^ Classified Ads ! OBBON PAPER: Sow in atomic. u.? v* iMT' *tme? entf it still make* v - 40OU rendaole ropy. Both fctaT.'d fi&; , ud tnd legal size. HCRALD PUB L1SHING H0U8E. elUn. " WANTED TORRENT: Small Vou?e7r apartment. C. C. 14Bub" Gates. t.V': - O-ft-pd itndf LATHE WORK, WELDING, DREL ; ling, Threading. Any kind of General Repc.hr. (HARRISON) MACHINE SHOP Tork Road, mar ftp i ' TKPMWRlTim REPAIR: If yen n^d a typewriter or adding machine repaired eaii 167. Our service mas' will be able to give yea one-week service, or leea. Herald Publishing House. .. Uf. STOTAXT SERVICE: For prompt notary service eee Mrs. Billic Began, notary public, at Logan Supply eoa f ' js * ? - aatfaiK ? .. IUM FOB SAZiB: Call la yoar order. Delivered to yoar home. KJLr tvc**? rrrurkVM no Pkm? iu ' at/t?a" " Blanket*, Bed.preads, f Cartaine, Blblee, Rags. Hoom OoaU fc?4rU Furniture Cove , Bilvervut, Ahualanat Cooking Wut ? Cash of Term*. Call r. V. Welle. iNt lMl, Phone 40S-J-S. d-*S J-l?pd WALTERS FLOWEBS * Phone 96 . The Bart In Flowers . For All Occasions rOOXpt vUU and black Boeton ball pap. Jako Phifer, roata 2, Bo* 78. I'VyS FOUWDI A remedy for beck-ack* do* to kidney troabl*. Try KID DO, only 97 casta. Money Back guarantee. KINGS MOUNTAIN DRUG CO. (hVs * >i . ? BATS TOTJ* RADIO REPAIR word done at BRIDGES RADIO BBBYICB at Bterchl'e. J-2 80. kv' njtODBS HAND LAUNDRY will opea for bnalneea Fab. 3 at Mataal Exchange Store four mile* from Kings Mountain on tba ' Gaetonla highway. No pick-np or delivery? discount because df cash and carry. 3-9-30 WANTED: Weaver, and Draw-in band*. Transportation and houaing available. Call Kingi Mountain 27 Collect. j-9-16. : SPENCER CORSETS: Individually [ designed - foundation medical I X&yJStti. write Mr*. Dora B. Etheridge, 812 N- Boyce at. Gostonia, N. C. j-30pd lounge, the parlor, the dininlg room? K In short, for the house 8c DAN Irom manufacturer to you. Imon^ ^roatI TURIN eV^peSCr^Ptt?n -TIME tepettryv <SSr 1^rofiTol^the 'M b??t grade tapestry to choose | at the^Trading world to choose from ... withto^StuitSSi station for additional information (Cofffotid Jcm? IS# 1047) gj?j jjj* jj .' ' *i"5. *- ; 1 *..? . * . V- /AS * . |^H< ^ Snmmitt Advanced Bank; Troop 2 Wii GENERAL MACHINE WORK AND^ WELDING: Latest equipment, prqmpt service. KINGS MOUNTAIN MACHINE WORKS, Inc., Gold st. j-16-trn SCARCE Merchandistl Just received a small shipment of Estate Oil Heatrolas. TIRE SALES & REBUILDERS. 423 N. Piedmont. j-16 FOB SALE: Limited supply MABSH kitchen cabinets; porcelain top, pre-war quality. KINGS MOUNTAIN FURNITURE COMPANY. Phone 57. J-16. f FOB SALEt Duo-Therm oil heater. Call 53-R. J-16 FOUNDr Pair ai children's glasses near Mountain View Hotel. Owner i flee and paying cost of advertisement _ J-16. FOB SALEi nice selection table-model radios. KINGS MOUNTAIN FURNITURE CO. Phone 57. J-16. FOB SALEi onasliower stall. .Also medicine cab&ets. A. L. WARE PLUMBING SHOP. Phone 67. J-16 WANTED TO BKNTs house out of city limits. Tommy Barnett, Waco road. J-16-23-p<i ? ' . FOB SALEs One used electric brooder; one wood brooder. Tommy Barnett, Waco Road,1 j-16-23pd FOB SALE> 200 nice fryers. Tommy Barnett, Waco Road. MS-2$pd m i ? i 111 < i ? FOR SALEs one 20 gal. automatic oil burning water heater. A. L. WARE PLUMBING SHOP, phone 67. J-16. i , ? FOB SALEt Kerosene heater. Small portable for that small room or bath. Gaulfs Grocery. J-16. FOR RENTs I^arge furnished bedroom. Couple preferred. On bus route. Close in. Call 219-L-R. l^-lOjPd FOB SALE I one 42" drain board I - sink with or Without cabinet A. L. WARE PLUMBING SHOP. Phone 67. J-16. WE STILL HAVE A GOOD LINE of used clothing for sale. Excellent bargains ? come in and look " them over today. McCURDYCNEANEHS DYEBS. Phone 257. I?:? >? ? FOB SALE: German ~uger with holster in perfect condition. Also < >2fi callber Model 61 Winchester pump action repeating rifle. See Tom Templeton at S. A T. Furniture company. Piedmont avenue. .y : ,f'Z: FOB SALE: one 30 to 40 gal. aide 1 ami bottle gae^btiMiiag w?tMi . heater. ,A&WAKE PLUMBING SHOP. Phone 67. J16. . WANTED TO BENT: Prefer 5 to 7FOB SALBt 1939 Pontiac in good P condition. 5 good tires, new paint phone 233 or 264-J. j-16. ' SALESMAN WANTED! Anyone inv terested lit selling monuments in M-ntaln^A^in^ .. .. ji, > rTiyBtriSg, 1 ill Iijiiiiwi' FOB BALE: oM 30-gal. automatic A^ll*WAREUIpWWRU^G SHOR CO. Phone tFJ. m 'l ?" ' ' '' ' ' ' ' '' FOR SALE* New commercial builduiung*. ^y;^: J tfy^HVmr^tS" wdMBBBWKrlitifk t&-SrBtflig*! M^NTAIN HER. is Banner ? . A. B. Sumitt, of Troop 2, was advanced to Life rank at Boy Scout Court of Honor, held at city hall last Thursday night here. Paul McGinnis also of Troop 2, was advanced to Star rank and four other local scouts were advanced in rank. Troop 2 won the banner for making the most advancements. The advancements: Life: A. B. Sumitt, Tp. 2. Star: Paul McGinn Is, Tp. 2. first Class: Jimmy Kimmel, Tp 5 Second Class: Carl Cole, Tp. 5. Tenderfoot: James Rushing, Tp. 5; Charles Cook, Tp. 5. Merit Badges: Bookbinding: Jack Moss, Tp. 7; Jimmy Klser, Tp. 2. Cooking: R. L. McFalls, Tp. 7; Harold Spears, Tp. 7; Jack Moss, Tp. 7. Home Repairs: Jiramie McGinn is, Tp. 2. Music: David Bishop, Tp. 2. Pathflndiog: Raymond Black, Tp. 2; Paul McGlnnis, Tp. 2. Tp. 2. Plumbing: Garland Still, Tp. 2. BenfWld final I Rites Conducted Final ritM war* held Sunday at the Second Baptist church here for lfra. Horace Benfleld, 51, with Dr. H. Y. Tanner conducting the Servian. Interment Mowed at the Antioch cemetery la Grover. After two years of declining health Mis. Benfled died at her home In gluts Mountain Friday. She had been a member of the Second Baptist church tea 35 years and was particularly well-known In church auUnlUse and drdos. Survivors Include her husband, one brother, C B. Moss of Kings Mountain; and four sisters, Mrs. J. F. Lankford, Mis. Hi gh WUllama, Mfs. Hunter Huistet^r, ami Mrs. Bucgin Ay era. ? , The annual 8tate Veterinary Cona u> inrtfi LJiui Prompt Attention Per Yonr Plumbing Heads WELCH PLUMBING SHOP Phone 223-J P. 0. Box 118 Kings Mountain, N. 0. 1 DIXIE THEATRE vWent Wont to MIm Showing ~?Ltnt imi" V SCondoT' Tttoodor mad j ' ii f' W | | 'i r- ::+*?* ft'' BRIDGES |? BASIO 8KB VICE _ . I Telephone 3*8 -| Looeto* a* Mtrokl'i I | ^ * AH Work OunatHd ifeJ? S!'i'v ^ I ' CITY SERVICE I m-v Vw4;v' tv: .' . ' ; .' ' Vfjn I l^R I | W, | ' V; VL.D, Thursday, Jan. 16, 1947 ^ * ' j The Owens mf. _ ... ? American Legioi 11 G QI 0 XlGWS j night of last wee well attended. By Mrs. Jessie G. Costaer Davidson 1 ball teams playe sciiool last Wed Rev. S. T. Gillespie of -Lowell team won, the preached at Mt, Olive baptist Washington, last Thursday night. Rev. L. J. On Friday the Westbrook of Llncolnton, Rev. F. L. played Lincoln Howell of Waco, and Rev.. H. Gray I The Davidson g: of Rock Hill, S. C, took part in the i coin Academy be services. The service was well at-1 ^ w ICIIUCU. V-,XI muiiua^ II i the Davidson tei Misses Slolse and Magdalent mont to play Re Thompson of Charlotte were rec> t teams, visitors in Kings Mountain. A plate suppei The Boy Scout Court of Honor was in the dining hal held at Davidson school ThtirsUv Saturday night Ji night for troops No. 10 and No. 11 7:30 o'clock, spo of Kings Mountain. No. 2. The publl PINNACL \ * o TV C- .C! ?LATINO MASH ?GEOWING MAS] ?CHICKEN STAB ^ ?BIO HOG FEED ?SCRATCH TREE ?CHOICE MIXED We can now serve yon with Feed lug -Ware * HATS iHirr p~H Expertly Finished by , 8tock ^ * "Mott" Taylor cine. Boo fix McOTTRDY p"m, s??di i CLEANERS- WARD'S DYERS WARD I Phone 867 SEED 239 Railroad Ave. Phone 396 UNCLE fOSK Copyrigh* 1M4. PubtirivMi nrtuii SorWp. IM. < , ... , ,. ? .. ... #, ?> . ; ...- f- y..". ? QHNHH H?* Sehtwilk Whe tiB't quit I ? M?tal wortt ' ' I n V 4 CM May* U1LL> I I ftfVMR P(i (jp Sp\tw Miller Post of the present. n met Wednesday: Mrs. LUlle Brown had as hw? k. The meeting was diner guest recently, her brollies Wesley Gidney. High School basket Mrs. Alma Francis spent hey d Washington high , week in Philadelphia visiting hir Inesday. The girls' son, Mr. Robert Francis, and Mm boys' team lost to Francis, her daughter, Mrs. LcoU j Smith, and two granddaughter^. Davidson team! Mary Frances Smith and Mns Academy team;.. Louise Johnson. Mrs;. Francir ? iris won. The Lin- turned home Monday. >ys won. ight ot this week, The second annua) sale of tttc ams went to Bel- North Carolina 4h?rniii?.n a-.? ? ..wvxiuvvu - ;vn^ir id high school Breeders Association is schedule for Elkin, March 12. : will be served 1 of Galilee church, The State Five-Acre Cotton Co* an 18, beginning at test will be held again this year nsored by Circle and farmers may file entries wllk c Is invited to be county agents. E FEEDS 1 3 I S tee I feed i redionts and Custom Feed-Mixing. & Sons I I 1- 7 ' * ' . . , Poultry Foods, R & M luie rood, Fen- MOTORS ?. Dairy Sup- YOTJE Por all Piloses Dodge ? Plymouth and Dodge Truck Dealer 3 FEED & Beryloe by Factory Trained ^ J STORE " Mechanic! . {/ All Work Guaranteed Cherokee St. ph0^ u . ^ ?Portrait! ' >*' . t. ?Commercial , y~K<X^ak Finishing ^ _ ?Aerial Photography ' YATES ? > STtJDIO ] . Phone 870;', '; Y y/ ,118 Mountain St 'i. .>> 1 i % *' t\ KINGS t ."!! flowrk*"BHOP I W# TiU|raph FUu??j I Fwttttiw I flfttltfkctton OvsrssAtttA i,- * v

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