HEEALD ] Call Society Editor, House 35 * s~ ' .... ... ___ * _ Miss Annie Ervin attended th< Moravian Easter Service in Winstoi Salem. ' * Sgt. Ben Long is spending a fur lough with his parents. Sgt. Lon| is stationed at Montgomery, Ala. Li. and Mrs. D. F. Hord spent thi weekend here with their parents. jClisses Nell Ramsey and Rache EJonk were weekend guests of Mis; Ann Fisher at Landis. Bill Gault spent the Easter holi dgys at Ocean Drive, S. C., at th< Blanketiship Cottage. C. J. Gault spent last week end ir Spartanburg, S. C.. at the home o: his brother, Walter Gault. J. C. Jolly, who has been serious lv ill. t? verv much imnroved. > i.m is ii , ?,?. ,w r7 Miss Joyce Blackwelder returned to her home in Phll?(t?lnhi? week after spending three weeki with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs J. C. Jolly. Her mother, Mrs. W. E Blackwelder, remained In Kings Mountain, due to the Illness of hei father, Mr. Jolly. ' Mrs. W. W. Souther spent Eastei with her mother, Mrs. M. M. Greene, in Mooresboro. -o? * Mrs. W. D. McDanlel, Miss Delorese MsDaniel, and Mrs. John Napolitano and daughter, Julia, of Charlotte, were visitors here Monday. Earle Myers, son of Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Myers and a student of Davidsoh college, spent the Easter holidays In New York. For TheBest ; Sptvp A1BAB __ _ > White Goos# ? FI AIIV% . r LUUK ? PINTO BEAN TOMATOES Cigaxettes MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE?lb. - r 3 TALL CANS MIL* N t, nAi p I?M -tiu. ... i ret-^arnaucm-' MAYONNAISE I DRESSED and DRAWN POEK CHOPSmif IHfeSiSRs? * ' | COTTAGE CHE I JL/ML1 i "fir,/ , m ' I'M JnI lij My k-1 #* " ."' ' i i i i n PEBiONALS 7-Vft. Office 167 ~ t"' i r i rffT??g???? ? n Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ketner of Way nesville, were -weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. L^nwood Parton. j Mr. and Mrs. J.-E. Huneycutt and family spent the weekend in Hendersonville. Jack Bogie, student at Columbia Seminary in Decatur, Ga., visited 1 friends here over the weekend. Mr[ s Bogie assisted in the Youth Program of the Presbyterian church here last summer. ? Mr. and Mrs. Grady McCarter and children,'Jerry and Sammy, spent Sunday in Lineolnton. [ Mr. and Mrs. Don Parker and sons ji spent the weekend in Henderson* ' viile. _ i Mr. and Mrs. Craig Falls and fam* 1 ii 'I . - - . I Sunday. M i Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Willis visited'* their son, Jimmy, and Mrs. Willis, in Hickory Sunday* V, Mr. James Malcolm and daughter, Rose Marie, are visiting in Wllmlngton. *-t Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Mauney spent Tuesday in Durham. Rev. W. L. Pressly, M. A. Ware and " i W. E. Blakely represented the Boyce ' , Manorial ARP church at the First' Presbytery held at Chalmers Memorial church in Charlotte on Tuesday.' I W. J. Crawford will enter the Char i lotte Memorial Hospital Friday for. diagnosis. ' j tin Groceries j Yourself..' I IVT vv*c I kCVl^ML. M. a Moth But IS 2 lbs. 39c No.2Caa ISC I rar $1.35 plus tax 1 : 45c i -BMden's 3511 45c I II WIMET II HE 45c I II ic* II ' *A |J 11 p?| IOU1KCU DvCl jl lb 75c I * ? #?V 59c I -?lb. ' 65c ! f m mmt 4/ I ***? ; . Ii Mb VK tfjfr' W /B|^_ jriBPr/. < l%\ 'V ' w J ^B# S ^B I 'V'5^ . >.* ' - ' "''' ' ' ; f.;v>:'' K%v<$?- ^f.v'f-'.'V . ^ THE ICINGS M0UN1 Mr*. John McGill, Mrs. W. L. Pre* ly, Mrs. M. A. Ware and Mrs. Be Goforth attended the Presbyterh at EbeneZfer church in Charlott on Wednesday. Alton Shirley and James Owen of Snow Hill were Easter guests c Walter Harmon. John L. Ervin spent the Easter he Idays in Danville, Va., visiting Mi and Mrs. John Melton. Mrs. C. E. Neislcr, Mrs. M. L. Plonl and Mrs. Walter Dilling returned t their homes last week from Pain Harbor, Fla. Jimmy Herndon, student at Davit son, spent the Easter weekend witl his parents. l Miss Mildred Falls, who has heei visiting her sister Mrs. M. L. Plonk left Tuesday for Orlando, Fla. Miss Frances Goforth, daughter o af Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Goforth, spen Tuesday night' wi?h her parents ei -ouie irom Savanah, Ga? lo Chape Hill and New York. MKmm ii w iiim 11 he Easter weekend in Knoxviile Tenn. Mj ill 111 SPRING Rl I '? .u%V /' . ( ' /. ,.v ' '.' ; :L -V A > '$;%& w3 . -:-V 'U jmm 1 I ?* / 1/ * it Odd] i&s> &&&- ?> ? '" vv: -' . Values K? ; , ;>:V 'V '* ' M: WSb't- ' :" , ' l/WiViAT- . '? w/s. Am wot ^ Values ps c *f?t\-*i"; "* t">fc * vU ^qmki i. a, + , '*' ' ?>. f-v.jjb vv i j, * !\AIN HERALD, Thursday, April 10,1 is Noel Webster, young son of Mr. p r. and Mrs. J. W. Webster, who has " tl been a patient In Charlotte Memoc rial hospital returned to his home Tuesday. His condition Is greatly improved. nt s Mrs. D| C; McMahan of Batesvllle. P? >1 Miss., is visiting her daughter, Mrs. xa L. C. Pthnix, for a few days. ^ ''j Third Graders Enjoy ; Easter-Egg Party Members of the third grade at Cen * jtral and their teacher, Miss Willie ?IMcGiil, were entertained last Wed-1 r! I nesdav afternoon at a n enjoyable] i Easter-Egg hunt given by their i ! grade mothers, Mrs. E. H. Roberts i i i and Mrs. S. S. Weir, jr., in the yard i h 1 of the school. ' After the search for eggs was over the hostesses served candy, cookies i k ! and ice cream and little Easter fa;, ' vors. ' . j I ' Woodmen Circle Will1 I'Meet Friday Night 1 j The Woodmen Circle will have ] their regular meeting on Friday | j i tomorrow I night at 8 o'clock. The , ? j ujl I Kr? hnlH pt hp 'VOW 1 """haTlanyiwery^emhcris^&rJfeTI^C " m be present. I rers' Afte I ;'" ' 'ft: ear .? t ? - t SADY-TO-WEAR RED1 I ^ I J1 Coats / -;Vv-5v V' !|Bp \ A Ky -. / ir i i Lots In e <fcl QR h? YJLt?/V v" ' "*' ' " ' ' ' ' f ' "* ? ;>" 'V 7, 5 to $5.00 -J- y-.-Jo.' *V tr . V- V JfX X. * V: ... ' . '$1.00 F'lSii'' :?-x L947 irth Announcements ja Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Rogers an- ' mnee the birth Of a son, Ernest a itrick, on April 7, at Shelby hospi A 1. c IMPERIAL IT PLEASES US T TODAY LAST SHOWING Double Feature Program "Shadow of a Doubt" Teresa Wright-Joseph Cotten "Sweetheart of Sigma Chi' Elyse Knox News?Serial Friday'only Double Feature Program "Outlaws of the Rock>es" Charles Starrett "Gangs of the Waterfror.i' Robert Armstrong Serial c irrroniv ami v 'i on * ? vn ? Double Feature Program "Three in the Saddle" ^ "<? *- ? J ** 1 i ii :r - East an< JCED UP TO 50 PES i Lnd Suits rf* " J *; fc ' -J . ric Sprii Ski Wr*'" xf*' > Values to $735. Values to $535.. ' i" . ALL SW1 1-2 F " .. - V' . r % . v. ' + **?.:?' ; w ' -.v ' . v- :v - * '*.{., : ' vV;v ' >?;: . ^|;Vl I ess oi v'-T^ ' , ' ' * ' j^'ly ' ;-- 4?^ ^? - s*'*.,; ? ' " i tfliifgrrrfrf^ I ' i '' IS Page Svev Mr. and Mrs. Clarence S. Plonk/j nfluunce the birth of a son, Clar nee Thomas, on April 3. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Maune} nnounce the birth of a daughter ob ipril 8 at Presbyterian Hospital h harlotte. THEATRE j O PLEASE YOU i "Cowboy Millionaire" i t George O'Brien ? Carton-Serial MOHDAT and TUESWY ' | Big Special j "Mctgin'-ficent | with Cir.g'r R-~or< 1 News?;kr-l WED. and THUItr.r J Double Fccture 'hegr.-n "The Spanish Mai ." ? ; - - ? ? I Maureen UHara t in Tecbnicalcr i "I Ring Doorbell:;" Anne Gwynne Lest chapter: Manhunt Mysterious Island. ?^n?dUE y | er \ i [ 1 Be | [CENT |' I & ' vl .ft; -V? I "i V 1 j ?<;? ng ;-.jj rts f ' ! _.$195 ij 1 $195 I | 1ATEBS 1 J I _ | ' J nee 1 I ' I ;| ' I

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