cjjl to relieve colds.. i L?'J.'lg?""Sa SAVE MONEY I ffimzl qrexillana I PoSiwM pl? win >? tAi mill ?yrvj?ubyst o aspirjoios i oquick-rub p 'k vMcWat I i ? * ~ - ?? ?t-i --*?-? t-4^- 4 JVi ^IWIpWU OS W^W w4 ^VPV? vvnVl \ B??MA-REX HD MlertWc ItuS Wn?In. >?it?d and ?p- WmB^I proved by lb* Dapo.tmant el tMeercb and UBQu Control, llnHnl BennW Drug Company V | SvHm^H^actfs? 1? pli bi >dn?n >011 ftwll'lilil h I B Kings Mountain Drug Company , J | plenty of 1 k ^ w I ? """" EGG COAL y I %' - ;/-TK^'. v .^?J rT ' ^JfaSg " ' ' THE KINGS MOWn^N | HERALD 1 Coll Society Editor, House 3! Miss Martha Frances McGlll is o: a buying trip in New York, (or Kec ter's Department Store. Joyce Owens. 10-year-old daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Owen of Bessemer City and granddaughte of Mrs- Minnie H. Crawford is a pa tient in Gaston Memorial hospital recuperating from pneumonia am appendicitis. Mrs. Craig Falls underwent a toi sillectomy on Tuesday at Memoria hospital in Gastonia. Mrs. J. C. Kellei is some better af ter having been ill for three weeks Mrs. Luther S. Morrison has re turned to her home. after havini been a patient in Shelby hospital. Mrs. Lindsay McMackln under went an operation on Monday a T ,Jy~r Ho?nU?l In Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. George Lacy of AI bany, Ga., have returned to thei horan after visiting for some tim< at the home of their daughter, Mrs Bill Davis and Mr. Davis. CLUB N< TES . ACS or CtUM Mrs. William Craig was hoetesi when the Ace of Clubs met las week. Only members were present ' anc Mrs. Aubrey Mauney won higl score prize. A refreshing salad course waj served after the games. . FORTMIGHTERS The Fortnighters club met las Friday at the home of Mn. Dor B lan ton. MflL LaOU Haim eh held high scon for the session and was presented i prize. Mrs. Halbert Web bwas club guesi for the afternoon. -At the conclusion of play, Mrs Blanton served a tasty desert cour se. ADBLFHIAJf Mrs. E. W. Griffin was hostess t< members and guests of the Adelphi an club at her home la!st Thursday evening. Colorful flowering plants and lov< ly arrangement of yellow bell an4 breath-of-sprlhg were used in th< playing room. Before the rook games started ~ Mrs. Griffin served unusually pleas ing refreshments in two courses. Score prizes were won by Mrs Lawrence Mauney and Mrs. Tec Weir. Guest players for the evening were Mrs. Walter Dllling and Mrs, Mark Patterson. After the game, a brief business seslon was held, during which plans were made for the purchase of new cards for the club. ? , i ii. M.i. i i. V ' X COUPLES Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thomson ? were hosts last Thursday evening to members of the Couples club. Scores are kept for a six week peiii8p|(fl8SII6S6IS68j88il^6 '.'5- * . ' ' , i Up ' ; ; , v- '-.J- %-:S :: m have on V/:',' . ' ^ " '-j ' '? '?* . > ? <'& :, * : ' ' " , ' '' .* .. i iv.. " V. ... /.-'X..;/ , r.V* U r'-V" -VV Sor?' ' -v. . v ' -1 las'*> ' -i -V i^j^1. >, ' \ , .yC ^ I % I i**-; A''.:frt',i^i'Vrf.,:.'.i. ;' ' *': ' ' ; ' '"'a ' HERALD, Thursday, Jan. 16, 1947 PERSONALS t nounoe the birth 7-W, Office 167 ary 5th. fl^rlod and this meeting being the one terminating a playing period, Hai prizes were awarded to high scorers Mrs. Charles Thomasson and s Drace Peeler and low scorers Mrs. Good stoc r Bobby Suber and Dan Finger. . ... Mr. and Mrs. Carl Finger were Limited I guests of the evening. KELLEY j At the conclusion of play, a delic- Fair atrwl lous dessert course was served. Serfii-glos TUESDAY CLUB The Tuesday Bridge club was ReadY-mi: entertained this week at the home Stove mai of Mrs. J. A. Neisler. Lovely arrangement of gladioli, Limited 8i . snapdragons, and carnations added Limited s charm and color to the playing rooms. Good grai * When scores were tallied, Mrs. J. w.|_i ? A. Kiser was given a prize for high scoring guest and Mrs. Hunter SIMOND Neisler was awarded the high score RUBBER1 prize for members. Mrs. Booth Gil- _ , lespie won the cons iation trophy. . s - ?? -? - * * - - *- nj nri,** If COPING I 1 ArglTffeBtler served thiraM>.T IW V"* " ^|Va""onI?' tasty refreshments in two courses. Guests, other than'regular mem- Three all, bers, included Mrs. J. A. Riser, Mr* 0rl_ ' Fred Plonk, Mrs. Booth Gillespie and 1? i? Mrs. Jacob P. Mauney. only STUDY P] The Study club will meet next * Tuesday evening at 7:30 at the J home of Mrs. Haywood E. Lynch. The program will be under the diI rection of Mrs. E. W. Griffin.< mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ? TOiniHiiuiiiiHiiiiHiiHMtiiiumiiimiiiiiniiiiiimiiuiitiiiiimiiiiniimiiiHHiiiiHiiiiiiiMiiiiiii i ; NOW BEING SHOW! * ????? i i SPRING SUITS.... In the newest styles. Note the , differences in lines and skirts ' Our suggestion is early selec 9 tion for best choice of these all *.* H wool suits in black, gray, anc -1 , I pastel shades. Sizes 10 to 20. I . .. $2150 to $29l25 * ' . _ \ ; v , ' -iv.. .. ' :v "' v.- , \ : T v. . V'-: \ .. . ? * ' \ ?. ' r . 'I B W B Er:>v * K- ^ 9 al 1 1 1 !& ;'' f*1" ^IT ^|i I H" A. ^ r-iH^!ove '"WigWW* sp Page Fiw I '!! . I? I 1 I m -g fTTT uncements j Mr. and Mrs. Loren Bowen a? lershell Wright an-1 nounce the birth of a daughter at of a son on Janu-j January 13th. d-To-Get Items?AT PHIFER'S :k of TRUE-TCMPER hedge shears uply of LAWN MOWERS weed cutters c of ECLIPSE lawn mower parts 8 white inside paint xed and semi-paste outside white paint. Is?large size, heavy weight upply of STANLEY planes upply TRUE-TEMPER nail hammers ie POULTRY WIRE?1 and 2 mesh Mights & DISTON cross-cut saws LITE matting is?20 and 30 foot lengths taw frames ?ldrJWV - " " 1 ? ? - * >iwi oca cnuaren s wagons -No. 7 NATIONAL PRESSURE COOKER ? HFER HARDWARE CO. PHONE 46 IIUIIIIIIMIIIIIUItlllllilllltilllllllllllllUIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIItllllllllllllMlllllllinilllimMIMIIIIMtlllHIWi ,r vv'5.,- _ VW'y y: ^ : ' . . .. ' !$& ' ' . . ' ... 4# "; " vv\. ' . ; . . ' '<% > co^"... - * -I d. Neat, modish models to $22LS0 t $27mS0 -, ' 4 A 4F% A 81 ?8 ST& A AlfcA