I ' jtea-diato Trading Aroa 15,000 Laughter Davis Only AN APPEAL Tho Harold, at tb# nquHl of ??rera} to-Ibis w*?fc salting up it?If a* a nMifiag station for fa?-will fasoMoi to a fund for forthorlng tbo work at Carl Davidson Memorial *?"? j' m m ^ m p For tl^ p^t ?v?<d WOOICS. UP camp site accsMlbl* dfAtH* it in shop*. ??*??? !**wUh to h*ip "* Principal Ikoilin who Iwfi w far aided la tho work mn Harold ! | ^dolpg^U^o Mttoato & C?Oa?U|0HOanip| mm - '.i*-' i? 'i"Vf C 4jtaTJ^i* ":>L J -? . I .' : V^nMBgBy - -t*-v> V? Wyv J a local ma r Mo Mt^vdjJj fcm*t I ,?.i $ *?u. Wtt >||tf|<)M| ^ ^ mmtmk U?t 1M tTi Ntt'tf MW Tfcfflwlj Out Of J ') * '. ^ * < * I ;' 'f ^^KC* ii? I * 4 BaB v> I 1 .VlwWW^WV ej reading and a first ^iivtsion rating ci in marchng at the anu'al school tl music contests at Greensboro. The Girls Glee Club, directed by ti mSveJaS hpm?rS$gJ & ? S their singing of The Cherubim C Sonv." And SUtv Can. lm<K < ..? ... The bend'* Greensboro perform- J included performing at, - .411 4.-nigh 91 school football gJHM* S^Ai^qti 4 -ny I ^/\a^v?aenoe i^rtne |>^q or ? c?nc?r. - M Headquarter*, 512 Ptedmpnt avenue, ci |,_ v^niii JTSimi"IT,H _ _ _ Mayor's F > File For ] . ' ' J .* ST Va|dF Voting hi School PoM let fin Tuesday { 1. R. Davis, prominent Kings [ountain lawyer, city and county ttorney, was the only candidate to le (or Watil school trustee by the rard 1 school trustee election, Mr. avis will thus succeed A. H. Pat eson, veteran of many years on te city school board, who did not ; le for re-election. J Mr. Davis himself did not regies' until the final day. City Clerk arl Sawyer logging the official otice of candidacy at 9:30 Wednesty morning. 1 There had Been some rumor that i darles F. Thomasson, Jr., Was to I ie, but.this development did not "| scur. I Formal election, as required by law |. Ill be held Tuesday a* the City all, Ward 1 polling plac??.; Different from the May 13 election | e city offices, only registered vo- j trs of Ward 1 will have the oppormity of voting in the school board | lection. Foils will open at 7 a. m. Tuesday | ] korning and close at 6 p. nr. Elec on Officials will beC, U Blafck. red- , itrar, W. H. Jenkins and C. E. War- i ck. To be eligible to vote a Ward <11 Itizen must be registered not lat#r . lan Saturday. . Mr. Davis, who has lana ?-' ve In the commercial, civic and r| . Sggi JWeof 83ajt? [erefand^cou now^tm^^ |nf|^ tfwllvSMfc *r vr*ju I . *>w^,." I]l Flruil TMHkn^bHm* th AflMB VjJU'. I MKRt fpT. 11M?. spOFf?6 MOttlittln \ |w^r* | r' -m * '.41 , | (ace; Six iVard 1 Sch? ; _ __ ' __ _ '_ "k .1. ^B^BaMfrre ^B CANDIDATES FOB CITT OFFICES?S ttoe offlcM to be filled in the cfty el* Phffer, nandirtnte tor Ward 5 Commie Kr? candidate for Ward 4 Commissions V. KT Manney Ii Lions President Fi W. K. (Billy) Mauney, Jr., prominent hosiery manufacturer, was elected president of the Kings Mountain Lions club for the year 1947-48 St the regular meeting of the club on April 24 sit the high school cafeteria. The election of officers featured the meting of the club, with no formal program given. \ Other officers elected were: W. J. Fulkerson, W. B. Logan and Joh| Caveny, vice-presidents, Hubert Dayldapc, secretary, Fred Wright, JrU' trf aeurer, Hilton Ruth, Lion ToX?dOUoWHUm?a:t^ f?*^.'0^ *** event **? be fumbWMl. Which l?er^hS?r*bm5r,a* mT**f{u^JnEli I fllllll I nil be SU cents, lnclud In* fax. t ; Among the member* ef the club committee en the event ue George Peeler, F. R. Summers and B. 3. NetlL liembers of the dub ere conducting en advance ticket sal* this week. David U Saunders left Wednesday lor Cincinnati, Ohio, end Chicago. ''' - yv-". ' 'Hfln iSma IMQUL WtocnftOBTf of tkf -1 INi lloiietels , aHMMUMP WHT ClMMBbOt' . Mg|L /, JjBr V.3fsB * 7* n? w*i?rVfy' t \ rl too ifftijH u'AiL.ijJ[ajJ .' t. ?Ar -*V\+ -? ./ ' : * ."? ? * i "' *More See 4 I ool Vacancy BP^ ' ' m I I ' M^Emto7ta5?nBTic?adllldwln for tk* six cRy artmlntstrartka of May IS. AtMl Is H?Utt XX. Dow. osd at rifflt is O. T. Bay**. < , b Elected it 194M8 Juniors To Practice Saturday At 9;3? A. M. Coach Don Parker of the Kings. Mountain flmetlcc Loglsn Jun-. ior baseball team win nan sell yee- ? terday that practice wtU fae heW Saturday morning fat City Stadimn' ] at 9:30 a.m. ' ^ . ** ^*jhbmi * . j JtMf' M SStVti line* the start of Worid War il.Announcing the names of students on the class honot roUV students elected to membership i% pM#eta Kappa, PI Kappa Lambda: P Sigma XiJ respectively national and solencev and ato ttjenSnheof, aUs^kWMwIjp have receivedJfradTheta chapter Kap5Lt# mtxUi:7t1,tteneV ^; King* MountaWV^N: C. frndat Jacob Mauney w*? ltwed matefajnm eat ?t?artef 61 aH,<>neerv*tory Mmiors gtadotilng In June S^UfU*. wttf* the degree pf Bachelw of muale. ^ 'A i University MlverM the HoSirbeJ l&aMSS. MSLA Obaiiifj yiaMMPtottp*ttffctVnM*# , ?ha*v???l lege of Arta and Science#, altd Dr. Frank H. Shaw, director of the Ctmaervatory gflMuac, presented ' the ^^n?r their jbe shdwiiet A* Dtele ^ |1 i^Jtv tjy I VM "IB ^yP^PMP* I DO!ntm#!Tlt of a Hntr>lviAtlno jijului iran F.YECE^rs'^ COPY :k Offices Race Wanns Up Foi Municipal Election May 13 Shortly before the Horald's Thursday morning 10 o'clock deadline, W. r. Laughter, who had tiled his candidacy for mayor on ,Monday, came to the Herald of; fice and announced he was withdrawing from the race. Mr. Laughte:*made the following statement: . am withdrawing my Candidai'oiinMn. by my friends lnurglng me to mate the race. Howeeer. after I careful consideratien. I fool that it U for the boot Interests of the community, my friends and myself personally to withdraw my cosdidocy> The withdrawal loft Oar land E. Still as the only candidate for Mayor. Seven additional candidates have officially filed notice of candidacy for city administrative positions or have otherwise announced their can dtdactes this week. The new candidates make a total of 12 in the field for the six positions, with less than a week left to file for the May 13 election. The new candidates were: For Mayor?W| F. (Bill) Laughter and Garland E. Still. For Ward 1 commissioner?M. H. (Smiley) Myers and Hunter R. Neja ,<r i i For Ward 2 commissioner?C. J. Gault, Jr., and Carl F. M&ttney. For Ward 3comlssioner?B. A. Smith. 1 'According to offlcthl tally from City Clerk Karl S. Sawyer at 5:15 1 Wednesday afternoon, all the new V oandtdstM nrdfldntA/1 *1*^ * pvjuii ZSTiSfttXZ* Mr! KMX hlad at tilla. m. filed their $5 filing fees, except C. i. Gault, it., who notified the Herald Wednesday night that he would be Only other officially announced candidate Who had not officially filed was Jphn Henry .Mode, candidate for Ward A commissioner. V^knnounqement by Mr. Gault assured a contest for every post except in Ward 5,.where Marriott D. Phlfer U this fair thie only candidate. Political talW meantime was in* Creasing fa al/nost every . section bf the cjw, With majority of the-political -observers predicting more announcements before the final deadllr^ foy filing on Wednesday, H. Tom'Fulton, former member df the hoard a nd mayor pro tempore uium a. winiams and O. O. Walker were; being talked of as possible mayoral candidates, and there was ? > ; (Cont'd on page eight) Regfctaation I Information Given ' 1 Registration for the forthcoming dry election, which picked up slight ly last weekend, are, expected to " increase considerably this Week as thedeadline for registering near*. , According to City Clerk Karl Sawyer, registering Will end on Saturday May M, which is also challenge dag. While the registrar* are at the polling places only on Saturdays,

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