" ' Page Two ' ' y I ? . SOCIAL AND PERSO of INTEBES1 MRS. C. C. OATES, Editor Mrs. Patrick Speaker At Wednesday Meet Mrs. P. D. Patrick was speaker of the day at the meeting on Wednesday afternoon of Central Parent-Teacher Association, bringing to the as- ! sembly an inspiring message in com memoration of the Pounding of PTA. ] High tribute was paid to the found- i ers, Mrs. Alice Bimey and Mrs. Phoe- I be Hurst and a. challenge given to PTA mpmharc In parrw nn thn tiwirlr ? ? ?w V?? V <V "VIO started by these two women 51 years j ago. Mrs. Frank SJsk, president, was in charge of the meeting and after the. devotional service was conducted by 1 Mrs. P. D. Patrick and the invocation by Rev. L. C. Pinnix, she led in the discussion of business. The attendance of parents record was won by Miss Willie McOlll's third grade. A' resolution of the N. C. E. A. asking v for a teachers pay raise was introduced and endorsed by the group. The program was opened by Rev. ] and Mrs. L. C. Pinnix who sang "My Hero" after which Mrs. Patrick gaY? the Founders Day talk.. , Following the program, members J were invited to the schdol cafeteria '1 where the Hospitality committee ser- < ved punch and cookies. Methodist Class Had Pound Party The Senior class of Central Meth- ! odist church had a pound party in < the church basement on Thursday night, February 12. Eighteen were 1 present to enjoy the games directed by Patricia Prince and the music pro vided by Jo Ann Wright at the piano. Refreshments consisted of a vasUtir i i inj- ui mat/ luuua, a jA>unu utfing j brought by each member. nwpEiuTn * THEATRE ^ I TODAY LAST SHOWING "Weekend at the Waldorf I Ginger Rogers Lana Turner I also "King of the Bandits" Cisco Kid Western Cartoon?Serial SATURDAY 1 "The Lucky Texan" John Wayne also "Boomerang" Dana Andrews Cartoon?Serial 1| MONDAY AND TUESDAY "THE LONG NIGHT" Henry Fonda - Dvorak Cartoon I WEDNESDAY ONLY "Two Guys From Milwaukee" Jack Carson I also "Singing on the Trail" Hoosier Hotshots THURSDAY AND FRIDAY "III Be Yours" Deanna Durbin also "The Plainsman" Gary Cooper . Jean Arthur Cartoon?Serial PLATTER from RECORE Slap Her Down Again PawBey Your Pardon Gospel Boogie Kneel At The Cross Teresa Dick But Beautiful I'm my Cwu Grand paw I'm A Ding Dong Daddy?:? Golden Earrings Tour Red Wagon All Dressed Up With A Brok Wester jr. G. DARRACOTT. Owner i rV{' ' . . " ' * ' ji&> . : . .? - r ' V: -V" ' 1 '' . . * ' \ \ ' - ' " " V ; ' ? . - \ t* >NAL HAPPENINGS 1 to WOMEN . * ' v .f, PHONE 167 ^I ' ? ~ | I ! . I ' ? "' " I ' 'I I 1 I .1 m " I I m mm Evelyp Cline Winner In Singing Contest Evelyn Cline, eighth grade student at Central, was named winner of first place in the inter-class vocal contest which was neld last Friday morning in the auditorium at thatschool. Mrs. J. E. Herndon, Miss Lula Mae Teague and Rev. L. C. Pinnix served as judges and reported that the decisions were hard to make First contestant was Betty Falls who sang "Sylvia," accompanied by j Jean McClain at the piano. Pat Jol1?? alnoinA 41T T^? <? * ? > l/\" I V? OKIglltg A M-f I LU11 i |/i tf^aillUC and accompanied by Miss Anne Jcmes came next and was followed by Evelyn Cline who sang "Danny Boy" accompanied - by Barbara Gault. Next on the program was Dot Fulton singing "All The Things You Are," accompanied by Jeannene HaJl man. The final contestant was Betnnce Harrison, who, accompanied by Jean McCain, sang 'The Lord's Prayer." _ * j ' V * ? 1 The decision of the judges put the contestants in the following places: first, Evelyn Cline; second, Dot Fulton; third, Betty Fa 1,1s; fourth, Pat Jolly, and fifth, BerniCe Harrison. Shelby Fashion Show Set For Wednesday The Junior Charity League of Shel by will give a Spring Fashion Show at North Lake Country Club next j Wednesday, Feb. 25, at which time the public, including men, are invited. Shelby merchants are sponsoring 1 the show and the proceeds will be used to purchase needed equipment for the County.Home. There will be two shows, at 3:30 Ih tne aiternoon ana at o o cjock in tne evening. Admission, including tax, will be $120. Both women's and children's clothing will be modeled by 21 women and 10 children, displaying the latest creations received by the Shelby stores. ? Future Festivities i Friday, February 20 1:00 p. m.?Mrs. Sam Davis will be at the Country Club at a luncheon honoring Mrs. A. E. Wells of York, Nebraska, house guest of Mrs. Davis* mother, Mrs. J. D. Moore, of Gastonia. 7:30 p. m,?The Senior Woman's Club will meet at their clubhouse. The program, to be presented by Mrs. W. T. Weir, will be on Peace. 7:30 p. m.?Mrs. Carl Davidson will entertain members and guests of the Friday Night bridge club at a 1 dinner bridge party at the Country i Club. Monday. February 23 | 7:30?The Gleaners class of the First Baptist church will meet at the home of Mrs Harold Coggins.' Assistant hostesses will be Mrs. L. i C. Pinnix and Mrs. Harold Crawford Each member is reminded to bring an article to be sold at auction. . Tuesday, February 24 7:30?The annual employer . em- , pioyee banquet of the Merchants' | Association will be given at the Woman's clubhouse with entertain ment to be provided by the Gay Nineties Quartet from Charlotte. CHATTER the > SHOP ??Arthur Godfrey Francis Craig Wally Fowler rhurfc Wnnnn Oilnn , ?? v?v? HayroM?Andrew* Sisters Frank Sinatra Gay Lombordo Arthur Godfrey Bing Crosby Andrews Sisters I en Heart Peggy Lee I ?# Antn Pbone 92 ===== U?$B%k6? : . r^- ? THE ISNGS MOUNTAIN SERA * I wk MARMACHE ANNOUNCED?Mr. and 1 the marriage of thoir daughter. Helen tie Blonton. son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee B on Saturday. February 7. at Gaffney, The yeung couple are residing at tb? Mrs. Blanton is continuing her studiei a member of the Senior class. Mr. Bla Lovely Pageant Given j At West PTA Meeting j At the regular meeting of the West School Parent-Teacher Association I which was held. Wednesday after- j nooif, a lovely pageant in memory :' otf the founders of PTA w?s presented to a large group of members, i The president, Mrs, Phillip Baker, | presided and several business mat- ' ters were dispatched prior to the pro ! gram. Roll call of the members showed that the first grade had the , most parents present. The associa- > tlon endorsed a resolution of the' local N. C. E. A. asking an increase in teadher pay and heard an an-1 nouncement thrt the March meet! ; j would be an evening meeting to en- j able the fathers'to attend. At this meeung a scout program will be presented under the direction o: Mrs. David Hatmlck. 1 At the conclusion of the business session, Mrs. Fred Plonk presented a beautifully executed pageant, prepared especially for the- Pounders Day observation, this year marking the 51st year since the inception of PTA. In her introductory remarks, Mrs. Plonk gave a sketch of the live* or the two founders, Mrs. Alice Birney and Mrs. Phoebe Hurst. Seated around a long table which was draped with green paper and lighted by tail yellow tapers were Mrs. J. H. Arthur, representing the HOME, Mrs. Bun Goforth as the CHURCH, Mrs. Ben Beam as the COMMUNITY, and Miss Annie Roberts as the SCHOOL. A two-tiered anniversary cake, topped wjth 51 candles, made a pretty centerpiece for the table. Mrs. J. E. Littlejbhn, as Spirit of the Founders, gave to the representatives a charge which they accepted. The. Spirit of PTA was depicted by I,Irs. David Hamrick. The pageant was brought to an effective close when the candles atop the cake were lighted and the group Joined in singing an insphr ing PTA song. After the program, the cake and tea was served and each guest received candy in an attractive basket which had been made by members of the first grade. Mothers found their places at the refreshment table by. the names of their children on the baskets. Mrs. Davis Hostess At Country Club Mrs. Sam Davis was hostess at the Kings Mountain Country Club last Friday afternoon at a lovely bridge part when she entertained forty friends from here and Gastonia. The ten tables. Were arranged in the Pine room which carried a pret- , ty decorative scheme achieved with i red carnations, red rapers and green- I ery. After several progressions, score prizes were awarded Mrs. G. N. Hen- j Son of Gastonia, Mrs. J.. A. Neisler and Mrs. Jesse Kieer. Floating priXe was won by Miss Helen Hay. Following the presentation of prizes, Mrs. Davis served an enticing salad and dessert. Guests from out of town were Me* dames G. N. Hen son, JuMa Saunders John Huas, Evan Glenn and Harvey Holmes, all of Gastonia. Macedonia WMS Met On Monday Evening The Women's Missionary Society of the Macedonia Baptist church met Monday evening at 7 o'clock at the home of Mrs. O. T. Gunnells. Mrs. Clarence Compton opened the meeting with prayer, after which Mrs George Sellers conducted a devotional service. Many interesting comments were made on the topic of the month, 'The Unfinished Task In Our Home land" and at the conclusion of the program, delictus refreshment* were served by Mm. Gunnel)* and Mrs. J. 1. Jenkins. An announcement was made that the Match meeting will bf held at the home ot Mrs. James Bolin. - i r ' ^ f ? ~*N- ^ 'v.^^'rVV i/j&k i l, ? J. ""Ss^k *? : .' V* . " Wit . . iiC&I LO. KINGS MOUNT A IN, N. C. i -- 1 - . ' ? a fl I I <r?. W. A. Child arc have announced i Alberta, (above) to Thomas Lor anion ton. The marriage was performed S. C., by Probate Judge Roy C. Cobb, i home of the bridegroom's parents, i at Central High school where she Is nton Is employed at the Mar grace. Methodist Circle 3 Met Monday Night Circle No. 3, Central Methodist church, met Monday night at the home of Mrs. Boyer. Murray, with Mrs. J. C. McKinney as assistant hos less. - ' Twenty members were present, also one visitor, Mrs. E. W. Griffin, president of the Woman's Society of Christian Service. An interesting program was presented by Mrs. Otto Hehn, Mrs. Ben Bundy, and Miss Martha Walker. Following the business session, delicious refreshments were served by the hodtess. Birth Announcements Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Philtoeck announce the birth of a daughter, February 14, ait Shelby hospital. Hp. and-Mrs. FtrtMlp PSdgfctt announce the birth of a son, Charles Cooper, February 18, at Shelby hospital. I. Get Y Wan V . Notice the fine ore not weothi proves that Ea Spring is comi spring clothes *'? ' || Just Use I ^*... - V ' ' *" 't" I Telephom I And Call. I I J. A. I I ? c? mountain bl \ -V f. ' 1, - . ' V. .-H?. ' ' . 5 " *4 . . ~ 1 ' " " ' "' ' ' 4J- " * Ten Cc^s Tried ( In Recorder Court . Seven out ot 10 cases heard by ! Judge- O. C. O'Farrell in city Record- 4 er's court, held ait City Hall Monclay, were for public drunkenness J E according to records of the session, 'a Plaintiff paid costs and withdrew j a a forgery and false pretense charge '' against Elbert T. Owens. James S. Gibbs, Jr., Wofford col- t< lege, Spartanburg. S. C., was fined thirty days and costs for operating f a motor vehicle without a driver's. w ) 1 Mnoa Fred B. Bridges, for assault on a p female, paid $10 and costs. '< The following paid cocrts for pub. lie drunkenness: Dave HuffStickler. P John Mitchem, Baxter Lee Hamrick, I Bill Upchurch, Dolph Chambers, Carl; Lingerfelt, and Earl Gladden. ' For an endless i . of Footwear Pic \ita4U BUSTY Wj d| i I ' Bright, brush-clean sue roll-along rubber sole* style-hep strides. All veal or chocolate brow ' n'OODV I I I ? hmbhbbmbi 'our Sp drobe F f weather of the past lew d ?r prophets, bat a look at ster is only five short week ng, so gather up those and get them ready for w * :. * ' . i ' T. i ' : ; . "v , ? . * f. ' ? ' ' V.. Your I |j? li - .jk.. i ??????? . ^ ' > / ' Y -f;J #?? *"'* risher I 1 -<,.' " . Y'ls f.?t> *ir ' '? ***/'. ' A",' ' ;S i '^iv 1 leaner! y . ?' . ?\ ' . ', v? . . * :: : :.?? < ; -,;W- - &>- -Y*'- fl Successor to L? ( . Friday. February 20.194? V ' I !?.\m-imT* keen Final Rites Friday At 4 P. M. Funeral services for Mrs. Myrtle lizabeth Alien Green, 42, who died t her home Wednesday afternoon fter a short illness, will be held at be home in the Diliing village, Friay afternoon at 4 o'clock. Interment 'ill follow in Mountain Rest cenie>ry. : Rev. J. W. Phillips, pastor of the irst Wesleyan Methodist church, 'ill conduct the rites. She is survived by her husband, J. . Green, two sons, Philip and Charts, both of the home, and one sisn, Mrs. Paul Davis of Burlington. RACTICAL NURSE WANTED ? to care for and live with invalid lady. For details see Mrs. Billie Weir at Keeter's. Phone20. f-20-27-pd. 1 I iieasw^ *%' : asnre It 1b g><?fiif)^p>'.' . . . . - y . delatcheu tobssrtj t .. ? ? l Perfect team for to in smooth, sleek n suede. ; 95 PABD'S ' Ml.. * !? II? iring I teady I ays? Well, we I the calendar :s away. pc^ked-away I ear. I I I BflK^a H I I c; / ':, I I ; :' K CAM I c ^3ion I - ' ^1 t ? . I^F agon's Cleaners I iffStt ^ ! 'vi ; ' J. ' * Bf -

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