. . . . - .*"1 i POPULATION | tn City Corporate Limits 8,574 Immediate Trading Area 154)00 VOL. 59 NO. 8 Local News Bulletins ' - ' *: ' V ' ' .: ' ' i ". ' 'I BUILDING PERMITS Three building permits were issued by Cfty Clerk S. A. Crouse, at City Ha^l during the past two weeks. Clyde Hullender secured a permit on Feb. 16 for construction of a garage on Cansler street, Valuation $3,000. Permits were issued on Feb. 5, J. A. Fisher $700 for remodeling on Mountain street and on Feb. 10, R. Boothe TarkingtOn . for $65 for construction of a chicken house on Ganft street. LADIES' NIGHT COMMITTEE Dr. P. G. Padgett has been named chairman of the Kiwanis club Ladies' Night committee, according to an announcement in the current issue of the Sinawik. Other members named by President John L. McGill are B. S. Peeler, H. Y. Ballard, G. A. Bridges, and J. A. Neisler. ATTEND MEETING President Jacob Cooper, W.. B. Logan, W. K. Mauney, Jr., Fred Wright, Jr., Ned McGlli and C. F. Thomasson represented the Kings Mountain Junior Chamber of Commerce at the fourth quarterly conference of the state organization held In Durham last week end. . FOUNTAIN CLERK Mias Helen Robb, formerly popular fountain clerk at Kings Mountain Drug Company, is again affiliated with that firm in the same capacity. Miss Robb. resigned last year when her family moved to Gaffney. They have since returned to Kings Mountain. FIRE ALARMS , City fire department had two fire alarms this week according to Grady King, chief. On Monday at 10 a. m $50 damage was reported when a truck caught fire at Sadie mill, At 6 p. m. Tuesday a Small roof Tire started by a spark did $10 damage to the home of Joe Walker on Parker street. Calendar Cross-Up; Spring Hero. Tra-La In spite of the calendar and the pre vlous heavy-handed rule of King Winter, .Sweet Spring threatened to put in appearance this week, as the mercury in local thermometers came out off its lethargy and moved upward. Birds were heard singing, and some lew peopje even ieii ine neec of sulphur and molasses treatment for an advance - season case ol spring fever. v ,f k Everyone breathed easier. Fuel dealers, with an "If the real bad weather is over" statement, opined that the city was over the hump on.the fuel drought for the current winter. Coal, which had suddenly replaced oil as the shortest fuel in stocK was more plentiful again, as stoves and fireplaces used less, and local dealers anticipated Increased shipments over the coming weekend. For fuel oil users the danger was also virtually over, following the receipt of 70,000. gallons of emergency oil, in addition to regular quotas. But the calendar says spring does not come until March 21. Note-in-the-Bottle Slant Gets Answer Fourteen-year-old Timothy Gladden. bod of John W. Gladden, commander of Otis D, Green Post 155, American I oglon, should qualify as a balloon aerlallst. Mot that ho actually flew In one. as Mm earlier experimenters with aviation tried to do. and latar did. hut young Gladden "flow em m long distance. Sometime before Christmas, in a landlubber's version of the notein-tbe-bottle stunt, he floated a balloon into the air, to come down he haew not whose. Bat he enclosed a pencil-scrawled note with his name and address on it This week he hod a letter which read as follows: "Dear rrieadi Am returning your note I found in a peach tree attached to a balloon on the SB of fanuory 1MB. ft woe found in a peach orchard six miles north of El lor be. K.C. If you wish to pur pay ? ? V*?f w MwH. .:; ,; ^ .m. ^ . ' .' v. ' ;; ' -' M;!< ' Kings Jaycees Set Up | Band-Aid Club; Maunev Chairman! I -? I W. K. (Billy) Mauney, Jr., was | named to head a Junior Chamber of Commerce committee to secure funds for the Kings Mountain school i band at the regular meeting of the ! ' organization at the Woman's club j Tuesday night. The club voted for- ; ' mation of a band-boosters organization, the Band Aid Club, to enable j every citizen to become a supporter' of the band, The membership campaign in the | I new cluh was to get underway Thurs 1 day night at 8 p. m. at Central audi- j j torium at a free concert to be given ! by the local group of musicians. | The concert was scheduled by the ! Band Association as a part of Band j Emphasis Week, set for this week. Formulation of the Band Aid club was approved by the executive committee of the Band Association at a meeting Wednesday, Mr. Mauney said. Junior Chamber of Commerce adopted the new club after Band Director Joe Hedden, a member of the [organization, had appealed for help i in raising $4,000 needed by the band. Three types of memberships have been set tor the.Band Aid?club: reg! ular, membership fee $1.00; corrtVi; butir.g, more than $1.00; and life, $50 or more. "The band means much to the com j munity and we feel that the Band J Aid club will be a very effective way i i for the citizens to support the musij clans. Every Jaycee in our club is i serving on the committee, and we feel sure that the move will be highly successful," Mr. Mauney said. Board Approves Aid Requests L. Arnold Kiser, chairman of the Paiinltf DAO?w>t.iuiiu wuni/ watM u> mrapiiai l trustees, said ..Thursday that the n boa-d had approved at its Wednes- p day nighi meeting an application to !1 the North Carolina Medical Care j commission tor aid in expanding j, oeunty hospital facilities, The application includes both re- i quests for the Shelby hospital and t for the proposed unit at Kings Mountain, Mr. Kiser did not divulge details of the application but -aid "the situa- i tlon looks very encouraging to us" ' , and he added that the application i , was to be forwarded at a very early J date. > Under the state-wide hospital pro> gram enacted by the 1947 General Assembly, the state is providing aid j for the expansion of medical facill' ties in the state. 1 I 1 j Bank Employs Clover ' Man As New Teller \ ??? The First National Bank announ[ ced this week that M E. Stanton, now associated with the First Na- < ! tional Bank of Clover, S. C., will Join 1 i the Kings Mountain bank on March ! ( 1, as a teller. j; An army veteran during the recent i war, Mr. Stanton served in both the j ' African and Pacific theaters. While I his official capacity with the bank here will be as teller, it was announced that Mr. Stanton will later serve as the bank's agricultural repre' tentative. A native of Clover, he was reared i on a farm and has been active in farm management for the past sever al years. He is married and has one j child and expects to move here as j quickly as accommodations can be . obtained. ( ' *> _ % 4M. ? ? mofli ? committee thairme Red Cion Campai Kings Mountain committee chair- 1 men for the annual Retf Cross drive I which begins March 1, were an.noun - i ced this week by Chairman J- G. < ' Darracott and Co-Chairman Carl F. Mauney, following a meeting Tues- ] day at City Half. Tuesday's meeting, attended by i local organization officials, and interested citizens, featured reports on t the past year's work, which showed a large number of activities in 1 the social service field on the part of the local chapter. 1 Quota for the forthcoming campaign la 15,412, approximately $800 leas than the quota assigned ? and ] raised ? In 1947. Of this amount 60% percent will be retained by the chapter for local work, with 30% percent going 10 tne national or- , gSirtzation. "We are confident that thla year's Suota will be met, as usual," Mr. c arraoott said. "Kings Mountain . people are aware. ;' I--- : RECEIVES HIGH AWARD?1 ed the Pro Deo et Patria ward church services at St. Matthew* # of daily Bible readiug, regular the church, church altar, churc give at least ISO hours of servici Scout McGinnis is among the j rank, highest in scouting, he v picture above are, left to right, 1 W. H. Stender, and his parents. 1 One-Day Sc Drive Has $ The annual Kings Mountain dis irict Btoy Scout financial campaign ?with a goal of $2,000 ? will be conducted Friday. Along with the figure of $2,000 pletfon of the drive In one day, if possible. According to Aubrey Mauney, district commissioner, the total amount is slightly over $8.00 per Boy Scout enrolled, and he pointed out this was a small investment in support of such a worthwhile program of citizenship training. Feature of the Thursday night nrnffrflm nf tha Wiu/anln nlnK a r o"? ?? ?. viui/ ??ao a program in the interest of Scouting, featuring a skit by Eagle Scouts Garland Still, Jr., and Charles Stanton, a talk on "Benefits of Scouting to Me," by Eagle Scout PauL McGlnnis, nrsd a short address by Rev. J; W. Phillips, pastor of First Wesleyan chprch and new chairman of the Kings Mountain scout district. Following the Kiwanis meeting, plans for the financial, drive were mapped by district 'eaders and civic club representatives participating in the campaign, crrr auto tags Sale of city auto'tags jumped to 860, according to a report through Wednesday, to top the total number pf 847 sold in 1947. The city this week addressed cards to motorists who have not yet purchased the tags, informing them that citations would be issued in the near future, and urging them to purchase the tags to avoid additional penalties which are already accruing. n Named To Lead gn; Goal $5,412 | tiome. They have, a habit of donating liberally to this worthy cause,! and this year should be no excep- , lion." Committee chairmen named fol-1 low: Industrial Group?Howard Jackion. . Industrial Employees?J. H. Paterson. t Business area (uptown) ? Joe [*e Wbodwarid. Outlying business area ? Gene toberts. Public Employees?W. E. Bhtkeiy. Professional Group?E. A. Harrlll, lev. w. L. Press! y. Insurance anmte?T P Schools?J. E. Huneycutt. Residential?Mrs. Aubrey Maun;y, Mrs. Moffatt Ware. Orover?Vaaaar Hardin, general h airman. Sural dlatrkrta ?Rev. T. W. Fog toped. .. . ... Negro district*?J. A. GHMoti, I. C. litchell. - , i lain V _ Friday. February 20,19^5 jm mg: ji^K ^ ML. M B# ft( m?> ^KmmS mKlNk' ' ' '/> S - > 4 P v-*.'. <* I H ' , w> PK . :;.-'^H &. s i?lf^ p P Bff'B V iagle Scout Paul McGinnis, Jr., sec< v highest church onward for Boy Sco 0 Lutheran church. To receive the aw attendance at Sundcqr School and chi b year, and of the Word and Sacram< > to the church over the regular attem oungest Scouts to obtain the Eagle c ras forced to woiit three months to m< 'roop 2 Scoutmaster Laney Dettnaar, S Mrs. Paul McGinnis and Mr. McGinn out Fund 12,000 Goal V- - . . 1 Carl Goerch Lions Farmer'* Night Speaker i Carl Gosrch. of ftalstgh. editor ! of TbtSate^wmttak* the ad ! al FConor's Night banquet of the I I Kings Mountain Lions dab, it was announced yesterday by W. L. j Plonk, ptoqium chairman. The annual event has been scheduled for Thursday night, I March 2Mb.. Building & Loan ! Stockholders Met j Stockholders of the Kings Moun! tain Building & Loan association, in ' in their 41s( annual meeting Thuro- ' day night, February 12, re-elected all j | officers and directors and heard re- j : ports showing an active year during 1947. The association showed net income from loans for the year of $13,- j 1753.78, with $13,578.78 of this a- \ | mount being paid to shareholders as follows; to full-paid shareholders, I $5,019.42; to holders of optional shares, $1,782.80; payments to hold-1 ers ol Matured shares, $5,436.50; pay menu to holders of withdrawn j shares, $914.24; and payments to j holders of nreDsirf shares 1113 5(1 The additional $175, plus Interest j received on federal government bonds, totaled $2,500 and this amount was added to the association's reserve fund, which now totals $20,500. The report of Secretary - Treasurer J. C. Lackey also showed that ithe association loaned a total of | $195,650 during 1947 in 167 separate ' loans. They included: $109,950 In i 72 construction loans; $43,100 in 28 ilbans for the purchase of homes;' ,200 in two re-financing loans; j land $36,400 in 65 loans lor other i purposes. | Stockholders numbered 1,032 at | the close of year, including 912 white I Dersons and 120 colored nersons Officers re-elected were: W. K Mauney, president; J. C. Keller, vice' president; J. C. Lackey, secretary- i treasurer; and J. R. Davis, attorney, j Directors include the officers and C. W. Hullender, Dr. L. P. Baker, W. M. Gantt, B. H. Bridges, R. L. Mauney, and C. F. Thomasson. A HP Vesper Service Series Sob|ects Given Rev. Wm. L.lPressly, pastor of Boyce Memorial A. R. P. church, will continue his special services at the Vesper hour Sabbath afternoon at 5 o'clock. This series Is en the fife of Christ, using the following subjects: "Journeying with Jesus to thi, Wilderness" "Journeying with Jesus to SamarJs," "Journeying with Jesus to the TrSnsflgurattori*, "Journeying with Jesus to the Cross", "Journeying with 3esis to the Upper Room." The Vesper hour Is 5 p. m. -'jV' Mr- v ' '" < V. ' -v -?i :' '' ' * / ' '. ' [erald . . . - 7 ?:v^: I m__ mh p ^H?r-> I >nd from left above, was award- j ats, on February 8, at morning ard, a Scout must give evidence irch, must have a knowledge of ?nts, and, in addition, h^ must lance at church services. Eagle [ward. After qualifying for that set the age requirements. In the cout McGinnis, bis pastor. Rev. is.?Photo by Bundy. Boys And Gills' Work Group Meet j Harry Page was elected chairman ; of a joint divic club committee on I i boys and girls' work at its first meet j ing, held at the Country Club TuesI day night. | The 13,man group, which includes : j representatives from the Klwants; I and Lions clubs and the Junior ! Chamber of Commerce, has as its ' *Jt? -the-fowftuJation of boys' and i girls' program, lboklng to the full utilization of all facilities of the J community. Mr. Page said no definite policies were formally ooneluded at the | Tuesday night organization meeting, but that definite plans would be advanced in the near future. Members of the committee are: Lions ? Howard Jackson, Hilton Ruth, Carl F. Mauney, John Henry Moss, Charies E. Warllck. Kiwanis? H. L. Campbell, L. Arnold Klser, Harry Page, Rev. J. G. Winkler, Paul Mauney. Jaycees ? Ra'nh tFrosty) Spearman, J. B. Falls, Grady Howard. W nw*r Boosters Meet Wednesday Cleveland and Rutherford county Woodmen of the World BoostersClub will hold the regular monthly meeting Wednesday at 7 p. m. in the hall here with Kings Mountain Camp 15 as hosts, according to an announce- | mem this week by Denver King, lo- i cal WOW official. Refreshments will be served at I the meeting, Mr. King said. The i group is composed of members from j all WOW camps in the two counties. | Nine camps will be represented at the meeting, including Kings Moun- 1 tain, Shelby, Spindale, Ellenboro, i Grover, Cliffside, Caroleen, Lawn- j dale, and Union Mills. WEATHERS ANNOUNCES State Senator Lee B. Weathers, of Shelby, publisher of the Shelby Dajiy Star and for the past three ! terms representative o? the 27th ! distrie' in the North Carolina Senate, Wednesday announced that | he Would be a candidate for re- i election. Tickets Going Fast Merchants' Banque Ned McGill. seeret'arv of tho KIocb I ? *.? ?? Mountain Merchants association, said yesterday that tickets for the annual employee-employer banquet set for Tuesday night, are going fast, and he urged members of the organl ration to place orders at once. Accommodations are limited to 200 persons. Feature of the annual event will be an entertainment program by the Gay Nineties Quartet of Charlotte, one of the favorite entertainment groups In the Piedmont area. Hilton Ruth, chairman of the arrangements committee, will serve as master of of ceremonies, end J. W. Milam, retiring president, will welcome the group and recognise special guests Glee A. Bridges, first president of the association on Ks reorganization In 1 A Pages I I | *f Today - - I ... ^ PRICE FIVE CENTS Kiwanis Bequest For Auto Test Lane Granted O A. Bridges, Chairman of the Kiwanis club public affairs committee, was notified this week than an auto inspection lane would be opened.here in ample time for all people In ,the Kings Mountain area to get inspections. The information was received from Colonel H. J. Hatcher, cammamling officer of the state highway patrol and director of the highway safety division, in response to a .request, from the Kiwanis club committee that Kings Mountain ? which had not been previously scheduled for a vehicle inspection lane ? be put on the schedule. Chairman Bridges, in a letter to Col. Hatcher, pointed out the inconvenience to motorists which would be caused, should an inspection lane not be established here, and urged that Kings Mountain he added to the schedule. According to the highway safety act, passed by the 1947 General Assembly, all motor vehicles arc re- ' quired to.be inspected once during 1948 and twice yearly thereafter. If found defective .the owner "is required to have them repaired before ' driving them on the highway. Motor vehicles are defined by the act to include cars, trucks, trailers, semitrailers, motorcycles, and motor bikes. A total of 25 items are checked during an inspection, including everything from brakes to stickers on the windshield. Col. Hatcher did not. say on what date the inspection lane would be set up. His tetter stated: . "I have made an investigation as to the possibility of having a checking station for the inspection of motor vehicles located in Kings Mountain for the convenience of the people who live in this vicinity. I have been assured by Mr. Moore, who is director of the Mechanical Inspection Department, that tills Inspection Lane will be located fn Kings Mountain for the convenience of your peojfle in ample time for all to take advantage of the opportunity." tion to Mr. Bridges, are O. H. Mauney, director, Joe A. Nelsler, F. R. Summers, J. B. Keeter, and Hugh Y. Ballard. Lions Heard Mrs. Goforth Members ot the Kings Mountain Lions club, in regular meeting at the high school cafeteria February 12, heard an address by Mrs. Mary B. Goforth, manager of the Kings Mountain branch of the state employment service. The program was arranged by Don Blanlon. In her address, Mrs. Goforth outlined the six-point program of the employment service, and described her office as a local clearing house between employers and employees. The six-point program of the employment service includes; (1) placement of the job-seeker, (2) special services to veterans: t-3) employ-" ment counseling and selective placement; (4) labor market information; (5) industrial services; and (6) cooperation with the community groups. Mrs. Goforth urged employers to place job orders with her office in order that their demands may be filled more quickly and with more : suitable personnel, in addition to \ keeping unemployment at a minimum. . She stafed that present extrapressing needs in the local labor market are for weavers, loom fixers, > masons and carpenters. New members welcomed into the club included Atdhie Clark, transferred from the Clinton, S. C., club, Harold Plonk, Pete Barkely, and Denver King. t For Annual A Tuesday Night 1939, and several times a director in the organization, will install new officers and directors for the coming year. The invocation will be given by Rev. W. L. Pressly, president of the Kings Mountain Ministerial associatlon. 'A prize drawing of gifts from the merchants will be held for the la* dies. In addition to "back-when" songs and novelty numbers by the quartet, the group wtll lead audienceparticipation songs reminsoent of the Gay Nineties. , Tickets are available from member* df the arrangements committee . ; ? or from Secretary MdClll at fl-50 each.