/ - - |jk ' POPULATION In City Corporate Limits 6.574 Immediate Trading Area 15.000 VOL. 58 NO. 44 Nol Pros * * * * Hoey to Sp< 1 ] Local News Bulletins ' s FIRCMFN RHESTS I - City f'temen will be guests of I ^ WSj Junior Chamber of Commerce at a 0 )Jtr dinner meeting to be held Tuesday at 7 p. m. at the Trout Club. c All city firemen areinvited to at- r tend. ? n JAYCEES BROADCAST a John Ben Shepperd, national | g president of the-Junior Chamber of , j Commerce, will be heard with j( Frank Fister and Justin Miller, a president of the National Association of Broadcasters in nation- r wide broadcast over Mutual Sat- e urday afternoon from 1:30 to 1:34. t SYMPHONY FOND S530 e Total receipts on the Kings ? Mountain Symphony society drive e for funds for the 1947-48 season to- f taled $530 Wednesday, a gain of .$100 during the past week, accord- ! ^ ing to an announcement by Mrs. j Paul Mauney, chairman. Goal of ' n the campaign is $750. 0 b NEW POLICEMAN H N. M. Farr, chief of police, announced yesterday, that Chester p Una'Ara. former nltv-hiia rfrivpp hnc ? ? " ? i> accepted duty with the depart- 0 ment replacing AaVon Allen, re- v signed two weeks ago. The department has also gone on an eight b hour shift now instead of 12, he tl said. v SHOWN CHILD BETTER Betty Brown, critically injured a when hit by a motorc/cle October 0 21, was reported much improved s by Gastpn Memorial hospital off I- v clafs yesterdpy jnornfaA While hpr ? ? z'r'ft feel she will recover. Earl Ledford, 0 M operator of the motorcycle who W was also injured, was discharged j, from the hospital Sunday. tl ; ,, j| POST INCORPORATED i( Charter for the Otis D. Green tl Poat'155, The American Legion, is- Tl sued by Secretary of State Thad a Eure, last week, was filed Oct. 24 tj In the office of E. A. Houser, Jr., j, clerk of court. The purposes set a forth under this charter for the or- ? ganizatlon is to support and de- p, fend the constitution, promote 100 per cent Americanism and provide suitable memorials for those who ti have served their country. Incor- 1 porators are J. B. Keeter, J. E. p Herndon and Glee A. Bridges. .c 1 ? . - a TO NEAR DRY LEADER tl Dr . L. E. Barton, of Montgomery, 1 Ala., well-known dry 1?dor, will speak on the subject "Today's A- ? larmlng Liquor Problem" at the v First Baptnst church Thursday, November 0, at 7:90 p. m. v LIONS MUTING CHANGE | The Kings Mountain Lions club . # will meet lb November and De- 11 cember on first and third Thursdays rather than on second and , * ' ' fourth Thursdays, it was qnnottnc- | ed this week by W. K. Mauney, jr. . president. Mr. Mauney said the t S. action was taken to avoid holding M meetings on Thanksgiving and fc K Christmas nights. The club will r W therefore hold its regular meeting:- < at the high schdol cafeteria next % Thursday night at 7 o'clock. -~^~l - ; Merchants Discussed i Retail Sales Coarse Director* of the Kings Mountain J Merchant* association in meeting < Monday night, discussed plana for , holding a lO-day distributive educa- t tfcm course here, set a |B50 goal |or t the annual Christmas opening event , and discussed parking problems a- 1 gain. , Miss Puachers' Home to the City of Kings i fountain, will take place Wednes- ; lay afternoon, November 5. at four clock at the librarv. Clyde R. Hoey, of Shelby, North Carolina's senior senator, ex-Govertor and lifetime friend of the Mauey family, will make the address ' t the presentation exercises. The Kings Mountain Central High r chool band, under the direction of oe Hedden, will play for the oecas- { on at a special poncert beginning t 3:30 and continuing until 4:05. j The invocation will be given by lev. J. L. Morgan, D. D., president | meritus of the North Carolina Lu- | heran Synod. Following, the adIress of Senator Hoey, W. K. Maun- j y, representing the donor family, j /ill present the library and teach- j r's home to the city, with Mayor H. om Fulton accepting for the city, t Mrs. Vera Maimey Cooper, only aughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. f acob S. Mauney, whom the gift me- 1 toralizes, will unveil the portrait f her parents which adorns the li- ~ rary. The portrait was painted by t lenry Rood, Jr., of Greensboro. j_ The band will play "America" and 1 lev. W. H. Stender, president of the j linlsterial association and pastor J f St. Matthew's Lutheran church, ' /ill give the benediction. ] Following the program, the li-' i rary will be open to the public un- j \ 11 9 p. m., and the teachers' home j < /ill be open until 6 p. m. v j < Kay Dixon, native of Kings Moun i j ain, lifelong friend of the family, nd president of the National Bank 1 | f Commerce, of Gastonia,. will pre- ( ide at the presentation program, < /hlch will be attended by a large | umber .pf-out-of-town .citizens, as \ A handsome 16-page brochure has I eeh prepared for persons attending he.presentation by the Mauney fam V ly. It includes pictures of the inter- ] sr and exterior of the library and eachers' hpme, pictures of the melorlal plaque and of the late Mr. rid Mrs. Mauney, the donors, and B i~** 1 ? ? nuuicn iu iiic iaic atn. aiiu mis. " launey from Senator Hoey, Feder- E il Judge E. Y. Webb, and by Dr. Mor H an, In addition to a life sketoh of e Ir. and Mrs. Mauney. d First announcement of the gift c, o the city was made in October & 946 by the Mauney family, when it n purchased the Hord residence at the w ornei of King street and Piedmont a venue for that purpose. Since that a Lme the family has expended a arge capital outlay and much work 4 n completely renovating the resi- g ienee for its twin purposes, with a tew furnishings throughout, and rlth newly landscaped grounds. a The teachers' home has been in ? lee since the opening of the present chool yea^. Mr- ?nd Mrs. James llmpeon are in charge of its mangement. Mrs. Charles Campbell Is ? ibrariaft. Deed of the property to the city provides that operation of the gift hall be by a threC-man commission ncludtng a representative of the toard of city commissioner, board >f adhool commissioners, and a mem >er of the, Mauney family. Present nake-up of the commission is Carl r. Mauney, w, k.. Mauney, ana b. s. ieill. < , Donors are Samuel Augustus Mauley, 'Rufus Lawrence Mauney, Dous Carl Mauney, William Kemp AaUney, Mrs. Vera Mauney Cooper, . ind the late Rev. John David Mau- 1 ley, children of Jacob S. and Mar raret gUletta Mauney, and their ? amllles. With the exception of Mrs. I hooper, who lives at Chapel Hill vhere her husband is Lutheran pasor, all surviving children of the pimeer Kings Mountain citizens are 1 imminent Kings Mountain citizens. > Jacob S. Mauney (1B*6-1936> was 1 ?orn near Cherryville in Gaston \ scanty. At 17 he became a member 1 >t 72nd Regiment Of Worth Carolina 1 rroope In the War Between the Sta- c as in 1863Cand served with heroism t ind distinction. He returned home at < the age ot ?> and Was a farmer un ^^JoSS* XZZtTJFElon) \ Moui Kings Mountain. N. C. .eave 7 * * * * \sdayat P * & kf\ # ? $gm 'vs % ^K? i ZM. C* '-jjffjptiP I 'W: oHj MAUNEY MEMORIAL LIBRA Jacob S. Mauney Memorial L city in special ceremonies n of the late Mr. and Mrs. Mai :ourt Will Hear letty Yarn Appeal Appeal for review of the case ol Van Colder Yarn Company, ol New York. vs. Haywood E. Lynch and D. C. Mauney. of Kings Mountain. trading as Betty Yarn Mill was granted by the State Supreme court Wednesday, according to information received here. In tho suit In Clnvnlcmd Super' Lor Court la July. Um Von Geldei company wan awarded |udgmu>< against the Xing* Mountain fins In tip amount ol I26.18t.71. Plain till charged shipment oi yearn lr Job's Cola Stock Stock of Robert Abernethy i ob's Cola Bottling Co., Inc., h? een purchased by C. F. Allen, < aytona Beach, Fla., and by W. < licks, of Gastonia, it was annoum d this week by R. B. Grigg, pres ent. Mr. Abernethy Is no longer as? lated with the local firm, and M Jlen has assumed the office of s* stary . treasurer of the conceri rith Mr. Micks as vtce-presiden nd Mr. Grigg continues as pres ent. The firm is now bottling fit rinks, Bob's Cola, Whistle orang wanee grape, Swanee strawberr nd Golden ginger ale. Mr*. Everett Clonlnger Is servlr s part-time bookkeeper, with M lonlnger and John-Albany in cha e of plant operations, Mr. Grig aid. He also announced that, In recei radlng by the county health off er, the firm was given a sa nit a tic core of 100. ABMIST1CE SEHMOfc Rev. Vt H. Stender, pastor of St Matthew's Lutheran church, wll preach the sermon at a communi ty - wide service at First Baptis church November 9, In local ob servance of Armistic Day, It wai announced this week by John W Gladden, Legion commander. Thi special service is under sponsor ship of the Legion and VFW. Mde Graham R it ? vaa. m r iinerai xuies u Funeral services for Pride Gr 1am Ratterree, 53, prominent Kin, fountain citizen who died at ti lome here Sunday morning at 4:; vere held Monday morning-at tl lome at 11 o'clock. Rev. W. L. Prw y, paster of Boyee Memorial Al :hurch, conducted the rites and i erment followed In Mountain R< emetery. Mr. Ratterree, a native of Cles and CuUQty and at the time of 1 iaath a salesman for Lincoln ( ind Ralnt company, succumbed fi owing a five-week illness. He Ion Sastonia and for C. D. Kenny cw ?any. Be was the son of Sumpter Colui Ma Ratterree and the late Mrs. Ct itain ?. * . Friday. October 31. 1947 aken In' # * * * * * resentation i te|b*k^fl9^^flDHMSnH| pK? T * RY AND TEACHER'S HOME?Shown ob .lbraxy and Teacher'* Home which will I ut Wednesday alter noon. The donors ai uney. pioneer KingsMountain citizens. Body Of Pic. Felmc i Arrived At New Yo i <& 1 I Among the bodies of 6,200 fallen j servicemen returned to the United 1 ' States this week aboard the USAT ' j Joseph V. Connolly, was Pfc. Felmer J L. (Pete) Lynn, U. S. Army, who was killed in action in Germany on No- j v/pmKnr O 1 QAA J Pfc. Lynn who was employed at Park Yarn Mill before entering ser1 vice March 15, 1944, was first reported missing In action. He landed 1 In France In September 1944 and sec yrfd, iaJtelMfrm JthdLuxembourg. tew, fits pttf6nt4i Mr. &nd Mrs. v. C. Lynn, three sisters, Mrs. Jo(in Mitchem, Mrs. Austin Barrett, and Miss Marene Lynn, and a brother, J. C < Lynn. The body of Pfc. Lynn, along with n the majority of the others returned ls aboard the Connolly, was Interred at 3f Henri Chapelle cemetery, Eupen, n Belgium. The body is to arrive sit the Charlotte Quartermaster depot for j. disposition according to the wishes of the family. , j * Successful Floral f Fair Held Friday re ' e, In spite of heavy rain last Friday y, ?some of which found its way into the Woman's Club kitchen ? the ig annual club Floral Fair was reportr. ed to be quite successful from all r- points of view by club official. ;g Large crowds, including a number of out-of-town guests, attended i j. the Fair, dining room service did >n booming business, and bazaar coun ters hung up the "soldout" signs early, Mrs. i, K. Willis and Mrs. E. W. j Griffin, co-chairmen of the event, ' this week thanked all persons who had a part in presenting the annual 1 Fair. s (Ed. Note: Due to other Important news material, floral fair prize wins 'ners were, of necessity, omitted from this week's edition. They will be published next week.) atterree Succumbs; inducted Monday a- r!e Amanda Herndon Ratterree. gs A veteran of World War I, in lis which he served with the 81st Infan30 try division, he was prominent 'In lie affairs of tlte local American Lets glon post, having served many years OP as adjutant. He was a member of n- the AMP church, and a member of ist the board of deacons. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Buth ,* Wicker ftatterree, a son,,'Pride, Jr., of Staunton, Va.. his father, and a J brother, Bright D. Ratterree, also of >l* Kings Mountain. TI- 4 m in Active pallbearers were members m- of the ARP church board of deacons, C. L. Black, Wendell pMlfer, Oetarj m- McCarter, Llndaay McMackin, T. H. u-1 Crawford and f. D. Fultonu ;Wrd . " .. Vv * # formally presented to the re children and grandchildren r (Pete) Lynn ik On Connolly Freeze-Locker Board To Meet ... Directors . of . Kings . Mountain. .Freezer-Locker, Inc., will meet at. .the Margrace Mill office Monday, .night at 7:30, it wgs .announced. . yesterday. Meantime all members of the stock-canvassing committee are being urged to provide the so ere HT>ral weeks 090 to renew efforts to sell e minimum of $30,000 in i stock, regarded as necessary to launch the proposed Kings Mountain locker plant, with the provision that, should the goal not be reached, previous stock subscriptions would be returned to purchasers. Mis. Hehn Heads Girl Scont Gioup Mrs. Otto Hehn was named chairman of the King? Mountain Girl Scout committee at a meeting at the Lutheran church Monday night and the group announced plans foi a $750 fund drive, as the Kings Moun tain share in a county-wide campaign which has as its goal $6,000 W. W. Tolleson, who was named flhance chairman of the local com mittee, will be In charge of the fund raising campaign. Mrs. A. W. Kin caid was named co-chairman of th< Kings Mountain committee. At the Monday night meeting, at tended by representatives of clvi< clubs, troop leaders and Interestec parents, Miss Fannie Funderburk executive director of the Pioneer A rea council, presented to the grouj the over-all work of the council anc the need for a town committee ir Kings Mountain. Mrs. Neisler Head Of Seal Sale Group Mrs. W. C. Stallings, secretary o the Cleveland County Tubercula Association, announced this weel that Mrs. Hunter R. Neisler has beei appointed chairman of the Persona Solicitation Committee of the 194 Christmas Seal Sale in Kings Moun tain. Mrs. Neisler and her committe will contact all business firms am industries In the town to ask then to buy Christmas Seal Bonds. Thl campaign will get underway Mon day, November 3 and will contlnui for two weeks. The money raised will be added t that given to the regular fund, th ale which begins November 24 am will -be uaed to combat tuberculosl I a ? s - ? in v.ieveiana uiuniy. . Thts year's goal has Bdeti Set s $8,000 and of that amount. $2,500 1 expected to be given by the bd sines firms and.industrial plants of th county. The quota for MM-Neisler1 committee to obtain from King Mountain's businessmen is $700. ?? ' ' "S? ?.> '-w '< * ' - v , N* 1 C P?9es I 0 Today FIVE CENTS PER COPY ton Case , Dayton Case Is Thiown Out By Grand Jury The State took a nc! pros with leave Thursday morning in Cleveland Superior Court in its charge of embezzlement against Thomas To:)pleton of Kings Mountain. A no! pros with leave means that the district solicitor can re-open the I case at a future date on the presentation of further evidence. The court entrv read: "In the case of the State vs. Tempieton, no! pros with leave. Next case " Mr. Tempieton. former Kings Mountain school teacher, had been free under S2.000 bond after a Cleveland county grand jtlry had rei turned a true bill on charge of embezzlement of 81,685 in the opera uons of s. & T. Furniture company, j here, in which the defendant and > Frank Sisk. local mortician, were i partners. Mr. Sisk was the prosecuj tinp witness in the grand jury heari ing last July. Thrown out. even before it reachj ed the court, was the charge of murder against Haroldotis Dayton, state [.highway pafolman stationed here, who had been bound over by a rei eorder's court jury in connection with the death of Carl Short, Cher] ryvilie police chief. The grand jury, of which George W. Mauney of Kings Mountain was foreman, failed to return a true bill j on the charges, which had been pressed by Short's family, following i acquittal of Dayton by a coroner's ! jury here. Dayton had been free under bond i of $2,300, since being bound over. The grand jury, in effect, repeated I the verdict of tha coroner's Jury I which ruled the shooting of Short Justifiable. -T?l -I ' I i ne snooting occurred on the i York Road the night of August 19, [ when Dayton tried to arrest Short I on a charge of drunken driving. In the fracas which followed, Dayton received a severe knife wound in the | arm. The family's attorney said Wedsubsequent grand juries, but It was generally doubted if the charges would be sustained. in other actions by the court, Carl Carpenter, of Kings Mountain, was sentenced to serve three years in the State penitentiary for bigamus cohabitation with a woman whom he had attempted to marry while married to another woman. Carpen! ter plead nolo contendere. ' The charge of assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill against Ruth Rhodes was continued. The defendant had waived hearing in recorder's court here, on charges of wounding Russell Crockett with a | shotgun blast. , Wayne Morefield and John Daniel Crocker, youthful co-defendants on lU_ _? ? -a *- 1 i uiree cnarges 01 DreaKing ana en' terlng and larceny here and in Gro. ver, each were given eight-month sentences and two additional twoyear suspended sentences. ! Library Is Ghrtn ! S3 Volumes Oi Books ^ The Jacob 3. Mauney Memorial j Library this week acknowledged gifts of 63 volumes of books. ? Among the books given were: 1 ! From Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Herndon , | and family, 11 volumes of "Source i Records of the Great War"; six voli umes by Curwood: six volumes by iTarkington; 10 volumes. "The Wit land Humor of America": one vollume, "Songs from the Slums," I From Mrs. William Farley, nine '(volumes on 'The Twins," by DoroT thy Whltehill. l From Aubrey Mauney, 20-volume 1 set "Outline of Knowledge" and a 7 miscellaneous assortment. Mall Messenger i Bids Are In+lted : " ? | Sealed proposals will be received e by W. E. Blakely, postmaster, through November 7 at 4 p. m. for the po9 sltlon of mall mesenger at thie local |! postofflce, aocording to bulletin board notices at the postofflce and at the City Hgll. . it '*1. t; drrtils, i&o has held this pos sltlon for several years, has resigned, tt was announced: All Irrfornifctloi*, e as to equipment required la contftln' ed In the netlee, and application a blanks may be secured from the postmaster. ' i " v ' m