The Kings M Establi A weekly MWipcyr dmM 1 welfare and published flat tb> and benefit of the dtfoono of pnblished every Thunder h] Entered as second close matter tain. If. C~ under Act of Congrw Martin Harmon Charles T. Carpenter. Jr Mrs. C. C. Oates Telep] SUBSCRIPTION RATES PAYABLE Of ADVANCE One yeas .'. M2M blx months SI.10 TODAY'S 1 Prices, Wages Prices are still high. Wages are still high. Easter retail trade was at new highs. Already there is evidence that the immediate fear of wild inflation created by the de r mise of the OPA, which ev erybody cussed until twe weeks after it was lifted, is be ing dissipated. While prices are high, and in some instance: going higher, there is also evi dence of a leveling, and, in ma jority of commodities, qualitj is coming back. While the price of a shirt may be $4.00. it wil not tear to shreds on first laur dering. The GOP did a lot of talking about how stern the Republi cans would be with labor. Tha' was campaign talk, and as th< presidential conventions o 1948 near, the Joe Ball elemen is being soft-pedalled. There are indications that la bor is feeling more bullish. Ai this is written, the strike of th< telephone workers is paralyz ing business, costing the tele phone companies, their strik ing employees, and the aver age business man considerably in money, not to mention thi inconvenience. As nrevionslv written ii these columns, there are tw< ways to increased wages: (1 raise in the price of the com modity or service; (2) lowerinj i of the cost of the price of th< commodity through greatei production in the same a mount of time. The first method is a sur< road to inflation. The secorlt method is the only safe one fo; all concerned. For instance, the last genera wage raise in the textile in dustry was the healthiest o all the many granted in th< past few years, for no increas* in price of commodity was ef fected. The telephone compaines ar< arguing that they can't paj any more without raising rate: The telephone workers are re plying that the increased vol ume, both through long dis tance tolls and installation o i i , new teiepnones, mane a aeser ved wage raise possible now. On the face of it, the worker: have a pretty good argument Regardless of the side favored $ everyone hopes that by thi time this is read one can agp.ii pick up t he receiver and hea: the familiar, "Number, please.' Our congratulations to Mrs Paul Mauney, who has beei chosen to head the King f Mountain Symphony Societ: for the forthcoming year. Th< society in its two years unde the leadership of Mrs. Aubrej Mauney, has rendered a contri button to the city in bringin] here for concerts the Nortl Carolina Little Symphony, an< music lovers of the city ar looking forward to future ap pearances of the orchestra. H 1ft TEAKS AGQ J'. 1U THIS VEEI George Allen, local magistrate, 1 the third candidate to anounce to Mayor of Kings Mountain In th rfc town Alctotlnn tA Kft KftM The two candidate who have alread made their announcements at Charlea S. Williams and Tom Fultoi SOCIAL AMD VKMSOMAL Jimmy Carpenter entertained 1 ! of his young friends at a theatr p party on Friday afternoon in ceiehr usB tion of his ninth birthday anhtvoi sary. Mrs. Last* Rake and Mr*, ft 1 McGill were Joint hostesses fer th THE KINGS MOUNTAIN HE3 mmmmmrnrnrnmrnm^mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrmrnmrnm ej| 2 Mb toA martin s meoicwe - I^prtte WmwDm y^; : <| (Containing bits of am. ?Udom, humor. ?d comment. To bo taken weekly- Avoid omm dosage.) '. 1 | ftr?l Wfc inleie' Local l noatre Since I <m remember, every community, regmdlom of sine. boo portoodlcally had frees en tod oome kind of local talent sbow. running from minstrels end farce eomody to straight sseteus itaft bat with the accent on the comedy. 1-t The big allien: Uon. of coaroo. to "^OanrtmadSi^ the noamt Mg tioabie with leoel ehewo to that the eaet wenf leera the lines. f . ' ' M , ? ountain Herald hed 1889 to the promotion 'of the general ? Mllfbtoapmt wtwtaiBflMBt Ring* mountain ana its lciniTy, r tbl Ho raid Publisliinci House. ' at tho poetoilleo at Kings Mounts of March. 3.107*. } *t * Editor-Publisher Sports. Circulation. Mows Society Editor lone 117 * , r. 1IBLE VERSE nfldonco. and shall Imp thy foot giLino?j^ninnniitmnjeoeee Budget Balanced uovernor unerry, in a snort address at the wind-up of the General Assembly last Saturday, pointed with pride to the balanced budget of the state for the forthcoming two years, and he could well point with pride, considering the demands made on the legislators for money here and money there and money everywhere. The Assembly finally wound j up as a pretty typical North Carolina Assembly. In spite of hot floor fights, the results were pretty much j down the line of typical North Carolina conservatism. Labor took a licking, which didn't I even surprise labor, the farm ers won on the co-op issue t mainly because the politicians j are still afraid of that big, unf wieldy bloc of farm votes, the t drys started out like a ball of fire and wound up with little or nothing. Governor Cherry himself had ? somewhat hard sailing, having - to retreat on several matters. This, however, also followed the familiar pattern, for a North Carolina governor, without a uptn hue a much hnrrtpr . ^ course with his second legisla? ture than with his first. But the budget-balancing is i smart. If the national govern3 ment will adopt a fiscal policy ) along the lines of North Caro linate the nation will be in r ; fair way toward moving out o' ? the morass of debt. r S. L. Myers, successful hote. owner and operator, gave th( ? Kiwanis club forthright fact i on hotel operation last Thurt r day night. He pointed out tha' only by very capable manage 1 ment in construction and op - eration and a minimum of fif nancing could a hotel hope tc ? make the grade. Still, Mr. My? ers thought that Kings Moun tain could have a hotel, 'one that would be successful. The i Herald feels this kind of down/ to-earth talk is much more s healthy than simple drum?beat - ing, and will come closer to pro - ducing that long*awaited, long needed hotel. If Mr. Myers is f not wealthy, he is certainly - well-to-do, and his means have come from successful operation s of small hotels in communities :. of comparable size to Kings I, Mountain. With the natural ad3 vnntflao Vioro r\f hoincr or* Poet. ? I 1 V.* V. WV I I Ull n West terminal on two of the r nation's most-traveled thorou" ghfares, there is every reason to take Mr. Myers' aGvice and build a hotel. \ i s Do you know of any children / who are physically handicaps' ped and who might be helped If r the price of treatment were a/ vailable? If so, contact A. W. - Kincaid, a member of the coun l ty-wide inter-club committee i which is trying to locate such i children. Some money is avail e able for this purpose and the h committee is anxious to put it to work. * 4 / ;j Sr?7 >' > * i 1937 tiles of ttM Wln&Uomak nnn nsraia. regular meeting of the United Dau r ghtera of the Confederacy, entertaine lng at the home of the former on i. Friday afternoon. * Mr. and Mr*. L B. Goforth, Ban Jr., * and Bobhy Goforth, were gueats of 11 Mr. and Mrs. Basel Crenshaw Sune Mrs. |>. C Mauney. president of a the Senior Woman* chib, and Mr*. W. K. Mauney, are among those at\ hT^STt^OiMlmte . \ All of which bringsmexnd pw-puMkMy b?Ud-?y oeuldnt have bwo almd. lor if yon did not Mod it in the paper, yon sow tho placards, and U you didn't soo tho placards, you saw tha stuff aboat tho textile queen business, Bat moot likely. If you're a motorist. you'ro seeing It dally through a windshield plastered with "Cornsapoppinw stickers. M There should be good crowds at this play, for all the Jayceos are soiling tickets In advance. 1 have sold quite some several myself, hut for those guys who put me off In an* effort to save a donor, I still have a FEW left. v 1-t As this is written I haven't at* tended any rehearsals of this upcoming extravaganza, but 1 scanned -the script. Even that isn't necessary for those who read the synopsis of the play and the cast of character e in last week's Herald. Naturally, I'm not-referring to the lad tee Id the cast, for all have ****** stage experience ****** will carry the show along quite nicely. ' _ 1-t ' Ifs the men of the cast who interest me. and I am very anxious to see the results. 1-t The Falls boys. Otis and Bed. are of course veterans heieee the feet. connection with woaankM weddings, and I can looking forward with real antieipatioa as to bow Otis, who makes up as one of tho "prettieet" women, and Bod, who at least' makes op as a woman, will do. playing men's roles. 1-t Another big reason 1'ee found ticket selling far this event easy is the presence in the cast of Tol| ly Shuiord. The play directors are j billing the lehsimir Barton as' "the Antloch New-Grounder. a,' I new find for the stage who is' Broadway-bound an sure as can be." None, of course, knew that f Tolly had treatrieal ambitions until volunteers were requested for the casting. Tailor's hand shot up like it had come oat of a gun, and there was nothing to do but give him a part. 1-t Investigation concerning Frosty spearman qmcxiy uwwm why he Jumped at tto cIwbpi to play Us role. As the mals hall of ths heart tntsrsst dMt It became quite wldent that Frosty had somshow got an advance otpy of the script. M M Odds aro that ths aals charactsrs alone will .make ths Shaw worth ths pries of admission, SOS way or fotbsr. 1-t Personally. I'd liks to ass mors thsator work dons aronnd Kings s W - AS - - ' * ? mountain* x xvuu UM tenpr MtOfmelodrama " ? Ain't Dsns Mgbt by our Well." and Fro always wanted to son it pssdiMsd. It Was at | ths Uhna dsb ens tfans, hat I didn't ost to SOS H. Thafs ths ens n w^w vans* L tjhsp^ths rtlltan twirls Ms ban"Cease heeok iatr sseid,I heeeyaa .In ay Mntchsn." Walnwdli. ha jhnrt gat ts^olnyJiang IsK ths worts of tho tttNflk Our best bow toB. N. Barnei who has been elected ^resideirt. rtiuun wuicr^n^??wnwu? tor^otlvMr ofHcw.Jn th? Cleva ociatkSi"** ^ ' i Jy'TSU*F^>. 31J , it I I yi > ' i' lULP, Thursday, April 10,19*7 w? ^!53fHBB85fi5?9K^yF^* y . BW1QMW1 x A Poetic Tribute The Her add la re-printing herewith a copy of a poem entitled "Kings Mountain" by Arthur W. W. Sword, Of Jonesvllle, Va. The poem appeared in the Herald of July .18 1932, and ia being reprinted at the. request of the author who wrote that he had discovered the poem while rummaging through some old papers. He further writes " 1 used to work In Kings Mountain and ano- ther incentive to my reverence for that historic town is the fact that my great-greatgrandfather, Henry Sword, led a company of Colonials in that battle, under Col. Qampbell of Virginia M The poem: .. The Britah crown upon'your crest. Her hordes upon your brow. In grim defiance there did rest? | I a wuiv w?finf now. | Can Plebian files of lowly state? Lead on the Patriot* there. Oh. royal flash <oh, regal glare, The Eagle's eye is strong. He will not blink from conquest's flare That glows In pomp of wrong. Oh, king, oh, British king, This Is the Eagle's home: His cry beneath is Freedom's ring, That swells Kings Mountain's dome. Twas here, when earth was newly ]; ' made (No kings, no mundane throne) By God's own hand this tower was laid? The key of Freedom's stone. i Twas here, from out the livid east, (The morning's golden crown, j Proclaimed the dawn to bird and . beast. v..' . ? * (.Made morning's glories known' N ; ! "Twas first from here, upon this ' crest, The Eagle's plume was spread. i And out the North, the South, the West. * The light of glory shed. And here, one hour of battle fought, A crown lies, crushed below? And, to a crown of granite brought, Old Glory's colors flow. GI Loans Available For Some Refinancing Veterans of World War II may use G. I. loans under certain conditions to refinance delinquent Indebtedness on .homes, farms and businesses, 1 was pointed out today ' by the North Caollna regional Vet- , erans Administration office. The government may insure or guarantee such a loan provided it Is secured by a lien pn the property used or occupied by the borrower as a home or for farming purposes, VA said. . The office added that the government may also guarantee such -a loan to refinance a delinquent in-; debtedoess Incurred by a veteams ' in the pursuit of a gainful occupation which he is pursulng or proposes to pursue in good faith, or If the indbetdness Is for .delinquent taxes or assessments on the borrower's property. Crook the stives-vetoed laws, ami others around here ?ughto ha laeating amw>J?hiiiila is ami soot ?houM liciva soma t ^Touat tbi Ihow. 1 1 y v? % Jg ? ' *r" Dr. D. M. Morris JBjes Examined Tuesday and Friday, aftei "L. V I. ine yoom GET TE McCARTER W. King SL CALDWELL Radio and Itefri; "All Work G r- ' " "!: Pick-up and Dc Located is Cr Phone ... ?iV?.? AUTO L f - v' FINANCING I Quick, Efficient, C ?ee-B Home Finaii Gaatoni A , Main Street In Fro Pioi J. ? -p.-v v vj* yjf v 1 1 11 1 '?? mM^SmmmSmSSSm ? ; Iv <!v**.''*xS*V.- ' ?% ' " '' . . . . -? r .' ? . . ' ' . , . 'V ? ' ' ' " X / , '/ -; _ ' V . i ' i*.V /fiv 4v- ^ FOIL TH1 Pol you* winter wool , . : v nag iot saieiy trpin ui Note: And Let Us CL] CLOT DEESE CI PhOM "Our ButlMM la 4 . ...J?' _ issiitiisssriti GEO WING MASH AGENCY All Kinds Of Insurance Phone 182 First National Bank BidkUng on. Optometrist Glasses Fitted moons 1 P JL to 5 P JL v\ y r Yon Want I IEM AT T ^ 5 GROCERY I PKmi* 991 I rnone oi i 'hhmwhw? u 11 ii. in nmumwmJ 6 I0BEBTS leratfon Service MACHINE ; uorcmteed" [livery Service ?&'< ook'sGarage 393 rrj AKMS I IEFINAHCING * ? ionlidential Service :OOK" ce Company tak,K.O. nt the Postoffios ^ iie20S6 fl /J . "':-.%?i < < ' '.' t '' :-v ' ?"> v '. -X' :'-i"-' ' Cv ' t"1;r* '>* * J MOTHS ft " "1 P.' ?i ." " !">- ? '/': f'U "\ .. . ' " >' ?->; \ tni in a Moth-Proof _ ' S|U your SPRING IttpQ v nr.o | LEANERS i Strictly Clean" r??? |

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