- p. || ltlf i'ii"i^* la^ffSk* ' '''' ?&) Maceshar.flfcat started In 4-H club wmk. four .y/sars ago, the motto of MheegPoslon. Haywood County ma arxw* or mo valley I1 11 1 ' ij ' . "n ' ' Mr. Lloyd Self and wife. spent week end at Ifebo. Mr. Bay Black and Pat Belk spent Sunday In the Valley. Farmers oyt this way are fixing 1 for another fine crop we hope. Will Dixon has been sick out Is better now 1 met John Gladden In the city. John has been on the sick book. I'm glad he Is better. When you get with John you are In good company^ If I go to church on Sunday, put on a stiff shirt and collar^ pay the preacher a dollar and take th^ rumble seat. That's all right, til next Sundayit's Just another dollar. I met a little darky boy Easter with a chicken under his arm. 1 said to him, "what you doing with that chicken?" "Taking It home to mother. Then he asked me. "Mr. why does a hen cackle when she It's the same way with a bad cold We love to pass it on. Whatsoever became of the old gal that ware her dress down to her shoe tops. And didn't show her ankle.? Brother Harrill gets my com p 11 menu and should have a medal pin ned on him for the bill he die* up and worked hard to get approved and passed. Americans all over the world are known as people that get things done. I believe in having a law passed so all the people can vote the man in rather than it being left to a favored few. I really know its a step forward to make the town a better place to live. If all would "vote. About fifty percent of eligible voters never go to the polls. Every citizen who votes regularly will induce one non-voter to go to the polls and vote. The results of our elections would then truly represent thO will of the whole town So if you want a better governed town go out and vote for the man that wants to make It a better place to call home. I had the. good pleasure'to call atCentral school this week. Those good people know how to entertain a news reporter. The school is one among the best in the county. They have a fine bunch of teachers. Mr. Barnes assisted by Mr. Huueycutt makes the school very attractive for its many students. Like so many of us old Noah play ed the fool. After. God called him to build a boat, it took him 600 years to build. It. God told him to get it out in the rain and float it for 40 days and to take two of a kind of every living thing on the earth In thp Ark. Bo hp riiri and It rninpri 40 days and didn't s{pp at night. The Ark floated. So one day it quit raining. Noah sent out a dove to hunt a dry spot to park the great ship so the little bird came back with a twig in his mouth. They know dry land had been found. All right then. God planted a rainbow in His Heavens a covenant between God and man that man shall never be destroyed by water. Now back to my story. The bird found a dry spot. All right, after some time God opened the ship doors. Everything that lived on the earth came out on the dry sandy land and took a sun bath. Now Noah wanted to celebrate such- k grand event, so he made some wine and had a party. He and his daughters. They all got drunk. But they didn't have any Jail house. It had probably washed away. So Noah played the tool. Paul and Silas got stuck In Jail [ but they dldnt pay a find. An Angel came down and turned the key and' .. >1 Experiments With MD N% EATION? v . < * r ' ft < " * M ; iers, fed this ration s, Weighed 3 pounds j -r* "j.. *>/*" 1 chicken was al>ove weeks. I ! ration is only slight- # td broilerration and rntages o| heavier u to bring them to | , y. :-r ' ' HEKINGS MOUNTAIN HERAJ heveany angels ao*when you ^TlhI un. ?t ay till with thf' gun turns the key and takes you be. vv" --? *i ?. 1:, ; . i? v- r .. " ' . 1 -: v,- , I I I I I I I trlct as to seeding inwthodi^^ter tlllzatlon. The alfala is looking good and Mr. Wllaon U pleased with his results. - ;- * i * The boys from Mrs. Scoggins' sev nth giade got up a baseball team March t, i?47. They choae as their manager Charies Guyton. Ha is going to try to be a very good one and is going to try very hard to do what they want him to do. .Good luck to you. _ I cm01 Mn Recipe Clctti DlMMMeftit PeM AnSjhWIif M inn aufar Uom rtHMMfc. MhHtfa er iwriHi pab>. bay AO * ?*? j ant um*c- Utt pftiy of. Ru-Ei | " ?"*"??* * 1 *cW". "OWT toda?. Mi % tank a quart of ami, aM Sa , Joke Imil. h'a taq. pteaaaw and no traoMa at all. You netj only ) 1 MbltapnaaMa two lian Say. Often ! in?ni- '? - bee? ? iirawrttu mm-.-I 9**r Sopta , . *. -w.- *- ?- T-* J.US. g " is CanfMaf tf far aaia aaf MMftaM by I *" v*^H yM > ~' m I u j-" -? > * *.*!* |i . .>9 I i ? 1 I V j 'i^i ->4 v:?l H ufl The now and even Is the only cor i !. t i' Fisher v BHH^Hj . WHMWH mm MIUrT* f |1KM?I%1 W^FjKfk . rjpi *P^iiL >** ? %>' 1* iU 1 jfcf 1 t ,i* ti V|||V|T (NfltlllAT p| niun ifVowii m r * vt^s I- *" fts^/#T1 hpfcM f ' frM' i t%L * ^ . r*. 9.;i D.. lames S. B. OPTOMKTBIBI ' ' f BwmiwMw, Dt?g?oel*,Qlai 3? IWdajrtO *-* .ysjff ?Ai jmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrnmmmmmmmmmm ? ' " ; ,- - ? " II' I' ' ??? Food Fi ... $glp? f You can get the highest quality lock's, serving Kings Mountain 1 ;: ; -". ' ' / " ; * .' i . o Y< BLALOCK'S GR r ? biggflooking, b*itter~looking Chovr n its field with all these Big-Car ach = / ' - . V- . -V ; f,. - * : j Morwvtr, in addition Biff-Car Yv fe to boto* fho only cor .Upondc Ihol k.lng. you In-H.w on .. , ^U ail ??? enviable . ZXS.'IJXS ^ COST, Chevrolet also i '( "li out #? ?he htwsf-pricmd Urn of g|| p-! COT." ' ' JSteT * ?* z ,>. .'-* " MTM1" * *4^2! ?? t- ^ ' % wet Fitted I wTif?'*! iri * '}' ' ' - '4 < . '! :;y set ..?;: .> ' ..vV - .- " ... ' foods from Bla for over II years OCERY fH- . w T*"?_ \~ I t>v . Br Hgv' ; E . " r. Up?^' adages: ,M^TV?T^ J Thrift-Master