<* . t V !. ( i ! . t ' . \ v it W. -A,.,, :- (' \ PB % H \'J f * < i > B||^JBBBBW^bM ' -^^1 I |P^RSNj| H i^^D^o^^^MfliflHV'iHfe'iA. v, 1 -?T"*^_ 'I PCNiSvSsSv vv^v. .^^mm f^^^^Brvyfl * '; D A "'j^l &**, -?fii Btft&:v.y /? -' ?'k.'. -v/.fc^i;- ;-'*!&i>.u fc-i flWKi^-ivti^^ 1^ V^^EiftH^^r * nHr; & ^*T H-irffLl ] 801 (II _ .. . f* Table is Porcelain T j?? i Chairs arc BIG wi > \ fortably. Upliolstcre \ Hacks. t OLID TIARDWC | bivtifuMv cr.r.nr.sKr I ? I . . 1 . V V , , 11 fci I?y ( t V } H. i ' ... - '-J-i t X. fx * ?< * y,v * ' * i' "v? < jS '' *} I r /"-'V (/' tb>Nj: : nkL V ,vW c.. 'jr. t V^Hlr w 'S? -i*?/..' ?-'- -*~*t .Vv**- ' * * *.' * * ' ?" j in six lon< Oufrstandin pares with l PcrceSoin To| "Co get a dinette for this P W will set a record for quality buyer AND HE'S DONE ! day's market! Just look at w X 'enameled and sturdily brace: PORCELAIN enameled on madt;. And the chairs?the' 'opped. they're HEAVY, they're H; tb Cont- and backs in colorful, uvishal Seats, Hurry in T! Um? ? B H mwmM 4RrJced at 1NNER$RR! i' . "ft ,fe i. \ I; \ * . \ ! r \ I More PROOP #thftt^it"costs" lqs? f Sec it-^examine the HrvceabUj [ cotton upholstering?Jje^on ivrv ^har*'cushion your dc|p!\Wcll| fi stitched for strength?^1 sidcVentiJj thattrcsTso HURRY!j INNERSPRII MATCH I N .Easily Worth $69.95! only.... Mattress or Box Spring Sep* , ; 'Talk about a combination that m< tress is inner-spring filled and up scientifically designed to give ipi ideal support_? together theyV CONVENIENT TERMS ON i-i. , ' ' ' a?aas=s..'. ' . . mmmmmmmmrnmmmmmmr andwrc rV "iT ??xszz* i "T-X?* g years for j ig quality... j $49.95 sets | 9 A*/ I p ? Big 5 Pe. Dz'nstfe I ROOF OF GREATER VALUE SALE that and LOW price!" That's what we told our K I t :.L - i ! .? . i wiui a uuy we aiant think possible on tohat you get: the table is hardwood beautifully !, the 32 hy 4 2 inch top is not just wood BUT A steel?one of the finest, easiest to clean tors y're not just ordinary chairs?they're BIU, B \RDWOOD and they have upholstered se<*,s tor?. Thcre'll ,bc a lot .of people asking for, th'g NG MATTRESS and J G BOX SPRING I ?788 i I rstely .... .^J2U6S rl ans BETTER SLEEP^? this" is itlWrhTHttH bolstered in countless layers of fine cotton?it's J >u deep, dreamless**sleep. The boiTgpring is*the, a t outstanding! , ,. > ?, ... J ? ;W?j?sH m IK j, .j ^CNrsai/occr PUNToF^coynSe |