iJll H POPULATION $ p :' . In CMy Corporate limits &97? Immediate Trading Area 15,000 I . Wasg ? ' ' ' . " VoL58 Wo-3 ' ' ' i'. - *>, . i - I Local News ' J,v , 4 ' .-J , Bulletins, I * / "WHO IS MY NEIGHBOR?" % -yho Is My Neighbor," the sound moving picture film which ?.will be shown at St. Matthew's Lutheran church on Sunday, evening t 7:00 p. m. is the story of Jemuei, | a Samaritan in Jerusalem on business with his family, makes a ' . -. J deal with Lemech, a Jew, who buys all his wares, including a f, Roman amulet The Amulet dis ' enpiears, and Lemech accuses the Samaritan Is releived of all - his rponey. Later, the Amulet Is found and Lemech aets out for *1^- ' ' 25 '. "_ , S OWtp^ctro with thft hNHh'tei I Kings vyvwIppFk Urj*! ? v^ * '* '?" v'-iV-' V* < 4 t ,"' ,!.| District Scout For Club On Annual Scout-Cub*Parents ban- | quet of the Kings Mountain district Boy Scouts of America, will be held J on Tuesday night, February 11, at the Woman's Club at 6:30, it w*s announced this week by W. I*. Plonk, district chairman. The annual banquet will be oqe of the Kings Mountain highlights of annual Boy Scout week, February 7* 13, which will alao Include a union service for Scouts on Sunday, February 9, Rev. W. L. Pressly, pastor of Beyes Memorial ARP church, will de " ii , Anions the business to be conducted at the annual banquet will be election of officers for 1947-48 and reports from committees on the past year's work. Mr. Plonk succeeded to the chair \ manshlp several weeks ago when Ladd W. Bamrtck moved to Boil- , Ing Springs. ' Speaker for the event has net yet * been anounced, but Rev. J. G. Winkler-and Rev. L. C. Plnnlx are* members of a Ministerial association , committee handling this detail and , Mr. Winkler said Wednesday he ex- ] pected to have a report within ? < short time. i The dinner will be served by ' members of the Grace Methodist church and tickets to the event will ! be fLOO. - - . wwmtj i "We are very anxious to have ail many parents of Scouts and Cubs to attend this banquet meeting as 1 1 MstMtnl ' ?. > sCj. V*. i parent parucipauoifi.^iB tne Boy t Scout movement will make the or| ganization much more valuable to the youth of the community." on advance ticket sale for | the banquet will be announced^ ] near. re. m M&rch cflmpfti^Qf Itt wu Announced *2 b*it-McG"1' next few days. c *\/-'} '- ivIiK .natrman la a vetreran of World War II. having served *% the navy with the rank of lleeten The drive customarily begins the first week In Maick. Quota for tye 1947 campaign hag hot yet been aE! ItwaaROBO hi 1MB and was over~^T.ptw dhectoM ittd 111 aanaltv falfTTat Ue Ultmssi'm mrmTrL son Ally xssl tntt Mr. MlIMH % icoip* tan^^^the chairmanship ^ ot^ the man Circle officers lSth"coming ' yegr will be lnsUlled here Friday , night ln^Uve hall with Miss Blanch ^ Woodman Circle officers to be in chaplain; Mrs. Rebs E. Wylie, at-1 I tendsnt; Miss Eva P. Moore, assist- 1 ant attendant; Mrs: HeJeKT* M(t-II 65 members. l.'.it-Tji 'jSajyifr.* 4t< (% U ? pi|t. fltj I l|li ? _? fijllillAtl JULlUl I :* V*/ v* ' 1 " v.; -v-"'>*:,' ' v. Klngi Moon tain. If. C-.1 Banquet Set '"l: ' * ' February 11 Penalty Oo^UBpakl raxes EMecthre 2nd . . Statutory penally of mm perenf an unpaid IMS tux? will apply aw February 1 accord* HI to Karl 8. Sawyer. city dork, who *?mindod tdl who bar? not yot paid tbolr pad foui'o tamo to attend to tho matter la the noxt two wooko la ante to aroid this penalty. 1 Tax collections have ban vary Vnr Mtte wmtlB "The City would modi rather avoid adding the penalty." be con I > 1 I I Machine Works I In Operation I King* Mountain has another new snterpirtse this week with the announcement that Kings Mountain Machine Works, Inc., located on Sold stret between the York road end the Bonnie Mill, la now open for business. Officers of the new company axe lames B. Simpson, president, W. B. 3lmpaoiv general manager, and W. K. Maaney, Jr., treasurer. Fwp The company M equipped with m* test modern machinery and will specialise In the following services: lathe work of all types, general maing and threading. A The plant is housed lp a two-story 96x38-foot building of concrete construction which has Just been erected. aasiigag North weft Ballwjd^'cilly Fbun ntm oromer, james a. Simpson, Is well-known fit Kings Mountain* hav I Inff resided here since his discharge I from the imql, following four years I service, including 30 months over* I pess when he served as a construe- I Hon hnqsa , I The Simpson brother* are brothers-in-law si W. iL Ifauney.i Jf_ I treasures ef the new On*, wellknown Kings Mountain textllt: ex- I scutlve and general manager tf I tarsl^e^odlS^Stf sStt b||Ht!?' which will alTO include lMtSSiJn of officers for the current $ittgA I Coat of t^dlnnat^s^^5^ per Herald Installs] Mach^Appe The Herald Installed lUst wedk pnd a new typesetting machine, d?5 ilgne* to fec'lltate production am ' to* *PP* *<* Ot the new body type face called Regal, re* I Til Jf- . i . T ' I placing* the old type which u/ni.w?. I itain I fhursday, Jan. 16,1947 Board In Favor 01 Cities Sharing Gasoline Tax In regular January meeting Tuesday night, the city beard of alderment saw new board member D. L. Saunders sworn in office, endorsed the North Carolina League of Municipalities efforts concerning sthe state gesoline tax, and attended to other routine details of city business The North Carolina League is advocating: (1) That one cent per gallon ol the six-cent state tax he pro-rated tc the cities for street work, and (2) That cities be exempted from paying the state gas tax on purchai ~ -* t-v munlrlnalltlM. f TW l bitt, pastor of Macedonia Baptist church, took over the duties of sec? retary - treasurer, and Rev. G. W. Fink, pastor of Grace Methodist churh, became vice-president. The ministers laid plans for hold ing a cooperative training program for all churches to be conducted in May, and set plans for holding a ladies' night event In February. j chief of the Kings Mountain fire department. 1 ( t On Saturday, about 4 p. m. flre{ men answered a call to the - old t Baptist parsonage on King street to , extinguish h small blaze, 'caused . when ?*park set the shingle roof on Ore. There was no major damage to the home apenling to Mr. King, j j ! . . TUeaday night at around 9 p. m. . firemen awe called to E.. King # ' Mr eat again, this time to put but a i small fire In a truck. Mr. King re; ported "ho damage." fihiiilir ft| MIWi nnppiy ui milk * 'iNlPifelSBS;' I I Sunrise Dairy, one of the larger t milk producers In the Kings Mounp tela area, is advertising for tegular ? return of bottles to assure continued r adequate supplies of milk. ' - - '*"?? t iwniinw th. ??r ?T? <* ?TP? nvVMXrUm MMT. M4 94% ** ? *# tUkk? A* ??W*TP* ?r*. >?ri ": \ Methodist Circle No. 3 Mot Tuesday Night k _* - -.1^1*.- -' rrninMQ. mnMn IUKI tiw vwtofi ^l^R|38^Swiod uSnlj iniMiliihrt iifti^miiiii 1 O Pages I L Today FIVE CENTS PER COPY ' ? . * Here Sunday ,000 Damage Hre in First Piesbyterian church ie.e early last Sunday morning :aused damage estimated at $20,000 md forced the Kings Mountain fire lepartment to battle the blaze for ilmost two hours before getting it mder control Firemen answered the *a 11 around 8:50 a. m. Believed to have started when ihc fan switch is a space heater, loafed in the Fellowship Hall of the rhurch, stuck ajid ignited the sur oundlng walls, the blaze was estinated to have had more than an hour's start on firemen and when ge*^*ae*a*,erws?eew>*we*Miwriaa t'lri ??m < > ^ through the ceiltng Into the main au litorium of the church, located directly above. . V, Major damage resulted from the heavy smoke and Intense heat as carpets, window panes pews, and fixtures in the main auditorium received heavy damage. Water also caused considerable damage to the Interior of the church ae firemen fou ght to keep the fire from spraadlre to the oil furnace. , , No one was In the hniMi?? ?? *v time, discovery of the fire coming from the parsonage, located next door. A heavy blanket of fog prevented possible earlier evidence of the caitfte from the ftre. V,; Several firemen Were almost overcome by the heavy smoke but Chief Grady King reported no'one very seriously Injured Jn the fighting. Parishioners were called In to aid In the cfean-up work after the fire and many of the members showed up dressed for the work. i- , fii t ? 1 At a family night sapper meeting of the congregation, held at Womans club last night/committee in charge of repairing thedamage was announce^ and the membership expressed appreciation to the firemen tor extinguishing the fire and to the other church congregations for their Interest The congregation also stated appreciation for the use -JH the Woman's club. i.et ^ Dr. Langdon Heriderllte, out stand Ing^missionary frmn R^^jv^s the Rev, P. D. Patrick said the members would visit other churches this Sunday and would meet at the Wo- J Man's Club Sunday, January 26. M^nr^kknn. iviox Wasxiourn Following announcement by Max '1 Washburn that he would resign as a member of the board of county com mtasioners on February 4 and Clerk of Court Everett Houser*s statement that he would apotnt as commissioner the citizen reoommended by the p#?>Ocratic executive committee, names of Tom Corn we 11 Henry McKinney and 3. D. BUIptt * were projected Wednesday as poam* bitttiea for the vacancy; ":J| Mr. Houser is empowered by Jfw >>9 ^MeaiSSfiS'SjSe Nolan, of Shelby, Democratic chairman, said there would be no rush to make a recom mSndatlon but he Indicated ; It would be made In time for the ache i ; J| duled February 17 meeting of the - Commissioner Washburn, veteran board member,^tertdere^ his^ reslg"My doctors have advised me to slowdown,....." He also wrote, "There are two happy days in the ltfS of a public oflce ? the day he is elected- V and the day he steps but " In deferring to the Democratic Ex- .' ecutive committee for the comis- $ Monet nominse, Mr. Houebr said -1 that he felt a concensus of opinion would be better than the ORinion of ' one man on a matter- "of so mum Imnortance." 3h*' laduwn AfMMflw.v/f $f- jg&gM IT*^ Wiw Jw y^/T'^.W11 wff- /MHHipwV. l7nK3M^HI I:,,i2ffiiii t* - v ^ ^ JLi < rfMw|| ;v^ man JSOKBOIm JKrCAl PiOffTO. Wflfi ylS Sh^tJ FBTh.glmhon ?iSderS JS?' '1 v*Mf f?hirtHwfc> flfrn with Mia