Friday. January 23,1948 Kiwanis Club l[Ed, Note: Following Is a summar-1 ization of the Kings Mountain Kl-1 wants club achievement report for 1947, as compiled by Rev. W. L. Pressly, Kiwanis club achievement committee chairman. It is a report covering activities of each club committee.) Support of churches?- listed number of churches and denominations; cortipiled information concerning church membership, budget, etc.; aided attendance at union services; aided ministerial union several tim es. Boys' and girls' work ?* helped with Boy Scout camp; presented several motion picture programs to club; presented picture for Girls Soout banquet. Kiwanis Education?inducted several new members into club; gave , one club program. Interclub Relations ? Inter-club meetings were held with the Shelby Kiwanis club. At this time Dupte Rhame spoke and gave a dood program of music. The meeting before Christmas we had an Inter-club meeting with the Kings Mountain Lions cluh. There was a good program presented. Reception and House ? This Committee was always on the job 15 min utes before the meeting. The members had a light placed on the outside of the club house. They also had a walk piaced around the club house. During August and September, they arranged to have the club eat out at Beth-Ware school, El Bethel, Oak Grove, and Bethlehem churches. Youth Organizations ? This Committee's'flrst project was to study thA nPAH trf a TTav fluH Iri tha Pan. tral High school. The committee plan ned and presented a special program for the Boys and Girls basket ball squads of the high school. All the squad saw the picture of the Oklahoma-North Carolina Game of the Year. Fred McDan lei was selected -to represent the club at BoyS' State. Agriculture ? The Committee on Agriculture bought and gave to the * young farmers of this county a fine young bull. This was a gift to them from the Kings Mountain Kiwanls - club.-We also had Farmers Night >n the club with each Kiwanian asking a farmer. Attendance Committee ? This conv mittee put on one program during the year, but it urged regular attendance all during the year. The members bought and paid for themselves large Kiwanls Atteandance buttons for each member of the Kings Mountain olub. Music Committee?Special music was given to the club from time to time. Joe Heddon, director of the local high school band, spoke to the club. , Underprivileged Child Committee ?List of indigent handicapped children were glVen to the chairman by the school, lite Red Cross and the churches. It was decided to get these children cared- for by any one that we could and to take care of the others in the Kiwanls club. This Committee had charge of two programs. In May Dr. Robert Dyer spoke to the clubhand in June Dr. W. H. Aydelotte, spoke and dempnstrated the Pure Tone Clinical Audiometer to the club. This Audiometer was bought by the club at a cost of $370.00. This machine is to be used by the schools of Cleveland eountv. ? ? ? , * . . Program Committee ? The program committee this year gave some good programs. They were1 interesting and inspiring all the year. Achievements?A gold medal was IMPERIA I * THEATRE " TODAY?LAST SHOWING Two Big Specials "They Were Expendable" John Wayne also "Bowery Bucaroos" Bowery Boys Lain Cartoon mmtmmmmmmmammSUM'' SATURDAY ONLY Double reature Program "Song of the Drifter" Jimmy Wakely "Seren Keyes to I Baldpcrte" Phillip T*rrr "A I Merry Melody Cartoon I MONDAY and TUESDAY I I Big OnMotf Special I ^AitemkT I . '-r I Double Feature Program "Out Coliforuki Way" ~ I la Color with Monty Bolo I "Fan on a^Wookand" I I I -9 Doublo Feature Program I "High Tide" Lh Tracy "Racketeers" . Preston Foster I I , ;? Popeye Cartoon Had Wide Pi given by the club to the most outstanding student in the boys and the girls. George Tolleson was the boy and Doris Cloninger got a medal foi being adjudged outstanding girl, The club paid one month's salary to the Bible teacher; it paid $66 to the PTA for an excursion trip; It gave $30 to the high school for The Milestones of 1947; They gave two trash cans to the city; the club gave a Love Offering to our former president, Dr. R. N. Baird. who is sick in Kings Mountain. I * ^, m * V;: HUKTt Y c. ' _ jPEAC sTOMtv> ^ ^ IS A U 1 fSALI pdsn S < GtO*?A Is N I ?S STOKILYS SU6A* |P E Hg pntll-HOMf SAtAP ISPF | ^ JOVTHWH V*? IQteoit WfSSOM a o I V Green' |PUroent< S\u?Y?CUfTAM IpUMW S|Ti4^> -MA*"" |h OSKALI lAJtLY iUNI peas KCUMtV RnfT OUAM m .corn I VAUIY hUMI V r corn unvi roiwfwm* ft juice 06???.v U""(^ > .:. A 1^1 4 iii ii 11^ lyifi"; THE PUGS MOUIfTAIlf HEH ogram Of Ac In rural areas of North Carolina 66 persons were killed and 502 were In' Jured irt 867 traffic accidents. This ' compares with 74 killed and 389 injured in 499 accidents during Novem ber, 1946. " ? ? ' - 1 _ ' Iincoln County led North Carolina in fatalities for November with seven persons killed? six of these met their deaths in one accident when the car in which they were riding ran off a roadway on a curve at a speed of 80 miles per hour. The victims of this accident were all HES 2So|| C E ~29eW *? ' tau can 8.v flja. . : N 49c| 9 POUNDS St I mm 1.071 WIA>? NO X CAN ? VP S 17c11 , NO. X CAN X V A S 21c | DttSSINC 0? SANDWICH 14 O* J At X tEAD 33c| POUND \ largarine 41c! HO X CA9*l gS s 10? [? 4 OUNC1 CAHI {Si "1"'PW is 13c IsE* ,s ?*?. if "jy? IN 17c IS 10 OOMCI CAM tHAJtf * At tlWYI 2 Ho. 2 |P. SUCi CANS 09C &'? UMLMH |MMn 2 %S29c W? 1 SS 29c HpnmM 1 I r M j ft [ALP. PUGS MOUNTAIN. M. C. tivities In '47 Western Union Oilers "Correct Time" Service The question of "what time is it?" leads to a lot of conflicting answers. The problem has become so important that Western Union Naval Observatory time will be made available to Kings Moutain within the next few weeks, according to Robert Osborne, Western Union manager at Gastonia. He is in charge of the [Kings Mountain installation, and I the subscriber list fos Western Un ^ wnKShmo k ? Potatoes W -^yuiid 1 ?.*9? 'J I "-ftS#-""! ? $ ^I I BTTBAKK> fOAHOi TOfttoV family soy, "Mewyn?Hxn's I . mighty good soling1" Wo* I I ond div uniformly sixed idohot. 1 L Bot m o hoi (4S0o) owsn i*Wil M H A tender when pinched (oboul H OK hour) Brook apon with prongs of a fork, fluff up. top ^Awilk Witr ond 1S??. ?11 wsl^! ? waTco. .. "5 rouM* - i ion liyi NC 45c STEAKS ........ X c JK sssssp rs lit** NWW sitter . f* OUT .... Me OYSTERS FOUND numw KHJ i Kc FLOUNPEB ...~S Y CHEESE .**57? ^ UK CUT HO. m CAM ^3 IN RCANS 17c 'jfl UWH C. WHITI HO. MI CAN BEANS He dflj UA ARKN NO. 1 CAM fl iPAGUSSPEARS..27c ^ I U OK. JAR P BEETS ...... ^Mc rSTrOMATOES ...*U? ^ MO. 1TAU. CAM TOBCKTAML 2Sc *V>|A MO. 1 TAU. CAM J'l ? TTAFttS Me V*1 muo r>>i ^Squares fLl-b. 45c nmjn " . ion Clocks already contains several industrial plants, such as Burlington Mills and Kings Mountain Manufacturing company. The Naval Observatory time is pro vided to all of the clocks through a Master clock that is wired by specI ial circuits to each subscriber. Every | hour a synchronizing impulse is ! sent out by the Master clock and if the controlled clocks have varied even a fraction of a second, they will be pulled back electrically to kepp in step with the Master clock. Since each clock will have its own self-contained power, there is no ' connection to electric Dower outlets i on the subscribers premises. All in- j 1 stallation and maintenance is made ! by Western Union and Mr. Osborne mm. mm tm I H W* ? ?^ WAf?CTi SUPER SPUDS 9 K RW Spads win htra ? cad bytli* State ef Mate* I id are packed by Unni 8 fartcuSadewbich bmUw 1 ** ] r Mia ta 2T Maxbaaak ? us num you M wast* i y"? * a Bag of Sapor Spad*. P Y*"k \ pofi f dactl . r -a.i fvomw11 mi* SSwet uf r,KTM? ?ja f~7~] White Lace (IBnim k jB maim m wwow EI 10 Lbs. 1.09 JjJ m ? iimiiimiawmHTlUHfl OU> VlltatMlA 1? OWM - PANCAKE SYRUP . .2 HI ML MOMTt 14 OS. SOT fcH CATSUP 2 MMr . Ceerfk Mies Strsohem 14 Ow PRESERVES 3 * 9^ossss143lfl (hs? L10 B Y' ^ BROWN WITH TOt ?WITH TO** AH with ross fffhds .'3j14 tea SfSWITJ ooimht tomato p^JJICE iecKLiies1. Lb. 45c I nnrrnvi VIWIMICIM r- , - ? ' L"l"? ? " . : . . - * j:.V" , ' - '* *- / V " V' . " ? ' " ' \ "" " f ' ' ' " *> Page Three states that the cost of this service la ; about five cents a day, which will assure continuous and absolutely &G curate time 24 hours a day. Kings Mountain business firm* may subscribe to the Time service by calling the local Western Union office, and indicate their desire foe the service. , a ' i /V' ;V"i During November in North Carolina, 29 persons lost their lives when their vehicles overturned or ran off the roadway: 24 pedestrians wer? killed; 16 persons lost their llvea in vehicle collisions; four died when their cars collided with trains. On? child was killed while riding his bicycle, and four other persons wer? kll?H in tinn 7 " VW..1W.M.I uvvtuvitUl. icur CONNECTICUT ATALIDINS a Pound MmIi Big S7c y Am potato graded r strict standards of u. TVU lif mmmm hIIumI tym I IMS vOWWCuCOI ee" Is om of the oiost tar potatoes la prooa today. % fOOttO* iwi?sES3?c puts Mc icfbINES 33c I Crackers ?3 POUMft I 30c \ H. I. C. MtfMIU. 1 i,Cr ackers ^ I NWMO r 25c ii H |[N|||||f 11 mill S DEEP BEANS MATOSAUCC , ID TOMATO lAWCf AMD MOtASUS Cans 31c jt Ida IOWLS lb. 39c aia^. ??nn? . .