to CUT Corporate Limit. 6,574 j tommdkrt. Trading Aim 15.000 VOL. 58 NO. 17 Ellison, t . Local News Bulletins VETS PLAT SATURDAY The Kings Mountain "Vet." baseball club of the Western Carolina semi-pro league will play an exhibition game In Bessemer City ?? n?i?ht St 7:30 o'clock with SS19\mMAUUUL~ nil',., nm ,? Jp- that city as host team. BLACK HOMEBS Jim Black's inalde-the-park homer failed to bring the Central high school Mountaineers total runs to winning distance over the Cliffaide high school team yesterday in City Stadium and the visitors went home with a close 9 to 8 Western ooafeceaoe victory. xsaauum dibectobs The monthly meeting of directors of the Kings Mountain Merchants association will be held Monday evening at 7:80 in the association's Offices in the Professional building. Pull attendance is urged. ics ckkam suppeb The Woodmen Circle will have an old fashioned Ice cream, supper Friday night tt the home of lira. Sudie Peele at 7:80. Several games will be played. WOW members are invited to attendto attend contention i Charles P. Thomasson, Ned McGill, fYed Wright, Jr., and Martin Harmon will leave today fbr Morehead CUX, Where they will ^attend the 13th annual convention of the north Carolina Junto j Chamber of Commerce. It Servlces^wi 11 begin each evening ?,r ax f :au, ine puonc is invited to attend. Er ' f - l'- ' '"> '** . MARTIN TRANSFERRED M-Sgt. Jesse E. Martin, son of Mrs. M. B. Martin, route 2, Kings Mountain, has been transfered to recruiting duty atGreensboro, according to an announcement from the Army Air Field, Fort Worth, Tegaa. Sgt. Martin, who was at'j Pearl Harbor, on December 7,1241, later served with the eighth air force in the European theater. 1 '' ' s' 4 - ' i HONOR STUDENT \ Waynesboro, Va.,. April Id,?Cadet Thomas P. Baker, sen of Dr. and Mrs. Luther P. Baker, of SOO N. Piedmont ave., achieved honor7 -roll rata* at Fiahburne Military4! School, Vfaynesboro, Va., for thd.^J academic month ending March having met the requirements ot .l an average of 85 or above and proficiency in every subject. * ' . ~ LODOB Mxnma ' Fairview Lodm Nn 3Sfl will ^ J King* Mountain high school mu ;><>. tartans arc among more than ^OOO .. K^orth Carolina school student* OOOt te The King. Mountain bend, under Jg?,??he direction of Joe Hedden,jKt for Greensboro yesterday morning for a full day's UhKlula One of 82 school tendi MrtkiMtiiiff, ,? th6 Kings Mountain band tool, part In the ciase^Dmmtoala^ltoiceMn jfctltion, musicians had to earn an ? M('r\n .rating In district competition. - - - ? ? A , t ; s ii ^k, ' i' "' ' ? \ T 1 . , 11 1 ,' . ? layes, Phi Barnes Qected New President Of Western Loop At the anual meeting of the Western North Carolina Activities association held in Barium Springs, Mon day, Aprl 21, B. N. Barnes, superln* tendent of City Schools, was elected president of the Asociation, replacing R. W. Carver, who recently resigned as superintendent of Hickory schools. W. B. Bullock, superinten"f V?w??wlU Htv schools will s5n??"S"vSSTPfrii ft? i i {'," sf?r u* B. Johnston, superintendent of Barium Springs orphanage will serve as secretary and treasurer. The association is dlvldmi into th? Western conference and the South Piedmont conference sad regulates and sponsors activities In the schools. Mr. Barnes has been a member of the executive board of the association since about about 1934 and has been active In the work of the association since Its organzatk>n In 1909, the Kings Mountain high school beng-a charter member. The association Is now made up of 30 schools extending to Troy In South Piedmont conference to Hendersonville in the Western conference. Jack Klser, Principal of Ltacolnton high school, will replace 1 Mr. Barnes on the exocutlVe board. I Other members of the Board are Lloyd Little, coach, Shelby, R, N. Gurley, superintendent, Newton City schools; R. E. Gardner principal. Mor ganton high school; Wilburh Clary, coach. Children's Home, Winston- 1 Salem; Roland R. Morgan, auperin- c teodent, Mooresville city schools. a The group voted that athletes of * the schools who had signed profes- ( slonal contracts are ineligible to Compete In conference high school c games. 1 . . . fA dhgM AMB JLa ABg t w|lllXCl|;JK09MVdtlOll; n may be resumed ln*the church edl- ! fice, according to Rev. P. D. Patrick, r pastor. ^ "" ' s Cost of rendvating the building a* verely damaged by a Sunday mornhog lite on January 20, was about ] (25,000. The damage was largely 1 covered by Insurance. _ 1 All pews in the main aud|taMum, pulpit furniture, and other church furniture has been completely re- 1 finished, a new carpet has been laid i: 14 the auditorium, and the whole church has boot re-painted and c re decorated. New lighting fixtures t have been installed by L A. Hoke, 1 Kings Mountain electrician. ? Southeastern Construction compa- 1 ny of Charlotte was general contrac i tor on the renovation Job. c Aftft?h* initial Interruption, chur ch services have been conducted I first at the-Woman's Qlub, and 1 since at Central iachool-auditorium. r Members of the building commit- c tee included ?aul Mauney, chairman, I. H. Thomson, sccretary-treas * urer. Dr. W. JL Ramseur, Hunter Nets ler, E. A. Harrfll, Mrs. O. W. Myers, Mrs.- C. E. Netaler, and Mrs. Joe H. ] Thomson. ' V . v. I * ? _. W TTfraMb I 'I |: I fir ? wotc* BaM fa lr Months Rnniind tine J It's a good watch that will run af- ? ter being buried for 18 thontha r Which means that Leonard Huff- t stetler, 306 Patfcer street, has a good 1 pne. 's In October 1945 In plowing the . garden,-Mr. Huffstetler lost his wrist J watch. Several days search was to * 3s?^ri,2.,,?. stetler unearthed the wa%^W U ed?Udtinga At ie"epalr shJp*pS? o obMrwk|9 X9v Will pf^t DvMPOCUBI I Hrndd. P??I. " A * .. . .. ei Kincaid Appointed To School Board ; if Arnold W. Klncald was appointed w sat week by members of the board it < trustees of Kings Mountain city ai tehoola to Oil the Ward 3 trusteeship ai racancy created by the departure of G. White. Xli Mr. Klncaid's term, with two years ei if the regular six year term remain- rn ng, will expire, in 1949. at Mr. Ktncaid has been a citizen of m tings Mountain for about 18 man- in ha and resides on Church street, a noving here from Bessemer City /here he still retain^his. bostne^j Mr. Kincatii fs now a member of Irst Baptist church here and Is a 1? nember of the Kings Mountain Ki- t? vanis club. 'V * q' ? ;i .v, . is Lutherans Will Hear 1 Or. Yost On Sunday t? Dr. John I* Yost, president of the * .utheran Theological Southern Sem nary, Columbia. S. C., will preach it the St Matthew's Lutheran chur- t| h, Sunday morning, April 27th, at he 11:00 a. m. service. the post-Eas . $? season i* given over to the cauae >f higher Christian education, and . >r. Yost will b^feg a special measa- p, :e on this phaae of the work of the ( :hurch. A Oh Sunday afternoon. May 4, at 5 u ?. m. the Choir or Lenolr-Rhyne colege will preaent a concert of sacred & nusic In observance of Higher Edu- cl ation month, C The public la cordially invited to n worship at these special services. p . a Merchants' By-Laws 3 :omnittw At Work d A committee appointed by PresI- 5 lent J. W. Milam at the last board 1 directors meeting met In the Mer hant association's office Monday m vening, April 21 for the purpose'of I naking amendments and rewriting he hy-laws of die Kings Mounain 1 ferchants' association. / I This committee included E. C. ifcClaln, chairman, J. Wilson Craword, J. B. Keeter, and Bad McGUl, [Hi steretary: 7^ . g When the changes are approved m y the BoArd of Directors at the rag- w fir., monthly muting, copies will m printed, and placed in the hands q Mhe entire membership of the as- cj ' , ' IM cdUl wtootti fit# nw4| Qfm 'J C^p?ci BBO?? I muflUlAV ?1 m- jfl IlltltllllM V.-. I ^ FHdov itt?nlBa^ ! 'i la too9r rn##i tato djiUHwi* |W tain I *"?V. . " '\m.\ v. s'*. . 'H ., ,. , , tursday. April 24.1947 n Seek 1 I Hot Contest Willi Three Phone Service Ibont 50 Percent Df Normal Here * By vtrtue c/l'o'ng hours on tne*pari ' f supervisory employees and a ight operator, plus return to work f a non-union employee who had een on leave, the Kings Mountain fflce of Southern Bell telephone ompany has been giving service up > about 50 percent of normal this reek. M. W. Ottley, from the Charlotte [strict engineering division, has be >mc a good operator who "knew te lingo," and has been working aout 14 hotfrs dally, while Mrs. Roert McDanlel, local manager, work tg some 12 hours dally. Night Opertor, Mrs. 1. T. Hamrick is also oprating on long schedule and Mrs. [argaret Ware returned to work londay. Mrs. McDaniel, reporting again tat cooperation of the public "has , ten wondreful," said that callers 111 greatly aid the insufficient staff they look up the numbers they 1sh to call: With the addition of lany telephones recently, the oper-', tors do not know all the numbers s former^ Meantime the nation-wide tie-up ragged on, with the National Fed ation of Telephone Workers and , lanagement representatives still t Impasse. On several occasions , sttleraent of the strike appeared im , inent, only to have further. diffiilties arise. ?: Anticipated throng of 200 Kiwaning, their wives, and gt^sts will j >nd the annual ladies night ban- . uet of the Kings Mountain Kwani club at the Woman's Club tonight , t 7 o'clock. Feature of the annual banquet will e a program by Mrs. Alva G. Max- 1 ell, Atlanta monologulat, who has wide reputation for her parody of woman's club meeting. She has given readings all over te southeast and the Atlanta press as referred to her as the "Cornelia tis SklnnerT of the'South. Mrs. Maxwell is a writer of plays, ageants and other articles. She is member of the National Leagud of tnavlnan Dan U/amaam ??? ?*Ks?avmi a cu nuiucii miu petal prcs I lent of the Atlanta Branch. She haa <1 one much church work and haa e-1 Ited the Church Woman, the offl-? ial publication of the National ouncil of Federated Church Woten. She is Commander of the Fifth istrict of the American Cancer ociety, past President of the Allani Woman's Club and Is on many < elfare boards in Atlanta. Members of the. committee In Wfi of the event are: L. Arnold Iser, chairman,. Joe A. Neisler, eorge H. Mauney, Aubrey Mauney. , 'our Boys Named ?or Boys State Names of four Kings Mountain ] if h school hoys who will represent -i ie Kings Mountain area at Boys j late, American Legion sponsored immer governmental course, in hapei Hill June 2 through 15. were nnounced yesterday by W. K Smith * tls D. Green Pest 155 Boys State iftlrmtn. >. t Sponsored by three Kings* MounKte civic clubs and the loer?l lesion ost, the boys will atend the week>ng session itong with boys tram U over North CarolinfiFV ^ During the epurse of the weak the oys will elect s governor end other late and local officials and handle mi tine government business, on The thiM Central high school boys 1 ; y; - , ' ' > '. ' : . ' '*" '' ' * lerald ' -?>** '. . > ]ommissio Looms For ) Candidates School Trustee Filing Deadline Next Wed. Though a total oi fire candidate* hare formally anmupneed their candidacy for various offices in the forthcoming municipal *that none had filed official notice of candidacy. The city charter requires that LLLIIlltflllt.. vh. ?4-fc ?. * ? flea UU notice in writing with the city clark aat latar than five days bafora tha a lac tl on, and that aach port a filing fan of S&00. ItawdHna for filing for tha Ward 1 achool U uotof paat la ftarafora at claaa of business at tha City Hall Wadnoaday April 30. with alactlon to ha bald April May I. Daadlina for filing for municipal offices is 5 p. m. Wodnasday, May 7. Mrs. Sisk Heads Central P-TA Central school P-TA met on Wednesday night, April 16, in the high school auditorium with, an attendance of 80. Many fathers were present. The Kings Mountain band under the direction of J. C. Hedden opened the meeting with a 30 minute conqgbt. William Hopper gave a very tnsgwlng devotional, assisted by two of his students, Misses Joyce and Faylene Falls. Miss Mary Ann James was In charge of the program Tor the evening. She presented the Girls' Glee ciub, a baritone solo by Silly Amos end piano selections by Ma* Pauline Maunay. gave a short reviev^oMJie ^yeai^s WOrk an* the accomplishments of P-TA. She also pointed out that the goals of P-TA should be carried through the summer and into our next school year. Election of new officers was held with Mrs. Frank Slsk being elected president; Mrs. O. W. Myers, vicepresident; Miss Margaret Paysour, secretary; Mrs. Hunter Neisler, treas urer. The final meeting of the year will be held on Wednesday, May 14, at 4 o'clock in the high school library. Girl Scout Group To Btoet May 6th The Cleveland County Girl Scout association will hold its tri-yearly meeting in the educational building of the Lutheran church Tuesday, May 6 at 7:30 a. m. Miss Fannie Tim berlake, executive director, Mrs. Dra per Wood president Cleveland coun ty council, Mrs. B. E. Laidlaw, program director will be guests. Ait r? A <*ti \airt ocoui, nrowmes, parents, leaders, Troop committees and anyone Interested In Girl Scout work la invited. * * * ___?__ Revival Being Held Jit Naxarene Church A series of revival services, which began last Sunday night, and which will continue through May 4, is being conducted at the First Church of the Naxarene, which is located off Falls Street on Cherokee. W. Roy Stewart, evangelist from Nashville, Tenn., is bringing a message each evening at 7:30, and the pastor, Rev. Harry Crump, issues a hearty welcome to everyone to attend. ' V*I Clothing Collects is Muumnm iii i, I Kings V.Mmtain leaders of the locel. part of the campaign now underway throughout North Carolina to raise a pound of old clothing per per son are concentrating this week Oft rile collection which they hope wiU total a minimum <* 7,000 pounds. tfafe.ltasy B. Qoforth, publicity chatanan of the steering committee. -SJW S?. ..* coiuflnwa inrougn way u. out that the group fcopee to ebmptote the ma* or pmtim ot the tuk thla week. Boxee are located in all dwudul at the city to receive the clothMK * Only clothing to being collected In t 1 C Pages M , I D Today I FIVE CENTS PER COPY 1 ner Posts 1 Vard 4 Spot I Announced ] J City Election J Campaign Now | Wanning Up f 5te? municipal political arena this week, two of them as candidates for Ward 4 commissioner, which with an nouncement or a candidate for that post last week, makes it a threeway race. x] Announcing this week were: O. T. Hayes, Sr., and H. C. WilsOn. both for Ward 4 commissioner. T. J. (Tommy) Ellison, for Ward 3 commissioner. Marlott D. Phlfer, for Ward 5 com missioner. . ? The week's announcements leaves the posts of mayor, Ward 1 and 2 city commissioners, and Ward 1 school trustee without candidates. I Deadline for filing for school trus- ^ I tee is 5 p. try April 30, with election , > I to be held May 6. ' ,-fl Deadline tor filing for municipal offices Is 5 p. m. May 7, with election to be held May 13. Va l The announcements by Mr. Hayes land Mr. Wilson, plus the previous /I ! announcement by John Henry Moss past week, indicates that the Ward j 4 race will, as usual, be of the warm . variety. Political talk has been on the in- $ ' crease during the past week, followIng 'a brief quiet period after passage of the bill amending the city I charter. | In announcing his candidacy for >!S| i the Ward 5 commissioner post, Mr. J9 Phlfer saiid, "Having been a life.long citizen Qf Kings Mountain, I of Kings Mountain with favor to none, and fair-dealing to all." Mr. Hayes, In announcing his candidacy, said, "I believe in governjment of the people, by the people | and for the people ? on all leveia. municipal as well as federal." '"*? * Mr. Wilson and Mr. Ellison made no formal statement other than an; nouncing that they would be in the forthcoming race. .ji i Mr. Hayes, who Is with the North Carolina Revenue Department, has i lived in Kings Mountain since movi lng here as a child in 1885 from I Lincoln county. He Is the father of ! seven children, resides at 211 Fulton street. Is a member of Central Methodist church and a Mason. Mr. Ellison, owner of Ellison Grocery, Is a former textile overseer. He is a native and life-long resident of Kings Mountain and resides on Cle- *3 1 veland avenue. Married, he is the faIther of two children, a member of 'Grace Methodist church, a Mason., and former member of the Kings . Mountain district Boy Scout executive committee. Mr. Wilson, who lives at 416 N. Piedmont avenue, has been a citizen of Kings Mounaln since 1933. He is clothroom overseer at DuCourt 1 Mills, Inc., and the father of four children. He is a member of the Kings Mountain Lions club, now ser ving as Lion tamer, and Is a member of Central Methodist church. Active In Boy Scout Work, he Is Scout! master of Troop 4, and was chair{man of the district camping commit ] tee which was Instrumental in malt ing possible the establishment of Davidson Memorial camp. Mr. Phl/er, son of Mr. and Mrs. .yjffl Campbell Phlfer and associated with his father In Phlfer Hardware company, is a veteran of World War n. (Cont'd on pagS four) i Goal Here I 000 Pounds JI toshes, Cotton feed bags, children's books, toys, games and dolls. '(W D. L. Saunders, chairman of the mIUHHM ?> -."L. ?> ?? - ?? wo* <|w?ea ?ew report* from war-devastated area*, which show the need for the aid:. 1'v! "In China, 20,000,000 persona starved to death this summer in two provinces .,. In India, famine hovers >,, stevedores still dome on A- jj merlcan ships (n Bremenhaven and ,i.l Other European cities to. raid our garbage cens tor their families," ' ? -yfj "This clothing is badly needed," > Mr. Saunders said, "and t am sure (here ure tow Kings .Mountain people who cannot find a pound of cloth log they have discarded which is Vj? still quite usable. Please take It t? your church for shipment to these