IMAMBOKO SKETCHES OF \ r Oak Grove News By Mrs. Willi cm Wright A singing school began at the lo |? cal church Monday night and wil continue for two weeks, taught b; Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Lovelace o Patterson Grove were the Sunda; guests in the home of Mrs. Ann Mc Swain and .Mr. and Mrs. Horace Bell Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Champloi and daughters, Betty Jean and Ar bradella spent Sunday with Mr. am Cole Planted? Good | Stock On Hand V * H I Now is a good time to buy I your Cole Planter for next fS I Spring. I We have them on the floor I now. Get them while aI vailable. I PHIFER I Hardware Co. Phone .46 /Stud (h t&C C4U/k*H^^m OH tA* 1*4*1 o? tfOUX ^ $c?c /4uttf 0e*H* *H*t *)'U *XH?t fOH * cet&i 4 6 6 a/ ?re W @A*m/U**f $*** *LL tf . **' C0r <**> boy Cy A airy. The ] WIIKDtQQ n IOfCrU>eQ 1 and Us "FlyUf A" MM exum <#Uliiy lMkMfkd copper riveted. Made to j ' MB H H* ^R. ^K- - : ^HL DEPABTM t Remember?You A u' Mrs. Henry Kiser and family of Cherryville. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ware attended the Williams-Patterson wedding Sunday afternoon held in David's Baptist church. . Mrs. H. T. Wright, Mary, Peggy, and Bobby, were Sunday dinner I guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Bell and son, Mickey. ' Mr. and Mrs. Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Stpkes Wright were the Saturday | f night supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. I f W. F. McGlll and Mrs. Laura Wolfe | > of the St. Luke section. [. Miss Louise Champion was host- | ess to the Y. W. A. on Monday, Octo1 ber 27. Mrs. Ruth Vess had charge ' of a very interesting program, which was about Mexico. During the social hour refreshments were served, and a surprise household shower was 1 given for Miss Sara Champion. Miss Champion received a lot of nice gifts. Mr. Keever Hamrick and sister, Annie Ray, of the Mt. Sinali community and Miss Louise Champion of this section were recent guests with friends at the State College, Raleigh. Mrs. Edward Bell entered the Shel by hospital Saturday for treatment, i Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Randall and I son, Bobby, were recent visitors with !Mr, and Mrs. A, T. Randal), jr., and little son of Hickory. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Bell and sons of Gastonia have moved back to their farm here. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Ledford and children of Shelby were the Sundav ffliPCtc r\f "Mr ond IT r> w* uku mi o. rv. o. Ledford and family. Master Carl Champion spent Sunday with the scribe and husband. Afternoon visitors were Miss Annette and Michael Ware. Mr. and Mrs. Menzell Phifer of Kings Mountain were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ware and children. How wonderful to think I'm almost a poet, if I could have gat things cultivated in th top story? Old Speckle rose from off her nest and cackled with much vigor, As if to say that egg my best, no hen .can lay a bigger, t.nohe nmbn woh a > 9 I 4 Mgjr WBOYS WEAR IUINE <2u^, I Jeans . ."*" V".-." /. /, . *. ?*-? ' \ .* '. ? 6, wants ml cow buy Mm d by Amtki'i Na 1 Cow* catber label attadsed oo *a rfch Gum Amuf* ilgoiao lb brand, lb* Jmm an ol ?Uww a 4-fcotb warn-up cuC ~ ';i ^ .^^ .;, . i, . , ;./ -, $.-?r. ... Ina?U AnnMlnn A ?. ? tfca lakal la ma jackal th?t U |?e4 far aa awtaOroptiad color pkote of Oaaa Airtry cnkI Choiaplon. * v SU8 \ , *, - V.' i 4 i *" 1 AN IXCIU4IVI '8MMMT THE PWQgHOOHTAIM HEBJI When off duty, a Navy man ashore In this country may wear civilian clothing if he likes. Navy men enjoy 30-day annual leaves with full pay. IN TIME F0H Black Cardboard ? If you ne?d these items to 1 tions, come to Herald Publ STERCH Colonia M (fc* KB i 8 ? PIm MapU Poster M .. Tall M la. t-Dr. 1 Cb?t 47.50 w5m5r"7. .71777 S?.JO ISTsl > ^ ' \ '* . .? IP, PUGS MOPHTAIH. It. C The Navy provides national security ? and old age security for those who serve in it. The Navy offers a man a chance j to travel?learn?and earn. t HALLOWEEN i Orange Cardboard I ielp in Hallowe'en decoraishing House J I S jL fine i I Tradition a vrfpft. n*W?A; ? ;w?- v - .',; i * Lovely n ^| Big 44 Inc with Toll SOLID maple by the fin so low! Every detail has for'their simple charm. F / drawers. Made from fine satiny early American fin Sterchi's convenient term I 42.50 64 by 14 in. Vanity ? >? 7.W n.w Bay On iSImcU'i Easy T..-7- ... jr.,. ^. --.--r, - " "^T^"fV>T- ; " Page FJw HALLOWE EN DANCE FRIDAY NIGHT. OCTOBER 31 at the New Pavillion (upstairs) 206 1-2 West Warren Street SHELBY, N. C. ' Costumes Optional Square Dancing Round Dancing Men $1.00 (tax included) Ladies 50c -?Dancing every Saturday Night? ? " V naple in the I oV? Pr'?tes! mH iN'WWW'''*'*^* in ?? -- . w M|| | - Atm IP^^I^^Pf^T. *<* :' '** *1?S *. \ SOLID naple OPEN STOCK GROUP h Vanity ^^)50 Mirror ^ e maker who crafted these pieces Is seldom priced faithfully followed antique ,originals outstanding hill dovetail construction throughout, dustproof st select Bolid maple stock and hand rubbed to ish. Select the piece or pieces you need?buy os . v r. 'V.v. /' ;. .v [ "i ?-v tfV '-.>, ' .,? .V :' . ' - :'U j ' |