^ '1 I *V Ci .-* *% ; * |?;V/> v7/. _Av> 'I" 11 ^ ! I '? S POPULATION liLipawm Klnga Mountain ejM7 bfcmertlnhe Trad In* Arw 15,000 r. | Local News Bulletins S m* ^ * OHUKCH TZLM V "The Blind Beggar of Jeraaalem" ' n abort aound moving picture will I ( be ehown at St. Matthew 'a Lutheran ?hSMi Sunday evening, Jan. 5 at I r 7 p. m. The film la a Cathedral I i >' teaching Picture produced under the ai ' - ' 'aivr.etW of >>* Bev Jnmea K. ft "^wATcTr SA'yggu'tt tkHhow II ty of a man wkoee fight had been Teetered by Jeaua, and_who_com9o_ let*' difficulty with the priests mud his family. The public Is cordially Sn*W Invited to the film showing \ xxwasna meeting jM /com Turlton, Rutherford county H achools superintendent and glwan[ 1m lieutenant - governor, will install 3rJ . af fleers ef the Kings" Mountain KlK? uranla club for 1947 at the regular I meeting of the dvU club at the H; 1 Ifoman 'a club Thursday night at 4:39. Wives of Kiwaaians are to be guests at .the meeting. 0 rY LIONS MEETING Boy Palmer, of Charlotte, official | ef Duke Power Cbmpany will * ad4RBe members 'tof the Rffifct MounII . . tain Liens club*" at its meeting "Thursday night at 7 o'clock at the II " ; i basketball final ,4 ! .v^Twlngi Mountain M. !#* Charlotte (Tech) 29. PffisS^nna Being Held TJfnder $1,000 Bond Ohriatmas 1948 passed very quiet ' and rather orderly in Hinge Mountain according to police chief N. M. Farr, the only major exception being the Christmas Eve stabbing of Marcel ' woe unusually quiet with Vary Uttle firecracker shooting. ^ HI ? The ?tabbing tooh pUre^aroend - *Jkmm and Sea^X. Piedmont clothing etore, waa^robT>ed of around $M0 V^peati ' n^ls^bbad^'t #Sea*to!wlie ****** I>efc Police ^aay that^ Hi* P" ? ?????ttea Im the early Milng konn, .yrvv. 'j.v'*'** ' tea Loekrldfe la being held la *<Zu**U afUrr^%Mng^conf?w#d r Ida 1M6 rolled eompletely away at wTonM?ul' |_ '*# aennnUlea ^.l^V bJ_L , *P ^ ||^ * yjp ^?.y ^loolted fornard U, 1MT with Mill! ??vm r*9Lni progress In the n?* 1M7. . Th? Hernid'. annual headline iavsal ^ Mff, rooordi.* tk. Mjot note of I# yon&!dlroctlj% affecting jhngo I Agon tain showed v?ry nctive year, I r^g^JW?trlB!ly, c^mardoUy, SMUUJy, I At WaSt * dotos MOW butMH fins* BkvM opened. iMluding two loon's stor-1 ffijfei' ar bottling plant. Sat e\ho* MtaOl <mapimy was started AM another in Mr - ; r -A ?,'i%i<fci^>fc. '.- &+.'[~jut f Tax Listing 1 Early Listing Annual tax listing began Wednesday throughout Cleveland eounty amid the usual urging* from officials requesting citizens to accomplish the job da^ly. The weather, however, 91* no help on the first listing day, and business wag not too brid. Kings Mountain citizens again will V**V t ttwnUy tank, aa Briiht D. Batterreu w3l t*rW L? T\WP -.'HUWl/ *V? township lister, handling the eonaty business, and alto City of Kings Mouptaln tax lister. Thus residents of Kings Mountain will have to list only once for both town and eounty. Mr. Batterree has set up shop in *!.? /?s vi(7 nui. ' vi^-i All persons owning personal property are required to lift for tones, sad all males between the sgos of 81 and 50 are required to list for poll tanes. As required by law, penalties are provided for persons falling to list by the January 81 prescribed deadline. "All citizens win find it to their advantage to list early," Mr. Batterreo said. '' There ? always- a rush at the last urinate; which means that tcitizens who fluid bav? aecomplished their listing lob in a matter of minutes will then have to spend time wait ing in,.line. .- * Mr. Ratterre *111 be at Herndon's Hardware iu Qrover on January 9 and 29 to take listings of county citizens p Orover and the Orover area. City property listings 1946 totaled more than 04,000.000. ???????????? "Prissie" At Home For "Butchey's' Christmas /Little "Bntehey" Houser, daughter of >tr. and Mrs. Billy Hoaser, of Kings Mountain, received a 'ghost' for a Christmas present this year. y A year ago this past Christmas Eve "Butchey's" deg "Prissie^ was taken to the OastonTa pet hoepital in critical condition. The doctor said the dog eeuld not be sated' and Mr. HonsLast Friday the Hooters went to j 1 Oastfinia, saw the doctor, and retwrhedl to Kh5? with the dog, la | neeilen* ttpT?:WM , i^'Brtasle'e" return Vhme taadp{ Of M^Pmemoni. Utile John William HeOtn. W?t I w of Mr. wd lira Jimmy IfcGUl * I 6 Chamber* Bt^OU B?to?, M?, ertl Mrvieot were ||U tht following Monday afternoon. Mdd I Bostom cemetery. E? li ?urriY*? by gi? pareaf emd o?e brother. Jimmy jr. . V". iU'.#' 0'?^ rrtww Wrfrk r.ft,n?fn?tnre to Ho Vr* Klr.? Knmtils Ent?rpiiHOR%Ktrtu Give 1*1 kVW^SV" ?1 DrtV ' A!' ^nn'iiurT r im* tthi AA /yq-I t r _ ?> <% CI It WtrR#V* ITju-JLlI h ^ , kw ? :. . !. . 1 r? '-T. 1 wssbs* UKOB MOUHTAW, K. o. YKUBI =? ' . " 1 Underway; Is Urged 'Merchants Resume Wednesday Holidays Klngo Mountain retaU merchant* book at work and abroad# bury taking lnvontorio* aftor tho holiday wow, resumed on Wodnooday tkolr regular wookly half-holidays. Tho mid-week half-holidays had ciurxDfl^ December "Txaaj^-B; an being aakod to not# tko resumptloa of tho holiday. D. J. Keeter &flj|^ Re?t , I D. J. Keeter, 89, t?tkcr of /. Byron Keeter of Kiap^MeiBtaii and for more than fifty years a successful mer Chant at Qrover aad Kings Mountain, died early last Friday morning at th? home of a daughter, Mm., Joe Vi Wharton, In Greenwood, 8. 0., where he had been ill the past four months. <' The" funeral eras at 11 a, m. Saturday from the Greyer Baptist church of which ho was long n deacon. The service waa conducted by Bev. W. A. Huffman of Gaetoola, Dr. Bendy of Rook Hill and Bev. L. C. Pinnix of Kings Mountain. ,v' M' i>-' Surviving are four daughters, Mrs. Wharton, Mrs. Ktnel K. Jenkins, of York, S. C., Mrs. Leo K. Hamilton ot Raleigh, Mm. Mary Helen JC. Pierce of Greenwood, two sons, J. Byron Keeter, Kings Mountain, and Harry Keeter of High Point; one sister, Mrs. Andy 8herxiU of-Bpin.isle, and a brother,'9. 8. Keeter, of Grove*. v Mr. Keeter was born in Rutherford county, n son of the lnte John Calvin Keeter of Union Mills nnd Kmalioe Moore Keeter of Rutherford county. He went to Grovet to. enter the merchandising business and there married Miss lienors Jane Harry who died nearly two years age. &>, His business flourished and with his sou, Byron, l^^tendcoA^hh^ih Mm. Bhenlji Praiies om of &e^Woman'e^elnb for private tbeclub cb*attt*e lm ehatge of redecShe ^pointed out that the new chair* 4a the first floor loong* were donated! committee la Completing an "mil lent job^?Tgj^F *]&{ V'& Other member* of the oemalttee Jncluded Mrs, Paul llnuy and$ffi3?E P'? M ? mi ?-r-r-??m iSWS rant; Walker *9olla Cleaning IHrmj Brtder 'eU8upjS^K^>..%<M*lponetable Bate 1. Getting Hot; Ham riepSft^*edical DegrJHf^ a- |&$SSb Mi| BBrWg^e,^hcr^^^igbenU^ll| fo^ Jones Home J . Destroyed In Fire Epidemic i An epidemic of fires daring the " past 10 dayt has kept eity firemen * f working overtime as they answered nine alarms. Biggest lots was sustained at tbe J. N. donee home at l-uOourt Mills, Fire men fought a blase caused by an ; oil cooking stove, resulting in several 1 thousand dollars loss. What was a ! house was left as a shell. Firemen . .'Second big fire w*? on December, 34, when several hundred dollars in j damages was sustained by J. E. Hern* don Company from a cotton fire lit Its i City Btr*et warehouse. I. j The remainder of the holiday fire' I record given by Chief Gr^.y King j follows: j | December 24?9:30 p. m. Howard Senders heme on Oak street, alight ,' damage from fire originating from 11 Christmas tree. 11 December t&?11:16 a. m. erase>.? | flre off. York road. no SMug*. I 1 iT>0 p. m. A. B. Fall* home on 'Wat1 (anon atreet, fire from Chrlatmaa X tree, alight damage. December ?6?3:80 p. m. graaa fire m at A. H. Patteraon home on Oaaton h street, no dam\ge. t December 28?1:20 a. m. Piedmont c Drag Store, N. Piedmont are., fire v resulting from electric motor on ice cream box. alight damage. V. C -1 o December 30?11 >50 p. m. automobile, ear of Mr*. Sprah i ItoT," near [j* DuCourt Mills, approximately (100 damage. /' January 1?10:30 a. m. Ector Short ii home, East King at., fire from oil f atove, alight damage. < 1947 Outlook : Bright Here . moat uniformly predicting n "proapw T'"> ii'? ? j. ,-Mi production. : Wuntelnl Kings Mountain in mor- ? lag at full biaet, which mean* eteady J and large payroll*, which further land " optimism to the attention. ? ?? s ladiaatad that IMS had been a good p yaeur, oonaidering the ahortagt* which tl Uo. plpr-rf ff ^^S<5my' M www tw expecting lMf.to b? prosperaoa were q the backlog of demand for homes, au o tomobil?Hn?aafl ma?y typos of mar- ft I ehandfoe, the expectation that atrike* ii wiuf^J9*7 "iJrtuwL**' *1 ory Of King: la Mcttwtol New Jaycae Head;' Parr \ New Police Chief.!*;-1v(Pi 1 ' *f ,nne /'r ' J i?tiSSrSi 1 for WOO?; df00,000 Bond Election H I day; Barnca Beportt Eight Pacult^ v{ ChargM*t^M5rtlmnto*rB?y?i0B^XuteS J Lion. Officer*; X. ?. i, M m t* T m a. m - A * r " M'" W Mi* 1 j I'" Wi W I 1J lerald K fm ' " .. "?' a1 : 1 "* '* . * .. < Nt-'; t ?. i */>r V Y > ' ^"- >- 'ii ^V".' s? M Davidson M< Reality Will 3ar Ownera Reminded To Buy City Incenses Kings Mountain motorist* were reminded this week that all automobiles and trucks owned tax residents of the city are now required to display city license tags. The tags are obtainable for the customary fee of 91X0 at the office Salee thus far have onqurMMrtk recent yean, but It wee pointed out that many car owners have not yet vurchased their tags. The city hi advertising this week. "Buy now, and avoid penalty." Hopper New SibLe Teacher < William H. Hopper, Jr., of Louisville wy., has accepted a position as BibU sachftr of . Kings Mountain city ehoola, according to an announcement v Kev. P. D. Patrick, Bible-teacher ommittee member. He fills a vacancy rested by the resignation last month f Mrs. D. P. Hord, Jr. Mr. Hopper graduated from Centre iollege, Danville, Ky., on December 0 of last year, majoring in. philoso hy and geUgion and' the field of Bile. He was active in YMCA work at 'entre and played an important part 1 student government and the inter rater ulty council while there. His father, Dr. W. H. Hopper, sr., t treasurer of the Presbyterian tienral Assembly committee of christian ducat ion and ministerial relief. . "We are indeed fortunate to have scored a Bible teacher with reeom lendatkms of such high calibre as Ml lopper's to fill the vacanoy here," lr. Patrick stated yesterday. Bible teacher for elty schools hots ) selected by the school board upon ?cimiittdAtion of the lofil commit* vwauMwaMtivN Mo oomDOMd of memben of the iehtirlil iftiT ifltr elyll Hardware iken die sarpToooiag ?o?Idsrable hope that tea supply of alMfasg materials will bo nsoro ploOtf I than daring tea 7** year. Btrikas a ' ' 1*1 r * *- ^ - * mi.biw muMMirk UiVI jmruo loriy crlppllngU veelr trad* ui tit* at look for fewer atrikee la 1947 Will 4*1 mm plentiful building Item Hp ?6 middle ?r the year. brighter lets re fm, material* aim wW MM te worrlM Of ban* and Ume fr anelng buatneaaet. ,* Optimi.m la great In the farm Vmgt inWUMM) Avis Wtillek ttsrs 'bird Place Honor*; Plngl4ttteW HeN Ward Bhuford; Edwarda Say* Fe< -Urged County Wore Hot Kroeoaie* i*- ry? teynold* Id Oar Dealer; Barnea Urge >ublta ^uppcrt foT^d^ Vote^ti^ DtoCoqrt HllUr ' - : ^ " V/. ' n ' m-sw Today ' ' J 1 " riVB CENTS PEN COPY emorial Camp i Land Gift Iionntion of >10 acrei of laud on th? , west side of the York highway for the . purpose of establishing a camp in memory of the late Carl Davidson, for many years prior to his death lash year a leader in the Boy Bcout program here, was announced this waok bv H. C. Wilson, chairman of thO Kings Mountain Boy Scout district camping committee. west side of the York Highway, waa given by ite joint owners, J. O. PloiJt and the M. L. Plonk estate. Hairs of Weather permitting. Boy , Scouts and Uconters are expected to most a* the Oity Ball at 9 o'clock Saturday morning. with mattocks, shovels sad UM, wlM transportation will bo provided to tho Onrt Davidson Memorial Camp alto, whors tho gronp will bogla work Hearing tho alto. the lata M. L. Plonk are B. O. PI oak I and Mrs. Jette Plonk, of Kings Moaa> tain, Mr*. George Patterson of Gastonia, and Mrs. Frank Schell of Tamil1 pa, Fla. . While the Carl Davidson Memorial ' {Camp will be developed by Boy II Sconts and will be used by local Bcont I units extensively in their outdoor ae1 tivlties, it is not the plan of the committee to limit the site to nse of the Scouts, Mr. Wilson said. Initial 'plana rail for the clearing of the grounds, "building of a passable road into the camp site, and erection j of several outdoor fl-eplaces, tables v for eating, and a large rain shelteh Also planned ia>. a large recreation' V res athletic fid3L jv.vy.fc -l.1., *77.. i - ,i%.'"AV: '-'.'j-' ' sv. ,.?* :.;0 "On behalf of the committee, the whole Kings Mountain Boy Bcont w- v gaaixation, and myself, % wish to V- > 1"$ state publle appreciation to the danom ot the property. They have made poosible, by their generosity, a camp ' r which will not only, honor the memory - *ij of real leader of boys, but wptll also meen much to the future program for beyn In this community," Mr. Wilson nin uavim ana v. u ' ''&; -V;Pi; M" ' ' vV?; -v : '&3I f, 4^S: X' , . ' ''^' I //.V v . - i? nftMrauiiBiT jt inn | Name Now r'8a<mdera" P. D. B*aodafirtN5ouhced that the haberdashery formerly operated U Saunders Nad Davis will 4a the 4 The men's we*r ttm, opened In* *' Spring, is now owned Jointly by D. D. end !) 'l&HSaunders, -D, fc^fcaunderp' haying purcheeed Ihe intdWdt rof! .;Ji > ^ r ^ p M I management or policies of the fim. , wards' Fees; City Was $?0A00 BU< r nets in 1MMB; Oplated^firy on?^/4fJ 3$i I Price Wan of King Cotton; Mrs. Oetee I > ti*, ut-?. ^1. W ' ,<? S**ST 'iJB ..|: ,J.* moiniMt ':J :;? . "rM^S l-Mijr B?Nmd?<); Jr?7cew4T*a ',||||

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