wm Twplyc ,y"'-ft* :,g. * ^Centraschool's baseball dule ICity Stadium Friday aftersuae m a Western conference affair, Comp lete their first gam? here with :?io4 Kftnaa with Ruthcrlordton Spin ?ile last Tuesday on the Hill Tophome.diamond. ' Seven local errors tossed tbfr Rill Tdyper game away, with Central out t ftlftingr their opponents 9 to 3, while Bad Med tin atuT R* C Humphrlsc .. vmeallowing opposing batters only haw.' hits. Odly extra-base blow of the game v fn !>y left fielder Goforth of the yV . lafclll l|. Medfln pitched five innings, alufeufcg only one hit, and Humphries ,? . Rnished the game, giving up two. romblin pitched the first tour for -Mt HHi Toppers with Metcalf finding up. Kings Mountain journeys to Bes met City this afternoon for the . CENTRAL SCHEDULE A^lj^smer thsrs a?t?n hmmwh >>w "M. M 2 'AJlt J-gtffLW &>?T ttrgame there scheduled to get unJiirty at -3:30 p. m. with Bessemer My returning the game here TupsJH? afternoon at 3 p. en. . The Kings-Mountain box score: ffarer Tot. AB H $ ' Only 2b 5 3 b Uulfstetler - 3b *4 2 Wtt c 4 1 JBare ss 4 0 *rck lb- 4 0 dyct Huffstetler cf 3 0 iflfes cf I 1 JBtft If 3 0 >* Obfnon rt 4 1 ettrin R 2 0 Humphries p 2 1 A': 36 9 Scoring Runs: Early (2), Glass, Chsti'ixr. Score" by innings: Aug? Mtn 000 020 Oil 4 9 7 tt#fipin. 101 030 OOx 5 3 1 Xocal Keglers Drop Bossomor-Chonyvllle Kings Mountain's keglert. the J4wfing alley ooys. defeated the Bes wm?r City team Tuesday night by a ore of 1694 to 1630'and, according <a figures turned in to the Herald MBeated Cherryville on the previous right by 1761 to 1703, although the oiwlers reported paying for the games, due to an apparent error in adding the scores. XM-CKEhftTVlLC Alia, 287 Earnest, 227 ells, 325 Buck, 329 ilmrlck, 290 Long, 251 1 Morrison, 317 Skid, 281 (Jfcmtfle. 256 Stroup, 299 attckwell, 286 Richard, 316 '?al?1761 ' Total?1703 KM-BESSEMEB CITY Mils, 273 Harris, 285 320 Robinson, 264 Morrison, 287 Fortenbury, 252 Mmrick, 274 McAbee, 265 'Jker. 281 Thomas, 305 rmmble. 259 Schofield, 259 tit* 1?1694 Total?1603 ' * ' j! ?? pdSfi * f * - 1 HP m ^1 the hfca?io?of thelr~vote jars^in th order of their standing as of Tuei day: Peggy Smith (Mauney Hosier Mill) Griffin Drug Co. Ruby Jackson (Sadie Mill) Waffl Shop. Marlon Ivey (Margrace Mill) Cer ter Service, y Martha McClain (Pauline Mill Kings Mountain Drug Co. ' 'il Margaret Ware (Margrace' Mill Kings Mountain Drug Cp. Ann Ruth Hawkins (Mauney Hos lery Mill) Victory Chevrolet Co. Dot Foster (Cora Mill) Belk's De partment Store. Inez LedforU (DuCourt Mills) Kee ter's Department Store. Votes are coming in fast and th Jaycees as well as the different milt are looking to a terrific amount o rivalry as the contest nears Its close Specialty dancing by students o Mrs. Coman Falls, vocal numbers b; B. S. Peeler, Jr., and a variety of otl er numbers round out the evenlni ! of entertainment. . I _____ , I ^HWVV^ Comriy Ttxtlk Loop Cora baseball official* announce* thla week formation of a team hen that will represent the city in th< Gaston Textile league, a loop com posed of eight teams and headed b: ' Lyle Edward*, sports editor of thi j Gastonla Gazette. ; Schedule of the new loop calls fo ' 24 games, with two games to be plaj | ed each week, at 4:30 p. In. on Tue , days and 3:30 p. m. on Saturdays initial games to get underway th< first week in May. Fred Grigg, Gastonla city recrea tion director, is said to be the organ izer of the league with teands liste< as Rex, Hanover, Firestone, Stanley High Shoals, Dallas, McAdenvllle and Kings Mountain. Elize Bridges, manager of th< Cora team last year, has been nam ed manager of the 1947 edition, witl Harold Phillips listed as busines manager and Frank Hullender -a secretary and treasurer. *" Last season's Cora team was no entered In a uniformed league, witl the. team competing mainly again* other Independent teams in this sec tion as well as playing exhibitloi games with teams that were men bers of an antnlzsri lonn The 24-game schedule Is expect* to be approved soon and will be re leased as-soon as possible. Game will be played here In City Stadiun It was stated. ? Among the players listed On th team this week by business mana ger Phillips were Boyd Howell, rlgh handed pitcher, Lonzo Goforth, Bus ter Brown, Norman Roper, Jacl Harvey, Joe Hartman, Rocky Ford Willis King, Wesley Klser, Aught] Tignor, Bud Ross, Tom Ross, Arnol< Fall's, and Charllie Patterson. Practice sessions have been unde way In the recently renovated Con park for the past few weeks, It wai stated, with a practice game to b? played yesterday against Belmoni of the Mid-State league. HI J ** fjjF y Right fo wear in Lr , style sh I $10.5 I jL Anothe; Lar^'i prints a * *?' Ick... ' ^ r= x: ^ flEjjj ?, Vl mm ' '*+ 1WO JEbMvCT UWHWS.-'-1-?gg? <7 v I ?, . "(Cental from ftuni pag?> jft 3 ? majority of the *otm cm*t *;/J i ^Uwdarthe ? sChool trustees, whirls appearin i- in legal advogtisemenl form tK .- weak, prospective candidates' mu y file notice of cjmdldaCyrwSSwpJi ' city dark ridt later than Dvfc da; prior to Mky 6 and pay a $5.00 fi ing fee. Registration books' will < - pen on Saturday April .and 1 open each Saturday through/May ) The voting place will be City* Hal and the voting off Ida la appotnte ) are: C. L. Black, registrar. Howar Jenkins and C. E. War lick. Candidates far the electiori fc mayor and city commissioners, cat ed tor May 13, must file by May ! also in writing, and pay the $5.C < fee to City Clark Karl Sawyer. Ret istration books will be open Apr t 19. b In both elections the polls will ? f pen at 7 a. m. and ckre at 6 p. in. Following li the list of preclnc t officials tor the May 13 electio i (first-named to serve as regtstra i others as Judges : I Ward 1 at City Hall: C. L. Blad Howard Jenkins and C. E. Warltd Ward 2 at Cl*v n ' tri I Harmon. Ward 3 at Phenlx 1(111 Store: Ca |t Paysour, Frank Green anjl D. C. Pa) B ?our. b Ward 4 at Kln|t Mountain Mann . factoring company clubroom: C. 1 y Goforth, H. H. Smith and J. R. Rob b erts. Ward 5 at Victory Chevrolet corn r pany: I. Bep Goforth, B. M. Orman y and J. C. Keller. s Other bustnesa at the Tuesda; i, night session was classified as rou b tine. Plato Heavner and the clt; board came to an agreement regar ing Installation of a storm sewe - connection, with Mr. Heavner t i buy the pipe and the city to Insta , It Rufus L| McGIU ashed for a sewe >, connection to' a residence on Wac Road, and G. O. Moore, Flqyd stre^ b requested a- water line extenslo . which the board agreed to make si i quickly as some pipe Is secured. An s nual audit was awarded to Georg s H. Emery, Statesville certified bub lie accountant.. . All members of the board wer J present except D. I*. Saunders.,;,, ! Boxtn To Hatch ^CiaaiottoB Tuesdav ( . Boxing instructor Eari Bower: , KlnS^Mou^uS punchers are *hc * duled to met Cramerton in the Bea . semer City high school gymnaStun Tuesday night at 8 p. m. In an earlier'match between th < two teams, Cramerton took a thre e to two decision. ?. ? V Included among the sluggers t a. _ as " % ?. 1 a . w?--^ I uvi uir ioctti cam are JU * Wiggins, Junior , flyweight (10 ? pounds,) Pep Berry, feather-weigh I, (130. pounds), Leon "Sharkey" Cs t nlpe, bantamweight, Dan Reynold 1 nlor flyweight (83) and Dlckg Coins, flyweight. r OMCUM SOmR ~ t A chicken*supper will be held i at the Church of God parsonage t Saturday afternoon at 5 o'clock. 1 Proceeds will go to church building fund. The public is fnvjted. ' mm J uoi vumuuauu: ' - i By L'AIGLON * 'r't ' . ... r \ ' ' Vv T'' * ' < * S? . . . v r spring and summei , lovely styles. Note the own at left. Sizes 12 to 40 ' A - ' > si ' " ; J5?$12.95?$14:95 Wit1 wm^ m$EL% i fV'MV. - *. By DIXIE r great name in dresses tew shipment in paste * ?.$ >%. ' md solids. Sizes l%to44. iu. " y- , dVi'/r; S7as tn xi? nn W www ..mwwmmmm m m . . [ i ^ ' * ' 4' 2RALD Thhfsdfly April 10 1047 B L ' m LoulsvlJle, Ky.. Miss Isobell Potter P 6t Rock Hill, S. C? anil Gene Nelsler.' >. During their stay at "Oakland' w the hosts and'guests visited the fai, mous Orton Gardens near WilmlngJr ton' As--- V' : d Mrs. Timber lake Is * Mgtron-of-Honor ! I Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Timberlake, of 0 New York City, spent last weekend .. In Statu College, Penn., where" tffp. 1 Tlmbt flake was matron-of-honor In the wedding of Miss Carol Saulsbury to J. Draden Moore at Philadelphia. The Timberlake# were accompanied to State College by Miss Joan Ben*1 n nett of Scarsdale, N. Y., and Miss p Gloria Vela of Rh *:jide. N. Y.,,both of whom ire former schoolmates of | Mis. Timberlake. . ' *i.'WI < ! 1 - I This Sampto Room Compi ?' I with Plumbirig Fixtures I Be For Sato After One W Showing. 5 Rooms. Hall Bath. Central Heating Plan o - * :: The Famous >- I At this time when problems SEABOAR * I ina skill and exoerie SEABOARD (r I . SEABOARD Home > I in the country and at * I PRICES. SIZES *1 * I II MAKE YC if i J I f ' irqm our select* If figured I I II || 35c and II || ? Sizes Club Nbtes ACS Or O.QB8 . - ->> Members of the Aeeof Clubs were entertained last week at the home of Mrs. Haywood. E. Lynch^Jjt.j&^t Jonuils and japonic* In lovely arrangement were used tb - decorate the home.'S' ' f Mrs. W. K. Mauney, Jr., was presented a prize for holding high score for the afternoon. WP-'K" ' At the end of play, the hostess ser ved a refreshing gingerale sundae and Chocolate cake.---- 5 -.V '.v .: .. STUD* Mrs. Jay Patterson will be hostess to members of the Study club at her home next Tuesday evening, April 15, at T:30. ? Easter-Egg Hunt Given On Saturday The teachers and leaders of the Nursery, Primary and Beginners de partments of the Presbyterian church, gave the children In those deBailments an Easter-Egg hunt on le church lawn last Saturday after noon. ?: , liMlii^ i ii iiii i a m .^ Kr . ? ' ^ B ijoj^ |w si v A'. , V' ' m Jm. m BBEml -ANNOUNCINGv , ';< . <4|ra-; IS? &* * : SEABOARD Ready thousands of families are faced D has concentrated its entire : nee and is available for slit homes in tarious floor plan ybuilt Homes are definitelT no Irtefltin e4*u#4iivoe ssstt -"UV1U?V? UW> I*?M IfU shave passed some ol the stri ?D PLANS T OSUTT EVERYBC sellable to everybody. ridar 930 5:30 7i30 w^T**wm acn uay r or # ueryi )UR OWN ;V on of plain and a MTQ ' [AN SHOES FOI their search for the gaily eohmetty-. eggs which had been* hid den before the arrival of the children At the conclusion of the hunt, Mrs Lloyd Houser served pleasing re freshmentis?*.V' *jfv ^T.' I ' ' Methodist Circles ' , Met This Week ; < On Monday afterndon Circle,num.ber 6 of Central Methodist church met at the home of Mrs. Charles Goforth. In the absence of the leader, Mrs. J. R, Davis, Mrs. O. O. Jackson presided and Mrs. Clyde Canipe gave the Bible lesson. During the social period, the hostess served delightful refreshment. Circle number 2 had their meeting on Tuesday night at the home of Mrs Paul Brlggs. Mrs. Clarence Jolly, the leader, presided. Mrs. Ben Beam presented the dovotional service after which Mrs. W. R. Craig conducted the Bible study. Tempting refreshment, observing I uie HUier season, was served ai me built Homes I I I with acute bousta? I resources, engineer* . v* V ,*^S?-i **m'SwtiLViVi 1L % ' ^vM \ tnauiauMBvMT ./ :?i ? I f^ijiiiiliiiihi I homes. ' lb* proud to live in ?>* '^.|| f\ .: etast building codes ^?f b' Hit I I sysilyi^^?

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