TTPEWRITER REPAIR II you you need a typewriter or add lac machine repaired call W7. Our service man will be able to give you one-week service, or less. Herald Publishing House. tif. 4BUKBON PAPER: Nowln stock. Use it many times and ft still makes a good, readable copy. Both standard and feg&l size. Herald Publishing Mouse. eltfn. 3athe work, WELD in o, DRZL ling, Threading. Any kind of Gen rnl Rep*.W. HARRISON! MA ilOK York Bond, mar flp w ?! * a?wir i u?i? kttrvicw ?< ' Mr*. BiUie Logan, aotory public, at Logan Supply com pa ay. ju 4 ) SLA BE TOR SALE: (all in you> arder. Deliver*.; to your heme. ELMER LUMBBii CO. Phone M ilittae "WALTORS: FLOWERS Phono 95 The Beat In Flowers For All Occasions ' MOKD: white and'black Boaton boll pop Jake Phlfer, route 2, Box 75. >S-J-t8?d? Win): A remedy for back-ache dae W kidney trouble. Try KIDDO, only W eeats. Money Back guarantee. MINGS MOUNTAIN DKUO 00. ftS9pd JOLVE YOUR RADIO REPAIR ward done at BRIDGES RADIO BRVICE at Sterchi'e, J 2 30. MMODEB BAND LAUNDRT will o pea for bnaineaa Feb. 3 at Mutual xehange Store four urllee from ; Ktngm -Mountain on the Ghetonla Bghw.y, No pick-up or delivery?I dfccoant, because of cash and carry. J?9Q , SALESMAN WANTED: Anyone interes tea in selling monuments in Kings Mountain and vicinity, write Gastonia Monument" Co., Bbx 2488, W. Gastonia, N. C. i-16-23-pd i BFKNCER CORSETS: Individually designed foundation - medical rargi.-m supports. fittings guer ittecd. Phone 1876. Onstonia, or rritf Mrs. Dora B. Etheridge, 312 ft. Boyce st. Onstonia, X. ,C. j'30pd iraNITUHE: for the bedroom, the fbange. the parlor, the dining room? [ im shoit. for the house. See DAN | MUFFSTETLER, at Sterchi'?, J-ft-30 , B9RNITURE 507. OFF Guaranteed Direct from manufacturer to'you. ] Sdre the middle man's profit. Bedroom and living room furni- , aire of every description. FEA- . rUKING MODERN LIFE-TIME HURNITURE. Duncan Phyfe Cou- | Jtes, Love Seats and chairs, Bar- > retl Back Chairs, and Beautiful ] Bedroom Suites. Wo make the i tirmiture from your selection of ahpestry. Over 100 rolls of the Btest grade tapestry to choose \ Wim. See it at the National Ttadlng | tU. showroom, Ninth avenue and Twentieth Street, Hickory, STbrth Carolina; or showrooms at ifte Piedmont Wagon and Manu during Company. NATIONAL TRADING COMPANY, West End ?T Main Street Park, Hickory, Korth Carolina. J-16-23. fENEHKL MACHINE WORK AND WELDING: Latest equipment, W?mpt service. KINGS MOUNTAIN MACHINE WORKS, Jh*? Gold st. J-16-trn WANTED TO RENT: house out of city limits. Tommy Bamett, VVaco load. j-16-23-pd K>R SALE: One used electric brooder; one wood brooder. Tommy Bamett, Waco Road, j-16-23t>d K)R SALE: 200 nice fryers. Tommy Bamett, Waco Road. J-16-23pd MARKET QUOTATIONS (Corrected Jan. 22. 1947) Cfegs. grade A large 60c Mat Potatoes, (bu.) Si.50 fU Potatoes (100 lbs.) .... S3.00 fcillj Fryers 4bc ^ii I Mens 25c taM SI.60 Om. yellow S1A0 Ml I St , US 5* 21 AO mm- Me "oT j> I o-JR HOME Probably needs HSw furnishings in several roots. Call Om DAN HUPF8TETL.EB at StercM's, to kelp you plan for yonr home furnishings. Phone S48. >?80. FOB SALEi 1937 Chevrolet plck:up truck. 1 1938 Chevrolet truck, 1 1-3 ton. See Hal Morris or call 443-W-I. J-16 23pd. SALESMAN: with car] Kings Mountain and Shelby territory. Good opportunity for man who is willing to work hard. G. I. Training Authorized. L. B. Price Merer.' Co., Box 64, Shelby, II. C. : J-16 23-pd. ' "4 POUND: set of keys with DAV tag duplicate number NOl395 104 year j 1943. Owner may claim by pay-1 ment of ad at Herald, j-23.j FOR SALE: Mrs. L. L. PaiTlah prop-1 erty. MAIL only. Write W. W. Parrlsh, 732 N. Piedmont ave, City. J-23 GROW YO0B OWN FRUIT by plant lng Early bearing Fruit Trees, nut Trees, and Berry Plants, offer ed by Virginia's Largest Growers. Write for FREE COPY NEW 44 PAGE PLANTING GUIDE listing extensive line of Fruits and Ornamentals. WAYNESBORO NURSERIES, Waynesboro, Virginia. 1-23. LOOKING for-higher pay? Advancement? A fine future? , Security? Join the U. S. Army. Private's pay Increased 90 percent If members of flying crew, plus 5 percent Increase In pay for every 3 years of service. A full month's paid vacation every ydar. An opportunity of a lifetime for men between the ages of 17 and 34. Go to your nearest Army Recruiting Station for further benefit information. City Hall, Shelby, N. C. WHEAf STRAW FOR SALE See Tom R. Foster on Kings Mountain and Cherryvllle Highway. j-23-pd WANTED TOBtriri second "hand baby bed in good condition, with or without mattress. Call 363-R. 1-23-pd . v/u sau: rnoiographic Studio in town of 5,000. Doing good business. Only studio in town. Owner entering school. Priced for quick sale. Phone 370. J-23-pd. LOST: White O. I. C. pig male, strayed from home. Call 448-J-3. j-23 Riles Conducted for Cook Infant | Funeral rites for Sara Jane Cook, three-months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cook, were held Tuesday afternoon at Mountain View Baptist church, with R? '. Floyd Holler, officiating. Interment followed in Mountain Rest cemetery. Surviving, in addition to the :hild's parents, are a sister, Jo An- >, i and a brother, Douglas Frank Cook Cole Participates [n Navy Operation Joseph L. Cole, seaman, first :lass, son of Mrs. Agnes Cole of 305 iValker st., Kings Mountain, N. C., a as participated in "Operation Duck," the joint Armey-Navy amphi alous training exercises held off the oast of Southern California, while serving aboard the USS Goaaalin. Twenty thousand Army, Navy, ind Marine personnel, 500 planeayd *nd 60 ships were engaged in the >peration which was concluded vfth landing of the Sixth Army's Second Infantry Division on San "lemente Island, and the Callforain mainland neaA the mouth of Aliao Zanyon, Oceanside, Calif. i1 : QUOTES:-"^ OF THE WEEK "The dag had fleas!"?Mf?. Li'.ha Wagoner, San Diego, Col., who, miking divorce, sail hubby I I mails her sleep with the pooch, : >\ ~~~~~~~ . I**} "Why discourage young people f-om racing married?"?Cov.'r.yj , Clerk R. Beemcr, Reno, objecting ; to upplng fee to 33. "A city wife Is worth a let ! Ices!"?Gertrude Dick in, form j !; pnoer editor, who assays eounft-y wife's lifetime worth at S6d,000. ? i j, "IneroaaJng wagsa without Hftiag productivity of Workers, decant make for higher living standards and greater Purchasing power."?Leslie Ocutd, ftnem- I The country |p tired of gseO- f || tow and wasUfol epeodiny, and [ || '+ J THE KINGS MOUNTAIN HE | - Uncle Sam Says i _Uw on a dime nmfli sweet j St. Valentine's Day, tat lere ee steek at Vetted States Savin Bonds rests on t imer feondatio Tew saw cat yosr stack et bom re.tdarvy at year bank or post efilc Savings Bends are a sweetheart an investment?$4 for every vJ In years' time. V. f Tmuwi fyrsni r?i L *ebp Your Cloti ? 1 \rt, .!' ' ' ' 'V*.:-.- / 1 'S?: By Sendir * . V V * * ' ' V* . ' DEESE Pho 'V-V* * "Our Business ~ i itSS ppgHppi H K H H I ^ V H I I i I V ?mmmm?mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. HATS Expertly Finished by -Mott" Taylor McGUBOT CLEANSESDTEES Phone 287 5 | 239 BkQmd Ave. I Prof 1 Attention Tor Tow Plumbing Heeds I WELCH I PLUMBING SHOP I Phone 223-J P. O. Sn Ut I Hlnga IbmUln, K. G. I DIXIE I THEATRE I Too Won't Want to Miss I HTTMOHESQUE Joan Cwohod I John Oarflekl I . Monday and Tuesday I , n i I WE aaPAza Asdics, media * Phono I graph*. Electric Irons, Toest I era. Hot Pistes, Boim Heatera. Etc. I BRIDGES I RADIO SERVICE I II I ^vLwA I"** 1 roiu Announces /Nj -' Price Reductions mS mad The Ford Motor Company lnrt t*ure [week in a move to halt the spiral o. 00 mounting coe^8 and prices, reduced' -** * the price of every Ford car from1 lost' $15 to $50. ^ , ed a greai In making the announcement, Henry Ford U, president said, "Al- *B< though more than one* million of. P'ete our customers are waiting for de- they livery of their cars at present pri- bush ces, we are immediately reducing low the price of every Ford can?some models aa much aa $50. This Is a! down payment toward a continued high level of production and employment in the months ahead. We' believe that the shuck treatment of prompt action la needed to halt ? the Insane spiral of mounting costs i, and rising prices and to restore; Is a sound base for the hopeful period! ? murium. The price reduction was disclosed i I 10 in a press conference at Dearborn in j | which the entire policy committee; mt of the FOrd Motor Company partici ' . . , ' , EM CLEAN lies We Mean " " ig Them To? CLEANERS ne382-R Is Strictly Clean" H= Dairy Feeds, Poultry Feeds, , Stock and Mole Feed, Fencing, Roofing. Dairy Supplies, Seeds For all Purposes WARD'S FEED & 8< SEED STORE Phone 896 Cherokee St. * i ..H t I . - Vj *\?V""* > 'W-V UNCIE M Oonteto 1*44. retort... r~m rmi TimiiOTf aid hex nui ^ ^ 'vy^? ?' I g-JM- . . v--.. ?. v?**&?'';&n*'':*':':vLj? ft*//? mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrnmmmmmmm II ."' * -' |" '| ??*J i. The new price scale was wir- ;that our suppliers, our smplstsos. Ittultaneously to Ford dealers | and out other economic partakr* < ighout the rtatlon effective lm- j will back, each to Ma own ability, ately. our attempt to return to the econo. Ford said the company had mlc pattern which has helped to ? a modest profit for the last:make America great ? the prlncl months of 1946, and Intended | pie that higher wages and a higher ntinue to operate in the black.; standard of living for ad! depend upaid that the million* of dollars I on tower costs and lower orlceS tince V-J Day had been accept- through Increasingly efficient large > "an item of the cost of a scale production." : and victorious War." ? cause they must build up dc- The new Quartermaster - designed d cash reserves or because E ration gives the soldier a choice are still losing money, many of ten kinds of meats and four kinds, esses may not be able to fol- of fruit items in addition to other luit," he said, "but we hope foods. ISraadl .. . * %> rf TMi tawrtly modtrn watch wa? daclgnad for the definite purpoaa of providing men tflth a rugged, dapendabte timepiece at tha lowaat poaaibla eoet conaistant with tha nam* and fama of STUART. Craatad i ., In tha oolor of natural gold. Th janlW.'. te *44*4 . ' ' STERCHI'S JEWELRY DEPARTMENT , M. mm'^mmB MOTORS ?Commercial ?Kodak Finlahln* ,tC#|| ?Aerial Photography * \W Dodge ? Plymouth and -rr a rmno Dodge Track Dealer X AiJuo srvloe by Factory Trafaefl STUDIO -n?T1--W none 370 All Week Guaranteed ?????.?? ? . 11? Xeantaln St !*:> I KINGS I >SN T I I IB> ??rv? ?-r^T> I I P?w# - ^.^ rf^,ri ^"SHOKSHOPl^l I KWfvj w _ _ _imvn ., ___ I I 5v -; -" yj ^ ^ ^ w* rr I ^ ni?4?%?i^y ^ *? jti.^vy^l - .^H^g^^k'^^^SlWltoitsitt 8i ?^*B. I I I I *$ nwiu^i I ' I 0AT6 Hqqm Oil An# )fM I . ,*^B