HERALD Creek section is visiting reli 0 Dr. J. E. Anthony and son, Wi left Sunday (or Palm Harbor, 1 ?o? Mrs. E. B. Shiver. route 3, it home after haying received reent at Shelby hospital. ik' rnmSmmmmmmmammmmmmm |W j'w T ^V omfyoiKia yar HALF- ( * w i oL J[ "'**5 ^ ^?/?* ' Vyfe^^,r**trf *'O'X ' vt/sXf' ^ ' *? > ?*" ' MB?ff &| I BBri Bk 8 st:' '; .Vv'1?;*' *^>t4, - 'iV,^ c*r' v y. "lM% _ ; *'- ' i/jrs Irf ^EBSoiSlS^i ? 357-W, Office 167 d ? Long Lt Carroll E. Barnes has been itlves transferred from the Brooklyn POE to Fort Monroe, Va. I, 111am Mrs. Lida Ormand of Bessemer n fla. city and Miss Sarah Ramseur have e returned to their homes after visit- li \ at inn for two weeks at the home of A treat- Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Stacy near York, S. C. . 1 ' - n 1 ram? i in c "*M = TUSSY * * Wind & Weather Lotion' i m- v t * Ic . 1 V, > \' . Use this silken lotion once and you'll never be without it! It p! solves so many beauty needs. Help# prevent chapping, helps protect ]e sensitive skin, soothes complerion' dryness, softens and smooths akin t from head to heels. Even doubles as a make-up base. Get yours today while this annual sale is on! ? CA<,.? NOWONtY NOW $1 w - ' - !' -. ?:>v. .. }.' <*? * . * > /-'.- ," V'. -:i' " I? >;V^ JjNiRI By ; ^.D. I -w**" '- - ^?To e-' V\e 8. tI id mHMHH||Hj^':^'v*'| HHUHHHHIM mt "wJ"t ?* -WU'I board. Ft?i: v. y^SissgLjy^j^i ld , ~ vm^SSlS at Scrxttawtw^Tpoop Marten 1M4, Troop "jSTrton. Mr. Beainan baa given freely of id Js time in the leadership of Boout s. J* in hie community, county ana in tg the work of the Piedmont area over a period of yean and haa been the moving spirit in Scouting in his 'xxi lty. Under his leadership the art of Scouting has progressed in McDowell county. Be has built up m outstanding group of men to jerve Scouting in McDowell county and he has been elected to bead up t outing in McDowell county end m .? a vice-president of the Piedmont et O-xincll for the year 1M7. Smith-Pearson q *. Vows Spoken H d The vows were spoKen at the 1.' home of Hev. B. F. Austin, pastor of the Second Baptist church. Mr. Austin performed the ceremony, using the double ring ritual. se t. Mrs. Pearson is the former Miss ye ?r Mary Helen Smith, the only daugh- A. ter of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Smith. For fr her marriage, she wore a two-piece hi suit of oxford gray, using black L< . accessories and at her shoulder, a Fi * corsage of red roses. fi< y Miss Evelyn Edens was the pi bride's only attendant. SBe wore a P< * black and white suit with black Ci accessories and her corsage was of talisman roses. William J. Smith served Mr. Pear- cc son as best man. to [q The bride attended Central school ^ J and Lenoir Bhvna ?'II?,T'> ?" Ep "?L- ?w.J??-v,v * vr^vmc time she h^a been employed by rn j. the Bell Telephone company. Mr. Pearson, the son of Mr. and j - Mrs. L. Pearson, also attended ? Central high school and served three ! years as a tailgunner in the Ninth II Air Force. A year of this lime was II spent overseas, during which time, I he flew forty-nine missions. At I present he is a student at the Bel- I mont Textile School. II The young couple are making II their home on Firestone Boulevaru II in Gaston la. ~ Ml | COBBECTION || I In last wade's Issue at the}! I Herald, In the Story of Mr. ' and || I Mrs. J. P. BlalocK's fifty-sixth wed- II | ding anniversary, oip information | I was that Mrs. Blalodt and' jtyftMrjl I Randall were the only MS*tvtaft{| ? Children of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wll I I liam Randall. It has been brought || I to our attention that sister || I younjfest at twelve children and si-1| | though she is seventy-three years j| I old, She |S In excellent health and I 5 does her own housework dally. | ivv wieit-jMiiiieuceu,, I Foi Driving Prank I I Two out-of-town ms^ were senten I I ced In Recorder's court here IfiHI | Monday afternoon on charges of | I driving drunk. D. W. Jenkins, of I I Shelby, was given six months, free I | an payment of $75 and coats and | I Mm of his drivers license and Mars I I 8. Duncan, of Spartanburg, S. | was sentenced six months, suspend- I I ed on payment offfS and costs, I 1 and was sent to jail for non-pay- II I ment of.the fins. ]':\ I Evell Lackey, on cluuge. of I I oesilon at liquor and carrying a eon- I I re aim weapon, was found ; guilty'| I and sentenced to sixty day*' ?us- jj I pended on payment o19B0 and costs ,1 X and confiscation Of the weapon. ?* | ^l^w^fl'nid^irS ^11 I u*u-ymi? ui ujjuv., iumi (ill I lion at liquor charge., Kenneth Clay I I waa found not guilty had Ethyle I K Loutoe Jenkta. waa fined ?I0 and II El?**8, f |l ' f ; V 'A T [LVER BEAVER A WAR I 11 I nr. Ltaoi k. blackwklder VW-president Piedmont Council, repioMSiMiig Iredell oounty 1944 end ? IMS; elected ?ke president far Ireiw WafcediiMei' fVli ' r Sf7j r' wommtUee, Troop S Mooresvllle. IMS. oti IMS. 1944, 1946. 1949; chairmen a MooreevlUe dletrkrt oommlttee 1949; member executive board, Piedmont Council 1942. 1943, 1944. 1946. 1949; *ti met, ber Iredell county district com- 8c mlttee 1942 through 1949. Pi Rev. 19r. Black welder's leadership or In Scoutlnc his community end Hi county and as a member of-the ex- in ecuttre board of the Piedmont Coun- Cs cfl aver a period of years Has been en faithful and outstanding. He has stt been the moving spirit behind the ar movement In his ooaununlty and bo oountr and he has rendered valuable fir service on various council commit- Be tees from time to time. I its ITsuiell Retires As a losonic Secretary 1 j Oscar C. O'Farrell, for the last s ven years secretary and for 39 c jars a member of Falrview Lod^e a , F. and A. M. here, has retired h nm ihaf rtnaf I* time Unewnrl ? ? '1 w>?*? M?**v V * V n?o 1CVUI1CM ?V O ' idles Night supper held by the klgij at Central cafeteria on last -iday night, during which new of- ; cers of the organization were made iblic. New Master of the Lodge is yrcy F. Dllling, succeeding W. K. s ook, immediate past master. c Hal D. Ward served as master of tremonies as the local Masons met c honor their ladles and Rev. J. G. 1 inkier, pastor of Central Metho- J st church, made the address. Mrs. e L; A. Ware made the response on i 5half of the ladles after Mr. Ward \ id welcomed them, and gave an t * -i-'' .?V>. a 4*; ? MO? I'~ ,y#T. ?j. i i .'.. . ? i'i/i'vi '?." .. . , aart.n 4 MELLO# ' ' 8 O'clock Coffee mags"' ""' TMC OKAITP VEGETABLE JOTC COCKTAIL 2 ... /' ION A BBAND SWEET PEAS 2 STAB BRAND rRBPARED >AQE?WITH TOMAW l '' -tfj raonMjro ?m*? Chairman Metro divisional con* Ittee. 1041, IMS, 1?1C. 1044. 1044. 40; Scoutmaster, Troop 10 Ee4otrt, 1M1; member troop com ml V ^ \q iw? ">*a g^i't^^ffiStoQb.1 *??-"" fee?-. ~t astotda, 1041; member troop convtttee. Troop IT, Oastonia, 104V 43. 1044. Mr. Jeffers has rendered out' ending leadership In the wort: cfl ,y outing for the Negro youth ol the edmont area over a period or vests id has given liberally of his time ) has been largely instruments the development ol the Councl I imp for Negro Scouts and in the listment of a group of the outtnding leaders of the Piedmont ea In .he work of Scouting for the ys of his race. Mr. Jeffers is the st Negro to be awarded the SlUvr aver by the Piedmont Councl! in more than 30 years of operation. - nteresung discourse on Masoruy nd its part In the history of the Jnited States and the Vvorld. Stating the two main ideals d ufasons as brotherhood and frien* hip, Mr. Winkler, in his address ongratulated every Mason on bel? member of an organization thai ias played such prominent past n world leadership. t'v C. T. Corn we 11 was recognized mt he oldest living member of Use xxige, with 47 years to his rerdi Ladles of Grace Methodist chuntti erved a turkey supper for the Ohaslon. Other officers announced for ftor urrent year are: C. J. Gault, Jr., sas or warden; W. A. Walker, unior warden; J. C. Keller, treasurr; J. C. Bridges, secretary; Ailesi lerndon, senior deacon; J>aul W.ti vens, Junior deacon; and J. A. Wa& Fresh Fruits & Vegetables lb. Bog Oranges 35c 3ELICIOUS Apnles 2 lbs 27c 1 lb. Cta. 3k ?* at 2 Ms 71c "feM ves *o. ai.ac