c Y t9mmm frt the highest quality foods from BlaL MMMheerving Kings Mountain for over 11 years I I SLALOCK'S GBOCEBY IP . ' / ' . r ?r ?- r? ? m '> ? | YOU'D BETTER INCREASE | YOUR FIREV INSURANCE! M 3l> ' < V ' . .? ' * Rroporty value* hare increased greatly the past few V >*?. W HM INSURANCE covwag. Mb .Increased accordingly, otherwise, b ease of fire, you i JMy, have to meet port of be loss yourself. L , : ' t* v* review your fire insurance polleres now. J ji * wfff be glad to assist you in determining the ?? Trfgfc# amount of insurance protection yen need j *| ^lo cower today's high vafcfi. I] The Arthur Hay Agency j If mG KHKs^^^^np Ik tiStSnR M ~^fcnr?"" B^dwlth you2-SP^0^1/^#AviTAB connection with such farm laborers ilk SiSSS SBMgtiffT. MWr!" th*' I had thought of these transients , a a unmiiifc, nan? . Instinct*. . TaJEMMQ|HPHC^r 1 " people whb^u^PlSppened to be pa? ," jUnf through an srfar of a state that ?SJJ 1 local I bought they were a rowdy, tfoti blesome crew that farmers looked upon as a neoesary evll. All these ;. Ideas were In for ? serious going ov I er after 1 talked with Fred S. Sloan, Farm Labor Supervisor for the State College Extension. Service. "They're necessary, all right,' he ' says, "and a quiet bunch as a while Fed people realise. Cousin, that the J growers in these eight counties where potatoes are a big cash crop, ; rely'on mlgrants to harvest up to ^ 90 percent of their crops.' "That's amazing!" 1 said, and ask ed the supervisor if it wasn't a met- i ty big Jobtoget workers in the right ' Tasouatthe-righHtsae. "You can imagine the fine equlll- . I brum that exists betweep the factors of needs, availability, and wergild the^nlgrant^ort^ ^on ? rallSd,aSS^S^tm^'Pth2 tti tSTgr^i^&?out 5 MSS^.-theXtlantic. ST I' lenders OT carefully picked ml grant grown ?rere contacted at their _ work InFlortda during the paat winter an^d to ta!T*of this plan and learned of .{he work that the AgricmltSficten?lon Service, the State Employment Service, and the Production a and Marketing Admlnlatratlon had done co-onerathreiy to make It a smooths running operation, J. wa? convinced that the migrant laborer, for all his a parent Instability, la a conscientious, hard-working, well-paid individual. He Is also a vital link In the chain ftuKEputa North Carolina potatoes in N?ao 4-H Tooth WFotlks PonltrVtvJhiT - f " ,j ^ ' j I Touu DOO l^U^OUE ] r E r*"?^ pH 7 Ivewjl I ? \g^s. ? 1 I '- B-.'..>I ... ': , .;? T--v ? "V1." 1 .V.'??'?rH ' v . _ ^ ' I dl^l*hT^hwiJ5>n^d Sv*!1?!*. * trict la home on ten days leave, vfe. c Itlng hi* parents, Mr. and Mm. Flors ence Ferry. Also their daughter. Miss fc lUrle Ferry ot Charlotte, wu a week end vsttor. i S cation with their parent^ iK&v and ? Mrs. L. G. Thombe, sr. s Mr. and Mrs. H. Gtdney and their * two cons wan callers at Rev. and L Mrs. D. A. r?n^i||i'? on Monday aft* erooon. * Rev. and Mrs. D. A. Costner at? tended the house warming mt Mr. 1 and Mm J. R. Henry in Beseemer ? Robert C. Currence. veteran of | Wocld Wmt ** ?* ***? ComP I r "C ^ j j L L ? ,+v ,?' ^V. ^*tr^ ' ''Qjv" I """ I i liT 11 iTa h Ti d~<" ^irgMtac * >' .- i' ^K.rXrJ' '" T of heavier I ou to bring them to I :/'r I lex Mill Co. I w M A I ;4 ? - . . i . Wjk'Zif--. V ",' '