' V..:, .?\. POPULATION tn City Corporate Limit* 6.574 Immediate Trading Area 15,000 *.mT * VOL. 58 NO. 50 ' Jf ' I j . mWrn - al . SANTA CLAUS ON HIS PRE-CHI float of the Kings Mountain Merc * ner and Blltsen, or a couple oth< which was designed by J. L. Settl not Indentitled. i I I Local News Bulletins * . EXECUTIVES CLUB Jeff Williams, well - known humorist from Chickasaw, Okla., will address the Cleveland County Executives club at its dinner at Hotei Charles, Shelby, Friday night at 7 o'clock. Reservations should be in the hands of Secretary W. M. FicKlen, h;^ noon Friday. WILLIS RE-APPOINTED J. K. Willis, mall messenger for . thO local postofflce, was low bidi ^ der' among three men entering bid* for the contract job and was re-aippointed to that position, It was announced by Postmaster W. E. Blakely. RANGERS QUARTET The Rangers Quartet, radio artists, featuring Hovie Lister, master Of the ivories, will appear in person at Bethware high school auditorium next Tuesdav nieht at 8 p. m., it was announced by Mrs. , Charles Owens. The program is under sponsorship of the BethWare Home Economics club. 3 MUW8WICK STEW Tt\e Ladies' society of El Bethel Methodist church will serve supper at the church Saturday night at 6 o'clock. The menu will feature Bniqgwlck Stew, coffee and desMrt and the eating fee will be U&. A bazaar will also be a feature of the event. J fT V . f . j LUTHEHAN PARTY This members of St. Matthew's Lutheran church will, gather Tuesv-x day evening, Dec. 16, for the an. nual Christmas party. An evening of entertainment, decorating, games* refreshments will be enjoyed. A cordial Invitation to attend Is ' PIZ8BTTER2AM FILM At V:SO Sunday night at the Presbyterian church a Christmas moving picture called "Child of Bethlehem" sHll be shown. It will Interest both young and old, In Its portrgyei of the etory. A cordial Invitation fa* extended to all. LUTHERAN SERVICE "ChrUtmas Blessing*" is the title of the service to be held at the y. ; ' JLuthelaq church, Sunday evening, Deeeqher 14, at 7:30 p. m. The osrvict constat* of the showing of tho Mautlful colored ChurchCraft illdsa. The public Is cordially Invited. and has taughUa NoiS^awMna school* for several years. An addttkNMi teacher was awarded the loe*i Mtiobl dud to a student over' 1. . --liVl-V -m ^wa^^E * "**P| B I?Bv* i Kings A. ? .. ? ? Hp^ ^^ k^Pt W&W^R : ^?B'. > *&&. - '}:*m&*.... rt ifji^A:.^ ' ' " I1 i lii 'liVlil Jlibl'llnili Lull 'i USTMAS VISIT?Shown aboro 1> Sant< hants association Just before last Frid er of Santa's reindeers, can be seen In iemyre and built locally. The Christina > .: Big Christmas Paz Even Though Som< ?*In spite of an on-the-march mix- ( up In which one portion of the pa- IJ raae got temporarily lost, tne Dig Christmas opening parade delighted a record crowd of youngsters and their parents last Friday afternoon who jammed the city streets to get a preview of Old Nick for 1947. The little folks were young and younger, from virtual babies in arms, to larger ones who could maneuver for themselves, but even the : i youngest were jumping with, excite ment to see Santa. None were disappointed. J Old Nick appeared on a reliiuecr float, and as he passed along the ^ way threw oyt candies and other Christmas favors along the route. 1 The parade began only 10 minutes late at 5:40, and there were still ] traffic jam-ups at 6:30. , In the parade contests, the juag- J es reported the following winners: Pet division, Joyce Biser, first, Con- ' nie Bennett, second, and Billy Sty- ! ers, third. Wagon division, Maxlne Jackson, first, (only entry.) Bicycle division: George Hord, jr., second, and Elizabeth Sisk, third. First-place j winner was a ouiiiguruiier cnna, dui his first name could not be learned. , Checks for $10 went to first place < winners, while second place winners 1 received $5 and third place winners > 53. , ' 1 1 Gaffney high schol band recelv- < ed 525 for first place in the band con test, while Shelby collected the second place $15 check. Kings Moun- -| tain, as host band, did not compete. ] ' 1 following was the parade order of march as It began: patrol cars, city officials car, Gaffney band, Boy , Scout units, bicycle contestants, glee club float,- wagon contestants and clowns, Queen City Coach company Cinderella float, SJielby band, pet parade contestants. Girl Scouts, Miss Christmas car, Kings Mountain band Santa Claus float, tire truck. The girls glee club sang Christmas carols to the strains of a small .foot-pump organ, and. prior to the parade the Methodist church chimes played a half-hour concert of ca_ : ^ , . Christmas lighu were turned on for the parade. Bobbie Simmons, "Miss Christmad" at Kinga.Mountaln, and .har attendants rod* In a fancy convertible auto, and the Bridges Airport Jeep was gaily decorated foe the pa CoU?idp|MpotoU are Victory Chcv> *11> Mour Kings Mountaic , N. C.. F ( l* i ~ C * 4J . ; ? . _-w< ? i ^JV;. >-|f? ' V i Clous aboard the Christmas lay's Christmas parade. Doni the background oI the float is bunnies in the picture were ade Successful s Units "Got Lost" School's Yolo Holidays lo Begin Next Friday It's only 11 shopping days 'til Christmas, but Christmas Is nearer for school children. Annual Christmas holidays will begin at the Close of school next Friday afternoon. December 19, and the Christmas vacation will not end until Monday morning Jfmn. 5. according to an anSSSSfiLVBarI,e,',u' -?? ????T? City Fathers Hold Session The city board of commissioners, In regular meeting Tuesday night at City Hall, voted to accept the gift af a portable iron lung tendered by the Junior Chamber of Commerce, :onsidered purchase of a street sweeper, and heard monthly reports In a meeting confined principally to routine business. Martin Harmon, on behalf of the laycee organization, informed the board of the proffered gift and addjd that the only maintenance expense would be annual replacement af rubber gaskets on the plate fittings, which would cost a^out $47 annually. On motion of Commissioner Tommy Ellison, seconded by Commission Br Marriott Pl}Ifer, the city accepted the gift "'with deep appreciation." Interesting by-play at the meeting Was appearance of Booth Gillespie, representing Velma-Craft Mills, inc., locgl manufacturers of chenille products and Kex-Tex rugs, in which Mr. Gillespie sought relief from a 11.50 penalty assessed for late payment of the city privilege license lee. The board was adamant, as was Mr. Gillespie, who continued to contend that he had not received nolice of the tax being due, and therelore should not be penalized. In the course of the conversation, it develjped that both Mayor Fulton and Commissioner Ellison had paid penalties for late payment of their privilege license fees. Discussion had continued for sometime when Mayor Fulton said, 'I'll pay the penalty, if you'll get Hit of here." Mr. Gillespie agreed, promising the Mayor a bedspread. The board voted to change the classification of Floyd Williams, previously listed as Job printer, to the miscellaneous division and oonCont'd on page 4 this section) iv? laycees Want iMe T* Needy tt and have ban, urglna donation 9< used toys to the drive In bulletins ?ftS pnyimy Is local Schools. iayoees wlil work with the Kings Mountain Urns club 4?distributiSn bf the toy* collected with the Lion* flying clothe* ?nd food etuff*. Jaynm wB aW give fruit* And candy t wai added. jnatt tg&tmi/m itain H riday. December 12, 1947 Hamrick Sells E Phenix Store 1 To Floyd Payne \ I Floyd Payne, well known and j popular former postal clerk, an- j | nounced this week that he and Mrs. I Payne had purchased the Phenix J Store business from Earl Hamrick. | Consideration was not announced, i but included the inventory and fix- I tures, plus a lease on the building, j Mr. Payne, who will actively manage the firm, said the company j which had formerly been ineorpora- j ted had been dissolved .and would 1; (be operated now without ineorpora- i j [ tion. Mr. Payne recently resigned as a { posiai c'.crk here, after spending two I years at the Kings Mountain post- , office. He is a veteran of World \ jWarr II. with three years and four ] j months service? three years of it in j the Southwest Pacific. Before enterj ing service he worked as an employ1 _ e r-?i ! - - f - - - - - >ee ul rnenix stores, inc., ior live 1 , years, and spent three months at ' the store when he returned from service, prior to becoming a postal clerk. He is a member of the American m Legion and VFW. Ljc "We are happy to announce ourig^ purchase of the Phenix Store, and!^ invite all the old patrons of the j at firm, as well as ne wones, to visit |da jus. We shall make every effort to'Gf supply top quality merchandise at ^ | fair prices at all times," the new te< j owners said. j ? Hearing Tests I> Being Conducted 1 Hearing tests, to ferret out school children's audio defects, are now . underway in Kings Mountain. A representative of the state i . -board of health is conducting the j j tests to determine which children, if any, have hearing defects. e JP"or the tests, two machines. are ! ' ; -being -used, 'bot h - of which have j & been given to the county health de- j ior partment by the county's Kiwanis inj clubs. A group - testing machine, gi- int ven by the Shelby Kiwanis club is i thi first-used, indicating which of a j group tested have hearing defects, j ^ Then the audiometer, purchased by ! the Kings Mountain Kiwanis club,! and the same type machine used by | 'medical ear aneciallcta lc hooH I 1 ferret out particular hearing defects. ' onFirst testing of students began'tec I Thursday, Superintendent of Schools \ in j B. N. Barnes said. ; n Unlawful To Possess u Fireworks Chief Says (J Police Chief N. M. Farr emphaslz! ed in a statement this week that the 1 firecracker law passed by the last cit General Assembly states that pos- nu session of the pyrotechnics by any to person is unlawful and that persons ao caught with fireworks on their per- thl son or In their homes are liable to Sh prosecution under the act. The new law, effective last-July 1 states that " pyrotechnic (any and all, kli\ds of fireworks and explo- -J0, slves, which aroused for exhibition [ or arnusement "phrposes) cannot be a> manufactured, purchased, sold, dealt In, transported, possessed, re- ' I celved, advertised or used in North ca Carolina. on Two exceptions state that county commissioners are authorized to Is sue permits for use of fireworks at |) fairs and common carriers are permitted to receive, transport, and deliver fireworks In the regular course of business without permit. ? a "A violation of the act Is a mis- tl demeanor, with fine or Imprison- p ment, or both left to the discretion T of the court," Chief Fan said. WOW To Hold Square S Dance December 28 - * Woodman of the World officials announced tfcls week plana for a square dance at Central gymnasium Dec. 26 at 8 p. m., honoring oollege c students home holidays. vtted to attend, the n aid, with the dance ait the request of inounced by (ho or the local camp de* ?y camp in attendsitae at the annual district booster's M ui"MU1* ~ T. P. Lsil, district manager, was toastmaater at tha affair rlvtn hv the mlll'a ladles club. Nick NeWberry, of Charlotte, cute manager, waa ^ , the principal cfeaakcty Next ycar*a meeting will be heW be erald 'rank Watsor Vith Hardwai Egi< i^^-4 a ^r ifl hei jJ K#L^| sat |^H rep Jer [SSIONAHY AT BOTCE MEMORI- Wa ? Rev. W. C. Halliday. a rale- wit inary of the A. R. P. church in (sto txico for 20 years, will speak at Fai th morning and evening services | V Boyce Memorial ARP church Sur. : fro y. Mr. Halliday will show pictures a I: the ARP work in Mexico at the wa ening service. The public is invi- the I to attend. - Gai I v ions, Kiwanians '? 'o Hear Dr. Ban ; . I Far Pr. V. Ward Barr, pastor of the 1 ^ rst Baptist church, of Gastonia, l'01 II address a joint-meeting of the r?b ngs Mountain Kiwanis and Lions wh tb which will be held at the high ecl tool cafeteria Thursday evening, nov cember 18, at 7 o'clock. j Pls rhe two civic clubs have made It . P policy in the -past to hold occas- j,er tal joint meetings, and the meet- ; a. I this year was aranged by the ,* ;er club relations committee of * i two organizations. Jn ioe Lee Woodward' represented j Kiwans club, and William Plonk ? Lions club in arranging the pro- iFa. itn. j Dr. Carr wil come here highly rec- .IV imended as a speaker, it was sta- ! A, I, and an interesting program is !__ prospect. j Vi lames Chairman j * I Dimes Drive i, mo 3. N. Barnes, superintendent of Fal y schools, will again head the an- in al March of Dimes drive for funds def fight polio in Kings Mountain, | E cording to announcement made chi Is week by Walter L. Fanning, of ten elby, Cleveland County chairman. Mr. Barnes said plans are now be- an ? mapped for the campaign, and j ^ at it Is possible his committee will Fal Id an advance "March of Dollars" Mo Ive among business and industrlfirms, prior to the first of the year. ^ e However, the regular March of mes solicitations will be conduct- ? in January. The campaign hon- LaJ i the late President Roosevelt. if*' y * U-1 ^r Ida Fater, Light, Power wh ted Breaks Record Mrc | tai: City of Kings Mountain's Do- 1 { imbti 1 billing for wcrtsr, light Fa' nd power consumption covering Kro M month of IVovombor. broke all nrieu records according to Maor R. Tom Pulton. Total billed out in this departi?nt was flL4te.23. divided as * allows, 9,008,000 gallons of water S2,- jn 57.74. fu 1SM74 kwh (Ughts) *7.140.10. pt 90.000 kwh (power) 92AMM. M Total billing for the month of $1 ctober was SU,tlfcM. sa luying On Upswing LILsI? c.J. V. i uvppeia awn ?w ' u dorailtely oft tft* apawlng fftftT da! wk 4?th? buying tempo 1ht?a?- 1 wimtho influx of more Chniat* ^ |j 4 moving around to varkHuTftor- PK OQ Pages ZD Today PRICE FIVE CENTS i Charged *e Rohherv rgument Over istol Swapping eads To Arrest Lewis Frank Watson, of Andrews, it week confessed robbery of Brids & Hamrick hardware here dur\e the night of Nov. 18, according N. M. Farr, local chief of police. Vatson, handsome youth, was ked up by Gastonia police on a rrant for assault originating in drews and admitted the robbery :e to Chief Farr and Glee A. Brid?on Dec. 4. Varrant for his arrest on the astlt count came after Watson had ortedly traded with an Andrews n, a pistol stolen here for anothpisfol. The gun exploded when itson fired it and he got in a fight h the man in trying to get the len gun back, according to Chief rr. Vatson was traced to Gastonia m Andrews after he purchased >us ticket to the Gaston city and s picked up at his rooming house re. He was reportedly working in stonia. Vatson claimed to have executed break-in here by himself. He s cut on the hand while entering building through a ventilator on roof. He still had scars of a und on his hand when picked up, t said. 'hree pistols and some ammuni* i were reported missing after the bery. Watson had one with him en he was arrested, one was pawn in Gastonia, and police here v have the two guns. The other tol was reported sold in Andrews, 'relimlnary hearing will be held e next week on the bridges & mrick charge, Chief Farr said d Wednesday. Meantime Watson is being held Gastonia for the next term of ?erior court there on charge o? aking and entering an automo? firm there, according to Chief T. ites Conducted or Joe A. Falls l large throng attended the fun1 Sunday afternoon at the CenI Methodist church for Joe A. Is, 86, who died last Saturday rning in a Gastonia hospital. Mr. Is had sustained a broken hip a fall three weeks prior to his ith. lev. J. G. Winkler, pastor of the trch, conducted the rites, and inment was made in Mountain Rest netery. The body lay in state for hour prior to the rites. i native of Cleveland county, Mr. lis, was well-known in Kings II ntn I n an<4 tiro D n f/M-n* KvImI# u ii in 111 aiiu ?*an a iwi mri ui ii.i\ nufacturer. He was the son of 1 late James H. and Catherine H. lis. Surviving are two sons, Oliver lis, Kings Mountain, and Roland lis, Greensboro, six daughters, s. Leola Whltworth, Lowell, Mrs. Styers, Greensboro, Mrs. Jessie littimore, Bear Creek, Mrs. Bessie :key, Mrs. Andrew Petrosino, and s. Lenora Paytje, of Kings Mounn. Uso surviving Is a brother, Mark 1 lis, 24 grandchildren, and ten at-grandchildren, I BANGLE DAT SALE Sale of T-B bangles by Girl Out Troop 12 here last Saturday suited in a total of 165.97 for the unty Tuberculosis fund, it was innounced by Mrs. W. G. Stallgs, executive secretary. Total nds received to date In the camilgn to rai*e $8,000 Is $4,687.79, rs. Stallings said, with a "total of ,957.80 received from the mall le of Christmas seals. 1 ; ' ^' ? 5 X ** * ?dTOff Lists kut weekend,^wlth. lie fhrtrtmea eho$p*r thtojwr 1 find wide* selection* la King* untaln *uw ttuul hi any Chrlat*. . > mm displaying it * "he merchant*, however, are not Sltriw walt*to*do their buying;