jL. |> Bftpm MTIAM I E - . _ I Local News r ^ 7 ;' ^ , i I Bulletlr. s MASONIC MZETtNS K. * A special communication of Falrview Lodge Number 339. A. r A A. M. will be held at the Ma saolc hal^JIBQoday night ?t 7:30. It was annouoced this week. The I entered apprentice degree will be conferred. P ""' " iau?taere^2r^~CT Tenons who have not yet made N A contribution to the cancer (end are being urged to do so at once. HL "If vnu hivp nnt mmta * I\ button to the Cancer Drlve,,pleaap jA , send your donation to the Aidef ' r can Cancer society. 512 North-Piedsnent avenue, Kings Mountain, N. t." Mrs. Yf. M. Gantt, chairman, r( said yesterday. V FILMS SCHEDULED Jesse Riser, of Kings Mountain, .representative for Standard Oil company of New Jersey, will show three motion pictures made by the company at the Woman's Olub Saturday night at 8 o'clock. This showing, Mr. Kls? said, will include "Meet North*- Carolina", / Date with West Virginia^*., and . England Calling" and is es, pec) ally [for shut,ins, as well as wtfcers who havsftst had the opportunity ^^reeing these Alms. t$|pl lip and thfrpubltc Mlw Dorothy Hayes, daughter ?T Mr, aid Mrs. O. T. Hayes, has *** ?m<* ***"at njlitUl church stvinff Hjt, ' '*1M VBWmlnjLA^to kAv n|U,j?> _i_?M la* evBhiruT it was announced by BMjMn ana \o fdfniimMe pibtis rot Bfl IHOnW* w WilW'1 A14 WOnjUH. j Bjul Thoywho ? ^Md' Kv xMt <W hmihnft.'-*Ayt* *? Mp^ifMf' . ; > 'V -tM nrg ,ir , \ t \ r 11 i *r\ i '\ r.i ? 1 ' Country Qib To Hold Informal Opening Friday The Kings Mountain Country Club will hold an informal opening Fri > day from 5 to a o'clock, with several out-of-town country club officials invited to attend, along--vith members of the club and tiieir families. Informal invitations from the antertainmant committee were received by members last weekend, and the opening is under direction of I Mrs. M. A. Ware, with the aid of a large number of wives of club mem "" 'Tight refreshments vvlli' t^'servcfJi" ' and Bob Barkley, well-knowb Gastonia musician, will render a pro ( gram of music on a miniature organ- a Official opening of the club al* j, most falls on the seventh anniver- ( miij ot iu oeginning. in early June ( 1940, a group of professional and i business men met at Plonk Motoi a g The Initial ills?r at the Coon try Clab will be served Sunday. June 22. beginning art 12:30 p. ol I A buffet supper will be served in the evening from 6:00 to 7:00 1 p. m. Dueto the fact that there is J no telephone at the*clab. reaervattons tor either meal, must be made on the opening day .which is :, * "**- : . 7:.v. company and discussed preliminary 1 plans for a country club. Among , those present were Dr. W. L. Ram- ? setlr, J. B. Keeter, the late Hayne S. Blackmer, Joe A. Nelsler, C. E. Netsler, and Fred W Plonk. At the moment this Informal group was considering two possible sites, one a tract adjoining the Lake Montonla club property, the other the ? old R. 8. Plonk hone site on West King street. Eventually the West , King site was favored, and a 10-year rental lease was signed, with op- ? titan to purcha^ at the end of thy J Jfcciion was quick, and the original J group^and other^Interested clttons Q beg"^ ^namedlitely^on ? fidwSStil S??wheI[^S' ottt< oert "Were elected! and work begun j again. Completion of the clubhouse d and formal opening of the cjub for use of'it* members have reqdtred , The cltdb to opening with-a mem a The clubhouse has been complete- c ^^^^omcera are: ? MaSa^y^^^terj - Tor tfie anuai rremoenra Trophy for ; 1946 47 for greatest percentage; of i membership in :?eaae. " Recognition of the gain wan made nt the 43nJ annual convention of 1 the Worth Carolina Merchant* aaaoclatlop held in Raleigh Monday and . fi^lnr^nfTinrtttre on retailina. K| * . 'T1-* , _ . ^Za " W EUyfrqp of jlhg yw nicflKinl O-F* Mattnewi V.^ "" 1,111111 Jfjjtei {At Pt*ttwii2L .Gfvii v.:y,j |H -p.* ; IM ^ j0 i- isjSy ii' A \ '% 'V.;t '*? ':?; ?* ' : I mk jv Wk em Henry's annual assay coatsst last rank. Text of ths winning sssay ippsuis In today's lssuo on page 3, action 2. ' Maaze To Condact! Revival Meeting j *' , Rev. George Mauze, D. D., pastor >f First Presbyterian church>of Win ton-Salem, will condact an evangeIstlc meeting at the First Presbyerian church here beginning Sunlay, June 22, and continuing through Friday, June 27, it was announced his WMfc, v ' , Only one service will be held daiy af 8 o'clock in the evening. , v Dr. Matize is a native of Virginia i graduate of Davidson college and I Union Theological Seminary of Uchmond, Va. He Is recognized as one of the lead ng ministers in the Presbyterian He is an able preacher and i. beloved pastor, loved by old . and < qbhg.. ft &",k great privilege to , iarve Dr. Mauze in Kings Mountain," aid Bev. P. D. Patrick, pastor of the lutrch. public cordially invited to fP* 'PMypoti. # < Funeral services for Bev. John D. dauney, 68, of Hendersonvllle, were ield oh Sunrlav iftiwnonn from Jrape Memorial" Lutheran,..with lnermeot following in Mountain Re* eme^h^ra.; >>;S Dr. 'J. U Morgan, president of the forth Carolina Lutherarl Synod, cori Mr. Mauney, member of CirtJig -Mountain's pioneer faxpliy, uccumbed Friday at his home < Jv (endersonville. He had been fpr deHnlngS|lft, ' Rev. Mr. Mauney was the son of BVjnr|fr, and Mrs. Jacob S. Maun f. He was graduated from Roanoke ollege in Virginia and the ML Airy geological Seminary In Philadelihla. During his service In the Luheran ministry,! be held pastorates it. Lenoir-Rhyne college, Columbia, ^&r-AdgUSta, Ga., and in HenderfMylDg 'are his wife, the former Imttbeth Frant/., of Salem* Va.r hlrffcHfc, Rev. J. Luther Mauney or raHKL Rev. J. D. Mauney, Jr., of ^aytfflBBle, and Rev. Marshall Mau i?y iifpram's Brook, Va.; (our dau[htehs, Mrs. Ben Brown, Mrs. Elizawth Ttedman, Miss Margaret Hauniy; and Mipt Mary Vera Mauney, all >( Hendersopvllle; four brothers, 3L Mauney, %. L. Mauney, i>. c. Mau ?ey, and W. K. Mauney, sr., all of Cings Mountain; a sister, Mrs. E. C. Sooper, of Chapel Hill. favcee Beauty Co tlain I \ .. I Friday. JMM 20. 1947 Recreation Group Seeks To Continue Sumner Program Definite plans are undeiway to bolster the fast-lading city recreation program it has been innouneced, with a meeting scheduled for last night at the Woman's club build lug after t.ie Kiwarns meeting, of all persona interested in providing hsr-reatkm tor the youth of Kings Mountain. City recreation plans for the coming year took a re-bound last week with the action of the city council that it was unable to budget funds for the needed program. . 1111*1 J dUWlJit" !> !? iiMumU' with the idea in mind to gain funds lor trie carrying out of the full program as announced by Clyde Canipe city recreation director, two weeks ago. At It's June 10 meeting, the city fathers found no surplus from sources of revenue other than taxes to provide funrfs for the city recreation commission. State ruling is that no funds received from taxes can he used for recreation. On Jun$<3 the city recreation com mission met with the city council to discuss problems relative to bud geting funds for''recreation. Cash balance of ,j. the recreation commission at that time was $4.80. and recreation officials were anxiously awaiting a report of whether the city would have a 1946-47 surplus oh its. water and light operations or worn somfe other non-tax source ot,revenue. $du> s i Plahs Announced by Mr." Canipe on Juifyl called1 Jor * *ell-rocnded prograrii. mcfuding'*"'rrt'hn's Softball league,' baptam babe ball league, openlng of Central playground and gymnasiufn, gills soft ball and volley ball, and a swimming program. Proposed FM Sets Tinted Tuesday A^tim Inroad teat of the new pro munlcatlons system, rxrwest thing in radio, has not yet been authorized bv the oountv hoard of oommla. sioners and was being tested here by Sheriff Hugh A. Logan and staff in an attempt to sell the Idea to the county fathers as a money-saying, bettft POlice-protection law enforcement arrangement. "The system was Installed in the county by the- selling agent and according to county officials, is nearperfect communication. Deputies Haywood Allen and Bob Kendrlck, along with Officer Spake ot the Shelby police department and the test operator, picked up Commissioner Glee Bridges and the Herald correspondent in Kings Mountain Tuesday afternoon and, while traveling south on U. S. 29, reported location to Sheriff Logan and carried on a lengthy conversation, i Sheriff Logan stated that the system had been tested in the mountainous northern part of the oounty and worked perfectly, "like sitting on my! desk and carrying on a conversation" ha said. . Commissioner Bridges asknowledged approval of the system but added the commissioners will have to provide f&nds to install the system and at present don't know whether the funds can be arranged or not. Mr. Bridges and Sheriff Logan dis cussed plans to include the cities ol Kings Mountain and Shelby on the county frequency and the commissioner Indicated the matterywould be discussed at the next board meet,,r, .,, itest Scnedued Await Wianeis _ i "".; i . .. 11 , ? 4 i Mia?a 1 1 1 " Forn ier Citizei When Shot By Merchants To Close mi As Usual On Inly 2 ! Marchaat* of Kio^a Moumtain jf ?* ill ooiuaetflMBtfNlMdarbT Hod Mc- ' ? GUL Murtw | of tbo March cm t> Tho a?BrtnWuM hod conducfd Co a mall poll addag (bo merchants \f, ''^KIBiSbBWl'^ ootba^ij^ vr. Mkler wM^Jj^e^enr ehmsy ?y Mr. MnCMH sold majority ?f coi das Mmmd tarand dodag a* 1 usual oa tbo preoectinq Wsitnos - vVl day afternoon. on Bowling Center rJ P. A-? l"-J? h v vycu iiiuay w vv\ Arcadia Bowling Center v*il 1 open itr for business-on Friday, it was an- in nounced yesterday, by Hayvyood E Lit Lynch, owner. ne The new recreation center, located mi on Battleground avenue next to Plonk Motor company, is equipped to with five new alleys of maple and vei oak construction and is equipped gri for both duck-pins and ten pin bowl- pa log. Iro The building, owned by Curtis H. loc (Cat) Houses, who will manage the j establishment, has been renovated he> completely, and the firm will also by operate a snack bar where cold he; drinks and hot sandwiches will be He available. th? An air cooling system has already for .been Installed to provide for con- of venlence of bowlers and spectators. f "We" believe that this establish- tol ment will serve the need of the com- bei munity for Increased recreational set facilities for the entire family, and ra^ we invite the public to visit and n- Mi spect these facilities," Mr. Lynch tra Twenty seven cases were tried In Be City Recorder's Court here Monday In one of the lightest sessions before *J* Judge O. C. O'Far re II In recent- in J months. i ' sh< A-,V. Lanier, of SJfelby, for driving i drunk, was- sentenced six montks, Jol suspended on payment of $60 and Jui costs and loss of his drivers license. Jui J. L. Hayes, for driving dru^k and da no drivers license, was given a fcix J months sentence, suspended oh payment of $60 and oourt"costs. Jo1 Millard Prince,'far feeding, was tot fined coat* and Aiphi^'Lock hart, on toi a similar covint, f&Id* a SB and costs ore fine. Harold Gibsan,tnf Belmom, for hoi speeding, forfeited bond. Ml Will Brown, for possession of nontax paid liquor, was fined $10 and 3costs. .. f.- , Mt Willie Alexander, of Grover, for carrying IT concealed weapon, was fa fined ISO and. costs and the weapon 1 ordered destroyed by Judge Offer- M ' *?u* .. ' " 'T" . Robert Pur key, tot gambling, was j^( fined |B and costs. Purkey was also m( sentenced, along with G. C. Bridges ^ and lames Moore, on another gam- N bllng count, each receiving ? 55 and 0f costs fine. } tu, Hattie Mae Stewart, for assault, was sentenced two months, suspended on payment of costs and not to interfere with home life and domes- P" tic relations of Charles Stewart and nf wife P1' ' < , brl Fred Roberts, for assault on a fe- sic male, was fined $10 and costs, J, G. Bell, for public drunkei)r^s?| Ja wm inwa no mm ana mo io?lowing received fines oi. costs for ^ similar charges: B. J. Myers, Flet- ^ cher Hughes, Lester Bell, Win Mc* M Craw (Shelby), J. A. Carroll, Otto Jadkson, Luther McClaln, Bobbie Patriae (Bessemer City), Earl Beatty f> (Vgle), Bus Beatty, Otis Smith, Ira E. Harrilson, and Hunter HuXfstlck- ^ Ief- ; JaJST pK'?mier1(teller af J B^fc,^hy ^ac ? ... I V>/\ " ^ >. ? *' i n Pages ID Today FIVE CEWT3 PER COPT n Is Killed Son, Age 13 lis. Bock Weaver atally Wooded y Angry Tooth Funeral arrangements for Mrs. ra May Weaver, 47. of Spenoir >untain, former citizen of Kings >ft ntnln nllotfMltv Witfi ?hnt agnr.V ft'tfr'T-M^iyuiu sun. jmm?*~ David Weaver, at her home early dnesday afternoon, were still in nplete Thursday morning. Mrs. Weaver, whose husband See. llllam Carl (Buck) Weaver, wa* e time overseer of the Patricia mt of Neialer Mills, Inc., died 1!S nutes following the shooting by r son who said. "I flew mad and I ot iter." rhree brothers and a slater of Mr. reaver reside hero They are Ralph saver, who lives on Watterson eet. .Forrest Weaver, who lives the Margrace community, and oyd Weaver and tyhs. "Dpisy Costr, who live in the Pauline cominity. rhe Weavers lived here from 1929 1939( during which time Mr. Wear was a loom-fixer at both Martee and Pauline mills. He is now stor of Pearl Baptist church at n Station, and is a part-time >m fixer at Spencer Mountain mllL According to news reports, the boy came angry following a Scolding his mother and allegedly shot r twice with a .22-callber rifle, la being held without bond in i Gaston county jail and without mal charge, pending completion the investigation. [Is gwrndmnlfcarvMrn. Emma May; d officers that the boy apparently came angry when his mother tided him forh aving opened some ill addressed to one of his slaters. . May was an eyewitness to the ia^ter Jfcdd another shot into i mother's body, according to ofsrs." tty jean said that her mother -* 4 * /iucu aviuiny, you ve snoi me," d that her mother was dead with* fifteen, ralntites alter the second lk - . ., , * t * Sheriff Eflrd said Wednesday that ^nny would be given a hearing In reuiie court before Juvenile Court Ige Paul E. Monrie but that no be had been aet for a hearing, lira. Weaver la survived by her band, her mother, six children* inny, Mrs. Tom Elders of Darling* 1, Wash., lira. C. P. Wilson Of Gas1 county, and Betty Jean Carol, Na il arid William Everett, all at me. Also surviving are a sister, ss Louella May of Dallas, and e brothers, W. D. May, of Dallas, W., F. P., and J. C. May of Spencef >untaln and J. T. May of Gastonla. rycee Organization let At JUiport Regular meeting of the Kings >untaln Junior Chamber of Com* sroe waa held at Bridges Airport esday night, with a ham-and-egg pper served by the Gleaners Glags First Baptist church as the fed* re of the menu. a ! ; . rhe group heard a report on the ttional convention at Long Beach, llf., from Bob Abernethy, who relented the local club. Mr. Afafcr* . thy described his sight-seeing kit ine trip to Long Beach, and gavS a ief account of the various sea ' is iictiu in cunvenuun. Vernon Crosby, membership chair mL welcomed Pete Barkley.as a w member o? the organization* d Jacob Cooper, presiding, we!ned W- S. Fulton, Jr., back Into t organization after a year's abice m Florid*. | rolina Vocational Textile school

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