'/ ' ', v.' " ' : ' J-. . V i V Page Eight BAND EMf I - f 4 - . t , ' . . S - * ' ' % " ;? . ' ' ' * I i . . - Let's all cllml i ' ' - * . . BANDWA ; : ** ; .. Teach a boy to blow a horn and he'll never blow a safe." ?Henry Ford Qq] Dept. Griffin Drug Store Phone 8 !3and work: the most inexpensive musical education available. SUPPORT SCHOOL BAND Bridges & Hamrick ? ? .a city with a maximum ot music has a minimum of crime."?J. Edgar Hoover." V f oaun?R's<^' ssse - : V JCiKL SHOP /7f " ' . . * ' ;' *"-:' .' .' Victo f*L vnvvn The spirit of a community is reflected by the quality Comp )f Its band. Help it grow. ' - - Band provides education to su ketbook. Saunders . Men's Shop - T I flflii11 ?* ? ort The KingsMoun . C7 - . 4 ; . . - ; . ; -* . f . ;-s ; Friday, February 13,1948* LRY 16 - 21 ii ~i s feed Bond work offers a child V tip-top training in cooperS. \ - * ation and teamwork. etter comement, Keeter's Dept. Store . ". x i i ' First National Bank _ Back the band today and help build community leaders for tomorrow. SUPPORT SCHOOL BAND Y K ' . ' " . f t .. ; * *. Myers' Dept. Store Band, a worthwhile youth activity, provides good recreation for leisure time. * * * * ' " " - '' ' ' V. ; . " ' ' 1 * * ' -f- ' . 'y ll olet Support the band. It teachiny . I I es comprehension, coop- I eration. developes youth. and provides worthwhile . recreation. a musical it any poc' Plonk Bros. & Go. - i.,* -grag g I tainSchoolBand ' f: * . . . ,