| POPULATION la City Coiporate Limits 6,574 \ Immediate Trading Area 15.000 VOL.58 ' NO. 30 Ml WKSmmHH BEAUTIES RECEIVE AWARD Mill Avis War lick, "MUi Ki the banner reading "Mlse Ki the Becond annual Jaycee bea runner-up; Mice Jenelle Smit honors. Martin Harmon, chat gentleman with face covered was master of ceremonies. PI I Local News Bulletins RE-ELECTED L Arnold Klser, of Kings Mountain,, was re-elected chairman of the Cleveland county hospital board of trustees at the meeting KA Meoel W^l-a I? OU -It.. 1 - use |ivuy item in ouciuy iui week. 5jp soclatlon secretary, said several Important items of business axe on the agenda and he urged all officers and directors to make a special effort to attend. LIONS MEETING Members of the Kings Mountain Lons club were to hear an address by J. G. Morrison, county agent of Lincoln county, at the regular meeting of the club Thursday night at the high School cafeteria at T o'clock. SINNER FOB FIREMEN The Men's Bible Class of First Presbyterian church will entertain members of the city fire dep&ftment at a dinner in the Fellowship Room of the church Tuesday night at 7 o'clock. It was announced by O. W. Myers, president of the class Rev. J. G. Winkler, pastor of Central Methodist church, will make -a short talk following the dinner. jutrftfunnvERSARY All business firms are being reminded to display flags on Friday, August 1, in connection with the.40th anniversary of the founding of the army air force and in accordance with a proclamation by President Truman. Reminder was k.. -k. - IOOUCU wjr UlC motMMUiirO nsau^ia* tlon. ; ATTEND MEET ' Mrs. Mary Goforth and Mrs. Ruth Gamble attended a Red Cross conference In Winston-Salem Thursday. Topic of the meet was home service. Amos Bobbers 1Set Font Tears j ** .y , f c* ' Tour men Who were involved li the Amos and Son robbery here lai December were sentenced In Cleve land Superior court Tuesday. M i. Clyde and Grady Norris, Rolan . /Brook*, and Floyd Prultt wee* eacl SgVnZSZc* ? % /; - At fee* two of the men have bee: sentenced lit Oaston cooru^or rot: ^ 4fi the follow! n dsy ^ - ^ II ' ' J Pw B*v m .^'Ca w ... m M, ?., ??; It - - A; * -B^k^K iv :-Hw9l ^Pv:- ' \'7 ^^KgsXlgE | JL ki Hn S?Mayor H. Tom Fulton, shown ab ng? Mountain of 1948", are presents ngj Mountain of 1947". signifying t nty contest. Left to right from Miss V h, third place, and Miss Frances Line! rman of the event is in the backgrou by the mayoral arm U George Flower) loto by Bandy. Miss Margiette C "Miss Kings Mom i Miss Margrette Cashion, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Casnion, was named "Miss Kings Mountain of 1947" at the second annual beauty pageant of the Junior Chamber of Commerce held last Friday night at the high school auditorium. Second place hoonrs went to Miss Frances Lindsay,* daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Lindsay. Miss Jenelle Smith was third place winner, with Miss Virginia Moss adjudged fourth. As current "Miss Kings Moun- ; I tain," the tall attractive brunette J will revive an all-expense paid irip tor neraeu ana a cnaperone or her choosing. The winner at Wilmin^on will represent North Carolina in the Miss America contest at Atlantic City, N. J? in September. Miss Undsay will also receive an expense-paid trip, representing the city at the Sixth Annual Coasttal Festival at Morehead City, August 28-30. Both Miss Cashion and Miss Lindsay will receive gifts of Donnelle gloves from Picardy Manufacturing company, Brooklyn, N. Y., while Miss Smith received an RCA radio, , and Miss Moss a Parker pen and pencil set, the latter gifts complli ments of the Kings Mountain Lions club. . > Judges for the event were Julian Wdldrop and Bill Baley, both of . Shelby, Ben Kudisell, of Cherryvllle Harrelson Yancey, Gastonia,. and Horace Yelton, Forest City. . George Flowers, of Shelby, seived as master at ceremonies. The oontestants appeared fhst In evening gowns and then in bath lng suits, to the musical strains played by the Teen-Town Cats, Gas tonkr orchestra, which also furnish ed music for the Beauty Ball which followed the contest at the high school gymnasium. Awards were presented Jointly by Mayor H. Tom Fulton and Miss Avis Warllck^ "Miss Kings Mountain of ' 1946." . *- ??D. Other entrants were Misses Fran. ces Huffstetler, Dollen Montleth, U..., TM?l /-?- 1 > t.?hC7 uuuiyu uuvei anu Colleen Martin, v Program acknowledgements stated'appreciation to Walters Flowera and Allen's Flower Shop tor fjoral gifts, and to Kings Mountain Beauty Shoppe, Ansell Beauty , Shoppe, aiM Vera's Beauty Shop for make-up assistance to the contes1 lilfe V*' ; t t Miss Caahlon was sponsored by - Mauney Hosiery company, Miss Lindsay -by MeCurdy Cleanere-Dy<1 era, Miss Smith by Otis O. Green h Post 196, American Legion, and I o Miss Moss by .Plonk Motor ComtotnnoN < annual reunion 'and homecom*i held thla week end, with the plc,. | nlc to he" at neon Saturday and ; s| tt^honafeoming i^Long^Crgc * the flftjettTevent 1 ** S',' - ' " ' ' \T.'T" 4 * Moun Kings Mountain. N. C I I I n "flj owe holding microphone, and ag Miss Margrette Cashion with be honor she had just won in failiek are Miss Virginia Moss. Isay, who won second place nd at extreme left, and the i. Shelby radio announcer, who ashion Crowned itain Of 1947" ' Lions Horse Show Officials Named Martin Goodrich, of ttasbville. Term., will serve as judge, and Mrs. Ben Hendricks, of Shelby, will serve as ringmaster, for the Fourth Annual Lions Club Labor Day horse show, to be held at City | Stadium September 1, it was ani nounced this week. The show steering committee I has been at week this week, and i full details conceretng the show. announced asset vreefe. Mr. Goodrich was highly recommended %e the dab as a jadgs. I it was stated, and Mrs. Hendrtclrs. ! well-known throughout the area I for her activities in connection i with snows, strna last year as J i ringmaster. Jaycees Schedule Paper Collection Members of the board of directors of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, at a dinner meeting at the country club Tuesday night, voted to conduct a city-wide scrap; paper pick-up on August 24, and made plans to make a distinguished service award for young men in January. The scrap paper pick-up will take the form of previous collections con ducted by the organization. The distinguished service award will go to the young Kings Mountain man, age 35 or under, who is adjudged to have given greatest civic service during 1947. The award is to be made in January. Drace Peeler was named chairman of the 1948 national convention Committee of the club. Next year's convention will be held in Philadelphia and plans are underway now to insure large local repre I sentatlon at the convention. The directors are urging full attendance of membership at the regular meeting of the club August 5 in prder that a complete check can | be made on advance ticket sale for the Shelby-Kings Mountain softball game scheduled for September 6. Prince Is Member Of Soldiers" Choir Jack A. Prince, Service Co., 180th Parachute infantry regiment, 11th Airborne Division, sang with an {all-soldiers choirs at the dedication of the new post chapel at Camp Schi mmelpfennlg, Sendal, Honshu, Japan, on July 6, <1947. The choir was personally complimented by JlMi. Gen Joseph M. Swing Division com mander. Others there were Brig. Gen Mlley, Commanded; Division Rear, Col. Reynolda'Condon, commander 18B?h Parachute Infantry Regiment The^me?i^ was^dellv1 s nl Ms1 itain F Friday. J?Iy 25. 1947 Thomas Tem] Charges In ( Large Delegation To Attend WOW Georgia Conclave Oman a, Nob.?Company M. 97th "legmenl. Unitorrn Hank, Wood/non of '.no World Life Insurance Socio\ Kin <7* Mftiintain ?-? ? ?>-*-??? .* --.J _ . _ __ v.viiuuaiiur'.I )> Ciptain Leo A. Bray, will go to Camp Toccoa, Ga., this weekend to take part in the district encampment of this Semi military Woodmen organization, .''.:lv 28 to Aug 2. In addition to Captain Bray, others expected to attend the encampment from Kings Mountain are the 17 members of the society degree team and W. F. England, Bryan Hord, Ray Jmith, Rufus Kiser. E. O. Bridges, and 'V. H Wilson, officers of the organizaCon. Company M, will be attached to First Battalion, Second Regiment, commanded by Major R. Frank Patterson, Kannapolis, which is made up of companies from Shelby, Kannapolis, Sylva and Kings Mountain. They will compete with twenty other companies from South Carolina, Florida, Alabama, Georgia and Tennessee in field drill, floor work and athletic contests. Brigadier General Barrington T. Hill, mayor of Wadesboro, N. C? will be camp cammander, directing the week's training program and competition. W. C. Braden, national secretary of the Woodmen Society and commanding general of its Uniform Rank, and Adjutant General E. E. (Blue) Howell, both of Omaha, will | be present to review the encampment activties and present trophies and prizes to companies and indlvld uals in competitive field drill, floor prork and athlete contests. Dr. Herbert B. Kennedy, medical director of the Woodmen Society, will be surgeon general. v&\ wilting women Ulan To Meet Here Friday The Willing Workers Club, an officers club of the V/oodman Circle will meet atthe Woman's clubhouse Friday evening at 7:30. Mrs. Sudie Peele, president, will preside and the hoitor guest will be Mrs. Meriam Early, state president of Charlotte. The Kings Mountain Grove will be hostess group at the meeting. A large number is expected to be present with officers and members from Shelby, Ellenboro, Lawn dale, Mooresboro and Grover attending. Among the distinguished guests expected is Mrs. Lou Moorhead of Shelby, district manager. One feature of the program will be the appearance of Miss Joyce Falls, who will give several readings. During the social hour the group will participate in a community songfest aud afterwards refreshments will be served. Mrs. War lick's Brother Buried Funeral services for A. J. Smith, 71, of Portsmouth, Va., a brother of Mrs. A. P. Warllck, were held Friday afternoon at Frst Baptist church In Cherryville. Interment was in Black cemetery in Cherryville.. He died after a lingering illness. and is survived in addition to Mrs. Warlick, by the following: hie wife, five daughters, and two sons. Kings Mountain ] Pays $12,150 For The old Presbyterian church property at the corner of Piedmont avenue *nd Mountain street became the property of the Kings Mountain Furniture Company as the oon negation approved sale to highest bidder in congregational - meeting on Sunday. Sealed bids were taken on the property, with the local furniture Arm high among three bidders. Sale price of the property was $12,190. ' The furniture company's b|gV>p ped a bid by B. 8. Feeler of *11,810. and aJoint bid by C D. Blanton and J.^Derracott of *11.7?h ^ Ierald pleton Faces ] Cleveland Suj Check-Flasher Plys Trade For Tidy Sum I U a man uslnq the nsn? of Cs> car Banks wants you to cash a check, your best bet is to call the local police department as quick t? ' * ly as posoioie. A man using this ncrme height about tive-ten, weight ISO poundf and between 32-35 years of age operated his trade of check-flash' ing quite successfully here earl\ this week, victimizing, by known count, at least three business e3 tablishments. I Total take was ia excess ol S200. Police are on the lookout for the j culprit and warnings have beer I issued to other police agencies tc | be on the lookout for Mr. Banks. Crash Injuries 'Fatal To Mintz Jack O. Mintz, 41, Bessemer Cit cafe opeator, and former operati of a service station near Kin{ I Mountain, subcumbed at 9:30 Tue: day night at Shelby hospital folio ing injuries sustained in an aut< mobile accident near E( Bethel chi ch Saturday night. j Funeral services were held at th chapel of Sisk Funeral Home, i Bessemer City, Thursday mornin at 11 o'clock, with Rev. Mr. Crave rector of Bessemer City Episcopi church, officiating. Interment fol lowed in Pisgah cemetery. The accident occurred about thre mitP5^JVPRt nf K" in ore Mountain u/ha Mintz car, reported by a witness t have been traveling at a high rat of speed, went out of control. Th car over-turned several times, conn ing to rest 160 yards from the spc it left the road. The car was coin pletely demolished. Haroldotls Da ton, state highway patolman, ir wife, Mrs. Sallie Hamrick Mint and two son, Jack Mintz, jr., an William James Mintz. Baptist Group Attend Riagecrest Assembly Mrs. W. M. Logan, BTU director c the First Baptist church, Miss Lul Mae Teague, church educational d: rector, Mrs. Edna Gallman, who wi be in charge of meal preparation fc the group, and 19 BTU membei left Thursday on a chartered bus ft Ridgecrest Assembly Grounc where they will attend the Soutl em Baptist Convention for a weel Those attending are Betty Hayt Peggy Smith, Gladys Sexton, Jea Cash, Faylene Falls, Jo Ann Stewa Mary Beth Hord, Beulah Rhea, Jea McClean, Billie Sue McDaniel, Chi lotte Jenkins, Barbara Matthew Cornelia Ware, Evelyn Cline, K, thryn Ware, Betty Cash. Gerry G gan, Bobby White and Billy Gei Amos. During the week there, the grot will attend study courses in tl mornings and participate in varii recreational activities in the afte noons. Each night inspiring pr grams will be offered with a vie to the needs of the many depa ments of the BTU. IN SDMMEB SCHOOL T P U.lnn.l/llltt Li?L w. ti. (1UUCJ WUl I, principal, entered summer schoc at Appalachian State Teacher college at Boone yesterday. Dur lng the six-week term Mr. Huney cutt, who holds a master's degre will take work designed to qual ify him for a master principal' certificate. furniture Compan Church Property auction of the property on June 2 The congregation did not confir sale to Mr. Parton, returning tl matter of sale of the property the building committee, which li eluded P. M. Neisler, J. B. Thamo son and Paul Mauney. Arrangement to sell bythe sealer bid method was then arrrtved t ' There was speculation amor business circles thrt King* Moui tain Furniture company could ui the property, which fronts 75 fo said l^^^he^ha/i|o^| an * ' '?' '7"' " " V U Pages Today j FIVE CENTS PER COPY Embezzlement perior Court Sisk Prosecuting Witness In Case ' Involving SI,685 l Tiioir ? . i .if XnigK i. Mountain, i:: 11 mcni iv n Clove!.?:i - .'.hit'". i ' in"1 - - 7 charges jf ecr.w.! ins ' former js-ob iFrank i Sisk, Kings Moun> >in .r. >r'i 11 ?r>, is the prosoeu':r.g -Mini's? Sheriff H A Logan. [r , issued [ | capias on Wednesday, iollowing the grand jury hearing on Tuesday He s did not arrest Mr. Ternpleton, il i I lowing, hirn time to make up bond, > 11 which was set at $2.0f ipera | tions of S and T Furniture company I which was opened here on North Piedmont avenue last winter. Mr. Sisk said that the business opened with himself is owner and Mr Tern pleton as manager. The bill of indictment handed Sheriff Logan orders him to have )r Mr. Ternpleton in court to answer charges of the state for embezzles" ment In the October November term * of Superior Court ir The bill of Indictment specifically charges that Thomas Ternpleton. from December 12, 1946, to May 15, ie 1947, was the agent of Frank F, n Slsk and was entrusted to receive ? money for Stsk with which to buy n furniture, further stating that 11 "Ternpleton, knowingly, wtlllngful'* ly, fraudulently, corruptly, unlaw fully, and feloniously, did embeze zle and convert to his own use and n did take, make away with, and ae0 crete with intent to embezzle, and _ fraudulently convert to his own use t- . . e tne saia sum of $1,685.89 in money belonging to the said Frank F. ,t SlBk." Mr. Templeton, former eighth y grade mathematics beacher, resign I; e<) ai a member of the faculty fol1years, and is a graduate of Cataw" ba College. He is a native of North Wllkesboro. Rites Conducted ,< For Mis. Eakei U Funeral services were held at 611 Bethel Methodist church Sunday for *r Mrs. Elizabeth Eaker, of Kings Moun s, tain, who died in Shelby hospital ?r near midnight Friday from injuries 3 received when struck Thursday by a V car driven by O. T. Thrift. is At an inquest held by Cleveland n county coroner J. Ollie Harris Monrt day night in "helby the accident m was termed "unavoidable." The re?r port read: "The deceased came to s, her death when hit by an automobile a- driven by G. T. Thrift. Accident unat> voidable," was the report from the te inquest called by Coroner Ollie Har? ris. ip ie The accident occurred in front of >(j Mrs. Eaker's home on Highway 74. *r. Her father. J. C. Earwood, who waa 0. killed In an automobile accident last w January, was the first victim*of a r. fatal highways accident in the coun ty for 1947. Mrs. Eaker was the fifth fatal victim of a highway accident in the ,1 county. ll Qrrt W 1- U o ... H... a,-... >.. T< . > ttau-iin , ui uic >JiaiV 3 highway patrol, reported that Mr#. Eaker, an expectant mother, wai crossing the highway behind a truck e when she ran directly into the path of the Thrift car. 3 She Is survived by her husband, Richard Eaker; two children, Linda , and Bonnie Eaker; her mother, Mrs. y J. C. Earwood. McGill Clan To Meet August 7 At Bethany 8- The annual McGill Reunion will ro be held at the Bethany A. R. F. chureh near Clover, S. C., on Thursday to morning, August 7 at 11 o'clock. i"?* A very Interesting program haa >* been arranged, incluudlng an ad* dress by the Rev. E. B. McGill, Jack* j. somdlle, Fla. Prizes will be givon to the following: Oldest lady And gen* tleman present, largest family presif ent, person traveling the' longest n- distance, and the youngest child proa t ant. J H The family and friends of the Clan m hrpivoSiiio/b^^h^irbefoulS m ad by a ptcafe dmnsr on the grounds a- ^^AnnotttieNgwmt conoemhy 1& V^jj>