I In City Corporate Limits 6.! I Immediate Trading Area 15.1 !y ?; * AV ' * . V_j_i VOL. 58 NO. 47 City Resi Local News Bulletins PADGETT CHAMP Dr. P. G. Padgett will be pres< (ed a trophy as golf champion Kings Mountain.Country club night at a banquet at the club, defeated Carl Moss for top horn In the championship flight of I first club tournament. PRESBYTERIAN FILM aironlna n * 7 QA n * CI is ? * v? c* j cvcitiiig cxi at x 1 Presbyterian church the film "1 yond Our Own" will be shov The picture, filmed through 1 united effort of Protestant chur< es at a cost of $85,000, has just b< released. The public is invited attend. THANKSGIVING SERVICE Thanksgiving Day Service w be held at St. Matthew's Luther church, Thursday morning, N< ember 27, at 10 a. m. We cordi ly invite our friends to worsl with us on this day. This day a its worship offers a real oppori nity to express to God our gra tude "for his abundant" blesslr during the year. EXECUTIVES orPtCESS Ladd W. Hamrick, former Kir Mountain citizen, was elect president of the Cleveland coui executives club last Friday nig W. K. Mauney, of Kings Mount! was elected vice-president, and A. Bridges was elected a dlrec for three years. Holdover direct in the club; which brings pror nent speakers to the county. 1 Mauney, J. JL. McGill and C. ' Neisler. ABE BREAKFAST Annual Thanksgiving breakf; S. WfeX m.1 ? ?vS Thursday at 8:30, follow,*} Thanksgiving services conduct . at the church by the pastor, R< W. L. Pressly, at 8 o'clock. Man Goforth Is chairman of the .bres fast commltete, wlh a large nui ber of assistants. TWO FIRES. SAME PLACE City firemen answered an alai Tuesday night about 9 o'clock s extinguished a blaze at the re dence on North Piedmont aveni across from the Southern Railro depot. The fire was:caused by defective flue, and caused sm damage. Without repairing t flue, the tenants of the house bu another fire on Wednesday. T result was another call to the f department to extinguish a bla No general alarm was given. BUILDING PERMITS Building permits issued at CI Hall by S. A. Crouse, city clei during the past week Include: h vember 18, Marie Whitesides, n< four room dwelling on Deal ?tre $2,500; Nov. IS. Robert C. CI* new four room dwelling on S|i ' and Ridge streets, $2,500; Nov. H. S. Scruggs, new six room dwe lng on 2nd st., Cora mill, $2,0< and H. D, Ward, new six roc brick dwelling on Mountain stre $8,000; and Nov. 13, J. F, Allis Estate, cement block garage 108 S. Piedmont avenue, $500. u laycees May Bo Bespirator Junlc Chamber of Commc members discussed plans for go f. ble purchase of a portable resp r tor for use In this area for emerge Lfc cases where artificial resplratioi f needed at the Tuesday night mi rf. Ing of the club held at the Worn club. The project was turned ove the club directors. v A representative of the Mill) ? compahy, developers of the resp tor for the armed services during ... . past war, was present to explain tails of operation and uaafev.y. 5? 1 Ouesta of the club included Di ffcrerontin ^ ningi^nre cj UMdffito*one for emergency a I of drowning, cttCtriMl shock, other cams needing arftlclal re M ><^?Th?'anIt Is designed for use ? MM rescue squad for quick access J O^ (Cont'd on page SFlrot Secttor JjSSJpnj! =1 King idents Urg Country Club l Stockholders , In Annual Mee Some 50 odd stockholders of Kings Mountain Country Club, held an enthusiastic dinner mei !n' at the clubhouse Tuesday nigi of lected directors for the forthcoi t?- year, heard reports of the off "e and committee chairmen, and ors nated more than 51,500 to the the to materially defray an open deficit. The election of directors was r by voice vote after Byron Ke rst nominating committee chain had read his report. All were el< "n- unanimously. The dozen inel he five carryover directors, F. W. PI H. R. Neisler, Dr. P. G Padgett,, sen Milam and Carl F Mauney, and to en new directors, O W. Myers, M. Neisler, Otto (Toby) Willi Jacob Cooper, George W. Mar Hugh Ormand and Paul McGir 'ill Members retiring as directors an J. A. Neisler, president for the >v* several years, L. Gilbert Hord, l al* FiNKerson, H. Tom Fulton, L. Ar *iP Kiser, and Aubrey Mauney. n(* W. J. Fulkerson, chairman ol greens committee, reported plai 'tl- improvements to the course and 'gs ways, and Hunter Neisler gave report of the house committee w showed a deficit of $320 since opening of the club, iff s % gd Secretary Carl F. Mauney gavi ,ty report for the year, which show h> total operating deficit of slig more than $2,000, which include q' cently completed installation c tor' heating system. are After discussion by Arnold K ni- M. A. Ware, Marshal Heavene dr. W. Myers, P. D Herndon and D E. L. 'Ramseur the group voted to cept voluntary contributions l | the membership to wipe out th< icit and enable the Incoming b is't of directors to launch the cui or- year wltb a "clean slate." (Situ i mt ^ members not present will ^be ^ act ident Neisler. President Neisler alco repc e that new stock certificates, nee ?. tated by a recent charter chi r'n have been received and may be tained from the secretary by t m" ing In present stock certificates was suggested the certificates t er be mailed to Secretary Carl Mauney or taken to him in perse ri , his office at Mauney Mills, Inc "J President Neisler expressed opinion that the club would b ble to operate "in the black'.' in aa future and urged expanded us ? the club by the membership. S? al suggestions were offered to , * fher promote use of the club. I"1 Officers of the club are ete , e from the directorate by the direc ire ze. . ' ATTEND MEETING Rev. Wm. H. Stender, pastoi St Matthew's Lutheran chui lty together with W. K. Mauney, I pIj Mauney, Aubrey Mauney i [0* Geprge H. Mauney, attended ? ?w Ann.ual State Convention of Lutheran Brotherhood of N. rk' which was held in St John's theran church at Salisbury, Tv .4 day. Dr. Amos Travor of Philar ,i]' phla, editor of the National Lu M. eran Brotherhood Magazine > ' the featured speaker at the b et quet held that evening. About on' pastors and delegates attended ot the convention. A. ; Children Are Ii y Contests In Chii Plans for the annual Merch ?rce Association Christmas opening si" tlval were moving forward this v Ira- according to Ned McGill, secre ncy of the association, t;> \ is The festival this year will inc set- a big paiade celebrating the an: ans visit of Santa Claus, which is sc r to uled for- December ft, and whlcl ; r expected to attract the largest.ci ikln in the hfatory of the event. Ira- Meaptlme, children are belnj the vited to enter any one of three da- rada contests for prizes. A bk contest Is being -arranged for cl r. J. ran 18 and under, a wagon cm 1a?s- #A? AklM? "fO?A AM Mr. Ruth. The first, second and tnd prto* winners Uk.Aach dlvlilon ?pi- receive $10, $5 And $8 resspectli rlth made to secure several float? ton and PAMde, and announced that tlwr I) Scouts, Soy Scout# and at least s Moun Kings Mountain. N. C.. F [ed To Part irMM 9 IfiL?Tt | Inc., icers nade eter, ; Tian' I ufl JgpB Uhhi| l?nk, S?V ~^^CK ams, iney, inis 1 are past V. J. nold the med ' v1' LARGE THRONG ATTENDS LT . i . (Pet*) Lynn, King* Mountain i ?? were held Sunday afternoon at the for.a disinterred serviceman ret the church and the burial senri 2 his ??????? ? :htly Kino* Mmiwtaiw If "a For Annual Thanli dser, . r w Food Gifts Sought <*cm Fof Vet's Family ; def ' . : oard The Child Welfare chcdnmcm of rrent the American Legion Auxiliary from has placed a basket at B. & B. food . wel* store fdr ?*sfcijifa Legion AxaOMwishing to make g * donation of >rtor! 1044 lor ^ Thanfcsgtang Basket , which is to be sent to a veterans' family. This (Omlly is deprived of , ? the earning capacity of the veter'urn an* "** we m?ke preparation for j| this Thanksgiving "Season may we . . remember in a material way othp' ere less fortunate, so that they too | ' can enjoy Thanksgiving," a spokesman for the Auxiliary said. | the et?e Lutheran Annual ? of Meeting Sunday furMembers of the St. Matthew's Lueted theran church will hold a congregates tlonal meeting Sunday morning at 11 o'clock to adopt the church budget for 1948, and to make plans for the every-member visitation which ui is to De maae on sunaay artemoon. | The Pastor will preach a special ln(j' sermon on - "Stewardship," after the whlch the .visitors selected by the the Stewardship Committee will be com C missioned by the pastor. ^u" The visitors will meet at the chur e?" ch at 2:00 p. m. and be assigned their cards and visits. They will relth" port back to the church upon the completion of their assignments. 700 All the members of the church are I for urged to be present for this-annualmeeting. 1 11 ; 11 nrlted To Enter istmas Parade i i d i ants school bands will appear In the pates rade. One float, for Santa Claus to , veek ride on Is being built by the Merrtary chants Association. J. L. Settlemyre, Kings Mountain artist, has designed lude the float. bed' Llne-of-march of the parade v.'i be as follows: form on Gold street, . proceed to Plonk's Store, north on Railroad avenue to the overhead kaM* C.-v . . U D?*?l . a . jnOi, i^uUUl Oil IwaCTTcjgrUUIIU H) LiOiU I m street, thence to Gaston street, north vole 40 Mountain street. West to Battllrtlrt ground, ?iorth to King, east to Pled. j mont and thence to the City Hall . pet wher* th? P*rade will end. Hil. 1- L. McGlll Is general chairman (vlg. of the event, with G. A. Bridges and nt?r Hilton Ruth aa committee members! )*ge Joe ^ Woodward, O. Wi Myers, and 0Uld E. C. MeClaln are members of the 4 t0 association finance oommlttee.? hird The festival will mark the offlwill clal opening of the Christmas searely, son in King* Mountain. The city will elng erect Christmas llghu mi that date r the and merchants are expert^ to be -Girl showing full Hnes of special Christ i tain 1 4 riday. November 21. 1947 icipate In mk^WKm LgM^: > 8Bl JAE ,1$f: f?M .- :. : - I I ^Ur B -J r UN RITES?Shown above Is the I vat 'hero who fell In action in Get Macedonia Baptist church. The ill imed from an overseas cemetery. , ces at Mountain Rest cemetery. ; Getting Ready sgiving Holiday > With the price of turkey (dress and drawn) at 59 cents per pour and poultryless Thursday elimin ted except for eggs, Kings Mounta is busying itself for observance the annual holiday. Special church services Jn majo ty "of churches ? some beginnl with large dinners, and football j so on the menu. Grocers were expected to do a ru business the firit of next week, housewives strengthened their lar ers with turkey, cranberries and t other traditional Thanksgiving tri mlngs. City schools will suspend ne Wednesday afternoon with a Thui day and Friday holiday in sto while the majority nf Kings VTmi tain retail firms will close as us al next Wednesday at noon, givii retail personnel a one and one-ha day respite. The Wednesday, afta noon half-haliday, incidentally, w be the last of the year until aft Christmas is past. ' For football, many Kings Mou tain citizens will trek to near! Charlotte for the annual renewal the Wake Forest South Carolii game. Some tickets are still ava ?ble, but are reported to be goii fast after South Carolina's fine she ing against Duke. For a.double-decker football san wich, fans are also planning to < tend in large numbers the Harve Bowl affair scheduled for Thanh giving night in ?helby, where Sh< by's fine, high school team w clash with the Concord Spiders, to flight team in the South Piedmo conference. Harvest Band tickets are on sa here at Woodward's Kings Mou tain Drug, Pastime Billiards, ai Waffle Shop. Bridges 4 Hamrick Enteral By Robbers Robbers entered Bridges & Har rick hardware store here durii Tuesday nlght~and made way wi loot Including pistols, ammunitio and a small amount of cash, N. Farr, chief of police reported We nesday. v Entry was gained into the bull ing from the roaf by cutting throuf a ventilator according to polk trlth the time of the entry set i probably early In the night. Chief ,Farr reported police we tracking down a couple of lead with no arrest made to date. The culprits left the building 1 the rear door, police stated, leav|i a plank Inside to block the door ai make it appear to be locked et re ular inspection shortly before ml WO late development* were repoi ed In the case by noOn Thursday. SilOUIfCOTltS Paul H. McGlnnla, and Cat Herman Ifaaney were i awards Eagle Scout rank at a recent Bo! a . ut Court of Honor held here. ierald Anti-Rat ( "" , ] j J ;< '."?/ j 'v:' Hwl j th s' da I be al i In I th * - ; fh lag-draped bier of Pfc. Felmer L. od many, tor whom final funeral ritns ; de es for Pfc. Lynn were the flret here \ ty It huge crowd attended the rltea at i te; Herald photo by Bundy. co j 1 College Cage Game er Tickets Go On Sale P"a i ac Ticket* went on sale Thursday de 1 night for the Catawba-Lenoir- ' ed Rhyne basketball game, which will ,dt j be played on December 1 at the j[)a. a' high school gymnasium. in j They are availably, from any I Pe 0f; member of the Kings Mountain | 6 | Lions club, sponsoring organlia- or' rj. tion. at S1.00 for adults and. SO nR cents for students and children. 1 ?i. Bitty Ruth, chalrnjJU* of th* is |J[^ | committee on arrangements, said oa t]; yesterday plans are going forward ; up I for the game and he added that 1 pi, | persons who expect to see the I is as | game should purchase tickets eard. j ly, as a large crowd is expected to 1 So he witness the contest between the j Kl m j two fast North State conference jdi college teams ! fP( 'V Mrs. Bridges' Funeral Today .u l i"',1 ,r. ' ?f (|] Final rites for^Mrs. Lillie Mae JVhite th< Bridges, 53, wife of B. Hudson Brid- j ne i ges, who died at her home on Ful- | j ton street Wednesday afternoon at n- I 2:30 following a long Illness, will be de ay held Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock at clt of Patterson Groye Baptist church. I ! ,a f coi Rev. L. C. Plnnlx, pastor of the foi ' First Baptist church, of which Mrs.! im J* Bridges had been a member since pa i childhod, will officiate, assisted by j Rev. W. F. Munroe, and Rev. T. W. 1 d- ^ogleman. Interment will be in Pat- I ? it- terson Grove Cemetary. >#t j Mrs. Bridges hid been in ill heal- W :s; th for the past three years. She wa* Jf tl- I a native of Cleveland county, and III had lived most of her life In Kings ( P" I Mountain. ' nt i da Surviving in addition to her hus- 1 He le j band, at a son, B. H. Bridges, jr., her Mi n- I parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. K White, j Dr id 1 six brothers, Ernest N White, Green- j wl vllle, S. C., Wllburn K. White, Dallas, da 1 Texas, Paul K. White, Columbia, S. j tei C. and W Albert White, John L. and tei James E. White, all of Kings Moun- | tain. Also surviving are three sisters, 1 Mrs. Fred L. Babbington. Natahala. Ru n. and Mrs. A. C. Jenkins and Miss VI- of ola White, both of Kings Mountain. C01 th I toi n, JAYCEE DIRECTORS 15?1 Directors of the Kings Mountain < a* Junior Chamber of Commerce will ba . hold their regular monthly meet- Mt ' ing at the Country Club Tuesday an flight at 7 o'clock. It will be a sup- j per meeting. ize E Mountaineer Gzidde 2 Against Lincolnton ] id ' g- Central football Mountaineers Jli d- meet the strong Lincolnton high th< Wolves .here Monday night in the , 't- finale of the schedule for the locals, the game moved up from Tuesday at the request of the visitors. Kickoff I Is set for 7:30 p, m. v- - .1 Seven seniors will be playing A ?1? ? *? - ?- i nob1 Huff -1 ?,3J . i"!*'1 "^?i Medlln and Boo ?-bUt1 wasSS?Mi*-,r jjif 1I f v. \ .. .' cr.? - t? ' ? ' 1 C Pages |0 Today FIVE CENTS PER COPY Campaign ity Dwellers frged To loin 'aimer Effort I'lK Kings Mountain Junior Chamr of Commerce, endorsing the unty-wide campaign being conicted by agricultural agencies to terminate rats, expanded the ef ii mis hi'ck to include the City of ngs Mountain. The organization is urging city sidents, business and industrial ms to join in the war on rats, licit have increased locally in eat numbers in the past year. Supplies of a special rat poison II be available to city residents id firms as well as farmers, and ders for the special type rat-killer, aich is being supplied at cost (a liar's worth is sufficient to cover e average - sized farm) may be aced at Ward's Feed and Seed are on Cherokee street. However, ders must-fee received by Wedensy, November 26. The poison will distributed on December 3, and 1 persons, firms and others are beg urged to put out the poison on e following two days. ? Farmers, who have not yet placed eir orders for the poison, are urgto place their orders prior to the adline at Ward's, with their counagent, or with the agriculture icher at the county school most nveniently located. The Jaycees, President Jacob Coop said, will make a canvas of bus?ss and industrial firms, urging rticipation in the campaign, will cept orders for the poison, and will liver it on arrival. Individual citizens who desire to rtlcipate in the campaign, and to are unable to place their orders rsonally, should contact a memr of the Javcees. who will taifo ? ' ? der and see that it is delivered. The special rat-killer being prered by the agricultural agencies a combination of red quill; rolled ts and ground fish. It will be made i In small balls and should be aced in the rat-invested areas. It not harmful to domestic animals. "We have been anxious to do mething about the rat situation in ngs Mountain for sometime," Pres ?nt Cooper said, "and the Jaycees ?1 that making a city-wide effort the same time rural residents are ttling the rats, will be more proctlve of results. "Rats are breeders of typhus fevas well as robbers of grain and ter foodstuffs. From the number large-size rats in the city areas, ; cooperation of every person'is eded to combat the problem." The s&me deadline for placing orrs for the poison applies to both y and county residents. Some 1,600 farmers of Cleveland unty have already placed orders r the poison and indicated their tenuon 01 cooperating In the camign. inal Bites. Held or Mrs. Lewis Funeral services were held Suny at 3 p. m. In Keeter Funeral ime in Rutherfordton for Mrs. try Taylor Lewis, 76., mother of . O. P. Lewis, of Kings Mountain, 10 died at her home early Satury morning after a long illness. In ment was in Rutherfordton cemey Rev. Erhie Jackson, pastor of the therfordton First Baptist church, which she was a charter member nducted the services. \ life-long resident of Rutherford l, she would have been married years this month. 5ther survivors' include her husnd, Joseph P. Lewis, one daughter s. Geofge^ Ferguson, of Gastonia, , d two grandchildren. * A V... ? u? -A wrt . i iiumuer ui ivings Mountain citns attended the services. xs In Finale Heze Monday II I r - ' .-V n Hudglns, and Ernie Jenkins, in ft line. loaches John RudlsllI and Don rker ,will be gunning their chars for an upset win over the Wols with the extra weekend practice d rest. King. Mountain has won one and it nine this season In Coach RudlPi first year. Last year the team if all lfttermeri except Medlin.