I ' " . il 'v.' ., 'iv^'^M fl H :^H V> t'^^| ^ B v CHUBC1 BOYCK MKMOS1AL AK9 CHTTBCH William L. Preasly, Minister Sabtath school 10 a. m. J. E. Gamble, Supt. 'Morning service 11a.m. These will be no ptayer meeting at our church. Home Visitation ? Evangelism will be April 14, 15, and 16 at pur . -church. Come and worship wl*h us. , t - ? P. D. Patrick, Pastor Services at Central school. Harry Page, Supt. 11:00 A. M. Morning worship. Sermon subject: "Let us run with j > s2:30 P. M. Sunday school at i Friendship Chapel. Clifford Klrkus, 1 3:00 P. M. Sunday school and service at Dixon Presbyterian church. 6:30 R^Youth^eilowshlp at home of Mr .and Mrs. P. M. Nelsler. , '< *Tsl:30- p. M. Union service at high ' school auditorium. ; 7:Oh P. M. Monday, Boy Soouts, wsirm>in*isiMB iliisinnitsninsj James Page. Asst. Scoutmaster. i ?-7? " V. FIBST BAPTIST CHURCH Jt^SttTSSUr .Sunday? .10:00 a. m. Sunday schol. 11:00 a. m. Morning worship. <6:45 p. m. B. T. U. .8:00 p. m. Evening worship. Rev. Yosip Benjamin, a native of Persia and missionary for 10 y*ars in PerI ala and Russia, will speak. Wednesday? I / 7:30 p. m. Prayer service. 8:15 j>. m. Choir i?heili>di.~ t HETHT.KIflM BAPTIST CHURCH T. W. Fogleman, Pastor Sunday school each Sunday 10 *. : an. M -days at ll' a. m., and flrat and second Sunday* 7 jp. m. Corner of .Fulton And Cansler Sts. 10:00 a. m. Sunday school. -11:0Q a. pa. Preaching service. (L i 6:00 p. m. Training Union. Oak obovk baptist cmncs fc , vasFogleman, Pastor^ a Sunday ?< n?W ?*-.?,.. ^ CijuUTfcjp^.... J H | I ' V I I m*. t i r r ' j < Hi | MHtl U*l riiit yiw^U. S^mHmhmU ' . " ' ? "' I MEWS^ , Sunday, April 13, 1947. I, Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. with . Carl Maimer, Supt. ' The- Service at 11 a| m. with ear- , mon by the pastor y Junior Children of the church at i 4:00 p. m. Afternoon meting of the Council of Churches at 4:00 p. m. i Luther Leagues at 6^0 p. m. ; i Union Service alt the high school i at T:80 p. m. showing the film "Seds i of Destiny" sponsored by the Coun- | ell of Churches. , . i Monday, April 14? i ' Woman's Missionary Sdeiety at i 3 :30 p. m. 1 Boy Scouts at 7 p. m. Church Council at 7:90 p. m. Wednesday, April 16Chlklren of the Churoh 3:15 p. ir^ 1 Brownie, Scoute 4:0 p. m. \ Senior dhoif practice 7:30 p. m. j , IftW MISSION ABY CHUJBCH Second street at Cora MH1 i J^rgeon ScrugK8'PaJftor t I Sunday? / 9:45 a. m. Sunday school. 2 Harvey Morrow. Suot. -etsH 7:00 ? m. Prayer service. Saturday? 7:00 p. id. Prayer service . r' i.w'.J?-: &*? :>V\W ?* *?. * . ?! MTK. VOW IftfTOT CHUHCH j. . Crowders Mountain Floyd Hollar. Pastet Sunday? v ;V 10:00 a. m. Sunday schooL . 11:00 a. TO, Morning worship. 7:30 p. m. Preaching service. Saturday? : 7:30 p. m. Preaching service. ' CSMTBAL' METHODIST CHUHCH 1. G. Winkler, Minister 10:00 a. m. Church School. ... B.S. Peeler, Supti 11:00 a., m. Morning worship 6:15 p. m. Youth Fellowship, 1-M . ? T f *" *" -??"*? viioir.??... ^ rvlo* 8:00 p? an. Senior choir, w ^attariEr* Morning worship 11 ?. m. Young Peoples service ? p. m. Evangelistic services wijf- begin at 7:30 p. m. on Sunday April 30. Jessie Hensoni^iSS 9:45 a.m. Sunday school.' H^a.rn. Moving worship in** m 9 I I , IHuBft wliyvi alQ.flS IJI THE KINfiS MOUNT/ In a game characterized by poor c Leldlng and tight pitching, Beth- /are capitalized on three hits and , line Grover errors to gain a 5-1 ount victory. Graver's lone tally came in the ourth on a Texas leaguer by B. AcDanlel, followed by an infield eror by Buford at third. Bethware tallied in the second rhen safe at first on an infield eror by Sperling, Ware stole second ind came home on a wild throw by larry to first. Two runs in the fifth a me when Patterson drew a walk tell was safe on an infield hit, a louble steal, followed by a Grover xror, brought both across the piate. Bethware tallied twice again (n he fifth when Patterson drew a valk, was advanced on an infielders ihoice; Bell singled and both, men cored on a Grover erro. Allen went all the way for Bethvare on the mound, giving up one lit and chalking up nine strikeouts. Reynolds started on the mound or Grovar, was relieved by Harry n the fifth and Spurting in the seventh. - - - P H E tethware ' i1f U P.' j rover 1191 Mlddleton Speaker thr lapUit Rear Using as his subject next Sunday, You Must Reckon With God." Dr. I. W. Mlddleton of Atlanta, Ga.( willl give his second message of the mrrent Baptist Hour series on the MMnd^aubtcct,, "ChtUt the Sr^ sn-announced by the Radio Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, S. P. Lowe, Director, Atlanta. . m The Atlanta announcement further Kites that in harmony with a territory - wide emphasis on soul winning. the Baptist Hour Is promoting s movement to form a prayer learue of One Million Christians who sill pray daily for the spiritual awakening America must have to (111 her place In bringing In the Kingdom of God. > : .. J The Baptist Hoar speaker for the: wo Sundays, April 30 and 27, will >e Dr. C. E. Matthews of Dallas, Tex is, on the subject^, "God's Universal Indictment" and "Man's Greatest feed." The Baptist Hour may be heard n North Carolina over radio staions WWNC, AsheviHe, . WSOC, Charlotte, WGNC, Gastonia, WPTF talelgh and WSJS, Winston Salem, it. &30 EST Sunday morniiig.? - " h \ / . v ' v*. ; ? / I / I dR JBj ^-'T w?' rarboro, has been approved for an i IE A loan of 180,000 for construction * >1 an office building. -_l Just Reo FINE SHEJ ; e: See The Ne * i #l *r? .* V V? .. , *. '.s \ ' > "? n. ' KINGS MOU . 1 . ' I - r :"r-/"* . ALL S f 1 TP \TS ai trimQ- V $ ' I V\t- > , g5 . ' v M-s t 'v - j irf ..A,- " ' if * ; ^ ? " rn ' Forty percent of the locker plants In operation In the United States now provide for slaughter service, compared with only about five percent in 1940. ' . SHEAFPER'a eived ? New Shi iFFER PENS AND ", ,. ? v"? * i - ii--, KTRA SPECIAL w Shaeffei Ball-Point STOAT NTAIN DRUG CO ." r'.i * -7-'^.\- . ,/ ; , . V.C' ;.f-j.*. .} Phone 41 and 81 HE REXALL STORE PRINC J GUI tu JUI >. v , i w == \ 1 ' '?* v .t> i; * . . * ' , ', .. ' ? : t U ' I ... - ' . 4 . . '?' K :; I , I J " .'. >\ ' ;;.% j I'.fc- . ..,-;>'.y-.ViVfi-i.-.l. ; :!?' ' ' 'I'vjji''--." 'V uick Clea ' < , -' Ef? ?^afe#B5f?3 ' 5 < ' ' 'A*' : ' - v.- : U.i r Sw >, A - ^ . i .V\- .^1 j The farm are* embracing Onalow Pender, Wayne, Sampaon, and Big den counties produces more than lOOJXX) turkeys anuually. I - 4 ' 2 - - ., , , pment of 'PENCILS 1 ?*T TO-WRITER 1 MPANY y . 'i v-'* " .v.- )\ . ; t ' '} :U -ii * '1 ; 1 VJ FTP Liu - 1 . , V r 1 / :0 I / /? /o ' / '!( , J ;lji I I