m _ W , , , _ .^ ^ jj FOFULA Aisci 15*000 !/? - J ^WSS???W? ! i i i "VOL. 58 wo. as City Man; Local News I Bulletins ] uom nsTAunoM i ^^ --'T fi '.vsr sssfe iTn1'^ r??, ' 1947-48 were to be TnstallethYj Thursday night at the regular' ( a meeting of the club at 7 o'clock ; -at the high school cafeteria, with 1 [ ? Sob. Cooke of Shelby, past district P*- governor, to conduct the Installa"tlon. KtWAlflS MEETING Klwanian rYank Young, of GasTtonls, was to present Dr. Heir in, Gastonia physician, who was to demonstrate the Malco hearing de vice at the regular meeting of the Kiwanls club at the Woman's club At 7 o'clock Thursday night. The program was arranged by the committee on underprivileged child*en . ?$8s-'. . UNION SERVICE Sunday night's union service will be held at 8 o'clock at Boyce Memorial ARP church, with the aernvon by Rev. W. H. Stender, pas -<or of St, Matthew's Lutheran ~~ COURT HELD THURSDAY City Recorder court was ached-ailed to be held yesterday (Thursday) at City Hall with Judge O. ' G. (yFarrell presiding. v Directors of the ^Ungs Mourn ?1|M| 3| 'WfAftc# fMiorvnij__ _ wisiv ,,. _ j _ ^v ?^Oup * -." ' "'* . .if .J .',. CONTEST WIHlfgJI ' ?* ' Linda Beatty, daughter of Mr. . end Mr*. Pinkney Beatty, Church street, won first prize In the state -poppy poster contest at the American Legion auxiliary. It was announced this week by Mr*. Dickie Tate, president. Prize for the win nlng poster wisa $5.00. She Is a 1 student of East school and made 1 -the winning poster under the buld- i anee of her teacher, Mm. John Gamble, it was announced. |. -f''Kt(: : STADIUM BANXTAHOW Work began this week on lflStah lactlon of aknitayy facilities at the City Stadium. C T. Bennett and r?r?"ssare being made to have the work ] ' - ^Hi y ^ 11 ) J j??p ^Jnlr ''^Jm - "..-> fl ' *WTO? JttOU IjJ ^ ' ' "^Sc'*' |ji ^<>y -11 HgJHt^Kjb :^|7 ^T*JJ ^E?i->?j'' VJ ' :.f^H fe &***** ^ 9o&0Ttt*4* l|*tivti^K-j9 gimn It I '. <r.~ - J|^V^Mhiafc ^A^ilkiiiB '?*V- . ^trjXSs a. ?i OT JPHHNBHv , f ,. 4 % < i I* , Kings ager H. I Cora Plays M Eight Fast T. By the luck of the draw Kings Mountain Vets, riding the crest of a ff "'. ? ^ 'irof in rho Western Car- I mna lea'iu?, w!lii"MW?n '*P (tUMSlH ilstrict semi-pro baseball tourna<?ent which gets underway here Monday at 4 p. m. against the Monroe Blue Sox, in the first of eight baseball games during four conaeeitive days at City Stadium. Other Monday game will find Ungs Mountain's other entry, Cora Mill of the Gaston Textile league, Ditched against Norwood Red Birds, his game beginning at 8:15. On Tuesday at 4 p. m., .Forest City Vtrla ?nM?U ...UU O-l a n u 1 laugic wiui Dcuuuiii v^uuiaaus ind the strong Lance Packers of Charlotte mix it with Lincolnton ted Sox at 8:15 p. m. Tuesday. A team win must win to stay in m the single-game elimination bails, with the winner and runner-up jualified to play at Asheboro for the itate championship. A division of the National Base>all Congress, the local tournament s under the sponsorship .of the tings Mountain Lions club, with ohn Henry Moss, district commlsiloner, as general chairman. Winners of the Monday games dash in their semi-final round on Wednesday, July 2, at 4 p. m. while vlnners of Monday games fight It >ut Wednesday night Wednesday's osers play Thursday afternoon at 4 /clock for third place' honors and nodey, and the championship game vill be on tap Thursday night kepresentatives of all teams, with Country Club. Single game tickets may be pur:lckets for all ?ight games may be purchased in advance for $4.00, tax included. They tnay be purchased from any member of the Lions club w at the following business firms: Kings Mountain Drug company, Ar:adla Bowltog Center, Terminal Service Station,^riondly Poolroom, Pastime Billiards, Mountain Grill. Edwards' Cafe, Central Barber Shop, 3^ta^ Barter Shop.jCe^wServlce *f5r- *. .. , k >fc~" M1M VfOKOfulf QflBflBBS, 0* BnJtm SjHH >*' ^ "^f ? ?> ?. C ,-.^ *? -4-j * _.'- - >? '. . Moun Kings Mountain. If. G. 1 -~ *- - L - ~ ;r^ ^ Burdetl onday Night; tams Enter Miss Teague Accepts First Baptist Post MIm Lula Mae Teague haa been selected by the First Baptist church as educational secretary and music director, and will begin her duties with the church on July 1, It was announced Thursday by Rev. L. C. Plnnlx, pastor. Miss Teague is a daughter of Rev. J. L. Teague, formerly of Kings Mountain, but now of Hickory. She attended Mars Hill college and is a graduate of Limestone college. She previously has worked with the First Baptist church for a year following which she was with th? Pimt nor.. list church of Burlington for three years. Hot Competition Outlook In Big Semi-Pro Event Following is a thumbnail sketch of the eight semi-pro baseball teams who will vie for the western district championship here next week: Monroe ? currently leading the North CentraVleague under management of Houston Privette, and led by brother battery, Duck Brantley, jrttcher, who already boasts a nohitter this season, with his brother Louie Brantley behind the plate. Cora ? Managed by Elixe Bridges, recently improved by addition Of VehtJlmaoy Gibson and EJrnam^M*^rUSg^Number^2 Bolide, hard-hitting shortstop, expected to be reXdy for duty after in Injury. Belmont ? John Summers mana ger of another line Mid-State team." Boasts Bed Wilson leading Mid-1 State hurler with 8-0 record will do much hurling- Also boasts Jerry Frye, Duke third Backer, and the Dodgtn brothers who performed tori Tgey last year. Jim Watts is the cat-1 fetter.'';v/ ~ I Forest City ? Manager Jess Hill's! team Is well-known here, featuring! Phil Oatea, ex-International lliimJ pltchetyjand Spec Padgett, another ex-Bex player, for hurling, and Bulas Smailey, ulat year with Rochester at tf*L Led Western Carolina lmM> until recently,' when close loSMS have moved the Owls down the Judder. .' j ^ - r-vv* $ rsssftrsreE*? '.?H l| ! I ii i fsH> <y|W >^iiSlil<ii i/liWjiJy I ! * > I HugrKk And Pauline), Park Y+tti tfjui* Companf^ana JMalx Mill of gHkj y*1 *? J Vl^tjH I v^'ii*wii vcRncir PmPMRB|H| ...? yj), ' K /> itain I 7riday. June 27. 1947 :e Resign: W. I. Crawford Funeral Bites Held Saturday Funeral services for William Jo seph Crawford, 79, prominent retlr ed grocer, were held Saturday morn ing at Bovce Memorial ARP church II '1111 ii l 'iiiiiini) iii ii iii tii * i7' ~ii officiating, assisted by Rev. L. C Pinnix, pastor of First Baptist chur ch. Interment was made in Mountaii Rest cemetery. Mr. Crawford, wtio had been seri ously ill for several weeks, sue cumbed at his home on Mountaii street at ?J o ciock last fTtday morn ing. A native of the Bethany commun ity, York county, S. C., Mr. Craw ford moved to Kings Mountain it 1900 and entered busit)c33. He re sded here ever since, retiring fron an active part in theb uslness thre< years ago. He was for many years an elde in the ABP church and was a re spected citizen. He would have beei 80 years old in August. Surviving are his wife, the forme: Miss Vinne Littlejohn, three child ren, Mis. Harold Coggins, Wilsoi and Harold Crawford, all of King. Mountain, a slater, Mrs. Charles Har mon of Bessemer City, and two bro then, J. Calvin Crawford of the Be thany community, and Tom Craw ford, of Andrews, and two grand children. Pallbearers were John Gamble, W J. McGill, M. A. Ware. Wendell Phi fer, Oscar McCarter and Lindsay Mc Mack in, all officers of the ehurcfc and remaining elders and deacon Were honorary pallbearers. ! The sale Is being bandied by P. E TTf.i--'?- *ra? war A "ciimwii, iviutfH mountain realtor. The property, which includes th old church edifice, occupies a lc which (fonts 75. feet on Mountai street and 100 feet on Piedmont an enue, adjoining the City Kali o Piedmont and the Baker propert on Mountain. ^ ^ On l,y*' KEff ^ k^wSKiiy^ EF?tt^'-' - ^ t 7 i';,^ . _? '. > ft, - :" * HnS^y>^ /iSIfr V V iyMonday 1 ierald 5 Effective McGUl Issues SOS 1 To Local Beauties . Kings Mountain beauties aro on ( ' the retiring and shy order, at 1 toast at the moment. It was report- | ed this week by Med McOilL chair-. man of the ?U| committee toe the IMT becruty pagecmt at the Kings . Mountain Junior Chamber of ? - Commeeca. Nl "At the moment there to a n< ^-j-y Vv el that Kings Mountain's eugihtoe I won't finally commit thorn soiree | to on tor." Mr. MCGU1 said, adding Jl i that this is the only hold-up. with plenty of bn si noes firms anxious to sponsor entries. eI "The retiring attitude may be all a i right at soma times." he added. m . 'but now is hardly the time." * m Legion Officers I : To Be Installed ? i ai W e Regular monthly meeting of Otis OI D. Green, Post 155, The American [0 r Legion, will be held at City Hall j0 Tuesday night at 8 o'clock, aCcord1 ing to an announcement by John W. Gladden, in-coming commander. , tx r Main business will be installation til of new officers and the 1947 mem- w j bershlp drive, headed by Glee A. cc , Bridges. All Go-Getters are asked to ft be present as well as all members q . of the post. Mr. Gladden announced also that ra ' the post has been placed in District ? * 28, 4th Division. The post was formerly in District 16 but at the state tt ^ convetnion the number at districts ft I was increased to 35 for North Garo- b! . llna. i, Attending the convetnion from p Kings Mountain were Mr. Gladden, ? j ^^Mtal wwlce^wM held^at^ t ment was In 5 n tery here. _ Idh&f: % o The pastor, Rev. T. F. Huggins, of tj a delated. [ pftrl t f ^J* ur^vl^ag^s^vtfs ;^jjh11 ^ j> MuM^%u^io n ! ML,. 1 BE ? iBMKfc*53 ? Virginia, c / vacation * i. I HUMMta ( I f m II Ihll Afternoon \ 1 P Pafes ID Today ? i - mh FIVE CENTS PER COPT July 15 teaeation Mattel Kscnssed Monday U Special Meet City Manager H. L. Burdette, who is served in that capacity since ov ember 1940, tendered his resigitlon to the board of commission s at a special meeting at the City The resignation is to take effect ily 15th. Mr. Burdette, in a formal letter to le mayor and board of commission's, said he was resigning to accept more remunerative position -in a uch larger city. He declined to ime the city, pending announceent there, but told the Herald it as a North Carolina city. Only other action taken by the tard was to pass a resolution aending the recently enacted city ivilege tax ordinance to include ito parts firms and drug stores hlch had been omitted from the iginal ordinance. Privilege license ir auto parts firms was set at $25, ir drug stores, $15. The resignation of Mr. Burdette Ighllghted a meeting which has ?en called to discuss the plight of le city recreation commission, hlch is out of funds and which has intract committments with City ecreation Director-High School jach Clyde Canlpe through August The board tooH no action In the atter but Informally instructed Mr. urdette to Include an item of $1,000 i the proposed 1947-48 budget wfth te Indication that It would be ntti* ed If the funds were at all avaiiaA large number of citizens were resent for the dlscusston on the (creation matter, Including inept odyup to .inds was opMltcd^to ? December *6 stata gumma'' Court decision tvolving the Wty of Charlotte, with j? City of Charlotte restrained from aying out funds for recreational "SSTttoraa iv B. A. Harrin<said b# ad Investigated the law and It was Is opinion payment of the fundi wild have been legal had a read* jtlon been made by the city board rhen setting up th^e 1946-47 budget ist July, the resolution to have dee gnated a specific amount of surplus untie from the water and light deartment operations for this purpose *ck of the resolution made paylent of the funds legally doubtful, fr. Harrlll said. . W. Various menders of the recreation ' omtnlssion parted out that* they rere meeting with the board a^apa 9 see If there was not some Way the Dnfnadaslon oojkld not be peltevid of t? financial jmabarrassment, andlurr dras aMthdiscuBslon. lnvolv* "** & Oberlin, Ohio, JuAe 24?At the

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