlnisrt mo a largo nnabor of Christmas ooaaon fosters otorl- ; oa aM not dovolopmants rtnoo * ' * '''' Aftoo today, tho Harold will bo ctoood for a Christmas vacation tut- * til Monday, Dooombor 80. j

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