t HALATION ' In ctty Corporate Umite 6,574 vImmediate Trading Area 154)00 I _ ' VOL. S8 WO. 21 | Iff Local News H Bulletins F we * an SCOUT mrOSMATIOlt *to O. W, Myers has asumed the 2e duties of secretary -of the Kings Mountain district Court of Honor.. *01 .and anounced this week that al. , Boy Scouts may obtain merit badge blanks and other nWessary Pa forms from him. Mr. Myers will summer months' V*1 w t MERCHANTS' DIRECTORS ... Officers and directors of the ha ^ Kings Mountain Merchants asso- ^ elation will hold their regular 0j monthly meeting in the associa- ch tion offices Monday evening , at jD 7:30. A full attendance is urged. j """ Mi NEWTON TO TEACH M D. Z. Newton, prominent Shelby ci; attorney and Bible teacher, will pti teach the lesspn for the Men's Bi- jar ble Class of -First Presbyterian Ki church on Sunday'morning, it was ty announced this week by O. W. Myers, class president. Fl< Fr AT BOARD MEETINO ' F1 Rev. P. D. Patrick is at Davidson college today, where-he is attend- of ing a meeting ol the college's Lc Board of Trustees. be - MUNCITAL RESIGNS f " O, W. Morris, fair , many years 1 principal of Beth-Wtn school, has m tendered his resignation effective f with the ehd at me current term, it Was announced this week by J. , H. Grigg, superintendent of county schools. 9. U pyrd, a teacher at be Be thwart, Witf replace Mr. Morris, pa . -who is undaMRSd to be entering p? the laundry Miriness in *oret>i be City. , dr The KingalSountaln Lions Club jsbsl. js&-. s city council were to be guests at Pl -the meeting. th KIWANIS MEETING ?e J. Dale Stentz, executive secre- J*1 tary of the Shelby Chamber of .la Commerce, was to speak to mem-4 y bers of the Kings Mountain Ki- 1 wants club at the regular meting Jba . at the Woman's Club Thursday 'jn night at *J o'clock. The program wj was arranged by the public at - fairs committee, of which Aubrey | en Mauney is chairman, Mr. Stentz of. -was to discuss operations and ^ functions Of a Chamber of Commerce. I. , :* r " pr 8KB VICE OfHCII H? Chalmus L. Miller, Cleveland in county service officer, npnounced *ti this week continuance pf the reg-/ M iar Kings MoUritaln schedule in to order to better serve veterans of IA the Kings Mountain area. Mr. |M' (oiitvr wiu am m V/iiy nail nere on ? Tuesday mornings, from 8 to 11:30 tri -and on Thursday afternoons, from ftl 1 to 4:30. Local veterans or famlll- o!b es of veterans are urged to make use of the services of this office. ur Feed Ic Set J F*?i Next Wednesday v Otis D. Green Poet 155, American Legion, will hold a supper meeting ?a at the trout club off the York Road, r next Wednesday night at 6:30. I L| ? Notices are to be mailed this week th W Jj to members listing a choice ofira, meus between fish and fried chick-1 en, with all members being urged to notify Adjutant L. G. Hord wHeb ~ thes pr not they will attend. . ** -> Post members who do pot.* have w< conveyance, to the Trout Club should W* be at the City Hall by 6 p: m? where plenty of transportation will be a- f* Vailafclr! h was announced. Bwm " ^ ^ ^ J, IE a /u' . t , 17 Kings uneial Biles leld Saturday or I. C. lolly funeral services for J. C. Jolly, 67, 11-known Kings Mountain citizen d overseer of all spinning operans of Nelsler Mills, Inc., were Id last Saturday at First Wesley- < Methodist church, with interment lowing at Mountain Rest ceme y. , rhe rites were conducted by the stor, Rev. J. W. Phillips, assisted j Rev. P. D. Patrick, pastor of First i esbyterlan church, and by Rev. S. | esleyan church. Mr. Jolly succumbed shout 11:00' :lock the morning of May 15. He ( d been In declining health for me time. He was a loyal member; the First Wesleyan Methodist urch. He was the son of the late hn J. and Martha Jolly. Surviving in addtion to his wife, rs. Cora Jolly, are seven children, rs. Mary Blackwelder and Mrs. yde Blackwell, both of Philadelila, Pa., Bill Jolly, of Mayo, S. C., id Mrs. Chant's English, Mrs. Ellis ngs, Clarence Jolly and Clyde Jol, all of Kings Mountain. Active pallbearers were John! oyd, Percy Dllllng, Charlie Moss, ank Roberts, W. J. Fulkerson, and oyd Jenkins, of Mayo, S. C. Officers, directors and attorneys ; the 'Kings Mountain Building k tan association were honorary pall arers. Enrollment Urged or BandSchool Officials of the city schools and tnd association this week urged irents of band members, as well as rants of children who expect to gin band work, to enroll their chll en In a two-month summer band hobl Which will he held from June to August 8. The school will be under the di ctlon of Joe Hedden, director of e band, end tulUotf bgjjnly >8 onship rating as a Class D. band is year, will graduate to Class C xt year and that the group will i playing In faster competition, ma ng the summer instruction'especliy necesary. /1th goal of bind membershlpToo ere are plentyof vacancies fh the ind ranks, which numbered 69 dur g the past year. Several members .11 be lost through gradi^ati^nAt present, some 30 pupils have rolled for the summer course, and ridalk are hoping for a minimum 60. Due to boatn.pcarclty and high Ice of pew Instruments, Director tddon has Made a check of used truments available at various in ument nouses, end Is prepared to slat parents in the selection of od use' InstntnuHits for beginners, representative of the Jack Bergor ualc company^of Charlotte Is to rj* the school band room on June 4 mh 3 until | p. m. to display in uments, and parents interested In tagging Instruments for their child, n #AS SUMMas Its* taSlow ? ?. ? I ^uiuawi UWUMVUVll ttIC UTIIIg ged to be present at that time. '? orcM Ana Gets Wednesday Wetting Farmers breathed easier Wednesy afternoon, housewives anticlpa-< 1 less dustlhg chores, and the! irld generally seemed better after i e clouds operifed up with'the first In in several weeks. Though a ball game was rained t and Postman Wiley Canton re-1 (ved a nice soaking, nobody emed to mind, for crops >re starting slowly and gardens re. becoming parched and crisp, i This rains followed several days of Ise alarms, when fain clouds mid blow up, then blow nwfe aycees Tojiake one 1; Paper Short The Kings Mountain Junior Chun t of Commerce will conduct aprr1?3^,o?usun<uy'nthe ive similar collections in the past, ginnifcg at Sunday afteron, and cttlxana are being request rjuli^a J u Wa'tei.^rr: 1 Moun Kings Mountain, N. C.. Fri Herald Now Has Two , Phones. 167 and 283 J The Herald has had installed an additional telephone for the con- p Tenleaos of its subscribers and pa- W trons and to speed handling of its vj tslsphOOS traffic. The Her .ld is retaining its old number of 167, which is beng assigned to the society department. H The new number of 263 Is being as- tho dgned to the editorial and adrer- c^? tisingdepartments. :au Patrons herring society news. "C*1 therefore, arete guested to call 167 n?l while otber calls should be placed 8Uf on 263. Kas Actually, all phones can be cut erc in to either number. If on# line Is 1 ?^*11 the other number, j J* , i ing Union Service 2 Schedule Given "? sta prt First Baptist, First Presbyterian, t, Boyce Memorial ARP, St. Matthew s w,. Lutheran and Centra) Methodist churches wil again join together inj_u, holding Sunday evening union ser- ./J vices this summer it was announced this week. [ , i * Continuing a custom of long stand , hui ing,' union services will be held dur- jvit ing the three summer months, be- the ginning Sunday evening, June 8, dei and continuing through August 31. nal Schedule of the services follows: *ni June 8, at First JUKE C June 8, at First Presbyterian church, sermon by Rev. J. G. Winkler, I * J I pastor of Central Methodist; June 15,1 1a First Baptist, sermon by Rev. W. L. | IPressly, ARP pastor; June 22. at * Lutheran church, sermon by Rev. L. , C. Pinnix. pastor ot First Baptist iT church; June 29, at Boyce Memorial,:;' ASP, sermon by Rev. W. H. Stender, I * Lutheran pastor. JULT 1 d rt July 6, at Central Methodist, ser- ed mon by Rev.,P. D. Patrick, Presby- Ap terldn pastor; 13, at Presbyterian, m? sermon by Mr. Presaly; 20, at First lanamnw . die ST "7 AUUUBT ,T for August 3, at Lutheran, sermon by fjn Mr. Pressly; 10, at Presbyterian, ser- j mon by Mr. Stender; 17, at, Baptist, pu sermon by Mr. Patrick; 24, at Meth- Qf odist, sermon by Mr. Pinnix; 31, at ea< ARP, sermon by Mr. Winkler. ( No ' ~ att Excmu Announced For ch: Local Postoffice Post wi' gu : ?? ? .. Notice of civil service exs minatlon . for substitute clerk-carrier for the wh Kings Mountain postoffice is being announced currently by the civil . service commission. ^ Basic rate of pay'for substitute 1 carribr-clerk is $1.04 per hour, with s-; increments to a maximum pay f>t chl $1.54 per hour. There id in addition, an a 10 percent increment for night; ' workand tlme-and-one-half for nei overtime in excess of eight hours . ? ?* v rui All .a.. nn mi vciuoiio auivmaucaii/ nave five points added to their examlnation rating, and disabled veterans, Fti widows of veterans, and wives of dis"de) abled veterans have 10 extra points ??f added to their examination ratings, j ^ Closing date for the examination for is June 23, 1947, and applications must be in by this date. Applicants must be between the ages of 18 and iva SO. Full information and application , blanks can be obtained at the Kings 061 Mountalh postoffice. I lie* . ^ TRANSFERRED spi Miss Martha Plpnk, who has been home supervisor in "he Farm 1 ! Security administration at Bak- - cos arsvllle and Newland, now holds a Ba similar position with FSA In New- Ro ton. She is the daughter of Mr. set ; and Mrs. R. L. Plonk. Be 1 ?? Cll Paper Collection g tage Critical ' " ? &: >. fD , ing with alarm their declining news- j g* tislng copy to insure affclnst curtail 1 ment in future montlutj Cardboard boxes, paper bags, and ha other similar products ai* also in j thl short supply, * are various typesjow . .. . 5 ' '? f * -^ ><?. % ' > . '. . " . tain I day. May 23, 1947 innual Final cheduled Fi ev. J. C. Cornette, pastor of Hawrne Lane Methodist church of trlotte, will preach the baccaureste sermon before the high ooi graduation class, it was an inced this week by B. N. Barnes, ?rlntendent of city schools, who re details of 1947 graduating exIses to be held June 1-3. lie baccaulaureate sermon will given on Sunday evening, June ?l2lL*"' awardof dipiuinas on" J'u le 3. igain this year, menfbers of the iduating class will speak at the als exercises, in lieu of an out-of.n speaker, Mr. Barnes said, ipeaking on the theme "Undernding through Education," Rob Lodbetter will discuss "Educan in the World Today," Betty Hord ' speak on- "UNESCO and Educa ri Today," John Plonk, jr., will disss "Significance of UNESCO," and Li Ann Herndon 'will speak or caching World Understanding." Meantime the approximately hall ndred giaudates have placed inations to attend the exercises ir > mails, and all high school stu its are preparing for final exami tions scheduled for May 29, 3( d June 2. iky Court In ively Session thirty-five cases were disposed oi City Recorder's court before Judg< C. O'Farrel Monday afternoon lr tesslon marked by unusual varie of cases. ' iaskew Thomas of Rock Hll, S. C. ?w a 24 months sentence, suspenc to pay costs and to pay $29 foi rll ^nd $7.50 per week until pay ints can be increased to $10 t ek for Inadequate support of hii VilfumTortenbury for drunk anc orderly drew sixty days in Jal failure to pay a $10 and cost* m Tessle Jones, on fhree counts 01 blic drunkeness, received a fln< costs on the first and $5 and costi :h on the other two. Srady Brown, Paul Jackson, anc rman Jackson, all involved lr empted asauit cases, were each arged costs. r. B.Mackey, charged with assaul th a deadly weapon, was fount llty and was sentenced sixty days ipended on payment of costs anc d the doctor bill. ?lyde Propst, for possession ol ilskey for beverage purposes, wai ed costs. Donald Sipes, on a slmi ' charge, was given a like fine its. >nora McSwaln, of Blacksburg C., for operating a taxi without i tuffeur's license, was fined $1( d costs. Louise Lively, for public drunken muu vagrancy, loneuea Dona. 3ene D. Monroe, of Shelby, foi ining two red lights, was fined $1 d costs. W. L. Garner, of Gastonla speeding, was fined $5 and coats ink Qui.in, for operating car or ilers license, was taxed with thi its. Villiam R. Waystaff, of Belmont no drivers license, paid costs. ""red Neal, for public drunkenness s fined $5 and costs; and Beau d Dobbins, on a similar charge, r< ved a like fine. leauford Arrowod, for no driven ense, was taxed with the costs, ester Dillinger, of Cherryvllle, foi reding and no drivers license, wai ed $10 and costs. Phe following were charged wit! its for public drunkeness: A. B rrett, John Mltcham, Frank Heat! bert Beatty, Frank Wllklns, (Bes ner Ctiy) StacyHuffstlckler, Hoyl< Ik, kobert Watson, John Hugh Mc iln. Ethyl Normand (Charlotte) ??. as < a* ^ ? r _ I arne muuis inorioiK, va... tude Morrison, J. W. Thomson d, Paul Jackson. g Owners Madid 1 Vaccination Law, 'r.. t N. C* Stailings, county health of er, reported Thursday that a chik d been bluen by a dog here ear) a week and he reminded all do# nam that the law requires that al It be vaccinated against rablej nually between April 1 and Jul) B. W. Griffin la in charge of v** tattoos in the Kings Mountair ;a. >4' Mr. Stallings said that the danget rabies Is highest at this tlrarf o: i i&C i ;r * k.'jj&J :... * Li ys-.-jjr.---7>"*"' '.V*..-: *y * I feraldlj Is Exercises j( jr June 1, 3 D* Police To Declare then War On Stray Dogs ?? askc Police Chief N. M. Fori announ- i mor, cod this wmU that his department I for' J will soon hcnrs to 'declare war" on | crar stray dogs. I e3 Q] Stating that complaints harre pf boon received at his offlco almost |K,jn orory day. Chlol Fori sci U I hat dog ' com owners aro roqulrod b/ law to jjjar " ~?n Ynwr i - W-'iv-Nt ; ' property and not allow them to Worl , roan or stray to o"wr j toper property anddamago it. strer Urging citizens bothers ' , the ^isI, stray dogs to notify police at once, jilR he said that strrrw rfno? ~o lar??d or claimed, will be killed. js ^ "We like dogs and don't want , I to :UU 'J;;? *? ? '? ot t do * [ somethirg shout the v?;ry bed sit- ' uation in Kings Mountain," Chief I' Farr scid. 1 Airs I \ c;ii Javcees Begin i1!;'; ' ! ? shoi Second Year ) i ? "\ | Discussion of board plans for an , active year of civic work and instal- ??c< lation of committee members fea- the j tured the meeting of the Kings Moun 1 tain Junior Chamber of Commerce "aVl at the Woman's Club Tuesday night. ma1, well j Charles F. Thomasson, Jr., new to tl f (chairman of the club's project com>' mittee, outlined immediate plans T i for reviving the Jaycee waste paper hav pick-ups, the annual Jaycee beauty an* I contest, and a War Memorial bene- a11 1 , fit, and President Jacob Cooper ex- the I pressed the feeling that the civic to g r organization, in its second year tion ' could accomplish as much as any p i! other group for the benefit of the J i community. rV > Mr. Thomasson and Martin Bar- wlli I mo* gave brief repei^ on the state 000, , convention held in April, and Pres| ident Cooper welcomed into club f membership Bob Abernethy, past , state president who is transferring | his membership here. At the same I nine ne expressed regrets mat Bill I i Davis, active member of the organ 1, zation, is moving to Albany, Ga? , where he has accepted a position with a radio station in the advert tising department. ' Club committees on internal af- , j fairs include: (first named to serve ? ' as chairman): j \ Attendance?Sloan Wright, Grady f Howard, Edgar Deese. * Finance?James Page, W. K. fy, ' Mauney, Jr., Tommy Roberts, James ; ^ '? Bennett. J wo House?Hoyle McDaniel, Ben Sal- | ^ * lard, J. C. Bridges, Garrison Goforth.1 '' Membership?Vernon Crosby, Dan j 1 II nr.?- ? riu?CI| A/IWA1C A ttlC. OVI Program?Bill Logan, George Peel tlu ' er, Martin Harmon, James Houser. coi Publicity?Chas. Carpenter, Fred mi r Wright, Jr., Ned McGUl. dli > Committees on External Affairs )ol include (first named as chairman"): lot ' Americanism and Veterans' Actlv- sit J ities?Harold Plonk, W. E. Laughter | foi ; John Pits, Sam McAbee. an Agriculture?J. B. Falls, James Aij- er< thony, Roy C. Mauney, Garrison Go forth. Aviation?J. C. Bridges, W. F. P* Laughter. , <m City Beautification: John Henry [ Moss, W. K. Mauney, jr., Tommy * ' ' Roberts. . ? Fire Prevention?D. L. Saunders, Jr 1,0 s Charles Patterson, G. C. McDaniel. CO! Governmental Affairs?James Hou ] r ser, Paul Walker, Karl Sawyer, Mar- ? I riott Phifer. Co Projects?Charles Thomasson, Jr., \0 Benj. T. Ballard, M. L. Harmon, John j ^ 1 Henry Moss, Bob Abernethy.' Public Health?M. D. Phifer, Jam- ^ 1 es Harris, Ertle Powers. Safety?George H. Mauney, Frank 1 1 Cranford, William Page. Youth Program?Ralph Spearman, A ? Grady rfoward.'Menzell Phifer, J. B. L > .Fglfc. b . . : .? v 1 Pool Kennedy Named t 1 Shelby Mcm-of-Year * Paul Kennedy, son-ih-law of Mrs. Lona McGlll of Kings Mountain, ? ' was chosen as Shelby's Man-of-theI Year for the current year and rer ceived the annual citizenship trophy J< I ?ocompanying the award the an- of 1 I nual Ladies' Night banquet of the Jtlfi Shelby Lion* club laat week. hea f -Mr. Kennedy, in addition to being la 1 ll&lotarian, Mason and active Meth- Hog - odiat, wai partlAilaHy actiVe in Boy !nea i Scout work in both the City of Shel- ton by and Piedmont council, and la cur-1 tali f rently chairman, of the Jberchanta Pat ( division of the Shelby Chamber of ted r Commerce. wit I Mr*. Kerinedy la the former Miss the Isabel 1 McOHl, of Kings Mountain. aut A / M ^ \ f$Fe? I O Pages ID Today FIVE CENTS PER COPY gion Auxiliary ) Conduct Poppy ly Sale Saturday ionor the war dead and aid the 5' living victims," will be the ae of the annual observance of iy Day here tomorrow. Every on In Kings Mountain will be ?d to wear memorial poppy to row and to make a comriuttion me welfare of the disabled vetis, their families and the familit the dead. eparatlons for Poppy Day were g completed today by a large mittee of American Legion auxy members, headed by Mrs. Bill <ers from the Aoxiiiar\^lnd^^*"",S!fc*",",1,? ating groups will be on the ?ts at an early hour tomorrow rihuting the poppies and reeeix the contribution*. Wthough the second World War ipping rapidly into the past, we eve that the memory of the ng :..e he a* e their lives in conflict is si HI fresh in the ris and hears ; of "II of us." said . Howard. "The dead of the first !d YV; r have been gone for 29 ra, yet we re~ ember their serand sacrifice. The poppies ch wo will put on tomorrow will iv that we have not forgotten and grateful for their defense of our rttrv. Ve must not forget, either, those i ljve in suffering and hardship tuse of war wounds and illness, disabled veterans, or their chlldand the children ofthoee who e died. The contributions we ce for the poppies go for thetr Tare, for help which can oome Item only through this means." he poppies to be distributed here e been made by disabled veterat Oteen. Auxiliary workers will he unpaid volunteers, permitting full amount of all contributions o into the Auxiliary's rehabllita and child welfare wnrlc appy Day here will be part of a lonwide observance In which an mated 125,000 Auxiliary women i distribute approximately 25,000 poppies tomorrow. Davidson Camp Fond Honor Roll With city politics out of the way, ? Herald is again calling attean to its voluntary contribution id for speeding and furthering >ng toward completion of the >rk at Davidson Memorial Scout up. 'rankly contributions havo not tn all that ccild bo desired. and ' ? Horald folt this was doe to the seiderable interest in the recent mid pal election, rather than dnterost in the project which ntly honors the memory of the e carl Daridiou and medm poa>1* a nudtd recreational area r Boy Scouts, other youth groups, d Kings Mountain citizens genilly. Local Scouters hare already exaded a great amount of time d energy on the project, and rsons interested in Scouting it those who lack the time to aid the work on the project should offered the opportunity to make ntri buttons. [f you write a check, make it yable to the Davidson Scout mp fund cm dm ail or bring it the Herald_ If ifs a cash conbution. Just bring it around. All its will be acknowledged, and ne is to small. Previously acknowledged $59.00 nd 1,000 feet ot lumber. . L. Davis 1.00 >e Lee Woodward $5,00 F. T. Osborne 1.00 otal to-date $86DO nd 1,000 feet of lumber. llan Child Struck r Ante Badly Hart imet Sella**, eight-year-old eon Hr. and Mrs.'Wank Sellara of gs Mountain, suffered severe id Injuries when he was struck by B35 Ford driven by Robert E. era, negro. The accident occurred r the Shady Rest service station the Chertyvllle - Kings Moun1 road. Investigation by Highway rolman Harolotis Dayton Indies that Sellara wh playing ball h two other children and ran Into highway in front of the Rogers o mobile i'?l.j* v; _ ;Lti"i - -v.' _ " _

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